本文整理汇总了C++中Direction函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Direction函数的具体用法?C++ Direction怎么用?C++ Direction使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: NewPosition
void NewPosition(MazewarInstance::Ptr m)
//void NewPosition(MazewarInstance *m)
Loc newX(0);
Loc newY(0);
Direction dir(0); /* start on occupied square */
while (M->maze_[newX.value()][newY.value()]) {
/* MAZE[XY]MAX is a power of 2 */
newX = Loc(random() & (MAZEXMAX - 1));
newY = Loc(random() & (MAZEYMAX - 1));
/* In real game, also check that square is
unoccupied by another rat */
/* prevent a blank wall at first glimpse */
if (!m->maze_[(newX.value())+1][(newY.value())]) dir = Direction(NORTH);
if (!m->maze_[(newX.value())-1][(newY.value())]) dir = Direction(SOUTH);
if (!m->maze_[(newX.value())][(newY.value())+1]) dir = Direction(EAST);
if (!m->maze_[(newX.value())][(newY.value())-1]) dir = Direction(WEST);
示例2: main
int main()
Adjacency v;
ID id;
Map map(0);
cin >> id;
Feature * r1 = new MockFeature( id );
r1->addToMap( &map );
cin >> id;
Feature * r2 = new MockFeature( id );
r2->addToMap( &map );
cin >> id;
Feature * r3 = new MockFeature( id );
r3->addToMap( &map );
std::cout << "******* ADJACENCY TESTS ***********\n";
std::cout << "Input and save test. Expected output same as last "
<< "line of input plus tag\n";
v.input( std::cin, &map );
v.save( std::cout );
std::cout << '\n';
std::cout << "\nPretty-printed output (should list only exits "
<< "that are valid above)\n";
v.printDescription( std::cout );
std::cout << "\nDirection checks: Should be similar to above\n";
printExit( v, Direction("north") );
printExit( v, Direction("east") );
printExit( v, Direction("south") );
printExit( v, Direction("west") );
return 0;
示例3: Vector2int16
void CellularAutomata::handleMouse(bool isPressed, bool isDown, const Ray & mouseRay, const Vector2 & mousePos) {
m_transientPlayhead.position = Vector2int16(-5, -5);
if (m_paused) {
Point2int16 selectedPosition(-1,-1);
for (int x = 0; x < m_width; ++x) {
for (int y = 0; y < m_height; ++y) {
Vector2 normalizedCoord = Vector2(x,y) *
Vector2(1.0f / (m_width - 1.0f), 1.0f / (m_height - 1.0f));
const Point3& p = normCoordTo3DPoint(normalizedCoord);
if (intersects(mouseRay, p, collisionRadius())) {
selectedPosition = Vector2int16(x, y);
if (selectedPosition.x >= 0) {
m_transientPlayhead.position = selectedPosition;
m_transientPlayhead.direction = Direction::DOWN;
// Super hackish way to select the direction to point in based on mouse position
// from the center (should work on in either mode, but only tested on 2D)
// This is the first thing due for a cleanup
float minDistance = 10.0f; // Basically infinity...
Vector2 normalizedCoord = Vector2(selectedPosition) *
Vector2(1.0f / (m_width - 1.0f), 1.0f / (m_height - 1.0f));
const Point3& center = normCoordTo3DPoint(normalizedCoord);
float t = mouseRay.intersectionTime(Sphere(center, collisionRadius()));
Point3 intersectionPoint = mouseRay.origin() + mouseRay.direction() * t;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
Vector2 npos = normalizedCoord + Vector2(vecFromDir(Direction(i)))*0.001f;
const Point3& p = normCoordTo3DPoint(npos);
if ((intersectionPoint - p).length() < minDistance) {
minDistance = (intersectionPoint - p).length();
m_transientPlayhead.direction = Direction(i);
if (isPressed) {
bool removed = false;
for (int i = m_playhead.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (selectedPosition == m_playhead[i].position) {
removed = true;
if (!removed) {
示例4: switch
void Player::event(const sf::Event &event)
if (event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed)
switch (event.key.code)
case sf::Keyboard::Left:
if (next != RIGHT)
next = LEFT;
case sf::Keyboard::Right:
if (next != LEFT)
next = RIGHT;
case sf::Keyboard::Up:
if (next != DOWN)
next = UP;
case sf::Keyboard::Down:
if (next != UP)
next = DOWN;
next = Direction(0, 0);
else if (event.type == sf::Event::KeyReleased)
