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C++ GetAttachment函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中GetAttachment函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ GetAttachment函数的具体用法?C++ GetAttachment怎么用?C++ GetAttachment使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: GetAttachment

Vector	CBaseTurret::EyePosition( void )
	Vector vecOrigin;
	QAngle vecAngles;

	GetAttachment( "eyes", vecOrigin, vecAngles );
	return vecOrigin;

示例2: GetAttachment

void CNPC_RocketTurret::UpdateMuzzleMatrix()
	if ( gpGlobals->tickcount != m_muzzleToWorldTick )
		m_muzzleToWorldTick = gpGlobals->tickcount;
		GetAttachment( m_iMuzzleAttachment, m_muzzleToWorld );

示例3: GetAbsAngles

void CNPC_Gargantua::FlameUpdate( void )
	int				i;
	static float	offset[2] = { 60, -60 };
	trace_t			trace;
	Vector			vecStart;
	QAngle			angleGun;
	BOOL			streaks = FALSE;

	Vector			vForward;

	for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
		if ( m_pFlame[i] )
			QAngle vecAim = GetAbsAngles();
			vecAim.x += -m_flameX;
			vecAim.y += m_flameY;

			AngleVectors( vecAim, &vForward );

			GetAttachment( i + 2, vecStart, angleGun );
			Vector vecEnd = vecStart + ( vForward * GARG_FLAME_LENGTH); //  - offset[i] * gpGlobals->v_right;
			UTIL_TraceLine ( vecStart, vecEnd, MASK_SOLID, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &trace);

			m_pFlame[i]->SetStartPos( trace.endpos );
			m_pFlame[i+2]->SetStartPos( (vecStart * 0.6) + (trace.endpos * 0.4) );

			if ( trace.fraction != 1.0 && gpGlobals->curtime > m_streakTime )
				g_pEffects->Sparks( trace.endpos, 1, 1, &trace.plane.normal );
				streaks = TRUE;
				UTIL_DecalTrace( &trace, "SmallScorch" );
			// RadiusDamage( trace.vecEndPos, pev, pev, gSkillData.gargantuaDmgFire, CLASS_ALIEN_MONSTER, DMG_BURN );
			FlameDamage( vecStart, trace.endpos, this, this, sk_gargantua_dmg_fire.GetFloat(), CLASS_ALIEN_MONSTER, DMG_BURN );

			CBroadcastRecipientFilter filter;
			GetAttachment(i + 2, vecStart, angleGun);
			te->DynamicLight( filter, 0.0, &vecStart, 255, 0, 0, 0, 48, 0.2, 150 );
	if ( streaks )
		m_streakTime = gpGlobals->curtime;

示例4: LookupAttachment

// Purpose: 
void CPropAPC::Activate()

	m_nRocketAttachment = LookupAttachment( "cannon_muzzle" );
	m_nMachineGunMuzzleAttachment = LookupAttachment( "muzzle" );
	m_nMachineGunBaseAttachment = LookupAttachment( "gun_base" );

	// NOTE: gun_ref must have the same position as gun_base, but rotates with the gun
	int nMachineGunRefAttachment = LookupAttachment( "gun_def" );

	Vector vecWorldBarrelPos;
	matrix3x4_t matRefToWorld;
	GetAttachment( m_nMachineGunMuzzleAttachment, vecWorldBarrelPos );
	GetAttachment( nMachineGunRefAttachment, matRefToWorld );
	VectorITransform( vecWorldBarrelPos, matRefToWorld, m_vecBarrelPos );

示例5: GetAttachment

// Purpose: Create danger sounds in front of the vehicle.
void CASW_PropJeep::CreateDangerSounds( void )
	QAngle dummy;
	GetAttachment( "Muzzle", m_vecGunOrigin, dummy );

	if ( m_flDangerSoundTime > gpGlobals->curtime )

	QAngle vehicleAngles = GetLocalAngles();
	Vector vecStart = GetAbsOrigin();
	Vector vecDir, vecRight;

	GetVectors( &vecDir, &vecRight, NULL );

	const float soundDuration = 0.25;
	float speed = m_VehiclePhysics.GetHLSpeed();
	// Make danger sounds ahead of the jeep
	if ( fabs(speed) > 120 )
		Vector	vecSpot;

		float steering = m_VehiclePhysics.GetSteering();
		if ( steering != 0 )
			if ( speed > 0 )
				vecDir += vecRight * steering * 0.5;
				vecDir -= vecRight * steering * 0.5;
		const float radius = speed * 0.4;
		// 0.3 seconds ahead of the jeep
		vecSpot = vecStart + vecDir * (speed * 0.3f);
		CSoundEnt::InsertSound( SOUND_DANGER, vecSpot, radius, soundDuration, this, 0 );
		CSoundEnt::InsertSound( SOUND_PHYSICS_DANGER, vecSpot, radius, soundDuration, this, 1 );
		//NDebugOverlay::Box(vecSpot, Vector(-radius,-radius,-radius),Vector(radius,radius,radius), 255, 0, 255, 0, soundDuration);

