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C++ DataTypeIException函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中DataTypeIException函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ DataTypeIException函数的具体用法?C++ DataTypeIException怎么用?C++ DataTypeIException使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: p_get_type

// Function:	AbstractDs::getTypeClass
///\brief	Returns the class of the datatype that is used by this
///		object, which can be a dataset or an attribute.
///\return	Datatype class identifier
///\exception	H5::DataTypeIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
H5T_class_t AbstractDs::getTypeClass() const
    // Gets the datatype used by this dataset or attribute.
    // p_get_type calls either H5Dget_type or H5Aget_type depending on
    // which object invokes getTypeClass
    hid_t datatype_id;
    try {
        datatype_id = p_get_type();  // returned value is already validated
    catch (DataSetIException E) {
        throw DataTypeIException("DataSet::getTypeClass", E.getDetailMsg());
    catch (AttributeIException E) {
        throw DataTypeIException("Attribute::getTypeClass", E.getDetailMsg());

    // Gets the class of the datatype and validate it before returning
    H5T_class_t type_class = H5Tget_class(datatype_id);
    if( type_class != H5T_NO_CLASS )
        return( type_class );
        if (fromClass() == "DataSet")
            throw DataTypeIException("DataSet::getTypeClass", "H5Tget_class returns H5T_NO_CLASS");
        else if (fromClass() == "Attribute")
            throw DataTypeIException("Attribute::getTypeClass", "H5Tget_class returns H5T_NO_CLASS");

示例2: H5Tget_fields

// Function:    FloatType::getFields
///\brief       Retrieves floating point datatype bit field information.
///\param       spos  - OUT: Retrieved floating-point sign bit
///\param       epos  - OUT: Retrieved exponent bit-position
///\param       esize - OUT: Retrieved size of exponent, in bits
///\param       mpos  - OUT: Retrieved mantissa bit-position
///\param       msize - OUT: Retrieved size of mantissa, in bits
///\exception   H5::DataTypeIException
// Programmer   Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
void FloatType::getFields(size_t& spos, size_t& epos, size_t& esize, size_t& mpos, size_t& msize) const
    herr_t ret_value = H5Tget_fields(id, &spos, &epos, &esize, &mpos, &msize);
    if (ret_value < 0)
        throw DataTypeIException("FloatType::getFields", "H5Tget_fields failed");

示例3: H5Tset_fields

// Function:    FloatType::setFields
///\brief       Sets locations and sizes of floating point bit fields.
///\param       spos  - OUT: Sign position, i.e., the bit offset of the
///             floating-point sign bit.
///\param       epos  - OUT: Exponent bit position
///\param       esize - OUT: Size of exponent, in bits
///\param       mpos  - OUT: Mantissa bit-position
///\param       msize - OUT: Size of mantissa, in bits
///\exception   H5::DataTypeIException
// Programmer   Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
void FloatType::setFields(size_t spos, size_t epos, size_t esize, size_t mpos, size_t msize) const
    herr_t ret_value = H5Tset_fields(id, spos, epos, esize, mpos, msize);
    if (ret_value < 0)
        throw DataTypeIException("FloatType::setFields", "H5Tset_fields failed");

示例4: H5Tset_norm

// Function:    FloatType::setNorm
///\brief       Sets the mantissa normalization of a floating-point datatype.
///\param       norm - IN: Mantissa normalization type
///\exception   H5::DataTypeIException
///\par Description
///             Valid values for normalization type include:
///             \li \c H5T_NORM_IMPLIED (0) - MSB of mantissa is not stored
///             \li \c H5T_NORM_MSBSET (1) - MSB of mantissa is always 1
///             \li \c H5T_NORM_NONE (2) - Mantissa is not normalized
// Programmer   Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
void FloatType::setNorm(H5T_norm_t norm) const
    herr_t ret_value = H5Tset_norm(id, norm);
    if (ret_value < 0)
        throw DataTypeIException("FloatType::setNorm", "H5Tset_norm failed");

