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C++ DRSetDebug函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中DRSetDebug函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ DRSetDebug函数的具体用法?C++ DRSetDebug怎么用?C++ DRSetDebug使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: DIPImpTypeBase

dip_status      DIGENTRY DIPImpTypeBase( imp_image_handle *ii,
        imp_type_handle *it, imp_type_handle *base,
        location_context *lc, location_list *ll )
    dr_handle  btype;

    lc = lc;
    ll = ll;
        Given an implementation type handle, fill in 'base' with the
        base type of the handle.
    if( base != it ) {
        *base = *it;
    DRSetDebug( ii->dwarf->handle ); /* must do at each call into dwarf */
    if( base->state == DF_SET && base->sub_array  ) {
        base->array.index = GetArrayDim( base->array.index, 1 );
        if( base->array.is_based ) {
            base->array.is_set = FALSE;
        base->array.is_based = TRUE;
        if( base->array.index != DR_HANDLE_NUL ) {
            return( DS_OK );
    btype =  DRSkipTypeChain( base->type ); /* skip modifiers and typedefs */
    base->type = DRGetTypeAT( btype );      /* get base type */
    if( base->type == DR_HANDLE_NUL ) {
        base->type = DR_HANDLE_VOID;        /* no type means 'void' */
    base->state = DF_NOT;
    return( DS_OK );

示例2: DIPImpTypeProcInfo

dip_status      DIGENTRY DIPImpTypeProcInfo( imp_image_handle *ii,
        imp_type_handle *proc, imp_type_handle *parm, unsigned n )
    dr_handle       btype;
    dr_handle       parm_type = DR_HANDLE_NUL;
    dip_status      ret;

    DRSetDebug( ii->dwarf->handle ); /* must do at each call into dwarf */
    btype = DRSkipTypeChain( proc->type ); /* skip modifiers and typedefs */
    if( n > 0 ) {
        btype = GetParmN( ii, btype, n );
    }// if n == 0 just fall through and get type of function
    if( btype != DR_HANDLE_NUL ) {
        parm_type = DRGetTypeAT( btype );    /* get type */
    if( parm_type != DR_HANDLE_NUL ) {
        parm->state = DF_NOT;
        parm->type = parm_type;
        parm->im = proc->im;
        ret = DS_OK;
    } else {
        ret = DS_FAIL;
    return( ret );

示例3: ACueFileNum

static bool ACueFileNum( void *_fc, dr_line_file *curr )
    file_walk_cue   *fc = _fc;
    bool            cont;
    imp_cue_handle  *ic;
    dr_dbg_handle   saved;

    ic = fc->ic;
    ic->a = NilAddr;
    ic->im = fc->im;
    if( FirstCue( fc->stmts, curr->index, ic ) ) {
        ic->fno = curr->index;
        ic->line = 1;
        ic->col = 0;
    saved = DRGetDebug();
    fc->wr = fc->wk( fc->ii, ic, fc->d );
    DRSetDebug( saved );
    if( fc->wr == WR_CONTINUE ) {
        cont = true;
    } else {
        cont = false;
    return( cont  );


void Module::setModule()
// tell the dwarf library that we are reading out of this module
    REQUIRE( _dataFile->isInitialized(), "Module::setModule - not initialized" );
    DRSetDebug( _dbgInfo );

示例5: status

    Adjust the 'src' cue by 'adj' amount and return the result in 'dst'.
    That is, If you get called with "DIPImpCueAdjust( ii, src, 1, dst )",
    the 'dst' handle should be filled in with implementation cue handle
    representing the source cue immediately following the 'src' cue.
    Passing in an 'adj' of -1 will get the immediately preceeding source
    cue. The list of source cues for each file are considered a ring,
    so if 'src' is the first cue in a file, an 'adj' of -1 will return
    the last source cue FOR THAT FILE. The cue adjust never crosses a
    file boundry. Also, if 'src' is the last cue in a file, and 'adj' of
    1 will get the first source cue FOR THAT FILE. If an adjustment
    causes a wrap from begining to end or vice versa, you should return
    DS_WRAPPED status (NOTE: DS_ERR should *not* be or'd in, nor should
    DCStatus be called in this case). Otherwise DS_OK should be returned
    unless an error occurred.
dip_status      DIPENTRY DIPImpCueAdjust( imp_image_handle *ii,
                imp_cue_handle *src, int adj, imp_cue_handle *dst )
    dr_handle       stmts;
    dfline_search   start_state;
    dfline_find     find;
    dip_status      ret;
    imp_mod_handle  imx;
    cue_item        cue;
    cue_list        *cue_map;
    address         map_addr;

