本文整理汇总了C++中DSET_load函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ DSET_load函数的具体用法?C++ DSET_load怎么用?C++ DSET_load使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: THD_diff_vol_vals
23 Feb 2012: Return the absolute value of the difference between
two volumes, divided by the number of voxels
and the number of sub-bricks. Voxels that are zero
in both sets are not counted.
Comparisons are done after conversion of data to double
return = -1.0 ERROR
= 0.0 Exactly the same
double THD_diff_vol_vals(THD_3dim_dataset *d1, THD_3dim_dataset *d2, int scl) {
double dd=0.0, denom=0.0;
int i=0, k=0;
double *a1=NULL, *a2=NULL;
MRI_IMAGE *b1 = NULL , *b2 = NULL;
if (!d1 && !d2) RETURN(dd);
if (!d1 || !d2) RETURN(-1.0);
if (!EQUIV_GRIDS(d1,d2)) RETURN(-1.0);
if (DSET_NVALS(d1) != DSET_NVALS(d2)) RETURN(-1.0);
DSET_mallocize(d1) ; DSET_load(d1) ;
DSET_mallocize(d2) ; DSET_load(d2) ;
dd = 0.0; denom = 0;
for (i=0; i<DSET_NVALS(d1); ++i) {
b1 = THD_extract_double_brick(i, d1);
b2 = THD_extract_double_brick(i, d2);
a1 = MRI_DOUBLE_PTR(b1);
a2 = MRI_DOUBLE_PTR(b2);
for (k=0; k<DSET_NVOX(d1); ++k) {
dd += ABS(a1[k]-a2[k]);
if (a1[k]!=0.0 || a2[k]!=0.0) ++denom;
mri_clear_data_pointer(b1); mri_free(b1) ;
mri_clear_data_pointer(b2); mri_free(b2) ;
if (scl && denom>0.0) dd /= denom;
示例2: process_input_dsets
* for each input dataset name
* open (check dims, etc.)
* dilate (zeropad, make binary, dilate, unpad, apply)
* fill list of bytemask datasets
* also, count total volumes
int process_input_dsets(param_t * params)
THD_3dim_dataset * dset, * dfirst=NULL;
int iset, nxyz;
if( !params ) ERROR_exit("NULL inputs to PID");
if( params->ndsets <= 0 ) {
ERROR_message("process_input_dsets: no input datasets");
/* allocate space for dsets array */
params->dsets = (THD_3dim_dataset **)malloc(params->ndsets*
if( !params->dsets ) ERROR_exit("failed to allocate dset pointers");
if( params->verb ) INFO_message("processing %d input datasets...",
/* warn user of dilations */
if(params->verb && params->ndsets) {
int pad = needed_padding(¶ms->IND);
INFO_message("padding all datasets by %d (for dilations)", pad);
/* process the datasets */
nxyz = 0;
for( iset=0; iset < params->ndsets; iset++ ) {
/* open and verify dataset */
dset = THD_open_dataset(params->inputs[iset]);
if( !dset ) ERROR_exit("failed to open mask dataset '%s'",
DSET_load(dset); CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(dset);
if( params->verb>1 ) INFO_message("loaded dset %s, with %d volumes",
if( nxyz == 0 ) { /* make an empty copy of the first dataset */
nxyz = DSET_NVOX(dset);
dfirst = EDIT_empty_copy(dset);
/* check for consistency in voxels and grid */
if( DSET_NVOX(dset) != nxyz ) ERROR_exit("nvoxel mis-match");
if( ! EQUIV_GRIDS(dset, dfirst) )
WARNING_message("grid from dset %s does not match that of dset %s",
DSET_PREFIX(dset), DSET_PREFIX(dfirst));
/* apply dilations to all volumes, returning bytemask datasets */
params->dsets[iset] = apply_dilations(dset, ¶ms->IND,1,params->verb);
if( ! params->dsets[iset] ) RETURN(1);
DSET_delete(dfirst); /* and nuke */
示例3: main
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
THD_3dim_dataset *dset ; int aa,ll ; char *cpt ; float val ;
if( argc < 2 ){
printf("Usage: 3dSatCheck dataset [...]\n"
"Prints the 'raw' initial transient (saturation) check\n"
"value for each dataset on the command line. Round this\n"
"number to the nearest integer to get an estimate of\n"
"how many non-saturated time points start a dataset.\n"
) ;
exit(0) ;
for( aa=1 ; aa < argc ; aa++ ){
dset = THD_open_dataset( argv[aa] ) ; if( !ISVALID_DSET(dset) ) continue ;
if( DSET_NVALS(dset) < 9 ) continue ;
DSET_load(dset) ; if( !DSET_LOADED(dset) ) continue ;
val = THD_saturation_check( dset , NULL , 0,0 ) ;
ll = strlen(argv[aa]) ;
cpt = (ll <= 50) ? argv[aa] : argv[aa]+(ll-50) ;
INFO_message("%-50.50s = %.3f",cpt,val) ;
DSET_delete(dset) ;
exit(0) ;
