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C++ Dmsg4函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中Dmsg4函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Dmsg4函数的具体用法?C++ Dmsg4怎么用?C++ Dmsg4使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: sm_free_pool_memory

/* Free a memory buffer */
void sm_free_pool_memory(const char *fname, int lineno, POOLMEM *obuf)
   struct abufhead *buf;
   int pool;

   buf = (struct abufhead *)((char *)obuf - HEAD_SIZE);
   pool = buf->pool;
   if (pool == 0) {
      free((char *)buf);              /* free nonpooled memory */
   } else {                           /* otherwise link it to the free pool chain */

   /* Disabled because it hangs in #5507 */
#ifdef xDEBUG
      struct abufhead *next;
      /* Don't let him free the same buffer twice */
      for (next=pool_ctl[pool].free_buf; next; next=next->next) {
         if (next == buf) {
            Dmsg4(dbglvl, "free_pool_memory %p pool=%d from %s:%d\n", buf, pool, fname, lineno);
            Dmsg4(dbglvl, "bad free_pool_memory %p pool=%d from %s:%d\n", buf, pool, fname, lineno);
            V(mutex);                 /* unblock the pool */
            ASSERT(next != buf);      /* attempt to free twice */
      buf->next = pool_ctl[pool].free_buf;
      pool_ctl[pool].free_buf = buf;
   Dmsg4(dbglvl, "free_pool_memory %p pool=%d from %s:%d\n", buf, pool, fname, lineno);

示例2: update_inchanger_for_export

 * Set the inchanger flag to zero for each slot marked in
 * the given slot_list.
 * The vol_list passed here needs to be from an "autochanger listall" cmd.
void update_inchanger_for_export(UAContext *ua, STORERES *store, dlist *vol_list, char *slot_list)
   vol_list_t *vl;
   MEDIA_DBR mr;

   if (!open_client_db(ua)) {

    * Walk through the list updating the media records
   foreach_dlist(vl, vol_list) {
       * We are only interested in normal slots.
      switch (vl->Type) {
      case slot_type_normal:

       * Only update entries of slots marked in the slot_list.
      if (!bit_is_set(vl->Slot - 1, slot_list)) {

       * Set InChanger to zero for this Slot
      memset(&mr, 0, sizeof(mr));
      mr.Slot = vl->Slot;
      mr.InChanger = 1;
      mr.MediaId = 0;                 /* Get by VolumeName */
      if (vl->VolName) {
         bstrncpy(mr.VolumeName, vl->VolName, sizeof(mr.VolumeName));
      } else {
         mr.VolumeName[0] = 0;
      set_storageid_in_mr(store, &mr);

      Dmsg4(100, "Before make unique: Vol=%s slot=%d inchanger=%d sid=%d\n",
            mr.VolumeName, mr.Slot, mr.InChanger, mr.StorageId);

       * Set InChanger to zero for this Slot
      db_make_inchanger_unique(ua->jcr, ua->db, &mr);

      Dmsg4(100, "After make unique: Vol=%s slot=%d inchanger=%d sid=%d\n",
            mr.VolumeName, mr.Slot, mr.InChanger, mr.StorageId);

示例3: Dmsg4

void *sm_realloc(const char *fname, int lineno, void *ptr, unsigned int size)
   unsigned osize;
   void *buf;
   char *cp = (char *) ptr;

   Dmsg4(DT_MEMORY|50, "sm_realloc %s:%d %p %d\n", get_basename(fname), (uint32_t)lineno, ptr, size);
   if (size <= 0) {
      e_msg(fname, lineno, M_ABORT, 0, _("sm_realloc size: %d\n"), size);

   /*  If  the  old  block  pointer  is  NULL, treat realloc() as a
      malloc().  SVID is silent  on  this,  but  many  C  libraries
      permit this.  */
   if (ptr == NULL) {
      return sm_malloc(fname, lineno, size);

   /* If the old and new sizes are the same, be a nice guy and just
      return the buffer passed in.  */
   cp -= HEAD_SIZE;
   struct abufhead *head = (struct abufhead *)cp;
   osize = head->ablen - (HEAD_SIZE + 1);
   if (size == osize) {
      return ptr;

   /* Sizes differ.  Allocate a new buffer of the  requested  size.
      If  we  can't  obtain  such a buffer, act as defined in SVID:
      return NULL from  realloc()  and  leave  the  buffer  in  PTR
      intact.  */

// sm_buffers--;
// sm_bytes -= head->ablen;

   if ((buf = smalloc(fname, lineno, size)) != NULL) {
      memcpy(buf, ptr, (int)sm_min(size, osize));
      /* If the new buffer is larger than the old, fill the balance
         of it with "designer garbage". */
      if (size > osize) {
         memset(((char *) buf) + osize, 0x55, (int) (size - osize));