示例5: H5Tset_ebias

// Function:    FloatType::setEbias
///\brief       Sets the exponent bias of a floating-point type.
///\param       ebias - Exponent bias value
///\exception   H5::DataTypeIException
// Programmer   Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
void FloatType::setEbias(size_t ebias) const
    herr_t ret_value = H5Tset_ebias(id, ebias);
    if (ret_value < 0)
        throw DataTypeIException("FloatType::setEbias", "H5Tset_ebias failed");

示例6: varlentype

// Function:	AbstractDs::getVarLenType
///\brief	Returns the floating-point datatype of this abstract dataset,
///		which can be a dataset or an attribute.
///\return	VarLenType instance
///\exception	H5::DataTypeIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - Jul, 2005
VarLenType AbstractDs::getVarLenType() const
    // Gets the id of the datatype used by this dataset or attribute using
    // p_get_type.  p_get_type calls either H5Dget_type or H5Aget_type
    // depending on which object invokes getVarLenType.  Then, create and
    // return the VarLenType object
    try {
        VarLenType varlentype(p_get_type());
    catch (DataSetIException E) {
        throw DataTypeIException("DataSet::getVarLenType", E.getDetailMsg());
    catch (AttributeIException E) {
        throw DataTypeIException("Attribute::getVarLenType", E.getDetailMsg());

示例7: DataType

// Function:	ArrayType overloaded constructor
///\brief	Creates an ArrayType object using an existing id.
///\param	existing_id - IN: Id of an existing datatype
///\exception	H5::DataTypeIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - May 2004
ArrayType::ArrayType( const hid_t existing_id ) : DataType( existing_id )
   // Get the rank of the existing array and store it in this array
   rank = H5Tget_array_ndims(existing_id);
   if (rank < 0)
      throw DataTypeIException("ArrayType constructor (existing id)", "H5Tget_array_ndims failed");

    // Allocate space for the dimensions
    dimensions = new hsize_t[rank];

    // Get the dimensions of the existing array and store it in this array
    int ret_value = H5Tget_array_dims2(id, dimensions);
    if (ret_value < 0)
	throw DataTypeIException("ArrayType constructor (existing id)", "H5Tget_array_dims2 failed");

示例8: H5Tset_inpad

// Function:    FloatType::setInpad
///\brief       Fills unused internal floating point bits.
///\param       inpad - IN: Internal padding type
///\exception   H5::DataTypeIException
///\par Description
///             If any internal bits of a floating point type are unused
///             (that is, those significant bits which are not part of the
///             sign, exponent, or mantissa), then they will be filled
///             according to the padding value provided by \a inpad.
///             Valid values for normalization type include:
///             \li \c H5T_PAD_ZERO (0) - Set background to zeros
///             \li \c H5T_PAD_ONE (1) - Set background to ones
///             \li \c H5T_PAD_BACKGROUND (2) - Leave background alone
// Programmer   Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
void FloatType::setInpad(H5T_pad_t inpad) const
    herr_t ret_value = H5Tset_inpad(id, inpad);
    if (ret_value < 0)
        throw DataTypeIException("FloatType::setInpad", "H5Tset_inpad failed");

示例9: H5Tget_member_value

// Function:	EnumType::getMemberValue
///\brief	Retrieves the value of a member in this enumeration datatype,
///		given the member's index.
///\param	memb_no - IN: Index of the queried member
///\param	value   - OUT: Pointer to the retrieved value
///\exception	H5::DataTypeIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
void EnumType::getMemberValue( unsigned memb_no, void *value ) const
   // Call C routine H5Tget_member_value to get the datatype member's value
   hid_t ret_value = H5Tget_member_value( id, memb_no, value );
   if( ret_value < 0 )
      throw DataTypeIException("EnumType::getMemberValue", "H5Tget_member_value failed");

