本文整理汇总了C++中GetSprite函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ GetSprite函数的具体用法?C++ GetSprite怎么用?C++ GetSprite使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: GetSWFObject
void idMenuScreen_Shell_Playstation::Update()
if( menuData != NULL )
idMenuWidget_CommandBar* cmdBar = menuData->GetCmdBar();
if( cmdBar != NULL )
idMenuWidget_CommandBar::buttonInfo_t* buttonInfo;
buttonInfo = cmdBar->GetButton( idMenuWidget_CommandBar::BUTTON_JOY2 );
if( menuData->GetPlatform() != 2 )
buttonInfo->label = "#str_00395";
buttonInfo->action.Set( WIDGET_ACTION_GO_BACK );
buttonInfo = cmdBar->GetButton( idMenuWidget_CommandBar::BUTTON_JOY1 );
if( menuData->GetPlatform() != 2 )
buttonInfo->label = "#str_SWF_SELECT";
buttonInfo->action.Set( WIDGET_ACTION_PRESS_FOCUSED );
idSWFScriptObject& root = GetSWFObject()->GetRootObject();
if( BindSprite( root ) )
idSWFTextInstance* heading = GetSprite()->GetScriptObject()->GetNestedText( "info", "txtHeading" );
if( heading != NULL )
heading->SetText( "#str_swf_playstation" );
heading->SetStrokeInfo( true, 0.75f, 1.75f );
idSWFSpriteInstance* gradient = GetSprite()->GetScriptObject()->GetNestedSprite( "info", "gradient" );
if( gradient != NULL && heading != NULL )
gradient->SetXPos( heading->GetTextLength() );
if( btnBack != NULL )
btnBack->BindSprite( root );
示例2: CWidget
CTextInputWidget::CTextInputWidget( CWidget* parent, const types::rect& rect, bool relative , const types::id& id , const std::string& img_file, const std::string& cursor_img_file, bool single_line ) :
CWidget( parent, rect, relative, id, img_file ),
myCursorImageFile( cursor_img_file ),
myCursorPosition( 0 ),
myFocus( false ),
myIsPassword( false )
Initialize( this, single_line );
if( GetSprite() )
mySpriteHandler->SetTextSingleLine( GetSprite(), single_line );
示例3: GetSprite
// Render
// - draw the entity's image at its position
/*virtual*/ void Entity::Render( void )
// Verify the image
//assert( m_hImage != SGD::INVALID_HANDLE && "Entity::Render - image was not set!" );
SGD::GraphicsManager* pGraphics = SGD::GraphicsManager::GetInstance();
// Get the current frame
int frame = GetSprite()->GetCurrFrame();
// Find the center of the image
SGD::Vector center;
center.x = GetSprite()->GetFrame(frame).GetFrameRect().right - GetSprite()->GetFrame(frame).GetFrameRect().left;
center.y = GetSprite()->GetFrame(frame).GetFrameRect().bottom - GetSprite()->GetFrame(frame).GetFrameRect().top;
center.x /= 2;
center.y /= 2;
// Calculate the rotation
SGD::Vector rotate = m_vtVelocity;
float rot = SGD::Vector(0.0f, -1.0f).ComputeSteering(rotate);
float rotation = 0;
if(rot > 0)
rotation = SGD::Vector(0.0f, -1.0f).ComputeAngle(rotate);
rotation = -SGD::Vector(0.0f, -1.0f).ComputeAngle(rotate);
// Render
AnimationManager::GetInstance()->Render(m_antsAnimation, m_ptPosition.x - Camera::x, m_ptPosition.y - Camera::y, rotation, center);
// Why is this here?
SGD::Rectangle drawRect = GetRect();
drawRect.left -= Camera::x;
drawRect.right -= Camera::x;
drawRect.top -= Camera::y;
drawRect.bottom -= Camera::y;
// HACK: Modify the rotation
//m_fRotation += 0.01f;
// Draw the image
// -- Debugging Mode --
Game* pGame = Game::GetInstance();
if (pGame->IsShowingRects())
SGD::GraphicsManager::GetInstance()->DrawRectangle(drawRect, SGD::Color(128, 255, 0, 0));
示例4: DestroySprite
void HermiteSpline::Destroy()
DestroySprite(GetSprite("start")->ID);//little ones
for (int i = 0; i < objectList.size(); i++)
delete objectList[i];
for (int i = 0; i < curvePoints.size(); i++)
delete curvePoints[i];
示例5: GetSprite
void Bullet::Update(float frametime)
if(GetPosition().x < 0) { alive = false; }
if(GetPosition().y < 0) { alive = false; }
if(GetPosition().x > _state->getApp()->GetWidth()) { alive = false; }
if(GetPosition().y > _state->getApp()->GetHeight()) { alive = false; }
double radian = GetSprite().getRotation() * (pi / 180);
sf::Vector2f direction = sf::Vector2f((float)cos(radian), (float)sin(radian));
GetSprite().move(direction * speed * frametime);
示例6: GetSWFObject
void idMenuWidget_MenuBar::Update() {
if ( GetSWFObject() == NULL ) {
idSWFScriptObject & root = GetSWFObject()->GetRootObject();
if ( !BindSprite( root ) ) {
totalWidth = 0.0f;
buttonPos = 0.0f;
for ( int index = 0; index < GetNumVisibleOptions(); ++index ) {
if ( index >= children.Num() ) {
if ( index != 0 ) {
totalWidth += rightSpacer;
idMenuWidget & child = GetChildByIndex( index );
child.SetSpritePath( GetSpritePath(), va( "btn%d", index ) );
if ( child.BindSprite( root ) ) {
