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C++ DirToByte函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中DirToByte函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ DirToByte函数的具体用法?C++ DirToByte怎么用?C++ DirToByte使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: MissileImpact

static void MissileImpact( gentity_t *ent, trace_t *trace )
	int       dirAsByte, impactFlags;
	const missileAttributes_t *ma = BG_Missile( ent->s.modelindex );
	gentity_t *hitEnt   = &g_entities[ trace->entityNum ];
	gentity_t *attacker = &g_entities[ ent->r.ownerNum ];

	// Returns whether damage and hit effects should be done and played.
	std::function<int(gentity_t*, trace_t*, gentity_t*)> impactFunc;

	// Check for bounce.
	if ( ent->s.eFlags & ( EF_BOUNCE | EF_BOUNCE_HALF ) &&
	     !HasComponents<HealthComponent>(*hitEnt->entity) )
		BounceMissile( ent, trace );

		if ( !( ent->s.eFlags & EF_NO_BOUNCE_SOUND ) )
			G_AddEvent( ent, EV_GRENADE_BOUNCE, 0 );


	// Call missile specific impact functions.
	switch( ent->s.modelindex )
		case MIS_GRENADE:      impactFunc = ImpactGrenade;     break;
		case MIS_FIREBOMB:     impactFunc = ImpactGrenade;     break;
		case MIS_FLAMER:       impactFunc = ImpactFlamer;      break;
		case MIS_FIREBOMB_SUB: impactFunc = ImpactFirebombSub; break;
		case MIS_LOCKBLOB:     impactFunc = ImpactLockblock;   break;
		case MIS_SLOWBLOB:     impactFunc = ImpactSlowblob;    break;
		case MIS_HIVE:         impactFunc = ImpactHive;        break;
		default:               impactFunc = DefaultImpactFunc; break;

	impactFlags = impactFunc( ent, trace, hitEnt );

	// Deal impact damage.
	if ( !( impactFlags & MIF_NO_DAMAGE ) )
		if ( ent->damage && G_Alive( hitEnt ) )
			vec3_t dir;

			BG_EvaluateTrajectoryDelta( &ent->s.pos, level.time, dir );

			if ( VectorNormalize( dir ) == 0 )
				dir[ 2 ] = 1; // stepped on a grenade

			int dflags = 0;
			if ( !ma->doLocationalDamage ) dflags |= DAMAGE_NO_LOCDAMAGE;
			if ( ma->doKnockback )         dflags |= DAMAGE_KNOCKBACK;

			hitEnt->entity->Damage(ent->damage * MissileTimeDmgMod(ent), attacker,
			                       Vec3::Load(trace->endpos), Vec3::Load(dir), dflags,

		// splash damage (doesn't apply to person directly hit)
		if ( ent->splashDamage )
			G_RadiusDamage( trace->endpos, ent->parent,
			                ent->splashDamage * MissileTimeSplashDmgMod( ent ),
			                ent->splashRadius, hitEnt, ( ma->doKnockback ? DAMAGE_KNOCKBACK : 0 ),
			                ent->splashMethodOfDeath );

	// Play hit effects and remove the missile.
	if ( !( impactFlags & MIF_NO_EFFECT ) )
		// Use either the trajectory direction or the surface normal for the hit event.
		if ( ma->impactFlightDirection )
			vec3_t trajDir;
			BG_EvaluateTrajectoryDelta( &ent->s.pos, level.time, trajDir );
			VectorNormalize( trajDir );
			dirAsByte = DirToByte( trajDir );
			dirAsByte = DirToByte( trace->plane.normal );

		// Add hit event.
		if ( HasComponents<HealthComponent>(*hitEnt->entity) )
			G_AddEvent( ent, EV_MISSILE_HIT_ENTITY, dirAsByte );

			ent->s.otherEntityNum = hitEnt->s.number;
		else if ( trace->surfaceFlags & SURF_METAL )
			G_AddEvent( ent, EV_MISSILE_HIT_METAL, dirAsByte );

示例2: weapon_railgun_fire

void weapon_railgun_fire (gentity_t *ent) {
	vec3_t		end;
	vec3_t impactpoint, bouncedir;
	trace_t		trace;
	gentity_t	*tent;
	gentity_t	*traceEnt;
	int			damage;
	int			i;
	int			hits;
	int			unlinked;
	int			passent;
	gentity_t	*unlinkedEntities[MAX_RAIL_HITS];

	damage = 100 * s_quadFactor;

	VectorMA (g_muzzle, 8192, forward, end);