#if 0
		trace_t	tr;
		// put sounds a bit to left and right but slightly closer to Jeep to make a "cone" of sound 
		// in front of it
		vecSpot = vecStart + vecDir * (speed * 0.5f) - vecRight * speed * 0.5;
		UTIL_TraceLine( vecStart, vecSpot, MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
		CSoundEnt::InsertSound( SOUND_DANGER, vecSpot, 400, soundDuration, this, 1 );

		vecSpot = vecStart + vecDir * (speed * 0.5f) + vecRight * speed * 0.5;
		UTIL_TraceLine( vecStart, vecSpot, MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
		CSoundEnt::InsertSound( SOUND_DANGER, vecSpot, 400, soundDuration, this, 2);

	m_flDangerSoundTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1;

示例6: DetachObject

	void DetachObject(SActivationInfo *pActInfo)
		IAttachment *pAttachment = GetAttachment(pActInfo);
		if (pAttachment)
			ActivateOutput(pActInfo, eOP_Detached, 0);

示例7: GetOwner

int CBaseTFVehicle::LocateEntryPoint( CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer, float* fBest2dDistanceSqr )
	// Get the players origin and compare it to all the entry points on the
	// vehicle.
	Vector vecPlayerPos = pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin();
	Vector vecEntryPos;
	QAngle vecEntryAngle;

	int   iMinEntry = -1;
	float flMinDistance2 = INITIAL_MAX_DISTANCE;

	// Is the player the owner of the vehicle?
	bool bOwner = ( pPlayer == GetOwner() );

	char szPassengerEyes[32];
	for( int iEntryPoint = 0; iEntryPoint < m_nMaxPassengers; ++iEntryPoint )
		// If not the owner, check to see if the entry point is available.  The
		// entry point is always available for the owner.
		bool bOccupied = ( GetPassenger( iEntryPoint ) != NULL );

		// Also check for child vehicles...

		if ( bOccupied && !bOwner )
		// FIXME: Cache off the entry point
		Q_snprintf( szPassengerEyes, sizeof( szPassengerEyes ), "vehicle_feet_passenger%d", iEntryPoint );
		int nAttachmentIndex = LookupAttachment( szPassengerEyes );

		float flDistance2;
		if (nAttachmentIndex > 0)
			GetAttachment( nAttachmentIndex, vecEntryPos, vecEntryAngle );
			Vector vecDelta = vecEntryPos - vecPlayerPos;
			flDistance2 = vecDelta.AsVector2D().LengthSqr();
			// No attachment? Choose it if we must as a last resort
			flDistance2 = INITIAL_MAX_DISTANCE - 1;

		if ( flDistance2 < flMinDistance2 )
			flMinDistance2 = flDistance2;
			iMinEntry = iEntryPoint;

	if( fBest2dDistanceSqr )
		*fBest2dDistanceSqr = flMinDistance2;
	return iMinEntry;

示例8: GetAttachment

// Purpose : Returns position of laser for any given position of the staler
// Input   :
// Output  :
Vector CNPC_Stalker::LaserStartPosition(Vector vStalkerPos)
	// Get attachment position
	Vector vAttachPos;

	// Now convert to vStalkerPos
	vAttachPos = vAttachPos - GetAbsOrigin() + vStalkerPos;
	return vAttachPos;

示例9: GetAttachment

// Purpose: 
Vector CNPC_CombineCamera::HeadDirection2D()
	Vector	vecMuzzle, vecMuzzleDir;

	GetAttachment("eyes", vecMuzzle, &vecMuzzleDir );
	vecMuzzleDir.z = 0;

	return vecMuzzleDir;

示例10: LookupAttachment

Vector CNPC_PoisonZombie::HeadTarget( const Vector &posSrc )
	int iCrabAttachment = LookupAttachment( "headcrab1" );
	Assert( iCrabAttachment > 0 );

	Vector vecPosition;

	GetAttachment( iCrabAttachment, vecPosition );

	return vecPosition;