PrepareListElement( child, index );
// 640 is half the size of our flash files width
float xPos = 640.0f - ( totalWidth / 2.0f );
GetSprite()->SetXPos( xPos );
idSWFSpriteInstance * backing = GetSprite()->GetScriptObject()->GetNestedSprite( "backing" );
if ( backing != NULL ) {
if ( menuData != NULL && menuData->GetPlatform() != 2 ) {
backing->SetVisible( false );
} else {
backing->SetVisible( true );
backing->SetXPos( totalWidth / 2.0f );
示例7: GetShipSpriteSize
/** Get the size of the sprite of a ship sprite heading west (used for lists)
* @param engine The engine to get the sprite from
* @param width The width of the sprite
* @param height The height of the sprite
void GetShipSpriteSize(EngineID engine, uint &width, uint &height)
const Sprite *spr = GetSprite(GetShipIcon(engine), ST_NORMAL);
width = spr->width;
height = spr->height;
示例8: DrawShipEngine
void DrawShipEngine(int left, int right, int preferred_x, int y, EngineID engine, PaletteID pal)
SpriteID sprite = GetShipIcon(engine);
const Sprite *real_sprite = GetSprite(sprite, ST_NORMAL);
preferred_x = Clamp(preferred_x, left - real_sprite->x_offs, right - real_sprite->width - real_sprite->x_offs);
DrawSprite(sprite, pal, preferred_x, y);
示例9: GetSprite
void Grenade::Render()
// Get the current frame
int frame = GetSprite()->GetCurrFrame();
// Find the center of the image
SGD::Vector center;
center.x = GetSprite()->GetFrame(frame).GetFrameRect().right - GetSprite()->GetFrame(frame).GetFrameRect().left;
center.y = GetSprite()->GetFrame(frame).GetFrameRect().bottom - GetSprite()->GetFrame(frame).GetFrameRect().top;
center.x /= 2;
center.y /= 2;
// Render
AnimationManager::GetInstance()->Render(m_antsAnimation, m_ptPosition.x - Camera::x, m_ptPosition.y - Camera::y, m_fRotation, center);
示例10: GetSprite
//prints a number in sprite format
//must be manually updated with sprite information
//0 to 999999
void CGraphics::PrintSpriteNumber(int x, int y, long num){
if (num < 0 || num > 999999)
int posX = x;
int posY = y;
std::string sRef = "0123456789";
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << num;
std::string sNum = oss.str();
std::string sPrefix;
if(sNum.length() < 6)
sPrefix.append(6 - sNum.length(), '0');
std::string sScore = sPrefix + sNum;
for(int i = 0; i < sScore.size();++i){
for(int j = 0; j < sRef.size(); ++j){
if(sScore.at(i) == sRef.at(j)){
gi = GetSprite(1200 + j);
RenderGraphicModulate(gi, posX, posY, 255, 255, 255);
posX += gi.width;
示例11: GetVelocity
void ADefyingGravityCharacter::UpdateAnimation()
const FVector PlayerVelocity = GetVelocity();
const float PlayerSpeed = PlayerVelocity.Size();
// Are we moving or standing still?
UPaperFlipbook* DesiredAnimation = (PlayerSpeed > 0.0f) ? catWalkAnimation : idleCatAnimation;
if (GetCharacterMovement()->IsFalling())
DesiredAnimation = JumpCatAnimation;
if( GetSprite()->GetFlipbook() != DesiredAnimation )
示例12: GetSprite
TaskPtr BombGem::explosion()
CCSprite* medium = GetSprite("fuze_1.png");
auto size = this->root->getContentSize();
medium->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.5f, 0.5f));
//CCPoint pos = g2w_center(this->position);
medium->setPosition(ccp(Gem::kGemWidthPixel/2, Gem::kGemHeightPixel/2));
auto anim =
auto hack = this->shared_from_this();
TaskSequencePtr seq = TaskSequence::make();
seq << TaskLambda::make([=]()
<< TaskBatch::make(TaskAnim::make(medium,
<< TaskLambda::make([=]()
auto self = hack;
return seq;
示例13: GetField
void TToweredTrainUnit::GetDrawRect(TRect *r)
TRect r1;
TField *f = GetField(X, Y);
TSprite *s = GetSprite();
int rrx = GetRelX(X), rry = GetRelY(Y);
int drawx = 28 * (rrx - rry) + LittleX + 28;
int drawy = 14 * (rrx + rry - (f->Height)) + LittleY + 14;
r->x1 = drawx - s->dx, r->y1 = drawy - s->dy;
r->x2 = r->x1 + s->w, r->y2 = r->y1 + s->h;
s = UnitsSprites[Type][40 + WpnOrient];
r1.x1 = drawx + SpriteLocators[Type][SpriteOrient*2] - s->dx,
r1.y1 = drawy + SpriteLocators[Type][SpriteOrient*2+1] - s->dy;
r1.x2 = r1.x1 + s->w, r1.y2 = r1.y1 + s->h;
Union(r, &r1);
s = GetSmoke();
if (s) {
r1.x1 = drawx - s->dx, r1.y1 = drawy - s->dy;
r1.x2 = r1.x1 + s->w, r1.y2 = r1.y1 + s->h;
Union(r, &r1);
示例14: Load
GetSprite().setOrigin(15, 15);
示例15: GetSWFObject
void idMenuWidget_InfoBox::ResetInfoScroll() {
idSWFScriptObject & root = GetSWFObject()->GetRootObject();
if ( !BindSprite( root ) || GetSprite() == NULL ){
idSWFTextInstance * txtBody = GetSprite()->GetScriptObject()->GetNestedText( "info", "txtBody" );
if ( txtBody != NULL ) {
txtBody->scroll = 0;
if ( scrollbar != NULL ) {