	// trace only against the solids, so the railgun will go through people
	unlinked = 0;
	hits = 0;
	passent = ent->s.number;
	do {
		trap_Trace (&trace, g_muzzle, NULL, NULL, end, passent, MASK_SHOT );
		if ( trace.entityNum >= ENTITYNUM_MAX_NORMAL ) {
		traceEnt = &g_entities[ trace.entityNum ];
		if ( traceEnt->takedamage ) {
			if ( traceEnt->client && traceEnt->client->invulnerabilityTime > level.time ) {
				if ( G_InvulnerabilityEffect( traceEnt, forward, trace.endpos, impactpoint, bouncedir ) ) {
					G_BounceProjectile( g_muzzle, impactpoint, bouncedir, end );
					// snap the endpos to integers to save net bandwidth, but nudged towards the line
					SnapVectorTowards( trace.endpos, g_muzzle );
					// send railgun beam effect
					tent = G_TempEntity( trace.endpos, EV_RAILTRAIL );
					// set player number for custom colors on the railtrail
					tent->s.clientNum = ent->s.clientNum;
					VectorCopy( g_muzzle, tent->s.origin2 );
					// move origin a bit to come closer to the drawn gun muzzle
					VectorMA( tent->s.origin2, 4, right, tent->s.origin2 );
					VectorMA( tent->s.origin2, -1, up, tent->s.origin2 );
					tent->s.eventParm = 255;	// don't make the explosion at the end
					VectorCopy( impactpoint, g_muzzle );
					// the player can hit him/herself with the bounced rail
					passent = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
			else {
				if( LogAccuracyHit( traceEnt, ent ) ) {
				G_Damage (traceEnt, ent, ent, forward, trace.endpos, damage, 0, MOD_RAILGUN);
				if( LogAccuracyHit( traceEnt, ent ) ) {
				G_Damage (traceEnt, ent, ent, forward, trace.endpos, damage, 0, MOD_RAILGUN);
		if ( trace.contents & CONTENTS_SOLID ) {
			break;		// we hit something solid enough to stop the beam
		// unlink this entity, so the next trace will go past it
		trap_UnlinkEntity( traceEnt );
		unlinkedEntities[unlinked] = traceEnt;
	} while ( unlinked < MAX_RAIL_HITS );

	// link back in any entities we unlinked
	for ( i = 0 ; i < unlinked ; i++ ) {
		trap_LinkEntity( unlinkedEntities[i] );

	// the final trace endpos will be the terminal point of the rail trail

	// snap the endpos to integers to save net bandwidth, but nudged towards the line
	SnapVectorTowards( trace.endpos, g_muzzle );

	// send railgun beam effect
	tent = G_TempEntity( trace.endpos, EV_RAILTRAIL );

	// set player number for custom colors on the railtrail
	tent->s.clientNum = ent->s.clientNum;

	VectorCopy( g_muzzle, tent->s.origin2 );
	// move origin a bit to come closer to the drawn gun muzzle
	VectorMA( tent->s.origin2, 4, right, tent->s.origin2 );
	VectorMA( tent->s.origin2, -1, up, tent->s.origin2 );

	// no explosion at end if SURF_NOIMPACT, but still make the trail
	if ( trace.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT ) {
		tent->s.eventParm = 255;	// don't make the explosion at the end
	} else {
		tent->s.eventParm = DirToByte( trace.plane.normal );

示例3: W_Fire_Electrobolt_FullInstant

void W_Fire_Electrobolt_FullInstant( edict_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t dir, float maxdamage, float mindamage, int maxknockback, int minknockback, int stun, int range, int minDamageRange, int mod, int timeDelta ) {
	vec3_t from, end;
	trace_t tr;
	edict_t *ignore, *event, *hit;
	int hit_movetype;
	int mask;
	bool missed = true;
	int dmgflags = 0;

#define FULL_DAMAGE_RANGE g_projectile_prestep->value

	if( GS_Instagib() ) {
		maxdamage = mindamage = 9999;

	VectorMA( start, range, dir, end );
	VectorCopy( start, from );

	ignore = self;
	hit = NULL;

	mask = MASK_SHOT;
	if( GS_RaceGametype() ) {
		mask = MASK_SOLID;

	clamp_high( mindamage, maxdamage );
	clamp_high( minknockback, maxknockback );
	clamp_high( minDamageRange, range );

	if( minDamageRange <= FULL_DAMAGE_RANGE ) {
		minDamageRange = FULL_DAMAGE_RANGE + 1;

	if( range <= FULL_DAMAGE_RANGE + 1 ) {
		range = FULL_DAMAGE_RANGE + 1;

	tr.ent = -1;
	while( ignore ) {
		G_Trace4D( &tr, from, NULL, NULL, end, ignore, mask, timeDelta );

		VectorCopy( tr.endpos, from );
		ignore = NULL;

		if( tr.ent == -1 ) {

		// some entity was touched
		hit = &game.edicts[tr.ent];
		hit_movetype = hit->movetype; // backup the original movetype as the entity may "die"
		if( hit == world ) { // stop dead if hit the world

		// allow trail to go through BBOX entities (players, gibs, etc)
		if( !ISBRUSHMODEL( hit->s.modelindex ) ) {
			ignore = hit;

		if( ( hit != self ) && ( hit->takedamage ) ) {
			float frac, damage, knockback, dist;

			dist = DistanceFast( tr.endpos, start );
			if( dist <= FULL_DAMAGE_RANGE ) {
				frac = 0.0f;
			} else {
				frac = ( dist - FULL_DAMAGE_RANGE ) / (float)( minDamageRange - FULL_DAMAGE_RANGE );
				clamp( frac, 0.0f, 1.0f );

			damage = maxdamage - ( ( maxdamage - mindamage ) * frac );
			knockback = maxknockback - ( ( maxknockback - minknockback ) * frac );

			G_Damage( hit, self, self, dir, dir, tr.endpos, damage, knockback, stun, dmgflags, mod );

