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C++ DisplayLog函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中DisplayLog函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ DisplayLog函数的具体用法?C++ DisplayLog怎么用?C++ DisplayLog使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: File_CreateSetStripe

int File_CreateSetStripe( const char * path, const stripe_info_t * old_stripe )
    int rc;

    /* try to restripe using previous pool name */
    if ( !EMPTY_STRING( old_stripe->pool_name ) )
        rc = llapi_file_create_pool( path, old_stripe->stripe_size,
                                     -1, old_stripe->stripe_count, 0,
                                     (char *)old_stripe->pool_name );
        if ( rc == 0 || rc == -EEXIST )
            return rc;
            DisplayLog( LVL_MAJOR, TAG_CR_STRIPE, "Error %d creating '%s' in pool '%s': %s",
                        rc, path, old_stripe->pool_name, strerror(-rc) );
            DisplayLog( LVL_MAJOR, TAG_CR_STRIPE, "Trying to create it without pool information..." );

    rc = llapi_file_create( path, old_stripe->stripe_size,
                            -1, old_stripe->stripe_count, 0 );
    if ( rc != 0 || rc == -EEXIST )
        DisplayLog( LVL_MAJOR, TAG_CR_STRIPE,
                    "Error %d creating '%s' with stripe. Trying to create it without specific stripe...",
                    rc, path );
    return rc;

示例2: EntryProcessor_Get

void          *enqueue_thread( void *arg )
    int            rc, i;
    entry_proc_op_t *new_op;

    for ( i = 0; i < NB_OP_ENQUEUE; i++ )
        new_op = EntryProcessor_Get( );
        if ( !new_op )
            printf( "Error in EntryProcessor_Get\n");
            return NULL;

        /* initial stage */
        new_op->pipeline_stage = entry_proc_pipeline[0].stage_index;
#ifdef _LUSTRE_HSM
        new_op->extra_info.log_record.record_id = i;
        DisplayLog( LVL_FULL, "EnqueueThr", "Enqueuing record #%u", i );
        sprintf( ATTR( &new_op->entry_attr, fullpath ), "/dir%u/file%d",
                 ( unsigned int ) time( NULL ), i );
        DisplayLog( LVL_FULL, "EnqueueThr", "Enqueuing file %s",
                    ATTR( &new_op->entry_attr, fullpath ) );

        EntryProcessor_Push( new_op );

示例3: CreateStriped

int CreateStriped( const char * path, const stripe_info_t * old_stripe, int overwrite )
    int rc;

    /* try to restripe using previous pool name */
    if ( !EMPTY_STRING( old_stripe->pool_name ) )
        rc = llapi_file_create_pool( path, old_stripe->stripe_size,
                                     -1, old_stripe->stripe_count, 0,
                                     (char *)old_stripe->pool_name );
        rc = llapi_file_create( path, old_stripe->stripe_size,
                                -1, old_stripe->stripe_count, 0 );
    if ((rc == -EEXIST) && overwrite)
        if (unlink(path)) {
            rc = -errno;
            DisplayLog( LVL_MAJOR, TAG_CR_STRIPE, "Can't remove previous entry %s: %s",
                        path, strerror(-rc));
            return rc;
        return CreateStriped(path, old_stripe, false /*target not expected to exist*/);
    else if ( rc != 0 && rc != -EEXIST )
        DisplayLog( LVL_MAJOR, TAG_CR_STRIPE, "Error %d creating '%s' with stripe.",
                    rc, path );
    return rc;

