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C++ DSI_HDR_DATA2函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中DSI_HDR_DATA2函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ DSI_HDR_DATA2函数的具体用法?C++ DSI_HDR_DATA2怎么用?C++ DSI_HDR_DATA2使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: mipi_dsi_swrite

 * mipi dsi short write with 0, 1 2 parameters
 * Write to GEN_HDR 24 bit register the value:
 * 1. 00h, MCS_command[15:8] ,VC[7:6],13h
 * 2. Data1[23:16], MCS_command[15:8] ,VC[7:6],23h
int mipi_dsi_swrite(struct dsi_cmd_desc *cm)
    u32 hdr = 0;
    int len = 0;

    if (cm->dlen && cm->payload == 0) {
        k3fb_loge("NO payload error!\n");
        return 0;

    len = (cm->dlen > 2) ? 2 : cm->dlen;

    hdr |= DSI_HDR_DTYPE(cm->dtype);
    hdr |= DSI_HDR_VC(cm->vc);
    if (len == 1) {
        hdr |= DSI_HDR_DATA1(cm->payload[0]);
        hdr |= DSI_HDR_DATA2(0);
    } else if (len == 2) {
        hdr |= DSI_HDR_DATA1(cm->payload[0]);
        hdr |= DSI_HDR_DATA2(cm->payload[1]);
    } else {
        hdr |= DSI_HDR_DATA1(0);
        hdr |= DSI_HDR_DATA2(0);


    return len;  /* 4 bytes */

示例2: mdss_dsi_set_max_pktsize

static int mdss_dsi_set_max_pktsize(struct dsi_buf *dp, struct dsi_cmd_desc *cm)
	struct dsi_ctrl_hdr *dchdr;
	u32 *hp;

	dchdr = &cm->dchdr;
	if (cm->payload == 0) {
		pr_err("%s: NO payload error\n", __func__);
		return 0;

	mdss_dsi_buf_reserve_hdr(dp, DSI_HOST_HDR_SIZE);
	hp = dp->hdr;
	*hp = 0;
	*hp |= DSI_HDR_VC(dchdr->vc);
	if (dchdr->last)
		*hp |= DSI_HDR_LAST;

	*hp |= DSI_HDR_DATA1(cm->payload[0]);
	*hp |= DSI_HDR_DATA2(cm->payload[1]);

	mdss_dsi_buf_push(dp, DSI_HOST_HDR_SIZE);
	return DSI_HOST_HDR_SIZE; /* 4 bytes */

示例3: mdss_dsi_dcs_read

static int mdss_dsi_dcs_read(struct dsi_buf *dp, struct dsi_cmd_desc *cm)
	struct dsi_ctrl_hdr *dchdr;
	u32 *hp;

	dchdr = &cm->dchdr;
	if (cm->payload == 0) {
		pr_err("%s: NO payload error\n", __func__);
		return -EINVAL;

	mdss_dsi_buf_reserve_hdr(dp, DSI_HOST_HDR_SIZE);
	hp = dp->hdr;
	*hp = 0;
	*hp |= DSI_HDR_VC(dchdr->vc);
	*hp |= DSI_HDR_BTA;
	if (dchdr->last)
		*hp |= DSI_HDR_LAST;

	*hp |= DSI_HDR_DATA1(cm->payload[0]);	/* dcs command byte */
	*hp |= DSI_HDR_DATA2(0);

	mdss_dsi_buf_push(dp, DSI_HOST_HDR_SIZE);
	return DSI_HOST_HDR_SIZE; /* 4 bytes */

示例4: mdss_dsi_dcs_swrite1

 * mipi dsi dcs short write with 1 parameters
static int mdss_dsi_dcs_swrite1(struct dsi_buf *dp, struct dsi_cmd_desc *cm)
	struct dsi_ctrl_hdr *dchdr;
	u32 *hp;

	dchdr = &cm->dchdr;
	if (dchdr->dlen < 2 || cm->payload == 0) {
		pr_err("%s: NO payload error\n", __func__);
		return -EINVAL;

	mdss_dsi_buf_reserve_hdr(dp, DSI_HOST_HDR_SIZE);
	hp = dp->hdr;
	*hp = 0;
	*hp |= DSI_HDR_VC(dchdr->vc);
	if (dchdr->ack)		/* ask ACK trigger msg from peripeheral */
		*hp |= DSI_HDR_BTA;
	if (dchdr->last)
		*hp |= DSI_HDR_LAST;