			// spawn a impact event on each damaged ent
			event = G_SpawnEvent( EV_BOLT_EXPLOSION, DirToByte( tr.plane.normal ), tr.endpos );
			event->s.firemode = FIRE_MODE_STRONG;
			if( hit->r.client ) {
				missed = false;

		if( hit_movetype == MOVETYPE_NONE || hit_movetype == MOVETYPE_PUSH ) {

	if( missed && self->r.client ) {
		G_AwardPlayerMissedElectrobolt( self, mod );

	// send the weapon fire effect
	event = G_SpawnEvent( EV_ELECTROTRAIL, ENTNUM( self ), start );
	VectorScale( dir, 1024, event->s.origin2 );
	event->s.firemode = FIRE_MODE_STRONG;


示例4: G_ExplodeIntoNails

void G_ExplodeIntoNails(gentity_t * ent)
	float           angle, angle2;
	vec3_t          forward, forward2, up;
	vec3_t          nailForward, nailRight, nailUp;
	vec3_t          dir;
	vec3_t          origin;

	BG_EvaluateTrajectory(&ent->s.pos, level.time, origin);
	G_SetOrigin(ent, origin);

	// we don't have a valid direction, so just point straight up
	dir[0] = dir[1] = 0;
	dir[2] = 1;

	// Tr3B: don't change the entity type because it is required by the EV_PROJECTILE_* events
	// the ent->freeAfterEvent = qtrue; will do the same effect
	//ent->s.eType = ET_GENERAL;

	G_AddEvent(ent, EV_PROJECTILE_MISS, DirToByte(dir));

	ent->freeAfterEvent = qtrue;

	// splash damage
		if(G_RadiusDamage(ent->r.currentOrigin, ent->parent, ent->splashDamage, ent->splashRadius, ent, ent->splashMethodOfDeath))

	// create orthogonal vector to main direction
	PerpendicularVector(dir, forward);
	//VectorScale(forward, 40, forward);

	origin[2] += 10;

	// spread nails in all directions
	for(angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += 60.0f)
		RotatePointAroundVector(forward2, dir, forward, angle);

		for(angle2 = 0; angle2 < 360; angle2 += 60.0f)
			RotatePointAroundVector(up, forward, dir, angle2);

			VectorAdd(forward2, up, nailForward);

			PerpendicularVector(nailRight, nailForward);
			CrossProduct(nailForward, nailRight, nailUp);
#if 1
			fire_gravnail(ent, origin, nailForward, nailRight, nailUp);
			VectorAdd(forward2, dir, forward2);
			fire_clustergrenade(ent, origin, forward2);


示例5: MSG_WriteDir

void MSG_WriteDir( msg_t *msg, vec3_t dir )
	MSG_WriteByte( msg, dir ? DirToByte( dir ) : 0 );

示例6: G_MissileImpact


void G_MissileImpact( gentity_t *ent, trace_t *trace )
    gentity_t   *other, *attacker;
    qboolean    returnAfterDamage = qfalse;
    vec3_t      dir;

    other = &g_entities[ trace->entityNum ];
    attacker = &g_entities[ ent->r.ownerNum ];

    // check for bounce
    if( !other->takedamage &&
            ( ent->s.eFlags & ( EF_BOUNCE | EF_BOUNCE_HALF ) ) && strcmp( ent->classname, "acidbomb" ) )//ROTAXfun pokud je to acidbomba, pouzije vlastni zvuk a ne granatovej
        G_BounceMissile( ent, trace );

        //only play a sound if requested
        if( !( ent->s.eFlags & EF_NO_BOUNCE_SOUND ) )
            G_AddEvent( ent, EV_GRENADE_BOUNCE, 0 );


    if( !strcmp( ent->classname, "grenade" ) )
        //grenade doesn't explode on impact
        G_BounceMissile( ent, trace );

        //only play a sound if requested
        if( !( ent->s.eFlags & EF_NO_BOUNCE_SOUND ) )
            G_AddEvent( ent, EV_GRENADE_BOUNCE, 0 );

    else if( !strcmp( ent->classname, "mine" ) )//ROTAXfun
        //grenade doesn't explode on impact
        G_BounceMissile( ent, trace );

        //only play a sound if requested
        if( !( ent->s.eFlags & EF_NO_BOUNCE_SOUND ) )
            G_AddEvent( ent, EV_GRENADE_BOUNCE, 0 );

    else if( !strcmp( ent->classname, "flare" ) )//ROTAXfun
        //grenade doesn't explode on impact
        G_BounceMissile( ent, trace );

        //only play a sound if requested
        if( !( ent->s.eFlags & EF_NO_BOUNCE_SOUND ) )
            G_AddEvent( ent, EV_GRENADE_BOUNCE, 0 );

    else if( !strcmp( ent->classname, "lockblob" ) )
        if( other->client && other->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS )
            other->client->ps.stats[ STAT_STATE ] |= SS_BLOBLOCKED;
            other->client->lastLockTime = level.time;
            AngleVectors( other->client->ps.viewangles, dir, NULL, NULL );
            other->client->ps.stats[ STAT_VIEWLOCK ] = DirToByte( dir );
    else if( !strcmp( ent->classname, "slowblob" ) )
        if( other->client && other->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS )
            other->client->ps.stats[ STAT_STATE ] |= SS_SLOWLOCKED;
            other->client->lastSlowTime = level.time;
            AngleVectors( other->client->ps.viewangles, dir, NULL, NULL );
            other->client->ps.stats[ STAT_VIEWLOCK ] = DirToByte( dir );
    else if( !strcmp( ent->classname, "acidbomb" ) )//ROTAXfun
        //bomb doesn't explode on impact
        G_BounceMissile( ent, trace );