示例10: H5Tenum_valueof

// Function:	EnumType::valueOf
///\brief	Retrieves the value corresponding to a member of this
///		enumeration datatype, given the member's name.
///\param	name  -  IN: Name of the queried member
///\param	value - OUT: Pointer to the retrieved value
///\exception	H5::DataTypeIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
void EnumType::valueOf( const char* name, void *value ) const
   // Calls C routine H5Tenum_valueof to get the enum datatype value
   herr_t ret_value = H5Tenum_valueof( id, name, value );
   if( ret_value < 0 )
      throw DataTypeIException("EnumType::valueOf", "H5Tenum_valueof failed");

示例11: H5Tenum_insert

// Function:	EnumType::insert
///\brief	Inserts a new member to this enumeration datatype.
///\param	name  - IN: Name of the new member
///\param	value - IN: Pointer to the value of the new member
///\exception	H5::DataTypeIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
void EnumType::insert( const char* name, void *value ) const
   // Calls C routine H5Tenum_insert to insert the new enum datatype member.
   herr_t ret_value = H5Tenum_insert( id, name, value );
   if( ret_value < 0 )
      throw DataTypeIException("EnumType::insert", "H5Tenum_insert failed");

示例12: f_DataType_setId

// Function:	AbstractDs::getEnumType
///\brief	Returns the enumeration datatype of this abstract dataset which
///		can be a dataset or an attribute.
///\return	EnumType instance
///\exception	H5::DataTypeIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
EnumType AbstractDs::getEnumType() const
   // Gets the id of the datatype used by this dataset or attribute using
   // p_get_type.  p_get_type calls either H5Dget_type or H5Aget_type
   // depending on which object invokes getEnumType.  Then, create and
   // return the EnumType object
   try {
	EnumType enumtype;
	f_DataType_setId(&enumtype, p_get_type());
   catch (DataSetIException& E) {
      throw DataTypeIException("DataSet::getEnumType", E.getDetailMsg());
   catch (AttributeIException& E) {
      throw DataTypeIException("Attribute::getEnumType", E.getDetailMsg());

示例13: H5Tset_strpad

// Function:	StrType::setStrpad
///\brief	Defines the storage mechanism for this string datatype.
///\param	strpad - IN: String padding type
///\exception	H5::DataTypeIException
///\par Description
///		For detail, please refer to the C layer Reference Manual at:
/// http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/RM/RM_H5T.html#Datatype-SetStrpad
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
void StrType::setStrpad( H5T_str_t strpad ) const
   herr_t ret_value = H5Tset_strpad( id, strpad );

   if( ret_value < 0 )
      throw DataTypeIException("StrType::setStrpad", "H5Tset_strpad failed");

示例14: DataType

// Function:	VarLenType overloaded constructor
///\brief	Creates a new variable-length datatype based on the specified
///		\a base_type.
///\param	base_type - IN: Pointer to existing datatype
///\exception	H5::DataTypeIException
// Description
//		DataType passed by pointer to avoid clashing with copy
//		constructor.
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - May, 2004
VarLenType::VarLenType(const DataType* base_type) : DataType()
   id = H5Tvlen_create(base_type->getId());
   if (id < 0)
      throw DataTypeIException("VarLenType constructor",
                "H5Tvlen_create returns negative value");

示例15: H5Tset_cset

// Function:	StrType::setCset
///\brief	Sets character set to be used.
///\param	cset - IN: character set type, which can be:
///		\li \c H5T_CSET_ASCII (0) - Character set is US ASCII.
///	ASCII and UTF-8 Unicode are the only currently supported character
///	encodings. Extended ASCII encodings (for example, ISO 8859) are not
///	supported. This encoding policy is not enforced by the HDF5 Library.
///	Using encodings other than ASCII and UTF-8 can lead to compatibility
///	and usability problems. See the C API entry H5Pset_char_encoding for
///	more information.
///\exception	H5::DataTypeIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
void StrType::setCset( H5T_cset_t cset ) const
   herr_t ret_value = H5Tset_cset( id, cset );

   if( ret_value < 0 )
      throw DataTypeIException("StrType::setCset", "H5Tset_cset failed");
