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C++ GetVectors函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中GetVectors函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ GetVectors函数的具体用法?C++ GetVectors怎么用?C++ GetVectors使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: EyePosition

void CNPC_GroundTurret::Shoot()
	FireBulletsInfo_t info;

	Vector vecSrc = EyePosition();
	Vector vecDir;

	GetVectors( &vecDir, NULL, NULL );

	for( int i = 0 ; i < 1 ; i++ )
		info.m_vecSrc = vecSrc;
		if( i > 0 || !GetEnemy()->IsPlayer() )
			// Subsequent shots or shots at non-players random
			GetVectors( &info.m_vecDirShooting, NULL, NULL );
			info.m_vecSpread = m_vecSpread;
			// First shot is at the enemy.
			info.m_vecDirShooting = GetActualShootTrajectory( vecSrc );
			info.m_vecSpread = VECTOR_CONE_PRECALCULATED;
		info.m_iTracerFreq = 1;
		info.m_iShots = 1;
		info.m_pAttacker = this;
		info.m_flDistance = MAX_COORD_RANGE;
		info.m_iAmmoType = m_iAmmoType;

		FireBullets( info );

	// Do the AR2 muzzle flash
	CEffectData data;
	data.m_nEntIndex = entindex();
	data.m_nAttachmentIndex = LookupAttachment( "eyes" );
	data.m_flScale = 1.0f;
	DispatchEffect( "MuzzleFlash", data );

	EmitSound( "NPC_FloorTurret.ShotSounds", m_ShotSounds );

	if( IsX360() )
		m_flTimeNextShoot = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.2;
		m_flTimeNextShoot = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.09;

示例2: CreateEntityByName

// Purpose: 
void CAntlionGrub::CreateNugget( void )
	CGrubNugget *pNugget = (CGrubNugget *) CreateEntityByName( "item_grubnugget" );
	if ( pNugget == NULL )

	Vector vecOrigin;
	Vector vecForward;
	GetAttachment( LookupAttachment( "glow" ), vecOrigin, &vecForward );

	// Find out what size to make this nugget!
	int nDenomination = GetNuggetDenomination();
	pNugget->SetDenomination( nDenomination );
	pNugget->SetAbsOrigin( vecOrigin );
	pNugget->SetAbsAngles( RandomAngle( 0, 360 ) );
	DispatchSpawn( pNugget );

	IPhysicsObject *pPhys = pNugget->VPhysicsGetObject();
	if ( pPhys )
		Vector vecForward;
		GetVectors( &vecForward, NULL, NULL );
		Vector vecVelocity = RandomVector( -35.0f, 35.0f ) + ( vecForward * -RandomFloat( 50.0f, 75.0f ) );
		AngularImpulse vecAngImpulse = RandomAngularImpulse( -100.0f, 100.0f );

		pPhys->AddVelocity( &vecVelocity, &vecAngImpulse );

示例3: switch

void CNPC_GMan::RunTask( const Task_t *pTask )
	switch( pTask->iTask )
	case TASK_WAIT:
		// look at who I'm talking to
		if (m_flTalkTime > gpGlobals->curtime && m_hTalkTarget != NULL)
			AddLookTarget( m_hTalkTarget->GetAbsOrigin(), 1.0, 2.0 );
		// look at player, but only if playing a "safe" idle animation
		else if (m_hPlayer != NULL && (GetSequence() == 0 || IsInC5A1()) )
			 AddLookTarget( m_hPlayer->EyePosition(), 1.0, 3.0 );
			// Just center the head forward.
			Vector forward;
			GetVectors( &forward, NULL, NULL );

			AddLookTarget( GetAbsOrigin() + forward * 12.0f, 1.0, 1.0 );
			SetBoneController( 0, 0 );
		BaseClass::RunTask( pTask );

	SetBoneController( 0, 0 );
	BaseClass::RunTask( pTask );