        //only play a sound if requested
        if( !( ent->s.eFlags & EF_NO_BOUNCE_SOUND ) )
            G_AddEvent( ent, EV_ACIDBOMB_BOUNCE, 0 );

    else if( !strcmp( ent->classname, "hive" ) )
        if( other->s.eType == ET_BUILDABLE && other->s.modelindex == BA_A_HIVE )
            if( !ent->parent )
                G_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: hive entity has no parent in G_MissileImpact\n" );
                ent->parent->active = qfalse;

示例7: G_MissileImpact


void G_MissileImpact( gentity_t *ent, trace_t *trace )
	gentity_t *other, *attacker;
	qboolean  returnAfterDamage = qfalse;
	vec3_t    dir;
	float     power;

	other = &g_entities[ trace->entityNum ];
	attacker = &g_entities[ ent->r.ownerNum ];

	// check for bounce
	if ( !other->takedamage &&
	     ( ent->s.eFlags & ( EF_BOUNCE | EF_BOUNCE_HALF ) ) )
		G_BounceMissile( ent, trace );

		//only play a sound if requested
		if ( !( ent->s.eFlags & EF_NO_BOUNCE_SOUND ) )
			G_AddEvent( ent, EV_GRENADE_BOUNCE, 0 );


	if ( !strcmp( ent->classname, "grenade" ) )
		//grenade doesn't explode on impact
		G_BounceMissile( ent, trace );

		//only play a sound if requested
		if ( !( ent->s.eFlags & EF_NO_BOUNCE_SOUND ) )
			G_AddEvent( ent, EV_GRENADE_BOUNCE, 0 );

	else if ( !strcmp( ent->classname, "lockblob" ) )
		if ( other->client && other->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS )
			other->client->ps.stats[ STAT_STATE ] |= SS_BLOBLOCKED;
			other->client->lastLockTime = level.time;
			AngleVectors( other->client->ps.viewangles, dir, NULL, NULL );
			other->client->ps.stats[ STAT_VIEWLOCK ] = DirToByte( dir );
	else if ( !strcmp( ent->classname, "slowblob" ) )
		if ( other->client && other->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS )
			other->client->ps.stats[ STAT_STATE ] |= SS_SLOWLOCKED;
			other->client->lastSlowTime = level.time;
			AngleVectors( other->client->ps.viewangles, dir, NULL, NULL );
			other->client->ps.stats[ STAT_VIEWLOCK ] = DirToByte( dir );
	else if ( !strcmp( ent->classname, "hive" ) )
		if ( other->s.eType == ET_BUILDABLE && other->s.modelindex == BA_A_HIVE )
			if ( !ent->parent )
				G_Printf( S_WARNING "hive entity has no parent in G_MissileImpact\n" );
				ent->parent->active = qfalse;

			G_FreeEntity( ent );
			//prevent collision with the client when returning
			ent->r.ownerNum = other->s.number;

			ent->think = G_ExplodeMissile;
			ent->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME;

			//only damage humans
			if ( other->client && other->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS )
				returnAfterDamage = qtrue;


示例8: fire_lead

void fire_lead( gentity_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t dir, int damage ) {

	trace_t tr;
	vec3_t end;
	gentity_t       *tent;
	gentity_t       *traceEnt;
	vec3_t forward, right, up;
	vec3_t angles;
	float r, u;
	qboolean anti_tank_enable = qfalse;

	r = crandom() * self->random;
	u = crandom() * self->random;

	vectoangles( dir, angles );
	AngleVectors( angles, forward, right, up );

	VectorMA( start, 8192, forward, end );
	VectorMA( end, r, right, end );
	VectorMA( end, u, up, end );

	trap_Trace( &tr, start, NULL, NULL, end, self->s.number, MASK_SHOT );
	if ( tr.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT ) {

	traceEnt = &g_entities[ tr.entityNum ];

	// snap the endpos to integers, but nudged towards the line
	SnapVectorTowards( tr.endpos, start );

	// send bullet impact
	if ( traceEnt->takedamage && traceEnt->client ) {
		tent = G_TempEntity( tr.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_FLESH );
		tent->s.eventParm = traceEnt->s.number;
	} else {
		// Ridah, bullet impact should reflect off surface
		vec3_t reflect;
		float dot;

		tent = G_TempEntity( tr.endpos, EV_BULLET_HIT_WALL );

		dot = DotProduct( forward, tr.plane.normal );
		VectorMA( forward, -2 * dot, tr.plane.normal, reflect );
		VectorNormalize( reflect );

		tent->s.eventParm = DirToByte( reflect );
		// done.
	tent->s.otherEntityNum = self->s.number;

	if ( traceEnt->takedamage ) {

		if ( self->s.weapon == WP_SNIPER
			 && traceEnt->s.eType == ET_MOVER
			 && traceEnt->aiName[0] ) {
			anti_tank_enable = qtrue;

		if ( anti_tank_enable ) {
			self->s.weapon = WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER;