示例4: HEMISUB_main
** Main routine for this plugin (will be called from AFNI).
char * HEMISUB_main( PLUGIN_interface * plint )
THD_3dim_dataset * dset, * new_dset;
MCW_idcode * idc;
hemi_s hs = { 0 };
char * new_prefix;
char * ret_string = NULL;
char * tag;
if ( plint == NULL )
return "------------------------\n"
"HEMISUB_main: NULL input\n"
PLUTO_next_option( plint );
idc = PLUTO_get_idcode( plint );
dset = PLUTO_find_dset( idc );
if( dset == NULL )
return "-------------------------------\n"
"HEMISUB_main: bad input dataset\n"
DSET_load( dset );
PLUTO_next_option( plint );
new_prefix = PLUTO_get_string( plint );
if ( ! PLUTO_prefix_ok( new_prefix ) )
return "------------------------\n"
"HEMISUB_main: bad prefix\n"
if ( ( new_dset = PLUTO_copy_dset( dset, new_prefix ) ) == NULL )
return "------------------------------------------\n"
"HEMISUB_main: failed to copy input dataset\n"
tag = PLUTO_get_optiontag( plint );
if ( tag && ! strcmp( tag, "Thresh Type" ) )
tag = PLUTO_get_string( plint );
if ( tag != NULL )
hs.thresh_type = PLUTO_string_index( tag, NUM_T_OPTS, thresh_opts );
if ( ret_string = process_data( new_dset, &hs ) )
return ret_string;
if ( PLUTO_add_dset( plint, new_dset, DSET_ACTION_MAKE_CURRENT ) )
THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset, False );
return "---------------------------------------\n"
"HEMISUB_main: failed to add new dataset\n"
return NULL;
示例5: THD_slow_minmax_dset
/* - moved from 3dhistog.c 18 Dec 2012 [rickr] */
int THD_slow_minmax_dset(THD_3dim_dataset *dset, float *dmin, float *dmax,
int iv_bot, int iv_top)
int iv_fim;
float fimfac;
float vbot , vtop, temp_fbot=1.0, temp_ftop=0.0 ;
for( iv_fim=iv_bot ; iv_fim <= iv_top ; iv_fim++ ){
/* minimum and maximum for sub-brick */
vbot = mri_min( DSET_BRICK(dset,iv_fim) ) ;
vtop = mri_max( DSET_BRICK(dset,iv_fim) ) ;
fimfac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,iv_fim) ;
if (fimfac == 0.0) fimfac = 1.0;
vbot *= fimfac ; vtop *= fimfac ;
/* update global min and max */
if ( temp_fbot > temp_ftop ) { /* first time, just copy */
temp_fbot = vbot;
temp_ftop = vtop;
} else {
if( vbot < temp_fbot ) temp_fbot = vbot;
if( vtop > temp_ftop ) temp_ftop = vtop;
*dmin = temp_fbot;
*dmax = temp_ftop;
示例6: main
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
THD_3dim_dataset *dset ;
int iarg=1 ;
if( strcmp(argv[1],"-nper") == 0 ){
nper = strtol( argv[2] , NULL , 10 ) ;
iarg = 3 ;
for( ; iarg < argc ; iarg++ ){
printf("======= dataset %s nper=%d ========\n",argv[iarg],nper) ;
dset = THD_open_dataset(argv[iarg]) ;
if( dset == NULL ) continue ;
DSET_load(dset) ;
im = DSET_BRICK(dset,0) ;
im->dx = DSET_DX(dset) ;
im->dy = DSET_DY(dset) ;
im->dz = DSET_DZ(dset) ;
(void) THD_orient_guess( im ) ;
printf( "Data Axes Orientation:\n"
" first (x) = %s\n"
" second (y) = %s\n"
" third (z) = %s\n" ,
ORIENT_typestr[dset->daxes->xxorient] ,
ORIENT_typestr[dset->daxes->yyorient] ,