next = Direction(0, 0);
示例5: initializePlanetData
std::vector<PlanetData> initializePlanetData()
std::vector<PlanetData> data(Planet::TypeCount);
data[Planet::Earth].speed = 45.f;
data[Planet::Earth].texutre = Textures::Earth;
data[Planet::Earth].directions.push_back(Direction(20, 1000.f));
data[Planet::Pluton].speed = 50.f;
data[Planet::Pluton].texutre = Textures::Pluton;
data[Planet::Pluton].directions.push_back(Direction(0.f, 1000.f));
data[Planet::AsteroidGreate].speed = 70.f;
data[Planet::AsteroidGreate].texutre = Textures::AsteroidGreate;
data[Planet::AsteroidGreate].directions.push_back(Direction((rand() % 15) * 1.f, 1000.f));
data[Planet::AsteroidAverage].speed = 90.f;
data[Planet::AsteroidAverage].texutre = Textures::AsteroidAverage;
data[Planet::AsteroidAverage].directions.push_back(Direction(-15, 1000.f));
data[Planet::AsteroidLittle].speed = 110.f;
data[Planet::AsteroidLittle].texutre = Textures::AsteroidLittle;
data[Planet::AsteroidLittle].directions.push_back(Direction(10.f, 1000.f));
return data;
示例6: TEST
TEST (Direction, MazeSetDirection_ReturnSetValue)
location_t loc = {3, 4};
direction_t dir = EAST;
EXPECT_EQ (INVALID, Direction (loc));
SetDirection (loc, dir);
EXPECT_EQ (dir, Direction (loc));
示例7: tp0
void RandomModel::treesProduce() {
double y = this->length / 10;
double ty = y;
double ry = 9 * y;
Point tp0(- this->width / 2, ty, TREE_HEIGHT);
Point tp1(this->width / 2, ty, TREE_HEIGHT);
Point tp2(- this->width / 2, ry, TREE_HEIGHT);
Point tp3(this->width / 2, ry, TREE_HEIGHT);
Tree t0(tp0);
Tree t1(tp1);
Tree t2(tp2);
Tree t3(tp3);
double x = this->width / 2;
double y = this->length / 10;
double z = 0;
TreeConfig *tConfig0 = new TreeConfig(3, Point(x, y, z));
Geometry *crown = NULL;
///crown = new Ball(Point(x, y, z+5), 8);
//crown = new BallPart(Point(x, y, z+5), 8, Point(x, y, z+3));
//crown = new Cylinder(Point(x, y, z+15), Point(x, y, z+5), 7);
//crown = new Cone(Point(x, y, z+25), Point(x, y, z+5), 10);
//crown = new Ellipse(Point(x, y, z+13), Point(x, y, z+1), 10, 8);
//crown = new EllipsePart(Point(x, y, z+13), Point(x, y, z+1), 10, 8, Point(x, y, z+8), true);
crown = new Cuboid(Direction(12,0,0), Direction(0,12,0), Direction(0,0,12), Point(x-3, y-4, z+5));
TreeConfig *tConfig1 = new TreeConfig(3, Point(-x, y, z));
TreeConfig *tConfig2 = new TreeConfig(3, Point(x,this->length - y, z));
TreeConfig *tConfig3 = new TreeConfig(3, Point(-x, this->length - y, z));
Tree t0(tConfig0);
Tree t1(tConfig1);
Tree t2(tConfig2);
Tree t3(tConfig3);
示例8: Direction
CircleGroup Field::GetSameColoredCircles( const Coordinate& startCoordinate )const
Direction dirs[ 4 ] =
Direction( 0, 1 ), // <- WEST
Direction( 1, 1 ), // _\| NORD_WEST
Direction( 1, 0 ), // _|_ NORD
Direction( 1, -1 ) // _|/_ NORD_EAST
Coordinate firstCircle;
CircleGroup result;
result.isErase = false;
int count = 0;
int row = 0, col = 0;
int i = 0;
for( i = 0; i < 4; i ++ )
firstCircle = GetFirstCircle( startCoordinate, dirs[ i ] );
row = firstCircle.row ;
col = firstCircle.col ;
count = 0;
while( field[ firstCircle.row ][ firstCircle.col ].color ==
field[ row ][ col ].color &&
row >= 0 && row <= NUMSQUARES &&
col >= 0 && col < NUMSQUARES &&
( field[ row ][ col ].isFilled == true )
row += dirs[ i ].plusToRow;
col += dirs[ i ].plusToCol;
count ++;
if( count >= 5 )
result.countOfCircles = count;
result.firstCircle = firstCircle;
result.isErase = ( count >= 5 ) ? true : false;
result.moveDir = dirs[ i ];
return result;
示例9: Direction
String DumbDirectionSolver::mergeCommands(Point bomb, Direction direction) const {
if (direction == Direction(LL("STOP"))) {
StringStream ss;
if (!bomb.isNull()) {
ss << Direction(LL("ACT")).toString();
if (direction != Direction(LL("NULL"))) {
ss << LL(",");
ss << direction.toString();
return ss.str();
示例10: Direction
Spiral::Direction Spiral::getIdealDirection(Direction current)
if(rotation == Clockwise)
return Direction((current + 1) % Count);
if(current == Up)
