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C++ GetBuddyHwnd函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中GetBuddyHwnd函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ GetBuddyHwnd函数的具体用法?C++ GetBuddyHwnd怎么用?C++ GetBuddyHwnd使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: wxGetClientRect

void wxSpinCtrl::DoGetClientSize(int *x, int *y) const
    RECT spinrect = wxGetClientRect(GetHwnd());
    RECT textrect = wxGetClientRect(GetBuddyHwnd());
    RECT ctrlrect;
    UnionRect(&ctrlrect,&textrect, &spinrect);

    if ( x )
        *x = ctrlrect.right - ctrlrect.left;
    if ( y )
        *y = ctrlrect.bottom - ctrlrect.top;

示例2: GetWindowRect

// get total size of the control
void wxSpinCtrl::DoGetSize(int *x, int *y) const
    RECT spinrect, textrect, ctrlrect;
    GetWindowRect(GetHwnd(), &spinrect);
    GetWindowRect(GetBuddyHwnd(), &textrect);
    UnionRect(&ctrlrect,&textrect, &spinrect);

    if ( x )
        *x = ctrlrect.right - ctrlrect.left;
    if ( y )
        *y = ctrlrect.bottom - ctrlrect.top;

示例3: GetSize

bool wxSpinCtrl::Reparent(wxWindowBase *newParent)
    // Reparenting both the updown control and its buddy does not seem to work:
    // they continue to be connected somehow, but visually there is no feedback
    // on the buddy edit control. To avoid this problem, we reparent the buddy
    // window normally, but we recreate the updown control and reassign its
    // buddy.

    if ( !wxWindowBase::Reparent(newParent) )
        return false;


    // preserve the old values
    const wxSize size = GetSize();
    int value = GetValue();
    const wxRect btnRect = wxRectFromRECT(wxGetWindowRect(GetHwnd()));

    // destroy the old spin button
    if ( !::DestroyWindow(GetHwnd()) )

    // create and initialize the new one
    if ( !wxSpinButton::Create(GetParent(), GetId(),
                               btnRect.GetPosition(), btnRect.GetSize(),
                               GetWindowStyle(), GetName()) )
        return false;

    SetRange(m_min, m_max);

    // associate it with the buddy control again
    ::SetParent(GetBuddyHwnd(), GetHwndOf(GetParent()));
    (void)::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), UDM_SETBUDDY, (WPARAM)GetBuddyHwnd(), 0);

    return true;

示例4: wxCHECK_MSG

int wxChoice::DoInsert(const wxString& item, int pos)
    wxCHECK_MSG(!(GetWindowStyle() & wxCB_SORT), -1, wxT("can't insert into choice"));
    wxCHECK_MSG((pos>=0) && (pos<=GetCount()), -1, wxT("invalid index"));

    int n = (int)::SendMessage(GetBuddyHwnd(), LB_INSERTSTRING, pos, (LPARAM)item.c_str());
    if ( n == LB_ERR )

    return n;

示例5: wxUpdateEditLayoutDirection

void wxSpinCtrl::SetLayoutDirection(wxLayoutDirection dir)
#ifndef __WXWINCE__
    // Buddy text field is plain EDIT control so we need to set its layout
    // direction in a specific way.
    wxUpdateEditLayoutDirection(GetBuddyHwnd(), dir);
#endif // !__WXWINCE__


    // Reposition the child windows according to the new layout.
    SetSize(-1, -1, -1, -1, wxSIZE_AUTO | wxSIZE_FORCE);

示例6: GetFont

bool wxSpinCtrl::SetFont(const wxFont& font)
    if ( !wxWindowBase::SetFont(font) )
        // nothing to do
        return false;

    WXHANDLE hFont = GetFont().GetResourceHandle();
    (void)::SendMessage(GetBuddyHwnd(), WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hFont, TRUE);

    return true;

示例7: AdjustSpaceLimit

bool wxTextCtrl::AdjustSpaceLimit()
    unsigned int limit = ::SendMessage(GetBuddyHwnd(), EM_GETLIMITTEXT, 0, 0);

    // HACK: we try to automatically extend the limit for the amount of text
    //       to allow (interactively) entering more than 64Kb of text under
    //       Win9x but we shouldn't reset the text limit which was previously
    //       set explicitly with SetMaxLength()
    //       we could solve this by storing the limit we set in wxTextCtrl but
    //       to save space we prefer to simply test here the actual limit
    //       value: we consider that SetMaxLength() can only be called for
    //       values < 32Kb
    if ( limit < 0x8000 )
        // we've got more text than limit set by SetMaxLength()
        return false;

    unsigned int len = ::GetWindowTextLength(GetBuddyHwnd());
    if ( len >= limit )
        limit = len + 0x8000;    // 32Kb

        if ( limit > 0xffff )
            // this will set it to a platform-dependent maximum (much more
            // than 64Kb under NT)
            limit = 0;

        ::SendMessage(GetBuddyHwnd(), EM_LIMITTEXT, limit, 0L);

    // we changed the limit
    return true;

示例8: SetValue

void  wxSpinCtrl::SetValue(int val)

    // normally setting the value of the spin button is enough as it updates
    // its buddy control automatically ...
    if ( wxGetWindowText(m_hwndBuddy).empty() )
        // ... but sometimes it doesn't, notably when the value is 0 and the
        // text control is currently empty, the spin button seems to be happy
        // to leave it like this, while we really want to always show the
        // current value in the control, so do it manually
        ::SetWindowText(GetBuddyHwnd(), wxString::Format(_T("%d"), val));

    m_oldValue = GetValue();