ORIENT_typestr[dset->daxes->zzorient] ) ;
DSET_delete(dset) ;
exit(0) ;
示例7: THD_median_brick
MRI_IMAGE * THD_median_brick( THD_3dim_dataset *dset )
int nvox , nvals , ii ;
MRI_IMAGE *tsim , *medim ;
float *medar ;
float *tsar ; /* 05 Nov 2001 */
ENTRY("THD_median_brick") ;
DSET_load(dset) ;
nvals = DSET_NVALS(dset) ;
tsim = DSET_BRICK(dset,0) ;
if( nvals == 1 ){
medim = mri_scale_to_float( DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,0), tsim ) ;
RETURN(medim) ;
medim = mri_new_conforming( tsim , MRI_float ) ;
medar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(medim) ;
nvox = DSET_NVOX(dset) ;
tsar = (float *) calloc( sizeof(float),nvals+1 ) ; /* 05 Nov 2001 */
for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
THD_extract_array( ii , dset , 0 , tsar ) ; /* 05 Nov 2001 */
medar[ii] = qmed_float( nvals , tsar ) ;
free(tsar) ; RETURN(medim) ;
示例8: THD_medmad_bricks
MRI_IMARR * THD_medmad_bricks( THD_3dim_dataset *dset )
int nvox , nvals , ii ;
MRI_IMAGE *tsim , *madim, *medim ;
float *madar, *medar ;
MRI_IMARR *imar ;
float *tsar ;
ENTRY("THD_medmad_bricks") ;
nvals = DSET_NVALS(dset) ; if( nvals == 1 ) RETURN(NULL) ;
DSET_load(dset) ; if( !DSET_LOADED(dset) ) RETURN(NULL) ;
tsim = DSET_BRICK(dset,0) ;
madim = mri_new_conforming( tsim , MRI_float ) ;
madar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(madim) ;
medim = mri_new_conforming( tsim , MRI_float ) ;
medar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(medim) ;
nvox = DSET_NVOX(dset) ;
tsar = (float *) calloc( sizeof(float),nvals+1 ) ;
for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
THD_extract_array( ii , dset , 0 , tsar ) ;
qmedmad_float( nvals , tsar , medar+ii , madar+ii ) ;
free(tsar) ;
INIT_IMARR(imar) ; ADDTO_IMARR(imar,medim) ; ADDTO_IMARR(imar,madim) ;
RETURN(imar) ;
示例9: THD_rms_brick
MRI_IMAGE * THD_rms_brick( THD_3dim_dataset *dset )
int nvox , nvals , ii , jj ;
MRI_IMAGE *tsim , *medim ;
float *medar , sum,fac ;
float *tsar ;
ENTRY("THD_rms_brick") ;
DSET_load(dset) ;
nvals = DSET_NVALS(dset) ; fac = 1.0 / nvals ;
tsim = DSET_BRICK(dset,0) ;
if( nvals == 1 ){
medim = mri_scale_to_float( DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,0), tsim ) ;
RETURN(medim) ;
medim = mri_new_conforming( tsim , MRI_float ) ;
medar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(medim) ;
nvox = DSET_NVOX(dset) ;
tsar = (float *) calloc( sizeof(float),nvals+1 ) ;
for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
THD_extract_array( ii , dset , 0 , tsar ) ;
for( sum=0.0,jj=0 ; jj < nvals ; jj++ ) sum += tsar[jj]*tsar[jj] ;
medar[ii] = sqrtf(fac * sum) ;
free(tsar) ; RETURN(medim) ;
示例10: ENTROPY_dataset
double ENTROPY_dataset( THD_3dim_dataset *dset )
if( !ISVALID_DSET(dset) ) return(0.0) ;
DSET_load(dset) ;
if( !DSET_LOADED(dset) ) return(0.0) ;
return ENTROPY_datablock( dset->dblk ) ;
示例11: free
/* Calculates the average value for each voxel in dset across all timepoints.
