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C++ DetectFlowFree函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中DetectFlowFree函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ DetectFlowFree函数的具体用法?C++ DetectFlowFree怎么用?C++ DetectFlowFree使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: DetectFlowTestParseNocase01

 * \test DetectFlowTestParseNocase01 is a test to make sure that we return "something"
 *  when given valid flow opt
int DetectFlowTestParseNocase01 (void) {
    int result = 0;
    DetectFlowData *fd = NULL;
    fd = DetectFlowParse("ESTABLISHED");
    if (fd != NULL) {
        result = 1;

    return result;

示例2: DetectFlowTestParse01

 * \test DetectFlowTestParse01 is a test to make sure that we return "something"
 *  when given valid flow opt
int DetectFlowTestParse01 (void) {
    int result = 0;
    DetectFlowData *fd = NULL;
    fd = DetectFlowParse("established");
    if (fd != NULL) {
        result = 1;

    return result;

示例3: DetectFlowTestParse13

 * \test DetectFlowTestParse13 is a test for an invalid option
int DetectFlowTestParse13 (void) {
    int result = 1;
    DetectFlowData *fd = NULL;
    fd = DetectFlowParse("invalidoptiontest");
    if (fd != NULL) {
        printf("expected: NULL got 0x%02X %" PRId32 ": ",fd->flags, fd->match_cnt);
        result = 0;

    return result;

示例4: DetectFlowTestParse15

 * \test DetectFlowTestParse15 is a test for an invalid combo of options established,stateless
int DetectFlowTestParse15 (void) {
    int result = 1;
    DetectFlowData *fd = NULL;
    fd = DetectFlowParse("established,stateless");
    if (fd != NULL) {
        printf("expected: NULL got 0x%02X %" PRId32 ": ",fd->flags, fd->match_cnt);
        result = 0;

    return result;

示例5: DetectFlowTestParse21

 * \test DetectFlowTestParse21 is a test for an invalid opt between to valid opts
int DetectFlowTestParse21 (void) {
    int result = 1;
    DetectFlowData *fd = NULL;
    fd = DetectFlowParse("from_server,a,no_stream");
    if (fd != NULL) {
        printf("expected: NULL got 0x%02X %" PRId32 ": ",fd->flags, fd->match_cnt);
        result = 0;

    return result;

示例6: DetectFlowTestParse06

 * \test DetectFlowTestParse06 is a test for setting the from_server flow opt
int DetectFlowTestParse06 (void) {
    int result = 0;
    DetectFlowData *fd = NULL;
    fd = DetectFlowParse("from_server");
    if (fd != NULL) {
        if (fd->flags == FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT && fd->match_cnt == 1) {
            result = 1;
        } else {
            printf("expected 0x%02X cnt %" PRId32 " got 0x%02X cnt %" PRId32 ": ", FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT, 1, fd->flags, fd->match_cnt);

    return result;

示例7: DetectFlowTestParseNocase03

 * \test DetectFlowTestParseNocase03 is a test for setting the stateless flow opt
int DetectFlowTestParseNocase03 (void) {
    int result = 0;
    DetectFlowData *fd = NULL;
    fd = DetectFlowParse("STATELESS");
    if (fd != NULL) {
        if (fd->flags == FLOW_PKT_STATELESS && fd->match_cnt == 1) {
            result = 1;
        } else {
            printf("expected 0x%02X cnt %" PRId32 " got 0x%02X cnt %" PRId32 ": ", FLOW_PKT_STATELESS, 1, fd->flags, fd->match_cnt);

    return result;

示例8: DetectFlowTestParseNocase07

 * \test DetectFlowTestParseNocase07 is a test for setting the from_client flow opt
int DetectFlowTestParseNocase07 (void) {
    int result = 0;
    DetectFlowData *fd = NULL;
    fd = DetectFlowParse("FROM_CLIENT");
    if (fd != NULL) {
        if (fd->flags == FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER && fd->match_cnt == 1) {
            result = 1;
        } else {
            printf("expected 0x%02X cnt %" PRId32 " got 0x%02X cnt %" PRId32 ": ", FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER, 1, fd->flags, fd->match_cnt);

    return result;