return Left;
return Direction(current - 1);
示例11: initializeAircraftData
std::vector<AircraftData> initializeAircraftData(){
std::vector<AircraftData> data(Aircraft::TypeCount);
data[Aircraft::EAGLE].hitpoints = 100;
data[Aircraft::EAGLE].speed = 200.f;
data[Aircraft::EAGLE].texture = Resources::Textures::Entities;
data[Aircraft::EAGLE].textureRect = sf::IntRect(0, 0, 48, 64);
data[Aircraft::EAGLE].hasRollAnimation = true;
data[Aircraft::RAPTOR].hitpoints = 20;
data[Aircraft::RAPTOR].speed = 80;
data[Aircraft::RAPTOR].texture = Resources::Textures::Entities;
data[Aircraft::RAPTOR].textureRect = sf::IntRect(144, 0, 84, 64);
data[Aircraft::RAPTOR].hasRollAnimation = false;
data[Aircraft::RAPTOR].directions.push_back(Direction(+45, 80));
data[Aircraft::RAPTOR].directions.push_back(Direction(-45, 160));
data[Aircraft::RAPTOR].directions.push_back(Direction(+45, 80));
data[Aircraft::AVENGER].hitpoints = 40;
data[Aircraft::AVENGER].speed = 50.f;
data[Aircraft::AVENGER].texture = Resources::Textures::Entities;
data[Aircraft::AVENGER].textureRect = sf::IntRect(228, 0, 60, 59);
data[Aircraft::AVENGER].hasRollAnimation = false;
data[Aircraft::AVENGER].directions.push_back(Direction(+45, 50));
data[Aircraft::AVENGER].directions.push_back(Direction(0, 50));
data[Aircraft::AVENGER].directions.push_back(Direction(-45, 100));
data[Aircraft::AVENGER].directions.push_back(Direction(0, 50));
data[Aircraft::AVENGER].directions.push_back(Direction(+45, 50));
return data;
示例12: BallAIFunction
Direction BallAIFunction(QbertModel* /*model*/)
srand( (unsigned)time(NULL) );
if (LastBox->IsOnPerimeter())
return IntoBox;
if (MovingDirection == OutOfBox)
return Direction(rand() % 4);
if (MovingDirection == Left)
return ((rand() % 2) ? Right: Up);
if (MovingDirection == Right)
return ((rand() % 2) ? Left: Up);
return Direction(rand() % 3);
示例13: ToSlaw
/// Creates a slaw that fully describes a Hand found by the Leap
Slaw ToSlaw (Leap::Hand const& h) const
{ Leap::Vector
phys_origin = Point (h . palmPosition ()),
phys_through = phys_origin + Direction (h . direction ());
return Slaw::Map ("id", h . id (),
"dir", ToSlaw (Direction (h . direction ())),
"plmnrm", ToSlaw (Direction (h . palmNormal ())),
"plmpos", ToSlaw (phys_origin),
"plmvel", ToSlaw (h . palmVelocity ()),
"center", ToSlaw (Direction (h . sphereCenter ())),
"radius", h . sphereRadius (),
"orig", ToSlaw (phys_origin),
"thru", ToSlaw (phys_through));
示例14: if
void Game::areDelayHandleEvent(const SDL_Event &event)
if (event.type == SDL_KEYUP){
SDLKey sym = event.key.keysym.sym;
if (sym == playerData->moveLeft){
dropStatus = NORMAL;
else if (sym == playerData->moveRight){
dropStatus = NORMAL;
if (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN){
SDLKey sym = event.key.keysym.sym;
if (sym == playerData->moveLeft){
dropStatus = ARRLEFT;
else if (sym == playerData->moveRight){
dropStatus = ARRRIGHT;
else if (sym == playerData->rotateLeft){
direction = Direction(
direction == 3? 0: direction + 1);
else if (sym == playerData->rotateRight){
direction = Direction(
direction == 0? 3: direction - 1);
else if (sym == playerData->hardDrop){
pos = getLockPos();
if (!checkBlock(pos, direction)){
} else{
gameStatus = START;
else if (sym == playerData->hold){
if (holdStatus == PREPAREHOLD){
holdStatus = HOLD;
gameStatus = START;
} else{
示例15: ExtremePoint_BinarySearch
\brief 二分查找法,求多边形上方向是u的极点,设凸多边形是逆时针顺序的。
int ExtremePoint_BinarySearch( const Point2D* p, int n, const Vector2D& u)
int a = 0, b = n, m;
int upA = Direction(p[1] - p[0],u) , upM;
if( upA<=0 && !IsAbove(p[n-1],p[0],u) )
return 0;
m = (a + b) / 2;
upM = Direction(p[(m+1)%n] - p[m],u);
if( upM<=0 && !IsAbove(p[m-1],p[m],u) )
return m;
if( upA>0 )
if( upM<0 )
{ //选择[a,m]
b = m;
else if( IsAbove(p[a],p[m],u) )
{ //选择[a,m]
b = m;
{ //选择[m,b]
a = m;
upA = upM;
if( upM>0 )
{ //选择[m,b]
a = m;
upA = upM;
else if( IsBelow(p[a],p[m],u) )
{ //选择[a,m]
b = m;
{ //选择[m,b]
a = m;
upA = upM;
return 0;