		G_Damage( traceEnt, self, self, forward, tr.endpos,
				  damage, 0, MOD_MACHINEGUN );

		if ( anti_tank_enable ) {
			self->s.weapon = WP_SNIPER;



示例9: G_MissileImpact

	impactDamage is how much damage the impact will do to func_explosives
void G_MissileImpact( gentity_t *ent, trace_t *trace, int impactDamage ) {
	gentity_t       *other;
	qboolean hitClient = qfalse;
	vec3_t velocity;
	int etype;

	other = &g_entities[trace->entityNum];

	// handle func_explosives
	if ( other->classname && Q_stricmp( other->classname, "func_explosive" ) == 0 ) {
		// the damage is sufficient to "break" the ent (health == 0 is non-breakable)
		if ( other->health && impactDamage >= other->health ) {
			// check for other->takedamage needs to be inside the health check since it is
			// likely that, if successfully destroyed by the missile, in the next runmissile()
			// update takedamage would be set to '0' and the func_explosive would not be
			// removed yet, causing a bounce.
			if ( other->takedamage ) {
				BG_EvaluateTrajectoryDelta( &ent->s.pos, level.time, velocity );
				G_Damage( other, ent, &g_entities[ent->r.ownerNum], velocity, ent->s.origin, impactDamage, 0, ent->methodOfDeath );

			// its possible of the func_explosive not to die from this and it
			// should reflect the missile or explode it not vanish into oblivion
			if ( other->health <= 0 ) {

	// check for bounce
	if ( !other->takedamage &&
		 ( ent->s.eFlags & ( EF_BOUNCE | EF_BOUNCE_HALF ) ) ) {
		G_BounceMissile( ent, trace );
		// JPW NERVE -- spotter White Phosphorous rounds shouldn't bounce noise
		if ( !Q_stricmp( ent->classname,"WP" ) ) {
		// jpw
		if ( !Q_stricmp( ent->classname, "flamebarrel" ) ) {
			G_AddEvent( ent, EV_FLAMEBARREL_BOUNCE, 0 );
		} else {
			G_AddEvent( ent, EV_GRENADE_BOUNCE, 0 );

	if ( other->takedamage && ent->s.density == 1 ) {
		G_ExplodeMissilePoisonGas( ent );

	// impact damage
	if ( other->takedamage ) {
		if ( ent->damage ) {

			if ( LogAccuracyHit( other, &g_entities[ent->r.ownerNum] ) ) {
				if ( g_entities[ent->r.ownerNum].client ) {
				hitClient = qtrue;
			BG_EvaluateTrajectoryDelta( &ent->s.pos, level.time, velocity );
			if ( VectorLength( velocity ) == 0 ) {
				velocity[2] = 1;    // stepped on a grenade
			G_Damage( other, ent, &g_entities[ent->r.ownerNum], velocity,
					  ent->s.origin, ent->damage,
					  0, ent->methodOfDeath );
		} else    // if no damage value, then this is a splash damage grenade only
			G_BounceMissile( ent, trace );

	// is it cheaper in bandwidth to just remove this ent and create a new
	// one, rather than changing the missile into the explosion?

	if ( other->takedamage && other->client ) {
		G_AddEvent( ent, EV_MISSILE_HIT, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal ) );
		ent->s.otherEntityNum = other->s.number;
	} else {
		// Ridah, try projecting it in the direction it came from, for better decals
		vec3_t dir;
		BG_EvaluateTrajectoryDelta( &ent->s.pos, level.time, dir );
		BG_GetMarkDir( dir, trace->plane.normal, dir );
		G_AddEvent( ent, EV_MISSILE_MISS, DirToByte( dir ) );

	ent->freeAfterEvent = qtrue;

	// change over to a normal entity right at the point of impact
	etype = ent->s.eType;
	ent->s.eType = ET_GENERAL;

示例10: CheckPounceAttack

qboolean CheckPounceAttack( gentity_t *ent )
  trace_t   tr;
  vec3_t    end;
  gentity_t *tent;
  gentity_t *traceEnt;
  int       damage;
  vec3_t    mins, maxs;


  if( !ent->client->allowedToPounce )
    return qfalse;

  if( ent->client->ps.groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE )
    ent->client->allowedToPounce = qfalse;
    return qfalse;

  if( ent->client->ps.weaponTime )
    return qfalse;

  // set aiming directions
  AngleVectors( ent->client->ps.viewangles, forward, right, up );

  CalcMuzzlePoint( ent, forward, right, up, muzzle );

  VectorMA( muzzle, LEVEL3_POUNCE_RANGE, forward, end );

  trap_Trace( &tr, ent->s.origin, mins, maxs, end, ent->s.number, MASK_SHOT );

  if( tr.fraction >= 1.0 )
    return qfalse;

  if( tr.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT )
    return qfalse;

  traceEnt = &g_entities[ tr.entityNum ];

  // send blood impact
  if( traceEnt->takedamage && traceEnt->client )
    tent = G_TempEntity( tr.endpos, EV_MISSILE_HIT );
    tent->s.otherEntityNum = traceEnt->s.number;
    tent->s.eventParm = DirToByte( tr.plane.normal );
    tent->s.weapon = ent->s.weapon;
    tent->s.generic1 = ent->s.generic1; //weaponMode

  if( !traceEnt->takedamage )
    return qfalse;

  damage = (int)( ( (float)ent->client->pouncePayload / (float)LEVEL3_POUNCE_SPEED ) * LEVEL3_POUNCE_DMG );