示例9: DetectFlowTestParseNocase08

 * \test DetectFlowTestParseNocase08 is a test for setting the established,to_client flow opts
int DetectFlowTestParseNocase08 (void) {
    int result = 0;
    DetectFlowData *fd = NULL;
    fd = DetectFlowParse("ESTABLISHED,TO_CLIENT");
    if (fd != NULL) {
        if (fd->flags & FLOW_PKT_ESTABLISHED && fd->flags & FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT && fd->match_cnt == 2) {
            result = 1;
        } else {
            printf("expected: 0x%02X cnt %" PRId32 " got 0x%02X cnt %" PRId32 ": ", FLOW_PKT_ESTABLISHED + FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT, 2, fd->flags, fd->match_cnt);

    return result;

示例10: DetectFlowTestParseNocase11

 * \test DetectFlowTestParseNocase11 is a test for setting the from_server,stateless flow opts with spaces all around
int DetectFlowTestParseNocase11 (void) {
    int result = 0;
    DetectFlowData *fd = NULL;
    fd = DetectFlowParse(" FROM_SERVER , STATELESS ");
    if (fd != NULL) {
        if (fd->flags & FLOW_PKT_STATELESS  && fd->flags & FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT && fd->match_cnt == 2){
            result = 1;
        } else {
            printf("expected: 0x%02X cnt %" PRId32 " got 0x%02X cnt %" PRId32 ": ", FLOW_PKT_STATELESS + FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT, 2, fd->flags, fd->match_cnt);

    return result;

示例11: DetectFlowTestParse02

 * \test DetectFlowTestParse02 is a test for setting the established flow opt
int DetectFlowTestParse02 (void) {
    int result = 0;
    DetectFlowData *fd = NULL;
    fd = DetectFlowParse("established");
    if (fd != NULL) {
        if (fd->flags == FLOW_PKT_ESTABLISHED && fd->match_cnt == 1) {
            result = 1;
        } else {
            printf("expected 0x%02X cnt %" PRId32 " got 0x%02X cnt %" PRId32 ": ", FLOW_PKT_ESTABLISHED, 1, fd->flags, fd->match_cnt);

    return result;

示例12: DetectFlowTestParseNocase18

 * \test DetectFlowTestParseNocase18 is a test for setting the from_server,stateless,only_stream flow opts (order of state,dir reversed)
int DetectFlowTestParseNocase18 (void) {
    int result = 0;
    DetectFlowData *fd = NULL;
    if (fd != NULL) {
        if (fd->flags & FLOW_PKT_ESTABLISHED && fd->flags & FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT && fd->flags & FLOW_PKT_ONLYSTREAM && fd->match_cnt == 3) {
            result = 1;
        } else {
            printf("expected 0x%02X cnt %" PRId32 " got 0x%02X cnt %" PRId32 ": ", FLOW_PKT_ESTABLISHED + FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT + FLOW_PKT_ONLYSTREAM, 3,
                    fd->flags, fd->match_cnt);

    return result;

示例13: DetectFlowTestParse18

 * \test DetectFlowTestParse18 is a test for setting the from_server,stateless,only_stream flow opts (order of state,dir reversed)
int DetectFlowTestParse18 (void) {
    int result = 0;
    DetectFlowData *fd = NULL;
    fd = DetectFlowParse("from_server,established,only_stream");
    if (fd != NULL) {
        if (fd->flags & FLOW_PKT_ESTABLISHED && fd->flags & FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT && fd->flags & FLOW_PKT_ONLYSTREAM && fd->match_cnt == 3) {
            result = 1;
        } else {
            printf("expected 0x%02X cnt %" PRId32 " got 0x%02X cnt %" PRId32 ": ", FLOW_PKT_ESTABLISHED + FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT + FLOW_PKT_ONLYSTREAM, 3,
                    fd->flags, fd->match_cnt);

    return result;

示例14: pcre_exec

            res = pcre_get_substring((char *)flowstr, ov, MAX_SUBSTRINGS, 3, &str_ptr);
            if (res < 0) {
                SCLogError(SC_ERR_PCRE_GET_SUBSTRING, "pcre_get_substring failed");
                goto error;
            args[2] = (char *)str_ptr;

    fd = SCMalloc(sizeof(DetectFlowData));
    if (fd == NULL)
        goto error;
    fd->flags = 0;
    fd->match_cnt = 0;