示例4: File_GetStripeByDirFd

int File_GetStripeByDirFd( int dirfd, const char *fname,
                           stripe_info_t * p_stripe_info,
                           stripe_items_t * p_stripe_items )
    int            rc = 0;
    char           lum_buffer[4096];
    struct lov_user_md *p_lum = ( struct lov_user_md * ) lum_buffer;

    if ( !fname|| !fname[0] )
        return -EFAULT;

    memset( lum_buffer, 0, sizeof( lum_buffer ) );
    strcpy((char *)p_lum, fname);

    if (ioctl(dirfd, IOC_MDC_GETFILESTRIPE, (void *)p_lum) == -1)
        rc = -errno;

    if ( rc != 0 )
        if ( rc == -ENODATA )
            DisplayLog( LVL_DEBUG, TAG_STRIPE,
                        "File %s has no stripe information",
                        fname );
        else if ( ( rc != -ENOENT ) && ( rc != -ESTALE ) )
            DisplayLog( LVL_CRIT, TAG_STRIPE,
                        "Error %d getting stripe info for %s", rc,
                        fname );
        return rc;

    return fill_stripe_info(p_lum, p_stripe_info, p_stripe_items);


示例5: id_constraint_unregister

 * This removes the current reference to an id when the operation is removed.
int id_constraint_unregister( entry_proc_op_t * p_op )
    unsigned int   hash_index;
    id_constraint_item_t *p_curr;
    id_constraint_item_t *p_prev;

    if ( !p_op->entry_id_is_set )
        return ID_MISSING;

    if ( !p_op->id_is_referenced )
        return ID_NOT_EXISTS;

    /* compute id hash value */
    hash_index = hash_id( &p_op->entry_id, ID_HASH_SIZE );

    /* check if the entry id exists and is a stage >= pipeline_stage */
    P( id_hash[hash_index].lock );

    for ( p_curr = id_hash[hash_index].id_list_first, p_prev = NULL;
          p_curr != NULL; p_prev = p_curr, p_curr = p_curr->p_next )
        if ( p_curr->op_ptr == p_op )
            /* found */
            if ( p_prev == NULL )
                id_hash[hash_index].id_list_first = p_curr->p_next;
                p_prev->p_next = p_curr->p_next;

            /* was it the last ? */
            if ( id_hash[hash_index].id_list_last == p_curr )
                id_hash[hash_index].id_list_last = p_prev;

            p_curr->op_ptr->id_is_referenced = FALSE;


            V( id_hash[hash_index].lock );

            /* free the slot */
            MemFree( p_curr );

            return ID_OK;

    V( id_hash[hash_index].lock );
#ifdef _HAVE_FID
                "id_constraint_unregister: op not found (list %u): id [%llu, %u] record %u",
                hash_index, p_op->entry_id.f_seq, p_op->entry_id.f_oid, p_op->entry_id.f_ver );
                "id_constraint_unregister: op not found (list %u): id [dev %llu, ino %llu]",
                hash_index, ( unsigned long long ) p_op->entry_id.device,
                ( unsigned long long ) p_op->entry_id.inode );
    return ID_NOT_EXISTS;


示例6: File_GetStripeByPath

int File_GetStripeByPath( const char *entry_path, stripe_info_t * p_stripe_info,
                          stripe_items_t * p_stripe_items )
    int            rc;
    struct lov_user_md *p_lum;

    if ( !entry_path || !entry_path[0] )
        return -EFAULT;

    p_lum = (struct lov_user_md *)MemAlloc(LUM_SIZE_MAX);
    if (!p_lum)
        return -ENOMEM;

    memset(p_lum, 0, LUM_SIZE_MAX);
    rc = llapi_file_get_stripe(entry_path, p_lum);

    if ( rc != 0 )
        if ( rc == -ENODATA )
            DisplayLog( LVL_DEBUG, TAG_STRIPE,
                        "File %s has no stripe information",
                        entry_path );
        else if ( ( rc != -ENOENT ) && ( rc != -ESTALE ) )
            DisplayLog( LVL_CRIT, TAG_STRIPE,
                        "Error %d getting stripe info for %s", rc,
                        entry_path );
        goto out_free;

    rc = fill_stripe_info(p_lum, p_stripe_info, p_stripe_items);

    return rc;

示例7: Reload_Rmdir_Config

int Reload_Rmdir_Config( void *module_config )
    rmdir_config_t *conf = ( rmdir_config_t * ) module_config;