dset is a valid 3D+T dataset with at least 1 timepoint;
ignore is the number of timepoints to ignore at the beginning of dset;
0 <= ignore < number of timepoints in dset;
return value is NULL on error,
else, return value is an array of floats with the same dimensions as the
subbricks of dset, containing the voxel value averages;
Note: The caller is responsible for free()ing the returned block of memory
when done.
Note2: The complex datatype is not supported, and any such bricks will
result in an error (NULL return value).
double * RIC_CalcVoxelMeans(const THD_3dim_dataset * dset, int ignore) {
double * avg; /* The voxel averages to be returned */
float scalefactor; /* Current dset brick scaling factor */
int ival, nvals; /* Current, number of dset timepoints */
int ivox, nvoxs; /* Current, number of dset brick voxels */
/* Quick check of arguments */
if (!ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(dset) || DSET_NVALS(dset) < 1 ||
ignore < 0 || ignore >= DSET_NVALS(dset)) {
return NULL;
/* Initialize */
nvals = DSET_NVALS(dset);
nvoxs = dset->daxes->nxx * dset->daxes->nyy * dset->daxes->nzz;
avg = malloc(sizeof(double) * nvoxs);
if (avg == NULL) {
return NULL;
/* Calculate the voxel averages; treat matrices as 1-D arrays */
/* Zero the voxel sums */
for (ivox = 0; ivox < nvoxs; ivox += 1) {
avg[ivox] = 0.0;
/* Sum each voxel across time (and hope there are not too many points) */
for (ival = ignore; ival < nvals; ival += 1) {
scalefactor = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset, ival);
switch (DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset, ival)) {
case MRI_short:
case MRI_byte:
case MRI_float:
default: /* Unsupported datatype */
return NULL;
/* Divide by number of timepoints to get average */
nvals -= ignore; /* We do not average over the ignored timepoints */
for (ivox = 0; ivox < nvoxs; ivox += 1) {
avg[ivox] /= nvals;
return avg;
示例12: THD_open_dataset
THD_3dim_dataset *Seg_load_dset_eng( char *set_name, char *view )
static char FuncName[]={"Seg_load_dset_eng"};
THD_3dim_dataset *dset=NULL, *sdset=NULL;
int i=0;
byte make_cp=0;
int verb=0;
char sprefix[THD_MAX_PREFIX+10], *stmp=NULL;
dset = THD_open_dataset( set_name );
if( !ISVALID_DSET(dset) ){
fprintf(stderr,"**ERROR: can't open dataset %s\n",set_name) ;
DSET_mallocize(dset) ; DSET_load(dset);
for (i=0; i<DSET_NVALS(dset); ++i) {
if (DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,i) != MRI_short) {
if (verb) INFO_message("Sub-brick %d in %s not of type short.\n"
"Creating new short copy of dset ",
i, DSET_PREFIX(dset));
make_cp=1; break;
if (make_cp) {
if (!SUMA_ShortizeDset(&dset, -1.0)) {
SUMA_S_Err("**ERROR: Failed to shortize");
if (DSET_IS_MASTERED(dset)) {
if (verb) INFO_message("Dset is mastered, making copy...");
stmp = SUMA_ModifyName(set_name, "append", ".cp", NULL);
sdset = dset;
dset = EDIT_full_copy(sdset, stmp);
free(stmp); DSET_delete(sdset); sdset = NULL;
if (view) {
if (view) {
if (!strstr(view,"orig"))
EDIT_dset_items(dset,ADN_view_type, VIEW_ORIGINAL_TYPE, ADN_none);
else if (!strstr(view,"acpc"))
EDIT_dset_items(dset,ADN_view_type, VIEW_ACPCALIGNED_TYPE, ADN_none);
else if (!strstr(view,"tlrc"))
EDIT_dset_items(dset ,ADN_view_type, VIEW_TALAIRACH_TYPE, ADN_none);
else SUMA_S_Errv("View of %s is rubbish", view);