示例11: LookupAttachment

// Purpose: 
void C_PropJeep::OnEnteredVehicle( C_BasePlayer *pPlayer )
	int eyeAttachmentIndex = LookupAttachment( "vehicle_driver_eyes" );
	Vector vehicleEyeOrigin;
	QAngle vehicleEyeAngles;
	GetAttachment( eyeAttachmentIndex, vehicleEyeOrigin, vehicleEyeAngles );

	m_vecLastEyeTarget = vehicleEyeOrigin;
	m_vecLastEyePos = vehicleEyeOrigin;
	m_vecEyeSpeed = vec3_origin;

示例12: LookupAttachment

Vector CPropVehicleManhack::BodyTarget( const Vector &posSrc, bool bNoisy )
	Vector	shotPos;
	//matrix3x4_t	matrix;

	int eyeAttachmentIndex = LookupAttachment("vehicle_driver_eyes");
	GetAttachment( eyeAttachmentIndex, shotPos );
	//shotPos = WorldSpaceCenter();

	return shotPos;

示例13: GetAttachment

// Звук шага и пыль от поступи крематора, правый шаг.
Vector CNPC_Cremator::RightFootHit( float eventtime )
	Vector footPosition;

	GetAttachment( "footright", footPosition );
	CPASAttenuationFilter filter( this );
	EmitSound( filter, entindex(), "NPC_Cremator.FootstepRight", &footPosition, eventtime );

	FootstepEffect( footPosition );
	return footPosition;

示例14: ToBaseCombatCharacter

bool C_BaseCombatWeapon::GetShootPosition( Vector &vOrigin, QAngle &vAngles )
	// Get the entity because the weapon doesn't have the right angles.
	C_BaseCombatCharacter *pEnt = ToBaseCombatCharacter( GetOwner() );
	if ( pEnt )
		if ( pEnt == C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer() )
			vAngles = pEnt->EyeAngles();
			vAngles = pEnt->GetRenderAngles();	

	C_BasePlayer *player = ToBasePlayer( pEnt );
	bool bUseViewModel = false;
	if ( C_BasePlayer::IsLocalPlayer( pEnt ) )
		bUseViewModel = !player->ShouldDrawLocalPlayer();

	QAngle vDummy;
	if ( IsActiveByLocalPlayer() && bUseViewModel )
		C_BaseViewModel *vm = player ? player->GetViewModel( 0 ) : NULL;
		if ( vm )
			int iAttachment = vm->LookupAttachment( "muzzle" );
			if ( vm->GetAttachment( iAttachment, vOrigin, vDummy ) )
				return true;
		// Thirdperson
		int iAttachment = LookupAttachment( "muzzle" );
		if ( GetAttachment( iAttachment, vOrigin, vDummy ) )
			return true;

	vOrigin = GetRenderOrigin();
	return false;

示例15: UTIL_PointContents

// Purpose: 
bool CASW_PropJeep::CheckWater( void )
	bool bInWater = false;

	// Check all four wheels.
	for ( int iWheel = 0; iWheel < ASW_JEEP_WHEEL_COUNT; ++iWheel )
		// Get the current wheel and get its contact point.
		IPhysicsObject *pWheel = m_VehiclePhysics.GetWheel( iWheel );
		if ( !pWheel )

		// Check to see if we hit water.
		if ( pWheel->GetContactPoint( &m_WaterData.m_vecWheelContactPoints[iWheel], NULL ) )
			m_WaterData.m_bWheelInWater[iWheel] = ( UTIL_PointContents( m_WaterData.m_vecWheelContactPoints[iWheel], MASK_WATER ) & MASK_WATER ) ? true : false;
			if ( m_WaterData.m_bWheelInWater[iWheel] )
				bInWater = true;

	// Check the body and the BONNET.
	int iEngine = LookupAttachment( "vehicle_engine" );
	Vector vecEnginePoint;
	QAngle vecEngineAngles;
	GetAttachment( iEngine, vecEnginePoint, vecEngineAngles );

	m_WaterData.m_bBodyInWater = ( UTIL_PointContents( vecEnginePoint, MASK_WATER ) & MASK_WATER ) ? true : false;

	if ( m_WaterData.m_bBodyInWater )
		if ( !m_VehiclePhysics.IsEngineDisabled() )
			m_VehiclePhysics.SetDisableEngine( true );
		if ( m_VehiclePhysics.IsEngineDisabled() )
			m_VehiclePhysics.SetDisableEngine( false );

	if ( bInWater )
		// Check the player's water level.

	return bInWater;