      /* All done.  Free and dechain the original buffer. */
      sm_free(fname, lineno, ptr);
   Dmsg4(DT_MEMORY|60, _("sm_realloc %d at %p from %s:%d\n"), size, buf, get_basename(fname), (uint32_t)lineno);
   return buf;


 * TODO: Check fsr with EOF
int vtape::fsr(int count)
   ASSERT(current_file >= 0);
   ASSERT(fd >= 0);

   int i,nb, ret=0;
// boffset_t where=0;
   uint32_t s;
   Dmsg4(dbglevel, "fsr %i:%i EOF=%i c=%i\n",


   if (atEOT) {
      errno = EIO;
      current_block = -1;
      return -1;

   if (atEOD) {
      errno = EIO;
      return -1;

   atBOT = atEOF = false;

   /* check all block record */
   for(i=0; (i < count) && !atEOF ; i++) {
      nb = ::read(fd, &s, sizeof(uint32_t)); /* get size of next block */
      if (nb == sizeof(uint32_t) && s) {
         lseek(fd, s, SEEK_CUR);     /* seek after this block */
      } else {
         Dmsg4(dbglevel, "read EOF %i:%i nb=%i s=%i\n",
               current_file, current_block, nb,s);
         errno = EIO;
         ret = -1;
         if (next_FM) {
         atEOF = true;          /* stop the loop */

   return ret;

示例5: ndmp_wait_for_job_termination

static inline int ndmp_wait_for_job_termination(JCR *jcr)

    * Force cancel in SD if failing, but not for Incomplete jobs
    * so that we let the SD despool.
   Dmsg4(100, "cancel=%d FDJS=%d JS=%d SDJS=%d\n",
         jcr->is_canceled(), jcr->FDJobStatus,
         jcr->JobStatus, jcr->SDJobStatus);
   if (jcr->is_canceled() || (!jcr->res.job->RescheduleIncompleteJobs)) {
      Dmsg3(100, "FDJS=%d JS=%d SDJS=%d\n",
            jcr->FDJobStatus, jcr->JobStatus, jcr->SDJobStatus);

    * Note, the SD stores in jcr->JobFiles/ReadBytes/JobBytes/JobErrors

   jcr->FDJobStatus = JS_Terminated;
   if (jcr->JobStatus != JS_Terminated) {
      return jcr->JobStatus;
   if (jcr->FDJobStatus != JS_Terminated) {
      return jcr->FDJobStatus;
   return jcr->SDJobStatus;

示例6: calculate_and_compare_file_chksum

 * Compare a files chksum against a stored chksum.
 * Returns: true   if chksum matches.
 *          false  if chksum is different.
bool calculate_and_compare_file_chksum(JCR *jcr, FF_PKT *ff_pkt,
                                       const char *fname, const char *chksum)
   DIGEST *digest = NULL;
   int digest_stream = STREAM_NONE;
   char *digest_buf = NULL;
   const char *digest_name;
   bool retval = false;

   if (calculate_file_chksum(jcr, ff_pkt, &digest, &digest_stream, &digest_buf, &digest_name)) {
      if (digest_stream != STREAM_NONE && digest == NULL) {
         Jmsg(jcr, M_WARNING, 0, _("%s digest initialization failed\n"), stream_to_ascii(digest_stream));
      } else if (digest && digest_buf) {
         if (!bstrcmp(digest_buf, chksum)) {
            Dmsg4(100, "%s      %s chksum  diff. Cat: %s File: %s\n", fname, digest_name, chksum, digest_buf);
         } else {
            retval = true;

      if (digest_buf) {

      if (digest) {

   return retval;

示例7: do_strip

 * Do in place strip of path
static bool do_strip(int count, char *in)
   char *out = in;
   int stripped;
   int numsep = 0;

   /* Copy to first path separator -- Win32 might have c: ... */
   while (*in && !IsPathSeparator(*in)) {    
      out++; in++;
   out++; in++;
   numsep++;                     /* one separator seen */
   for (stripped=0; stripped<count && *in; stripped++) {
      while (*in && !IsPathSeparator(*in)) {
         in++;                   /* skip chars */
      if (*in) {
         numsep++;               /* count separators seen */
         in++;                   /* skip separator */
   /* Copy to end */
   while (*in) {                /* copy to end */
      if (IsPathSeparator(*in)) {
      *out++ = *in++;
   *out = 0;
   Dmsg4(500, "stripped=%d count=%d numsep=%d sep>count=%d\n", 
         stripped, count, numsep, numsep>count);
   return stripped==count && numsep>count;