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < (ret - 1); i++) {
        if (args[i]) {
            /* inspect our options and set the flags */
            if (strcasecmp(args[i], "established") == 0) {
                if (fd->flags & FLOW_PKT_ESTABLISHED) {
                    SCLogError(SC_ERR_FLAGS_MODIFIER, "FLOW_PKT_ESTABLISHED flag is already set");
                    goto error;
                } else if (fd->flags & FLOW_PKT_STATELESS) {
                    SCLogError(SC_ERR_FLAGS_MODIFIER, "FLOW_PKT_STATELESS already set");
                    goto error;
                fd->flags |= FLOW_PKT_ESTABLISHED;
            } else if (strcasecmp(args[i], "stateless") == 0) {
                if (fd->flags & FLOW_PKT_STATELESS) {
                    SCLogError(SC_ERR_FLAGS_MODIFIER, "FLOW_PKT_STATELESS flag is already set");
                    goto error;
                } else if (fd->flags & FLOW_PKT_ESTABLISHED) {
                    SCLogError(SC_ERR_FLAGS_MODIFIER, "cannot set FLOW_PKT_STATELESS, FLOW_PKT_ESTABLISHED already set");
                    goto error;
                fd->flags |= FLOW_PKT_STATELESS;
            } else if (strcasecmp(args[i], "to_client") == 0 || strcasecmp(args[i], "from_server") == 0) {
                if (fd->flags & FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT) {
                    SCLogError(SC_ERR_FLAGS_MODIFIER, "cannot set FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT flag is already set");
                    goto error;
                } else if (fd->flags & FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER) {
                    SCLogError(SC_ERR_FLAGS_MODIFIER, "cannot set to_client, FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER already set");
                    goto error;
                fd->flags |= FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT;
            } else if (strcasecmp(args[i], "to_server") == 0 || strcasecmp(args[i], "from_client") == 0){
                if (fd->flags & FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER) {
                    SCLogError(SC_ERR_FLAGS_MODIFIER, "cannot set FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER flag is already set");
                    goto error;
                } else if (fd->flags & FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT) {
                    SCLogError(SC_ERR_FLAGS_MODIFIER, "cannot set to_server, FLOW_PKT_TO_CLIENT flag already set");
                    goto error;
                fd->flags |= FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER;
            } else if (strcasecmp(args[i], "only_stream") == 0) {
                if (fd->flags & FLOW_PKT_ONLYSTREAM) {
                    SCLogError(SC_ERR_FLAGS_MODIFIER, "cannot set only_stream flag is already set");
                    goto error;
                } else if (fd->flags & FLOW_PKT_NOSTREAM) {
                    SCLogError(SC_ERR_FLAGS_MODIFIER, "cannot set only_stream flag, FLOW_PKT_NOSTREAM already set");
                    goto error;
                fd->flags |= FLOW_PKT_ONLYSTREAM;
            } else if (strcasecmp(args[i], "no_stream") == 0) {
                if (fd->flags & FLOW_PKT_NOSTREAM) {
                    SCLogError(SC_ERR_FLAGS_MODIFIER, "cannot set no_stream flag is already set");
                    goto error;
                } else if (fd->flags & FLOW_PKT_ONLYSTREAM) {
                    SCLogError(SC_ERR_FLAGS_MODIFIER, "cannot set no_stream flag, FLOW_PKT_ONLYSTREAM already set");
                    goto error;
                fd->flags |= FLOW_PKT_NOSTREAM;
            } else {
                SCLogError(SC_ERR_INVALID_VALUE, "invalid flow option \"%s\"", args[i]);
                goto error;

            //printf("args[%" PRId32 "]: %s match_cnt: %" PRId32 " flags: 0x%02X\n", i, args[i], fd->match_cnt, fd->flags);
    for (i = 0; i < (ret -1); i++){
        if (args[i] != NULL)
    return fd;

    /* ret can be higher than 3 */
    for (i = 0; i < (ret - 1) && i < 3; i++){
        if (args[i] != NULL)

    if (fd != NULL)
    return NULL;