  G_Damage( traceEnt, ent, ent, forward, tr.endpos, damage,

  ent->client->ps.weaponTime += LEVEL3_POUNCE_TIME;
  ent->client->allowedToPounce = qfalse;

  return qtrue;

示例11: CheckVenomAttack

qboolean CheckVenomAttack( gentity_t *ent )
  trace_t   tr;
  vec3_t    end;
  gentity_t *tent;
  gentity_t *traceEnt;
  vec3_t    mins, maxs;
  int       damage = LEVEL0_BITE_DMG;


  // set aiming directions
  AngleVectors( ent->client->ps.viewangles, forward, right, up );

  CalcMuzzlePoint( ent, forward, right, up, muzzle );

  VectorMA( muzzle, LEVEL0_BITE_RANGE, forward, end );

  trap_Trace( &tr, muzzle, mins, maxs, end, ent->s.number, MASK_SHOT );

  if( tr.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT )
    return qfalse;

  traceEnt = &g_entities[ tr.entityNum ];

  if( !traceEnt->takedamage )
    return qfalse;

  if( !traceEnt->client && !traceEnt->s.eType == ET_BUILDABLE )
    return qfalse;

  //allow bites to work against defensive buildables only
  if( traceEnt->s.eType == ET_BUILDABLE )
    if( traceEnt->s.modelindex != BA_H_MGTURRET &&
        traceEnt->s.modelindex != BA_H_TESLAGEN )
      return qfalse;

    damage *= 0.5f;

  if( traceEnt->client )
    if( traceEnt->client->ps.stats[ STAT_PTEAM ] == PTE_ALIENS )
      return qfalse;
    if( traceEnt->client->ps.stats[ STAT_HEALTH ] <= 0 )
      return qfalse;

  // send blood impact
  if( traceEnt->takedamage && traceEnt->client )
    tent = G_TempEntity( tr.endpos, EV_MISSILE_HIT );
    tent->s.otherEntityNum = traceEnt->s.number;
    tent->s.eventParm = DirToByte( tr.plane.normal );
    tent->s.weapon = ent->s.weapon;
    tent->s.generic1 = ent->s.generic1; //weaponMode

  G_Damage( traceEnt, ent, ent, forward, tr.endpos, damage, DAMAGE_NO_KNOCKBACK, MOD_LEVEL0_BITE );

  return qtrue;

示例12: G_MissileImpact


	// check for sticking
	if ( !other->takedamage && ( ent->s.eFlags & EF_MISSILE_STICK ) ) 
		laserTrapStick( ent, trace->endpos, trace->plane.normal );
		G_AddEvent( ent, EV_MISSILE_STICK, 0 );

	// impact damage
	if (other->takedamage && !isKnockedSaber) {
		// FIXME: wrong damage direction?
		weaponData_t *weapon = GetWeaponData (ent->s.weapon, ent->s.weaponVariation);
		weaponFireModeStats_t *fireMode = &weapon->firemodes[ent->s.firingMode];
		if ( ent->damage || fireMode->damageTypeHandle || fireMode->secondaryDmgHandle ) {
			vec3_t	velocity;

			hitClient = qtrue;
			BG_EvaluateTrajectoryDelta( &ent->s.pos, level.time, velocity );
			if ( VectorLength( velocity ) == 0 ) {
				velocity[2] = 1;	// stepped on a grenade

            if ( fireMode->damageTypeHandle )
                JKG_DoDamage (fireMode->damageTypeHandle, other, ent, &g_entities[ent->r.ownerNum], velocity, ent->r.currentOrigin, 0, ent->methodOfDeath);
            else if ( ent->damage )
                G_Damage (other, ent, &g_entities[ent->r.ownerNum], velocity, ent->r.currentOrigin, ent->damage, 0, ent->methodOfDeath);
            if ( fireMode->secondaryDmgHandle )
                JKG_DoDamage (fireMode->secondaryDmgHandle, other, ent, &g_entities[ent->r.ownerNum], velocity, ent->r.currentOrigin, 0, ent->methodOfDeath);

			if (other->client)
			{ //What I'm wondering is why this isn't in the NPC pain funcs. But this is what SP does, so whatever.
				class_t	npc_class = other->client->NPC_class;

				// If we are a robot and we aren't currently doing the full body electricity...
				if ( npc_class == CLASS_SEEKER || npc_class == CLASS_PROBE || npc_class == CLASS_MOUSE ||
					   npc_class == CLASS_GONK || npc_class == CLASS_R2D2 || npc_class == CLASS_R5D2 || npc_class == CLASS_REMOTE ||
					   npc_class == CLASS_MARK1 || npc_class == CLASS_MARK2 || //npc_class == CLASS_PROTOCOL ||//no protocol, looks odd
					   npc_class == CLASS_INTERROGATOR || npc_class == CLASS_ATST || npc_class == CLASS_SENTRY )
					// special droid only behaviors
					if ( other->client->ps.electrifyTime < level.time + 100 )
						// ... do the effect for a split second for some more feedback
						other->client->ps.electrifyTime = level.time + 450;
					//FIXME: throw some sparks off droids,too
	// is it cheaper in bandwidth to just remove this ent and create a new
	// one, rather than changing the missile into the explosion?