示例13: while
void get_options
int argc, /* number of input arguments */
char ** argv /* array of input arguments */
int nopt = 1; /* input option argument counter */
int ival, index; /* integer input */
float fval; /* float input */
char message[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; /* error message */
/*----- does user request help menu? -----*/
if (argc < 2 || strncmp(argv[1], "-help", 5) == 0) display_help_menu();
/*----- main loop over input options -----*/
while (nopt < argc )
/*----- -anat filename -----*/
if (strncmp(argv[nopt], "-anat", 5) == 0)
if (nopt >= argc) estPDF_error ("need argument after -anat ");
anat_filename = malloc (sizeof(char) * MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
MTEST (anat_filename);
strcpy (anat_filename, argv[nopt]);
anat = THD_open_one_dataset (anat_filename);
sprintf (message, "Can't open dataset: %s\n", anat_filename);
estPDF_error (message);
DSET_load(anat); CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(anat);
/*----- unknown command -----*/
sprintf(message,"Unrecognized command line option: %s\n", argv[nopt]);
estPDF_error (message);
示例14: fill_mask
int fill_mask(options_t * opts)
THD_3dim_dataset * mset;
int nvox;
if( opts->automask ) {
if( opts->verb ) INFO_message("creating automask...");
opts->mask = THD_automask(opts->inset);
if( ! opts->mask ) {
ERROR_message("failed to apply -automask");
if( opts->mask_name ) {
if( opts->verb )
INFO_message("reading mask dset from %s...", opts->mask_name);
mset = THD_open_dataset( opts->mask_name );
if( ! mset ) ERROR_exit("cannot open mask dset '%s'", opts->mask_name);
nvox = DSET_NVOX(opts->inset);
if( DSET_NVOX(mset) != nvox ) {
ERROR_message("mask does not have the same voxel count as input");
/* fill mask array and mask_nxyz, remove mask dset */
DSET_load(mset); CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(mset);
opts->mask = THD_makemask(mset, 0, 1, 0);
if( ! opts->mask ) {
ERROR_message("cannot make mask from '%s'", opts->mask_name);
if( opts->verb > 1 )
INFO_message("have mask with %d voxels", nvox);
示例15: THD_dset_to_vectim_byslice
MRI_vectim * THD_dset_to_vectim_byslice( THD_3dim_dataset *dset, byte *mask ,
int ignore , int kzbot , int kztop )
byte *mmm ;
MRI_vectim *mrv=NULL ;
int kk,iv , nvals , nvox , nmask , nxy , nz ;
ENTRY("THD_dset_to_vectim_byslice") ;
DSET_load(dset) ; if( !DSET_LOADED(dset) ) RETURN(NULL) ;
nvals = DSET_NVALS(dset) ; if( nvals <= 0 ) RETURN(NULL) ;
nvox = DSET_NVOX(dset) ;
nxy = DSET_NX(dset) * DSET_NY(dset) ; nz = DSET_NZ(dset) ;
if( kzbot < 0 ) kzbot = 0 ;
if( kztop >= nz ) kztop = nz-1 ;
if( kztop < kzbot ) RETURN(NULL) ;
if( kzbot == 0 && kztop == nz-1 ){
mrv = THD_dset_to_vectim( dset , mask, ignore ) ; RETURN(mrv) ;
/* make a mask that includes cutting out un-desirable slices */
{ int ibot , itop , ii ;
#pragma omp critical (MALLOC)
mmm = (byte *)malloc(sizeof(byte)*nvox) ;
if( mask == NULL ) AAmemset( mmm , 1 , sizeof(byte)*nvox ) ;
else AAmemcpy( mmm , mask , sizeof(byte)*nvox ) ;
if( kzbot > 0 )
AAmemset( mmm , 0 , sizeof(byte)*kzbot *nxy ) ;
if( kztop < nz-1 )
AAmemset( mmm+(kztop+1)*nxy , 0 , sizeof(byte)*(nz-1-kztop)*nxy ) ;
/* and make the vectim using the standard function */
mrv = THD_dset_to_vectim( dset , mmm , ignore ) ;
free(mmm) ;
RETURN(mrv) ;