示例4: GetAbsAngles

Vector C_BeamSpotLight::SpotlightCurrentPos(void)
	QAngle angles = GetAbsAngles();
	GetVectors( &m_vSpotlightDir, NULL, NULL );
	Vector position = GetAbsOrigin();
	int cacheIndex = -1;
	if ( m_pCache )
		cacheIndex = int( angles[m_nRotationAxis] * float(NUM_CACHE_ENTRIES) * (1.0f / 360.0f)) & (NUM_CACHE_ENTRIES - 1);
		if ( m_pCache[cacheIndex].IsValidFor(GetAbsOrigin()) )
			return position + m_vSpotlightDir * m_pCache[cacheIndex].m_radius;

	//	Get beam end point.  Only collide with solid objects, not npcs
	trace_t tr;
	UTIL_TraceLine( position, position + (m_vSpotlightDir * 2 * m_flSpotlightMaxLength), MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
	if ( cacheIndex >= 0 )
		m_pCache[cacheIndex].Cache(position, tr);

	return tr.endpos;

示例5: GetVectors

bool C_EnvProjectedTexture::IsWithinFarZ(float flLightFOV)
	//No need to check camera space lights for visibility, as they should always be close enough to the player.
	if (m_bCameraSpace)
		return true;

	//Trace forward to the nearest opaque brush face
	Vector vForward;
	GetVectors(&vForward, NULL, NULL);

	Vector vTraceStart = GetAbsOrigin();
	Vector vTraceEnd = GetAbsOrigin() + vForward;

	trace_t tr;
	CTraceFilterWorldOnly filter;

	UTIL_TraceLine(vTraceStart, vTraceEnd, CONTENTS_SOLID && CONTENTS_OPAQUE, &filter, &tr);

	//Test to see if the player is close enough to the light to actually see the light's projection. This is based entirely on it's FarZ.
	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if (pPlayer)
		Vector vDistance;
		VectorSubtract(tr.endpos, pPlayer->EyePosition(), vDistance);

		float fDistance = vDistance.LengthSqr();
		//If distance is greater than the light's FarZ, cease to render.
		//FarZ determines how far away a light can be seen by the player, AND how far the light travels from it's source in stock Valve code.
		if (fDistance > Square(m_flFarZ + flLightFOV * 10))
			return false;

	return true;

示例6: GetRocketShootPosition

// Purpose: 
void CPropAPC::FireRocket( void )
	if ( m_flRocketTime > gpGlobals->curtime )

	// If we're still firing the salvo, fire quickly
	if ( m_iRocketSalvoLeft > 0 )
		m_flRocketTime = gpGlobals->curtime + ROCKET_DELAY_TIME;
		// Reload the salvo
		m_iRocketSalvoLeft = ROCKET_SALVO_SIZE;
		m_flRocketTime = gpGlobals->curtime + random->RandomFloat( ROCKET_MIN_BURST_PAUSE_TIME, ROCKET_MAX_BURST_PAUSE_TIME );

	Vector vecRocketOrigin;
	GetRocketShootPosition(	&vecRocketOrigin );

	static float s_pSide[] = { 0.966, 0.866, 0.5, -0.5, -0.866, -0.966 };

	Vector forward;
	GetVectors( &forward, NULL, NULL );

	Vector vecDir;
	CrossProduct( Vector( 0, 0, 1 ), forward, vecDir );
	vecDir.z = 1.0f;
	vecDir.x *= s_pSide[m_nRocketSide];
	vecDir.y *= s_pSide[m_nRocketSide];
	if ( ++m_nRocketSide >= 6 )
		m_nRocketSide = 0;

	VectorNormalize( vecDir );

	Vector vecVelocity;
	VectorMultiply( vecDir, ROCKET_SPEED, vecVelocity );

	QAngle angles;
	VectorAngles( vecDir, angles );

	CAPCMissile *pRocket = (CAPCMissile *)CAPCMissile::Create( vecRocketOrigin, angles, vecVelocity, this );

	if ( m_hSpecificRocketTarget )
		pRocket->AimAtSpecificTarget( m_hSpecificRocketTarget );
		m_hSpecificRocketTarget = NULL;
	else if ( m_strMissileHint != NULL_STRING )
		pRocket->SetGuidanceHint( STRING( m_strMissileHint ) );

	EmitSound( "PropAPC.FireRocket" );
	m_OnFiredMissile.FireOutput( this, this );