示例9: AdoptAttributesFromHWND

// Make sure the window style (etc.) reflects the HWND style (roughly)
void wxTextCtrl::AdoptAttributesFromHWND()

    long style = ::GetWindowLong(GetBuddyHwnd(), GWL_STYLE);

    if (style & ES_MULTILINE)
        m_windowStyle |= wxTE_MULTILINE;
    if (style & ES_PASSWORD)
        m_windowStyle |= wxTE_PASSWORD;
    if (style & ES_READONLY)
        m_windowStyle |= wxTE_READONLY;
    if (style & ES_WANTRETURN)
        m_windowStyle |= wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER;
    if (style & ES_CENTER)
        m_windowStyle |= wxTE_CENTRE;
    if (style & ES_RIGHT)
        m_windowStyle |= wxTE_RIGHT;

示例10: GetBestSpinnerSize

void wxTextCtrl::DoMoveWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height)
    int widthBtn = GetBestSpinnerSize(IsVertical(GetWindowStyle())).x / 2;
    int widthText = width - widthBtn - MARGIN_BETWEEN;
    if ( widthText <= 0 )
        wxLogDebug(_T("not enough space for wxSpinCtrl!"));

    if ( !::MoveWindow(GetBuddyHwnd(), x, y, widthText, height, TRUE) )

    x += widthText + MARGIN_BETWEEN;
    if ( !::MoveWindow(GetHwnd(), x, y, widthBtn, height, TRUE) )

示例11: wxGetCharSize

wxSize wxTextCtrl::DoGetBestSize() const
    int cx, cy;
    wxGetCharSize(GetBuddyHwnd(), &cx, &cy, GetFont());

    int wText = DEFAULT_ITEM_WIDTH;

    int hText = cy;
    if ( m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE )
        hText *= wxMax(GetNumberOfLines(), 5);
    //else: for single line control everything is ok

    // we have to add the adjustments for the control height only once, not
    // once per line, so do it after multiplication above
    hText += EDIT_HEIGHT_FROM_CHAR_HEIGHT(cy) - cy;

    return wxSize(wText, hText);

示例12: SetEditable

void wxTextCtrl::SetEditable(bool editable)
    ::SendMessage(GetBuddyHwnd(), EM_SETREADONLY, (WPARAM)!editable, (LPARAM)0L);

示例13: SetWindowStyle

bool wxTextCtrl::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id,
                        const wxString& value,
                        const wxPoint& pos,
                        const wxSize& size,
                        long style,
                        const wxValidator& validator,
                        const wxString& name)
    if ( (style & wxBORDER_MASK) == wxBORDER_DEFAULT )
        style |= wxBORDER_SIMPLE;


    WXDWORD exStyle = 0;
    WXDWORD msStyle = MSWGetStyle(GetWindowStyle(), & exStyle) ;

    wxSize sizeText(size), sizeBtn(size);
    sizeBtn.x = GetBestSpinnerSize(IsVertical(style)).x / 2;

    if ( sizeText.x == wxDefaultCoord )
        // DEFAULT_ITEM_WIDTH is the default width for the text control
        sizeText.x = DEFAULT_ITEM_WIDTH + MARGIN_BETWEEN + sizeBtn.x;

    sizeText.x -= sizeBtn.x + MARGIN_BETWEEN;
    if ( sizeText.x <= 0 )
        wxLogDebug(_T("not enough space for wxSpinCtrl!"));

    wxPoint posBtn(pos);
    posBtn.x += sizeText.x + MARGIN_BETWEEN;

    // we need to turn '\n's into "\r\n"s for the multiline controls
    wxString valueWin;
    if ( m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE )
        valueWin = wxTextFile::Translate(value, wxTextFileType_Dos);
    else // single line
        valueWin = value;

    // we must create the list control before the spin button for the purpose
    // of the dialog navigation: if there is a static text just before the spin
    // control, activating it by Alt-letter should give focus to the text
    // control, not the spin and the dialog navigation code will give focus to
    // the next control (at Windows level), not the one after it

    // create the text window

    m_hwndBuddy = (WXHWND)::CreateWindowEx
                     exStyle,                // sunken border
                     _T("EDIT"),             // window class
                     valueWin,               // no window title
                     msStyle,                // style (will be shown later)
                     pos.x, pos.y,           // position
                     0, 0,                   // size (will be set later)
                     GetHwndOf(parent),      // parent
                     (HMENU)-1,              // control id
                     wxGetInstance(),        // app instance
                     NULL                    // unused client data

    if ( !m_hwndBuddy )
        wxLogLastError(wxT("CreateWindow(buddy text window)"));

        return false;

    // initialize wxControl
    if ( !CreateControl(parent, id, posBtn, sizeBtn, style, validator, name) )
        return false;

    // now create the real HWND
    WXDWORD spiner_style = WS_VISIBLE |
                           UDS_ALIGNRIGHT |
                           UDS_EXPANDABLE |

    if ( !IsVertical(style) )
        spiner_style |= UDS_HORZ;

    if ( style & wxSP_WRAP )
        spiner_style |= UDS_WRAP;

    if ( !MSWCreateControl(UPDOWN_CLASS, spiner_style, posBtn, sizeBtn, _T(""), 0) )
        return false;

    // subclass the text ctrl to be able to intercept some events
    wxSetWindowUserData(GetBuddyHwnd(), this);
    m_wndProcBuddy = (WXFARPROC)wxSetWindowProc(GetBuddyHwnd(),

    // set up fonts and colours  (This is nomally done in MSWCreateControl)

示例14: return

int wxChoice::GetSelection() const
    return (int)::SendMessage(GetBuddyHwnd(), LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);

示例15: Free

void wxChoice::Clear()

    ::SendMessage(GetBuddyHwnd(), LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