    /* parameters that can't be modified dynamically */

    if (rmdir_config.nb_threads_rmdir != conf->nb_threads_rmdir )
        DisplayLog( LVL_MAJOR, "RmdirConfig",
                    "::nb_threads_rmdir changed in config file, but cannot be modified dynamically" );

    if (rmdir_config.rmdir_queue_size != conf->rmdir_queue_size )
        DisplayLog( LVL_MAJOR, "RmdirConfig",
                    "::rmdir_queue_size changed in config file, but cannot be modified dynamically" );

    /* dynamic parameters */

    if (rmdir_config.runtime_interval != conf->runtime_interval )
        DisplayLog( LVL_EVENT, "RmdirConfig", RMDIR_PARAM_BLOCK
                    "::runtime_interval updated: %"PRI_TT"->%"PRI_TT,
                    rmdir_config.runtime_interval, conf->runtime_interval );
        rmdir_config.runtime_interval = conf->runtime_interval;

    return 0;

示例8: DisplayLog

/* Scan starter thread */
static void   *scan_starter( void *arg )
    int            rc;

    DisplayLog( LVL_VERB, FSSCAN_TAG, "Launching FS Scan starter thread" );

    if ( fsscan_flags & FLAG_ONCE )
        rc = Robinhood_CheckScanDeadlines(  );
        if ( rc )
            DisplayLog( LVL_CRIT, FSSCAN_TAG, "Error %d checking FS Scan status", rc );
        pthread_exit( NULL );
        return NULL;

    /* not a one-shot mode */
    while ( !terminate )
        rc = Robinhood_CheckScanDeadlines(  );
        if ( rc )
            DisplayLog( LVL_CRIT, FSSCAN_TAG, "Error %d checking FS Scan status", rc );

        /* attente de la boucle suivante */
        rh_sleep( fs_scan_config.spooler_check_interval );

    return NULL;

示例9: db_connect

/* create client connection */
int db_connect( db_conn_t * conn )
    int            rc;

    /* Connect to database */
    rc = sqlite3_open( lmgr_config.db_config.filepath, conn );
    if ( rc != 0 )
        if ( *conn )
            DisplayLog( LVL_CRIT, LISTMGR_TAG,
                        "Failed to connect to SQLite DB (file %s): Error: %s",
                        lmgr_config.db_config.filepath, sqlite3_errmsg( *conn ) );
            DisplayLog( LVL_CRIT, LISTMGR_TAG,
                        "Failed to connect to SQLite DB (file %s): Error: %d",
                        lmgr_config.db_config.filepath, rc );
        return DB_CONNECT_FAILED;

    DisplayLog( LVL_FULL, LISTMGR_TAG, "Logged on to database successfully" );

    set_cache_size( *conn );

    return DB_SUCCESS;

示例10: generate_fields

/** generate fields */
void           generate_fields( attr_set_t * p_set )
    int i;
    int mask = 1;

    for ( i = 0; i < ATTR_COUNT; i++, mask <<= 1 )
        if ( ( p_set->attr_mask & mask) && (field_infos[i].flags & GENERATED) )
           void * src_data;
           void * tgt_data;

           if ( field_infos[i].gen_func == NULL )
               /* cannot generate a field without a function */
               DisplayLog( LVL_DEBUG, LISTMGR_TAG,
                           "generated field without generation function: %s",
                           field_infos[i].field_name );
               p_set->attr_mask &= ~mask;

           /* is it generated from another field ? */
           if ( field_infos[i].gen_index != -1 )
                int src_mask = 1 << field_infos[i].gen_index;
                /* is source set? */
                if ( (p_set->attr_mask & src_mask) == 0 )
                    DisplayLog( LVL_FULL, LISTMGR_TAG,
                                "Source info '%s' of generated field '%s' is not set "
                                "in the database",
                                field_infos[i].field_name );
                    p_set->attr_mask &= ~mask;

                src_data = ( char * ) &p_set->attr_values + field_infos[field_infos[i].gen_index].offset; 
                /* nothing needed to generate it */
                src_data = NULL;

           tgt_data = ( char * ) &p_set->attr_values + field_infos[i].offset;

           if ( field_infos[i].gen_func( tgt_data, src_data ) != 0 )
                p_set->attr_mask &= ~mask;
                DisplayLog( LVL_FULL, LISTMGR_TAG, "Field '%s' auto-generated",
                            field_infos[i].field_name );