示例7: _L1TXX

void _L1TXX( short xpos, short ypos, char _WCI86FAR * str,
/*========*/ struct xycoord _WCI86FAR * concat, struct xycoord _WCI86FAR * extent )

/*  Inquire the extents of the character drawing parallelogram and
    return the concatenation point. The concatenation point is the same
    as the drawing point if it cannot be calculated exactly.    */

    short               hor;        /* horizontal alignment */
    short               vert;       /* vertical alignment   */
    struct xycoord      up;         /* character up vector  */
    struct xycoord      base;       /* character base line vector   */
    struct xycoord      space;      /* spacing between characters   */
    struct xycoord      length;     /* horizontal side of parallelogram */
    struct xycoord      height;     /* vertical side of parallelogram   */
    struct xycoord      trans;      /* translation for parallelogram    */

    GetVectors( &base, &up );
    GetAlignment( &hor, &vert );
    CalcSpacing( &base, &up, &space );
    CalcSides( &length, &height, &base, &up, &space, str );
    CalcTranslation( &trans, &length, &height, &up, hor, vert );
    CalcCorners( extent, &length, &height, &trans, xpos, ypos );
    if( _TextSettings.txpath == _PATH_RIGHT ||
        _TextSettings.txpath == _PATH_LEFT ) {
        CalcConcat( concat, &length, &space, xpos, ypos, hor, vert );
    } else {
        CalcConcat( concat, &height, &space, xpos, ypos, hor, vert );

示例8: WorldAlignMins

void CNPC_Ichthyosaur::DragVictim( float moveDist )
	Vector	mins, maxs;
	float	width;
	mins	= WorldAlignMins();
	maxs	= WorldAlignMaxs();
	width	= ( maxs.y - mins.y ) * 0.5f;

	Vector	forward, up;
	GetVectors( &forward, NULL, &up );

	Vector	newPos = GetAbsOrigin() + ( (forward+(up*0.25f)) * ( moveDist + width + DRAG_OFFSET ) );

	trace_t	tr;
	AI_TraceEntity( this, m_pVictim->GetAbsOrigin(), newPos, MASK_NPCSOLID, &tr );

	if ( ( tr.fraction == 1.0f ) && ( tr.m_pEnt != this ) )
		UTIL_SetOrigin( m_pVictim, tr.endpos );

示例9: GetVectors

void CASW_Rocket::Explode( void )
	// Don't explode against the skybox. Just pretend that 
	// the missile flies off into the distance.
	Vector forward;

	GetVectors( &forward, NULL, NULL );

	trace_t tr;
	UTIL_TraceLine( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + forward * 16, MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );

	m_takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
	SetSolid( SOLID_NONE );
	if( tr.fraction == 1.0 || !(tr.surface.flags & SURF_SKY) )
		bool bHitCreature = tr.m_pEnt && tr.m_pEnt->IsNPC();

	//UTIL_Remove( this );
	SetTouch( NULL );
	SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE );
	SetSolid( SOLID_NONE );
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.2f );
	SetThink( &CASW_Rocket::SUB_Remove );

示例10: VectorNormalize

void CNPC_Zombine::ReleaseGrenade( Vector vPhysgunPos )
	if ( HasGrenade() == false )

	Vector vDir = vPhysgunPos - m_hGrenade->GetAbsOrigin();
	VectorNormalize( vDir );

	Activity aActivity;

	Vector vForward, vRight;
	GetVectors( &vForward, &vRight, NULL );

	float flDotForward	= DotProduct( vForward, vDir );
	float flDotRight	= DotProduct( vRight, vDir );

	bool bNegativeForward = false;
	bool bNegativeRight = false;

	if ( flDotForward < 0.0f )
		bNegativeForward = true;
		flDotForward = flDotForward * -1;

	if ( flDotRight < 0.0f )
		bNegativeRight = true;
		flDotRight = flDotRight * -1;

	if ( flDotRight > flDotForward )
		if ( bNegativeRight == true )
		if ( bNegativeForward == true )

	AddGesture( aActivity );

	DropGrenade( vec3_origin );

	if ( IsSprinting() )