    imx = src->imx;
    DRSetDebug( ii->dwarf->handle );    /* must do at each call into DWARF */
    stmts  =  ii->mod_map[imx].stmts;
    if( stmts == 0 ) {
        DCStatus( DS_FAIL );
        return( DS_ERR|DS_FAIL  );
    cue_map= ii->cue_map;
    if( cue_map->imx != imx ) {
        ResetCueInfo( cue_map );
        cue_map->imx = imx;
        map_addr = NilAddr;
        LoadCueMap( stmts, &map_addr, cue_map );
    if( adj < 0 ) {
        start_state = LOOK_LOW;
        adj = -adj;
    } else {
        start_state = LOOK_HIGH;
    cue.fno = src->fno;
    cue.line = src->line;
    cue.col = src->col;
    while( 0 != adj ) {
        find =  FindCue( cue_map, &cue, start_state );
        if( find == LINE_NOT ) break;
    dst->imx = imx;
    dst->fno  =  cue.fno;
    dst->line =  cue.line;
    dst->col  =  cue.col;
    dst->a.mach = cue.mach;
    switch( find ) {
    case LINE_NOT:
        DCStatus( DS_FAIL );
        ret = DS_ERR | DS_FAIL;
    case LINE_WRAPPED:
        ret = DS_WRAPPED;
    case LINE_FOUND:
        ret = DS_OK;
    return( ret );

示例6: DIPImpWalkFileList

walk_result     DIPENTRY DIPImpWalkFileList( imp_image_handle *ii,
                    imp_mod_handle im, IMP_CUE_WKR *wk, imp_cue_handle *ic,
                    void *d )
    file_walk_cue   wlk;
    im_idx          imx;
    dr_handle       stmts;

    imx = IM2IMX( im );
    DRSetDebug( ii->dwarf->handle );    /* must do at each call into DWARF */
    stmts  =  ii->mod_map[imx].stmts;
    if( stmts == 0 ) {
        DCStatus( DS_FAIL );
        return( WR_CONTINUE );
    wlk.stmts = stmts;
    wlk.ii = ii;
    wlk.imx = imx;
    wlk.wk = wk;
    wlk.ic = ic;
    wlk.d  = d;
    wlk.wr =  WR_CONTINUE;
    DRWalkLFiles( stmts, ACueFileNum, &wlk, ACueDir, NULL );
    return( wlk.wr );

示例7: ACueFileNum

static int ACueFileNum( void *_fc, dr_line_file *curr )
    file_walk_cue   *fc = _fc;
    int             cont;
    imp_cue_handle  *ic;
    dr_dbg_handle   saved;

    ic = fc->ic;
    DCFree( curr->name );
    ic->a = NilAddr;
    ic->imx = fc->imx;
    if( FirstCue( fc->stmts, curr->index, ic ) ) {
        ic->fno = curr->index;
        ic->line = 1;
        ic->col  = 0;
    saved = DRGetDebug();
    fc->wr = fc->wk( fc->ii, ic, fc->d );
    DRSetDebug( saved );
    if( fc->wr == WR_CONTINUE ) {
        cont = TRUE;
    } else {
        cont = FALSE;
    return( cont  );

示例8: AInherit

static bool AInherit( dr_handle inh, int index, void *_d )
//TODO: Need to track virtual base as not to visit same place twice
    type_wlk_wlk    *d = _d;
    bool            cont;
    dr_handle       btype;
    dr_handle       old_inh;
    imp_sym_handle  *is;
    dr_dbg_handle   saved;
    walk_result     wr;

    index = index;
    cont = TRUE;

    btype = DRGetTypeAT( inh );
    btype =  DRSkipTypeChain( btype ); /* skip modifiers and typedefs */
    if( DRGetVirtuality( inh ) == DR_VIRTUALITY_VIRTUAL  ) {
        if( !AddBase( btype, &d->com.vbase ) ) {
            return( cont );
    is = d->is;
    SetSymHandle( (type_wlk *)d, is );
    is->sym = inh;
    is->sclass = SYM_MEM;     //  treat inherit like a var
    saved = DRGetDebug();
    wr = d->wk( d->com.ii, SWI_INHERIT_START, is, d->com.d );
    DRSetDebug( saved );
    if( wr == WR_CONTINUE ) {
        old_inh = d->com.inh;
        d->com.inh = inh;
        DRWalkStruct( btype, StrucWlk, d );
        d->com.inh = old_inh;
        saved = DRGetDebug();
        d->wk( d->com.ii, SWI_INHERIT_END, NULL, d->com.d );
        DRSetDebug( saved );
        if( d->wr != WR_CONTINUE ) {
            cont = FALSE;
    return( cont );