示例8: btimer_start_common

 * Start a timer on a BSOCK. kill it after wait seconds.
 *  Returns: btimer_t *(pointer to btimer_t struct) on success
 *           NULL on failure
btimer_t *start_bsock_timer(BSOCK *bsock, uint32_t wait)
   btimer_t *wid;
   if (wait <= 0) {                 /* wait should be > 0 */
      return NULL;
   wid = btimer_start_common(wait);
   if (wid == NULL) {
      return NULL;
   wid->type = TYPE_BSOCK;
   wid->tid = pthread_self();
   wid->bsock = bsock;
   wid->jcr = bsock->jcr();

   wid->wd->callback = callback_thread_timer;
   wid->wd->one_shot = true;
   wid->wd->interval = wait;

   Dmsg4(dbglvl, "Start bsock timer %p tid=%p for %d secs at %d\n", wid,
         wid->tid, wait, time(NULL));

   return wid;

示例9: is_cleaning_tape

 * Check if this is a cleaning tape by comparing the Volume name
 *  with the Cleaning Prefix. If they match, this is a cleaning
 *  tape.
static inline bool is_cleaning_tape(UAContext *ua, MEDIA_DBR *mr, POOL_DBR *pr)
   bool retval;

    * Find Pool resource
   ua->jcr->res.pool = (POOLRES *)GetResWithName(R_POOL, pr->Name);
   if (!ua->jcr->res.pool) {
      ua->error_msg(_("Pool \"%s\" resource not found for volume \"%s\"!\n"),
                    pr->Name, mr->VolumeName);
      return false;

   retval = bstrncmp(mr->VolumeName,

   Dmsg4(100, "CLNprefix=%s: Vol=%s: len=%d bstrncmp=%s\n",
         ua->jcr->res.pool->cleaning_prefix, mr->VolumeName,
         retval ? "true" : "false");

   return retval;

示例10: Dmsg0

 * Note!! Do not enter with dev->Lock() since unreserve_device()
 *   is going to lock it too.
void DEVICE::detach_dcr_from_dev(DCR *dcr)
   Dmsg0(500, "Enter detach_dcr_from_dev\n"); /* jcr is NULL in some cases */

   /* Detach this dcr only if attached */
   if (dcr->attached_to_dev) {
      Dmsg4(200, "Detach Jid=%d dcr=%p size=%d to dev=%s\n", (uint32_t)dcr->jcr->JobId,
         dcr, attached_dcrs->size(), print_name());
      dcr->attached_to_dev = false;
      if (attached_dcrs->size()) {
         attached_dcrs->remove(dcr);  /* detach dcr from device */
   /* Check if someone accidentally left a drive reserved, and clear it */
   if (attached_dcrs->size() == 0 && num_reserved() > 0) {
      Pmsg2(000, "Warning!!! dcrs=0 reserved=%d setting reserved==0. dev=%s\n",
         num_reserved(), print_name());
      m_num_reserved = 0;
   dcr->attached_to_dev = false;

示例11: ini_store_alist_str

static bool ini_store_alist_str(LEX *lc, ConfigFile *inifile, ini_items *item)
   alist *list;
   if (!lc) {
       * TODO, write back the alist to edit buffer
      return true;
   if (lex_get_token(lc, T_STRING) == T_ERROR) {
      return false;

   if (item->val.alistval == NULL) {
      list = New(alist(10, owned_by_alist));
   } else {
      list = item->val.alistval;

   Dmsg4(900, "Append %s to alist %p size=%d %s\n",
         lc->str, list, list->size(), item->name);
   item->val.alistval = list;

   return true;

示例12: clear_all_bits

 * Open the device with the operating system and
 * initialize buffer pointers.
 * Returns: true on success
 *          false on error
 * Note, for a tape, the VolName is the name we give to the
 * volume (not really used here), but for a file, the
 * VolName represents the name of the file to be created/opened.
 * In the case of a file, the full name is the device name
 * (archive_name) with the VolName concatenated.
bool DEVICE::open(DCR *dcr, int omode)
   char preserve[ST_BYTES];

   clear_all_bits(ST_MAX, preserve);
   if (is_open()) {
      if (open_mode == omode) {
         return true;
      } else {
         Dmsg0(100, "Close fd for mode change.\n");

         if (bit_is_set(ST_LABEL, state))
            set_bit(ST_LABEL, preserve);
         if (bit_is_set(ST_APPENDREADY, state))
            set_bit(ST_APPENDREADY, preserve);
         if (bit_is_set(ST_READREADY, state))
            set_bit(ST_READREADY, preserve);

   if (dcr) {
      VolCatInfo = dcr->VolCatInfo;    /* structure assign */

   Dmsg4(100, "open dev: type=%d dev_name=%s vol=%s mode=%s\n", dev_type,
         print_name(), getVolCatName(), mode_to_str(omode));

   clear_bit(ST_LABEL, state);
   clear_bit(ST_APPENDREADY, state);
   clear_bit(ST_READREADY, state);
   clear_bit(ST_EOT, state);
   clear_bit(ST_WEOT, state);
   clear_bit(ST_EOF, state);

   label_type = B_BAREOS_LABEL;