        } /* end if generated */
    } /* end for attr list */


示例11: execute_shell_command

int execute_shell_command( const char * cmd, int argc, ... )
#define SHCMD "ShCmd"
    va_list arglist;
    char cmdline[4096];
    char argbuf[1024];
    char * curr = cmdline;
    int rc, i;
    int exrc;

    curr += sprintf( cmdline, "%s", cmd );

    va_start(arglist, argc);
    for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
        curr += sprintf( curr, " %s",
                         escape_shell_arg( va_arg(arglist, char *), argbuf ));
    curr += sprintf( curr, " %s", " >/dev/null 2>/dev/null");

    DisplayLog(LVL_DEBUG, SHCMD, "Executing command: %s", cmdline);
    rc = system(cmdline);

    if ( WIFEXITED(rc) )
        const char * str_error;
        exrc = WEXITSTATUS(rc);
        if (exrc == 0)
            DisplayLog(LVL_DEBUG, SHCMD, "Command successful");
            return 0;

        /* shell special return values */
        if (exrc == 126)
            str_error = "permission problem or command is not an executable";
        else if (exrc == 127)
            str_error = "command not found";
        else if (exrc == 128)
            str_error = "invalid argument to exit";
            str_error = "external command exited";

        DisplayLog( LVL_MAJOR, SHCMD,
                    "ERROR: %s, error %d (cmdline=%s)",
                    str_error, exrc, cmdline );
        rc = -exrc;
    else if (WIFSIGNALED(rc))
            DisplayLog( LVL_MAJOR, SHCMD,
                        "ERROR: command terminated by signal %d. cmdline=%s",
                        WTERMSIG(rc), cmdline );
            rc = -EINTR;

    return rc;

示例12: ListMgr_BatchInsert

 * Insert a batch of entries into the database.
 * All entries must have the same attr mask.
int            ListMgr_BatchInsert(lmgr_t * p_mgr, entry_id_t ** p_ids,
                                   attr_set_t ** p_attrs,
                                   unsigned int count,
                                   int update_if_exists)
    int rc;
    char buff[4096];

    if (count == 0)
        return DB_SUCCESS;
    else if (p_ids == NULL || p_attrs == NULL)
        RBH_BUG("NULL pointer argument");

    /* read only fields in info mask? */
    if (readonly_attr_set & p_attrs[0]->attr_mask)
        DisplayLog(LVL_MAJOR, LISTMGR_TAG, "Error: trying to insert read only values: attr_mask=%#x",
                   readonly_attr_set & p_attrs[0]->attr_mask);
        return DB_INVALID_ARG;

    /* retry the whole transaction when the error is retryable */
    /* We want insert operation set to be atomic */
    rc = lmgr_begin(p_mgr);
    if (lmgr_delayed_retry(p_mgr, rc))
        goto retry;
    else if (rc)
        return rc;

    rc = listmgr_batch_insert_no_tx(p_mgr, p_ids, p_attrs, count, update_if_exists);

    if (lmgr_delayed_retry(p_mgr, rc))
        goto retry;
    else if (rc)
        DisplayLog(LVL_CRIT, LISTMGR_TAG,
                   "DB query failed in %s line %d: code=%d: %s",
                   __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, rc, db_errmsg(&p_mgr->conn, buff, 4096));
        return rc;

    rc = lmgr_commit(p_mgr);
    if (lmgr_delayed_retry(p_mgr, rc))
        goto retry;
    /* success, count it */
    if (!rc)
        if (update_if_exists)
            p_mgr->nbop[OPIDX_UPDATE] += count;
            p_mgr->nbop[OPIDX_INSERT] += count;
    return rc;