示例9: SearchMbr

search_result SearchMbr( imp_image_handle *ii, imp_type_handle *it, lookup_item *li, void *d )
//Search for matching lookup item
    dr_handle       btype;
    type_wlk_lookup df;
    df_cleaner      cleanup;

    DRSetDebug( ii->dwarf->handle ); /* must do at each call into dwarf */
    if( it->state == DF_NOT ) {
        if( DRGetTypeInfo( it->type, &it->typeinfo ) ) {
            it->state = DF_SET;
    if( it->state == DF_NOT ) {
        return( SR_NONE );
    df.com.im = it->im;
    df.com.ii = ii;
    df.com.d = d;
    df.com.root = it->type;
    df.com.inh = DR_HANDLE_NUL;
    df.com.vbase = NULL;
    cleanup.rtn = FreeBases;   //push cleanup
    cleanup.d = &df.com.vbase;
    cleanup.prev = Cleaners;
    Cleaners = &cleanup;
    btype = DRSkipTypeChain( it->type );
    if( li->case_sensitive ) {
        df.comp = memcmp;
    } else {
        df.comp = memicmp;
    df.li = li;
    df.sr = SR_NONE;
    switch( it->typeinfo.kind ) {
    case DR_TYPEK_ENUM:
        df.com.sclass = SYM_ENUM;
        df.com.einfo.size = it->typeinfo.size;
        df.com.einfo.sign = it->typeinfo.modifier.sign;
        DRWalkEnum( btype, AEnumMemLookup, &df );
    case DR_TYPEK_UNION:
    case DR_TYPEK_CLASS:
        df.com.sclass = SYM_MEM;
        DRWalkStruct( btype, StrucWlkLookup, &df );
        DCStatus( DS_ERR | DS_BAD_PARM );
        df.sr = SR_FAIL;
    FreeBases( &df.com.vbase ); // free virtual base list
    Cleaners = cleanup.prev; // pop cleanup
    return( df.sr );

示例10: GetParmCount

extern int GetParmCount(  imp_image_handle *ii, dr_handle proc ) {
// return handle of the n parm
    parm_wlk df;

    df.count = 0;
    df.last = 0;
    DRSetDebug( ii->dwarf->handle ); /* must do at each call into dwarf */
    DRWalkBlock( proc, DR_SRCH_parm, AParm, (void *)&df );
    return( df.count );

示例11: WalkTypeSymList

extern walk_result WalkTypeSymList( imp_image_handle *ii, imp_type_handle *it,
                                    IMP_SYM_WKR *wk, imp_sym_handle *is, void *d ) {
    dr_handle       btype;
    type_wlk_wlk    df;
    df_cleaner      cleanup;

    DRSetDebug( ii->dwarf->handle ); /* must do at each call into dwarf */
    if( it->state == DF_NOT ) {
        if(  DRGetTypeInfo( it->type, &it->typeinfo ) ) {
            it->state = DF_SET;
    if( it->state == DF_NOT ) {
        return( WR_STOP );
    df.com.im = it->im;
    df.com.ii = ii;
    df.com.d = d;
    df.com.root = it->type;
    df.com.inh = DR_HANDLE_NUL;
    df.com.vbase = NULL;
    cleanup.rtn = FreeBases;   //push cleanup
    cleanup.d = &df.com.vbase;
    cleanup.prev = Cleaners;
    Cleaners = &cleanup;
    btype = DRSkipTypeChain( it->type );
    df.is = is;
    df.wk = wk;
    df.wr = WR_CONTINUE;
    switch( it->typeinfo.kind ) {
    case DR_TYPEK_ENUM:
        df.com.sclass = SYM_ENUM;
        df.com.einfo.size = it->typeinfo.size;
        df.com.einfo.sign = it->typeinfo.modifier.sign;
        DRWalkEnum( btype, AEnumMem, &df );
    case DR_TYPEK_UNION:
    case DR_TYPEK_CLASS:
        df.com.sclass = SYM_MEM;
        DRWalkStruct( btype, StrucWlk, &df );
        DCStatus( DS_ERR | DS_BAD_PARM );
        df.wr = WR_STOP;
    FreeBases( &df.com.vbase ); // free virtual base list
    Cleaners = cleanup.prev; // pop cleanup
    return( df.wr );