	if ( other->takedamage && other->client && !isKnockedSaber ) {
			G_AddEvent( ent, EV_MISSILE_HIT, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal ) );
			ent->s.otherEntityNum = other->s.number;
	} else if( trace->surfaceFlags & SURF_METALSTEPS ) {
		G_AddEvent( ent, EV_MISSILE_MISS_METAL, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal ) );
	} else if (ent->s.weapon != G2_MODEL_PART && !isKnockedSaber) {
		G_AddEvent( ent, EV_MISSILE_MISS, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal ) );

	if (!isKnockedSaber)
		ent->freeAfterEvent = qtrue;

		// change over to a normal entity right at the point of impact
		ent->s.eType = ET_GENERAL;

	SnapVectorTowards( trace->endpos, ent->s.pos.trBase );	// save net bandwidth

	G_SetOrigin( ent, trace->endpos );

	ent->takedamage = qfalse;

	if (ent->s.weapon == G2_MODEL_PART)
		ent->freeAfterEvent = qfalse; //it will free itself

	if(ent->splashRadius && ent->splashDamage && !ent->genericValue10)
		G_RadiusDamage(trace->endpos, &g_entities[ent->r.ownerNum], ent->splashDamage, ent->splashRadius, NULL, ent, ent->methodOfDeath);

	trap->LinkEntity( (sharedEntity_t *)ent );

示例13: G_MissileImpact

                        npc_class == CLASS_MARK1 || npc_class == CLASS_MARK2 || //npc_class == CLASS_PROTOCOL ||//no protocol, looks odd
                        npc_class == CLASS_INTERROGATOR || npc_class == CLASS_ATST || npc_class == CLASS_SENTRY )
                    // special droid only behaviors
                    if ( other->client->ps.electrifyTime < level.time + 100 )
                        // ... do the effect for a split second for some more feedback
                        other->client->ps.electrifyTime = level.time + 450;
                    //FIXME: throw some sparks off droids,too

        if ( ent->s.weapon == WP_DEMP2 )
        {   //a hit with demp2 decloaks people, disables ships
            if ( other && other->client && other->client->NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE )
            {   //hit a vehicle
                if ( other->m_pVehicle //valid vehicle ent
                        && other->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo//valid stats
                        && (other->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_SPEEDER//always affect speeders
                            ||(other->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_FIGHTER && ent->classname && Q_stricmp("vehicle_proj", ent->classname ) == 0) )//only vehicle ion weapons affect a fighter in this manner
                        && !FighterIsLanded( other->m_pVehicle , &other->client->ps )//not landed
                        && !(other->spawnflags&2) )//and not suspended
                {   //vehicles hit by "ion cannons" lose control
                    if ( other->client->ps.electrifyTime > level.time )
                    {   //add onto it
                        //FIXME: extern the length of the "out of control" time?
                        other->client->ps.electrifyTime += Q_irand(200,500);
                        if ( other->client->ps.electrifyTime > level.time + 4000 )
                        {   //cap it
                            other->client->ps.electrifyTime = level.time + 4000;
                    {   //start it
                        //FIXME: extern the length of the "out of control" time?
                        other->client->ps.electrifyTime = level.time + Q_irand(200,500);
            else if ( other && other->client && other->client->ps.powerups[PW_CLOAKED] )
                Jedi_Decloak( other );
                if ( ent->methodOfDeath == MOD_DEMP2_ALT )
                {   //direct hit with alt disables cloak forever
                    //permanently disable the saboteur's cloak
                    other->client->cloakToggleTime = Q3_INFINITE;
                {   //temp disable
                    other->client->cloakToggleTime = level.time + Q_irand( 3000, 10000 );
    // is it cheaper in bandwidth to just remove this ent and create a new
    // one, rather than changing the missile into the explosion?

    if ( other->takedamage && other->client && !isKnockedSaber ) {
        G_AddEvent( ent, EV_MISSILE_HIT, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal ) );
        ent->s.otherEntityNum = other->s.number;
    } else if( trace->surfaceFlags & SURF_METALSTEPS ) {
        G_AddEvent( ent, EV_MISSILE_MISS_METAL, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal ) );
    } else if (ent->s.weapon != G2_MODEL_PART && !isKnockedSaber) {
        G_AddEvent( ent, EV_MISSILE_MISS, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal ) );

    if (!isKnockedSaber)
        ent->freeAfterEvent = qtrue;

        // change over to a normal entity right at the point of impact
        ent->s.eType = ET_GENERAL;

    SnapVectorTowards( trace->endpos, ent->s.pos.trBase );	// save net bandwidth

    G_SetOrigin( ent, trace->endpos );

    ent->takedamage = qfalse;
    // splash damage (doesn't apply to person directly hit)
    if ( ent->splashDamage ) {
        if( G_RadiusDamage( trace->endpos, ent->parent, ent->splashDamage, ent->splashRadius,
                            other, ent, ent->splashMethodOfDeath ) ) {
            if( !hitClient
                    && g_entities[ent->r.ownerNum].client ) {

    if (ent->s.weapon == G2_MODEL_PART)
        ent->freeAfterEvent = qfalse; //it will free itself

    trap_LinkEntity( ent );