    * We are about to open the device so let any plugin know we are.
   if (dcr && generate_plugin_event(dcr->jcr, bsdEventDeviceOpen, dcr) != bRC_OK) {
      Dmsg0(100, "open_dev: bsdEventDeviceOpen failed\n");
      return false;

   Dmsg1(100, "call open_device mode=%s\n", mode_to_str(omode));
   open_device(dcr, omode);

    * Reset any important state info
   clone_bits(ST_MAX, preserve, state);

   Dmsg2(100, "preserve=0x%x fd=%d\n", preserve, m_fd);

   return m_fd >= 0;

示例13: while

 * Write a Record to the block
 * Returns: false means the block could not be written to tape/disk.
 *          true on success (all bytes written to the block).
bool DCR::write_record()
   bool retval = false;
   bool translated_record = false;
   char buf1[100], buf2[100];

    * Perform record translations.
   before_rec = rec;
   after_rec = NULL;
   if (generate_plugin_event(jcr, bsdEventWriteRecordTranslation, this) != bRC_OK) {
      goto bail_out;

    * The record got translated when we got an after_rec pointer after calling the
    * bsdEventWriteRecordTranslation plugin event. If no translation has taken place
    * we just point the after_rec pointer to same DEV_RECORD as in the before_rec pointer.
   if (!after_rec) {
      after_rec = before_rec;
   } else {
      translated_record = true;

   while (!write_record_to_block(this, after_rec)) {
      Dmsg2(850, "!write_record_to_block data_len=%d rem=%d\n",
            after_rec->data_len, after_rec->remainder);
      if (!write_block_to_device()) {
         Dmsg2(90, "Got write_block_to_dev error on device %s. %s\n",
               dev->print_name(), dev->bstrerror());
         goto bail_out;

   jcr->JobBytes += after_rec->data_len;   /* increment bytes this job */
   if (jcr->RemainingQuota && jcr->JobBytes > jcr->RemainingQuota) {
      Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Quota Exceeded. Job Terminated.\n"));
      goto bail_out;

   Dmsg4(850, "write_record FI=%s SessId=%d Strm=%s len=%d\n",
         FI_to_ascii(buf1, after_rec->FileIndex), after_rec->VolSessionId,
         stream_to_ascii(buf2, after_rec->Stream, after_rec->FileIndex), after_rec->data_len);

   retval = true;

   if (translated_record) {
      copy_record_state(before_rec, after_rec);
      after_rec = NULL;

   return retval;

示例14: Dmsg0

void vtape::dump()
   Dmsg0(dbglevel+1, "===================\n");
   Dmsg2(dbglevel, "file:block = %i:%i\n", current_file, current_block);
   Dmsg1(dbglevel+1, "last_file=%i\n", last_file);
   Dmsg1(dbglevel+1, "file_block=%i\n", file_block);
   Dmsg4(dbglevel+1, "EOF=%i EOT=%i EOD=%i BOT=%i\n",
         atEOF, atEOT, atEOD, atBOT);

示例15: Dmsg4

 * Close the device
bool DEVICE::close()
   bool ok = true;

   Dmsg4(40, "close_dev vol=%s fd=%d dev=%p dev=%s\n",
      VolHdr.VolumeName, m_fd, this, print_name());

   if (!is_open()) {
      Dmsg2(200, "device %s already closed vol=%s\n", print_name(),
      return true;                    /* already closed */

   switch (dev_type) {
   case B_VTL_DEV:
   case B_VTAPE_DEV:
   case B_TAPE_DEV:
      /* Fall through wanted */
      if (d_close(m_fd) != 0) {
         berrno be;
         dev_errno = errno;
         Mmsg2(errmsg, _("Error closing device %s. ERR=%s.\n"),
               print_name(), be.bstrerror());
         ok = false;

   unmount(1);                       /* do unmount if required */
   /* Clean up device packet so it can be reused */

    * Be careful not to clear items needed by the DVD driver
    *    when it is closing a single part.
   label_type = B_BACULA_LABEL;
   file = block_num = 0;
   file_size = 0;
   file_addr = 0;
   EndFile = EndBlock = 0;
   openmode = 0;
   memset(&VolCatInfo, 0, sizeof(VolCatInfo));
   if (tid) {
      tid = 0;
   return ok;