size_t DIPIMPENTRY( CueFile )( imp_image_handle *ii, imp_cue_handle *ic,
                                          char *buff, size_t buff_size )
    char            *name;
    file_walk_name  wlk;
    size_t          len;
    drmem_hdl       stmts;
    drmem_hdl       cu_tag;
    int             i;
    mod_info        *modinfo;

    DRSetDebug( ii->dwarf->handle );    /* must do at each call into dwarf */
    modinfo = IMH2MODI( ii, ic->im );
    stmts = modinfo->stmts;
    cu_tag = modinfo->cu_tag;
    if( stmts == DRMEM_HDL_NULL || cu_tag == DRMEM_HDL_NULL ) {
        DCStatus( DS_FAIL );
        return( 0 );
    wlk.index = ic->fno;
    wlk.ret = NULL;
    wlk.num_dirs = 0;
    wlk.dirs = NULL;
    DRWalkLFiles( stmts, ACueFile, &wlk, ACueDir, &wlk );
    name = wlk.ret;

    // Free directory and file table information
    for( i = 0; i < wlk.num_dirs; i++ ) {
        DCFree( wlk.dirs[i].name );
    DCFree( wlk.dirs );

    if( name == NULL ) {
        DCStatus( DS_FAIL );
        return( 0 );
    // If compilation unit has a DW_AT_comp_dir attribute, we need to
    // stuff that in front of the file pathname, unless that is absolute
    len = DRGetCompDirBuff( cu_tag, buff, buff_size );
    if( ( len > 1 ) && IsRelPathname( name ) ) {  // Ignore empty comp dirs
        len = NameCopy( buff, "/", buff_size, len );
    } else {
        len = 0;
    len = NameCopy( buff, name, buff_size, len );
    DCFree( name );
    return( len );

示例13: finf

Module::Module( const char *name, WCValSList<String> & enabled,
                WCValSList<String> & disabled )
    WCPtrOrderedVector<ComponentFile> components;
    FileInfo                          finf( name );
    int                               i;
    MsgRetType                        ret;

    _dataFile = new ElfFile( name, false );

    DwarfFileMerger merger( name, enabled, disabled );

    if( !merger.upToDate() ) {
        if( !finf.exists() ) {
        } else {
            if( enabled.entries() != 0 ) {
                ret = WMessageDialog::messagef( topWindow,
                        MsgQuestion, MsgYesNo, "Source Browser",
                        "Database %s is not consistent with module files.\n"
                        "Merge the database now?", name );

                if( ret == MsgRetYes ) {


    _dataFile->getEnabledComponents( &components );
    for( i = 0; i < components.entries(); i += 1 ) {
        _enabledFiles.add( new WFileName( components[i]->name ) );

    _dataFile->getDisabledComponents( &components );
    for( i = 0; i < components.entries(); i += 1 ) {
        _disabledFiles.add( new WFileName( components[i]->name ) );


    _dbgInfo = DRDbgInit( this, _dataFile->getDRSizes(), false );
    DRSetDebug( _dbgInfo );

示例14: GetParmN

extern dr_handle GetParmN(  imp_image_handle *ii,dr_handle proc, int count ) {
// return handle of the n parm
    parm_wlk df;
    dr_handle ret;

    df.count = 0;
    df.last = count;
    DRSetDebug( ii->dwarf->handle ); /* must do at each call into dwarf */
    if( DRWalkBlock( proc, DR_SRCH_parm, AParm, (void *)&df ) ) {
        ret = DR_HANDLE_NUL;
    } else {
        ret = df.var;
    return( ret );

示例15: GetParmN

drmem_hdl GetParmN( imp_image_handle *ii, drmem_hdl proc, int count )
// return handle of the n parm
    parm_wlk    df;
    drmem_hdl   ret;

    df.count = 0;
    df.last = count;
    DRSetDebug( ii->dwarf->handle ); /* must do at each call into dwarf */
    if( DRWalkBlock( proc, DR_SRCH_parm, AParm, (void *)&df ) ) {
        ret = DRMEM_HDL_NULL;
        ret = df.var;
    return( ret );