示例11: GetVectors

void CNPC_CombineDropship::DoRotorWash( void )
	Vector	vecForward;
	GetVectors( &vecForward, NULL, NULL );

	Vector vecRotorHub = GetAbsOrigin() + vecForward * -64;

	DrawRotorWash( DROPSHIP_WASH_ALTITUDE, vecRotorHub );

示例12: SetNextThink

// A different bounce behavior for the citizen-modified mine. Detonates at the top of its apex, 
// and does not attempt to track enemies.
void CBounceBomb::CavernBounceThink()
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1 );

	IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = VPhysicsGetObject();

	if ( pPhysicsObject != NULL )
		const float MINE_MAX_JUMP_HEIGHT = 78;

		// Figure out how much headroom the mine has, and hop to within a few inches of that.
		trace_t tr;
		UTIL_TraceLine( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, MINE_MAX_JUMP_HEIGHT ), MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_INTERACTIVE, &tr );

		float height;

		if( tr.m_pEnt && tr.m_pEnt->VPhysicsGetObject() )
			// Physics object resting on me. Jump as hard as allowed to try to knock it away.
			height = tr.endpos.z - GetAbsOrigin().z;
			if ( height < 0.1 )
				height = 0.1;

		float time = sqrt( height / (0.5 * sv_gravity.GetFloat()) );
		float velocity = sv_gravity.GetFloat() * time;

		// or you can just AddVelocity to the object instead of ApplyForce
		float force = velocity * pPhysicsObject->GetMass();

		Vector up;

		GetVectors( NULL, NULL, &up );
		pPhysicsObject->ApplyForceCenter( up * force );
		if( m_hNearestNPC )
			Vector vecPredict = m_hNearestNPC->GetSmoothedVelocity();

			pPhysicsObject->ApplyForceCenter( vecPredict * (pPhysicsObject->GetMass() * 0.65f) );

		pPhysicsObject->ApplyTorqueCenter( AngularImpulse( random->RandomFloat( 15, 40 ), random->RandomFloat( 15, 40 ), random->RandomFloat( 30, 60 ) ) );
		EmitSound( "NPC_CombineMine.Hop" );

		SetThink( &CBounceBomb::ExplodeThink );
		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.33f );

示例13: GetAttachment

// Purpose: Create danger sounds in front of the vehicle.
void CASW_PropJeep::CreateDangerSounds( void )
	QAngle dummy;
	GetAttachment( "Muzzle", m_vecGunOrigin, dummy );

	if ( m_flDangerSoundTime > gpGlobals->curtime )

	QAngle vehicleAngles = GetLocalAngles();
	Vector vecStart = GetAbsOrigin();
	Vector vecDir, vecRight;

	GetVectors( &vecDir, &vecRight, NULL );

	const float soundDuration = 0.25;
	float speed = m_VehiclePhysics.GetHLSpeed();
	// Make danger sounds ahead of the jeep
	if ( fabs(speed) > 120 )
		Vector	vecSpot;

		float steering = m_VehiclePhysics.GetSteering();
		if ( steering != 0 )
			if ( speed > 0 )
				vecDir += vecRight * steering * 0.5;
				vecDir -= vecRight * steering * 0.5;
		const float radius = speed * 0.4;
		// 0.3 seconds ahead of the jeep
		vecSpot = vecStart + vecDir * (speed * 0.3f);
		CSoundEnt::InsertSound( SOUND_DANGER, vecSpot, radius, soundDuration, this, 0 );
		CSoundEnt::InsertSound( SOUND_PHYSICS_DANGER, vecSpot, radius, soundDuration, this, 1 );
		//NDebugOverlay::Box(vecSpot, Vector(-radius,-radius,-radius),Vector(radius,radius,radius), 255, 0, 255, 0, soundDuration);

#if 0
		trace_t	tr;
		// put sounds a bit to left and right but slightly closer to Jeep to make a "cone" of sound 
		// in front of it
		vecSpot = vecStart + vecDir * (speed * 0.5f) - vecRight * speed * 0.5;
		UTIL_TraceLine( vecStart, vecSpot, MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
		CSoundEnt::InsertSound( SOUND_DANGER, vecSpot, 400, soundDuration, this, 1 );

		vecSpot = vecStart + vecDir * (speed * 0.5f) + vecRight * speed * 0.5;
		UTIL_TraceLine( vecStart, vecSpot, MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
		CSoundEnt::InsertSound( SOUND_DANGER, vecSpot, 400, soundDuration, this, 2);

	m_flDangerSoundTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1;