示例14: target_laser_think

//QUAKED target_laser (0 .5 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) START_ON RED GREEN BLUE YELLOW ORANGE FAT
//When triggered, fires a laser.  You can either set a target or a direction.
//-------- KEYS --------
//angles: alternate "pitch, yaw, roll" angles method of aiming laser (default 0 0 0).
//target : point this to a target_position entity to set the laser's aiming direction.
//targetname : the activating trigger points to this.
//notsingle : when set to 1, entity will not spawn in Single Player mode
//notfree : when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Free for all" and "Tournament" modes.
//notduel : when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Teamplay" and "CTF" modes. (jal: todo)
//notteam : when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Teamplay" and "CTF" modes.
//-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
//START_ON : when set, the laser will start on in the game.
//RED :
//FAT :
static void target_laser_think( edict_t *self )
	edict_t	*ignore;
	vec3_t start;
	vec3_t end;
	trace_t	tr;
	vec3_t point;
	vec3_t last_movedir;
	int count;

	// our lifetime has expired
	if( self->delay && ( self->wait * 1000 < level.time ) )
		if( self->r.owner && self->r.owner->use )
			G_CallUse( self->r.owner, self, self->activator );

		G_FreeEdict( self );

	if( self->spawnflags & 0x80000000 )
		count = 8;
		count = 4;

	if( self->enemy )
		VectorCopy( self->moveinfo.movedir, last_movedir );
		VectorMA( self->enemy->r.absmin, 0.5, self->enemy->r.size, point );
		VectorSubtract( point, self->s.origin, self->moveinfo.movedir );
		VectorNormalize( self->moveinfo.movedir );
		if( !VectorCompare( self->moveinfo.movedir, last_movedir ) )
			self->spawnflags |= 0x80000000;

	ignore = self;
	VectorCopy( self->s.origin, start );
	VectorMA( start, 2048, self->moveinfo.movedir, end );
	VectorClear( tr.endpos ); // shut up compiler
	while( 1 )
		G_Trace( &tr, start, NULL, NULL, end, ignore, MASK_SHOT );
		if( tr.fraction == 1 )

		// hurt it if we can
		if( ( game.edicts[tr.ent].takedamage ) && !( game.edicts[tr.ent].flags & FL_IMMUNE_LASER ) )
			if( game.edicts[tr.ent].r.client && self->activator->r.client )
				if( !GS_TeamBasedGametype() ||
					game.edicts[tr.ent].s.team != self->activator->s.team )
					G_Damage( &game.edicts[tr.ent], self, self->activator, self->moveinfo.movedir, self->moveinfo.movedir, tr.endpos, self->dmg, 1, 0, 0, self->count );
				G_Damage( &game.edicts[tr.ent], self, self->activator, self->moveinfo.movedir, self->moveinfo.movedir, tr.endpos, self->dmg, 1, 0, 0, self->count );

		// if we hit something that's not a monster or player or is immune to lasers, we're done
		if( !game.edicts[tr.ent].r.client )
			if( self->spawnflags & 0x80000000 )
				edict_t *event;

				self->spawnflags &= ~0x80000000;

				event = G_SpawnEvent( EV_LASER_SPARKS, DirToByte( tr.plane.normal ), tr.endpos );
				event->s.eventCount = count;
				event->s.colorRGBA = self->s.colorRGBA;

		ignore = &game.edicts[tr.ent];
		VectorCopy( tr.endpos, start );

	VectorCopy( tr.endpos, self->s.origin2 );
	G_SetBoundsForSpanEntity( self, 8 );


示例15: SendMeleeHitEvent

static void SendMeleeHitEvent( gentity_t *attacker, gentity_t *target, trace_t *tr )
	gentity_t *event;
	vec3_t    normal, origin;
	float     mag, radius;

	if ( !attacker->client )

	if ( target->health <= 0 )

	if ( tr )
		VectorSubtract( tr->endpos, target->s.origin, normal );
		VectorSubtract( attacker->client->ps.origin, target->s.origin, normal );

	// Normalize the horizontal components of the vector difference to the "radius" of the bounding box
	mag = sqrt( normal[ 0 ] * normal[ 0 ] + normal[ 1 ] * normal[ 1 ] );
	radius = target->r.maxs[ 0 ] * 1.21f;

	if ( mag > radius )
		normal[ 0 ] = normal[ 0 ] / mag * radius;
		normal[ 1 ] = normal[ 1 ] / mag * radius;

	// Clamp origin to be within bounding box vertically
	if ( normal[ 2 ] > target->r.maxs[ 2 ] )
		normal[ 2 ] = target->r.maxs[ 2 ];

	if ( normal[ 2 ] < target->r.mins[ 2 ] )
		normal[ 2 ] = target->r.mins[ 2 ];

	VectorAdd( target->s.origin, normal, origin );
	VectorNegate( normal, normal );
	VectorNormalize( normal );

	event = G_NewTempEntity( origin, EV_WEAPON_HIT_ENTITY );

	// normal
	event->s.eventParm = DirToByte( normal );

	// victim
	event->s.otherEntityNum = target->s.number;

	// attacker
	event->s.otherEntityNum2 = attacker->s.number;

	// weapon
	event->s.weapon = attacker->s.weapon;

	// weapon mode
	event->s.generic1 = attacker->s.generic1;