	*hp |= DSI_HDR_DATA1(cm->payload[0]);	/* dcs comamnd byte */
	*hp |= DSI_HDR_DATA2(cm->payload[1]);	/* parameter */

	mdss_dsi_buf_push(dp, DSI_HOST_HDR_SIZE);
	return DSI_HOST_HDR_SIZE; /* 4 bytes */

示例5: mipi_dsi_dcs_read

static int mipi_dsi_dcs_read(struct dsi_buf *dp, struct dsi_cmd_desc *cm)
    uint32 *hp;

    if (cm->payload == 0) {
        PR_DISP_ERR("%s: NO payload error\n", __func__);
        return -EINVAL;

    mipi_dsi_buf_reserve_hdr(dp, DSI_HOST_HDR_SIZE);
    hp = dp->hdr;
    *hp = 0;
    *hp |= DSI_HDR_VC(cm->vc);
    *hp |= DSI_HDR_BTA;
    if (cm->last)
        *hp |= DSI_HDR_LAST;

    *hp |= DSI_HDR_DATA1(cm->payload[0]);	/* dcs command byte */
    *hp |= DSI_HDR_DATA2(0);

    mipi_dsi_buf_push(dp, DSI_HOST_HDR_SIZE);

    return dp->len;	/* 4 bytes */

示例6: mipi_dsi_dcs_swrite1

 * mipi dsi dcs short write with 1 parameters
static int mipi_dsi_dcs_swrite1(struct dsi_buf *dp, struct dsi_cmd_desc *cm)
    uint32 *hp;

    if (cm->dlen < 2 || cm->payload == 0) {
        PR_DISP_ERR("%s: NO payload error\n", __func__);
        return -EINVAL;

    mipi_dsi_buf_reserve_hdr(dp, DSI_HOST_HDR_SIZE);
    hp = dp->hdr;
    *hp = 0;
    *hp |= DSI_HDR_VC(cm->vc);
    if (cm->ack)		/* ask ACK trigger msg from peripeheral */
        *hp |= DSI_HDR_BTA;
    if (cm->last)
        *hp |= DSI_HDR_LAST;

    *hp |= DSI_HDR_DATA1(cm->payload[0]);	/* dcs comamnd byte */
    *hp |= DSI_HDR_DATA2(cm->payload[1]);	/* parameter */

    mipi_dsi_buf_push(dp, DSI_HOST_HDR_SIZE);

    return dp->len;

示例7: mdss_dsi_generic_swrite

 * mipi dsi generic short write with 0, 1 2 parameters
static int mdss_dsi_generic_swrite(struct dsi_buf *dp, struct dsi_cmd_desc *cm)
	struct dsi_ctrl_hdr *dchdr;
	u32 *hp;
	int len;

	dchdr = &cm->dchdr;
	if (dchdr->dlen && cm->payload == 0) {
		pr_err("%s: NO payload error\n", __func__);
		return 0;

	mdss_dsi_buf_reserve_hdr(dp, DSI_HOST_HDR_SIZE);
	hp = dp->hdr;
	*hp = 0;
	*hp |= DSI_HDR_VC(dchdr->vc);
	if (dchdr->last)
		*hp |= DSI_HDR_LAST;

	len = (dchdr->dlen > 2) ? 2 : dchdr->dlen;

	if (len == 1) {
		*hp |= DSI_HDR_DATA1(cm->payload[0]);
		*hp |= DSI_HDR_DATA2(0);
	} else if (len == 2) {
		*hp |= DSI_HDR_DATA1(cm->payload[0]);
		*hp |= DSI_HDR_DATA2(cm->payload[1]);
	} else {
		*hp |= DSI_HDR_DATA1(0);
		*hp |= DSI_HDR_DATA2(0);

	mdss_dsi_buf_push(dp, DSI_HOST_HDR_SIZE);

	return dp->len;	/* 4 bytes */

示例8: mipi_dsi_set_max_pktsize

static int mipi_dsi_set_max_pktsize(struct dsi_buf *dp, struct dsi_cmd_desc *cm)
    uint32 *hp;

    if (cm->payload == 0) {
        PR_DISP_ERR("%s: NO payload error\n", __func__);
        return 0;

    mipi_dsi_buf_reserve_hdr(dp, DSI_HOST_HDR_SIZE);
    hp = dp->hdr;
    *hp = 0;
    *hp |= DSI_HDR_VC(cm->vc);
    if (cm->last)
        *hp |= DSI_HDR_LAST;

    *hp |= DSI_HDR_DATA1(cm->payload[0]);
    *hp |= DSI_HDR_DATA2(cm->payload[1]);

    mipi_dsi_buf_push(dp, DSI_HOST_HDR_SIZE);

    return dp->len;	/* 4 bytes */