示例13: lustre_mds_stat

/* This code is an adaptation of llapi_mds_getfileinfo() in liblustreapi.
 * It is unused for now, but could be useful when SOM will be implemented.
int lustre_mds_stat(char *fullpath, int parentfd, struct stat *inode)
    /* this buffer must be large enough for handling filename */
    char           buffer[1024];
    struct lov_user_mds_data *lmd = ( struct lov_user_mds_data * ) buffer;
    char          *filename;
    int            rc;

    /* sanity checks */
    if ((fullpath == NULL) || (inode == NULL))
        return EINVAL;

    filename = basename( fullpath );

    if ( filename == NULL )
        filename = fullpath;

    memset(lmd, 0, sizeof(buffer));
    rh_strncpy(buffer, filename, strlen(filename) + 1);
    rc = ioctl(parentfd, IOC_MDC_GETFILEINFO, (void *)lmd);

    if ( rc )
        if ( errno == ENOTTY )
            /* ioctl is not supported, it is not a lustre fs.
             * Do the regular lstat(2) instead. */
            rc = lstat( fullpath, inode );
            if ( rc )
                DisplayLog( LVL_CRIT, TAG_MDSSTAT, "Error: %s: lstat failed for %s",
                            __FUNCTION__, fullpath );
                return rc;
        else if ( ( errno == ENOENT ) || ( errno == ESTALE ) )
            DisplayLog( LVL_MAJOR, TAG_MDSSTAT, "Warning: %s: %s does not exist",
                        __FUNCTION__, fullpath );
            return ENOENT;
            DisplayLog(LVL_CRIT, TAG_MDSSTAT,
                       "Error: %s: IOC_MDC_GETFILEINFO failed for %s: rc=%d, errno=%d",
                       __FUNCTION__, fullpath, rc, errno);
            return rc;
        *inode = lmd->lmd_st;

    return 0;


示例14: LustreHSM_Action

/** Trigger a HSM action */
int LustreHSM_Action( enum hsm_user_action action, const entry_id_t * p_id,
                      const char * hints, unsigned int archive_id )
    struct hsm_user_request * req;
    int data_len = 0;
    int rc;
    char * mpath;

    if ( hints != NULL )
        data_len = strlen(hints)+1;

    req = llapi_hsm_user_request_alloc(1, data_len);

    if (!req)
        rc = -errno;
        DisplayLog( LVL_CRIT, "HSMAction", "Cannot create HSM request: %s",
            strerror(-rc) );
        return rc;

    req->hur_request.hr_action = action;
    req->hur_request.hr_archive_id = archive_id;

    req->hur_user_item[0].hui_fid = *p_id;
    req->hur_user_item[0].hui_extent.offset = 0 ;
    /* XXX for now, always transfer entire file */
    req->hur_user_item[0].hui_extent.length = -1LL;

    req->hur_request.hr_itemcount = 1;

    if ( hints != NULL )
        req->hur_request.hr_data_len = data_len;
        memcpy(hur_data(req), hints, data_len);
        req->hur_request.hr_data_len = 0;

    /* make tmp copy as llapi_hsm_request arg is not const */
    mpath = strdup(get_mount_point(NULL));
    rc = llapi_hsm_request(mpath, req);

    if (rc)
        DisplayLog( LVL_CRIT, "HSMAction", "ERROR performing HSM request(%s,"
                    " root=%s, fid="DFID"): %s",
                    hsm_user_action2name(action), mpath, PFID(p_id),
                    strerror(-rc) );
    return rc;


示例15: module_unload

 * Release resources associated to a single module. Note that the mod_list
 * is not resized.
 * \param[in, out]  mod Module descriptor to release
 * \return 0 on success, negative error code on failure
static int module_unload(rbh_module_t *mod)
    if (mod->name != NULL)
        DisplayLog(LVL_DEBUG, MODULE_TAG, "Unloading module %s", mod->name);

    if (mod->sym_hdl == NULL) {
        DisplayLog(LVL_VERB, MODULE_TAG, "Module already unloaded, ignoring");
        return 0;   /* -EALREADY ? */

    mod->sym_hdl = NULL;
    return 0;