示例14: Precache

void CNPC_Hydra::Spawn()


	SetModel( "models/Hydra.mdl" );


	SetSolid( SOLID_BBOX );
	SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_STEP );
	SetBloodColor( BLOOD_COLOR_RED );
	m_iHealth			= 20;
	m_flFieldOfView		= -1.0;// indicates the width of this NPC's forward view cone ( as a dotproduct result )

	GetVectors( NULL, NULL, &m_vecOutward );

	SetAbsAngles( QAngle( 0, 0, 0 ) );

	m_vecChain.Set( 0, GetAbsOrigin( ) - m_vecOutward * 32 );
	m_vecChain.Set( 1, GetAbsOrigin( ) + m_vecOutward * 16 );

	m_vecHeadGoal = m_vecChain[1] + m_vecOutward * HYDRA_OUTWARD_BIAS;
	m_vecHeadDir = Vector( 0, 0, 1 );

	// init bones
	HydraBone bone;
	bone.flActualLength = 0.0f;
	bone.vecGoalPos = Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	bone.vecPos = GetAbsOrigin( ) - m_vecOutward * HYDRA_INWARD_BIAS;
	m_body.AddToTail( bone );
	bone.vecPos = m_vecChain[1];
	m_body.AddToTail( bone );
	bone.vecPos = m_vecHeadGoal;
	m_body.AddToTail( bone );
	bone.vecPos = m_vecHeadGoal + m_vecHeadDir;
	m_body.AddToTail( bone );

	m_idealSegmentLength = sv_hydraSegmentLength.GetFloat();

	for (int i = 2; i < CHAIN_LINKS; i++)
		m_vecChain.Set( i, m_vecChain[i-1] );

	m_seed = random->RandomFloat( 0.0, 2000.0 );


	m_takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;

示例15: GetOwner

// Purpose: Try to encourage Alyx not to use her weapon at point blank range,
//			but don't prevent her from defending herself if cornered.
// Input  : flDot - 
//			flDist - 
// Output : int
int CWeaponAlyxGun::WeaponRangeAttack1Condition( float flDot, float flDist )
	if( flDist < m_fMinRange1 )
		// If Alyx is not able to fire because an enemy is too close, start a timer.
		// If the condition persists, allow her to ignore it and defend herself. The idea
		// is to stop Alyx being content to fire point blank at enemies if she's able to move
		// away, without making her defenseless if she's not able to move.
		float flTime;

		if( m_flTooCloseTimer == TOOCLOSETIMER_OFF )
			m_flTooCloseTimer = gpGlobals->curtime;

		flTime = gpGlobals->curtime - m_flTooCloseTimer;

			// Fake the range to allow Alyx to shoot.
			flDist = m_fMinRange1 + 1.0f;
		m_flTooCloseTimer = TOOCLOSETIMER_OFF;

	int nBaseCondition = BaseClass::WeaponRangeAttack1Condition( flDot, flDist );

	// While in a vehicle, we extend our aiming cone (this relies on COND_NOT_FACING_ATTACK 
	// TODO: This needs to be rolled in at the animation level
	if ( GetOwner()->IsInAVehicle() )
		Vector vecRoughDirection = ( GetOwner()->GetEnemy()->WorldSpaceCenter() - WorldSpaceCenter() );
		Vector vecRight;
		GetVectors( NULL, &vecRight, NULL );
		bool bRightSide = ( DotProduct( vecRoughDirection, vecRight ) > 0.0f );
		float flTargetDot = ( bRightSide ) ? -0.7f : 0.0f;
		if ( nBaseCondition == COND_NOT_FACING_ATTACK && flDot >= flTargetDot )
			nBaseCondition = COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1;

	return nBaseCondition;


	return BaseClass::WeaponRangeAttack1Condition( flDot, flDist );

