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C++ DEBUG_ONLY函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中DEBUG_ONLY函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ DEBUG_ONLY函数的具体用法?C++ DEBUG_ONLY怎么用?C++ DEBUG_ONLY使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: assert

// Code generation
address MethodHandles::generate_method_handle_interpreter_entry(MacroAssembler* _masm,
                                                                vmIntrinsics::ID iid) {
  const bool not_for_compiler_entry = false;  // this is the interpreter entry
  assert(is_signature_polymorphic(iid), "expected invoke iid");
  if (iid == vmIntrinsics::_invokeGeneric ||
      iid == vmIntrinsics::_compiledLambdaForm) {
    // Perhaps surprisingly, the symbolic references visible to Java are not directly used.
    // They are linked to Java-generated adapters via MethodHandleNatives.linkMethod.
    // They all allow an appendix argument.
    __ hlt();           // empty stubs make SG sick
    return NULL;

  // rsi/r13: sender SP (must preserve; see prepare_to_jump_from_interpreted)
  // rbx: Method*
  // rdx: argument locator (parameter slot count, added to rsp)
  // rcx: used as temp to hold mh or receiver
  // rax, rdi: garbage temps, blown away
  Register rdx_argp   = rdx;   // argument list ptr, live on error paths
  Register rax_temp   = rax;
  Register rcx_mh     = rcx;   // MH receiver; dies quickly and is recycled
  Register rbx_method = rbx;   // eventual target of this invocation

  // here's where control starts out:
  __ align(CodeEntryAlignment);
  address entry_point = __ pc();

  if (VerifyMethodHandles) {
    Label L;
    BLOCK_COMMENT("verify_intrinsic_id {");
    __ cmpb(Address(rbx_method, Method::intrinsic_id_offset_in_bytes()), (int) iid);
    __ jcc(Assembler::equal, L);
    if (iid == vmIntrinsics::_linkToVirtual ||
        iid == vmIntrinsics::_linkToSpecial) {
      // could do this for all kinds, but would explode assembly code size
      trace_method_handle(_masm, "bad Method*::intrinsic_id");
    __ STOP("bad Method*::intrinsic_id");
    __ bind(L);
    BLOCK_COMMENT("} verify_intrinsic_id");

  // First task:  Find out how big the argument list is.
  Address rdx_first_arg_addr;
  int ref_kind = signature_polymorphic_intrinsic_ref_kind(iid);
  assert(ref_kind != 0 || iid == vmIntrinsics::_invokeBasic, "must be _invokeBasic or a linkTo intrinsic");
  if (ref_kind == 0 || MethodHandles::ref_kind_has_receiver(ref_kind)) {
    __ movptr(rdx_argp, Address(rbx_method, Method::const_offset()));
    __ load_sized_value(rdx_argp,
                        Address(rdx_argp, ConstMethod::size_of_parameters_offset()),
                        sizeof(u2), /*is_signed*/ false);
    // assert(sizeof(u2) == sizeof(Method::_size_of_parameters), "");
    rdx_first_arg_addr = __ argument_address(rdx_argp, -1);
  } else {
    DEBUG_ONLY(rdx_argp = noreg);

  if (!is_signature_polymorphic_static(iid)) {
    __ movptr(rcx_mh, rdx_first_arg_addr);
    DEBUG_ONLY(rdx_argp = noreg);

  // rdx_first_arg_addr is live!

  trace_method_handle_interpreter_entry(_masm, iid);

  if (iid == vmIntrinsics::_invokeBasic) {
    generate_method_handle_dispatch(_masm, iid, rcx_mh, noreg, not_for_compiler_entry);

  } else {
    // Adjust argument list by popping the trailing MemberName argument.
    Register rcx_recv = noreg;
    if (MethodHandles::ref_kind_has_receiver(ref_kind)) {
      // Load the receiver (not the MH; the actual MemberName's receiver) up from the interpreter stack.
      __ movptr(rcx_recv = rcx, rdx_first_arg_addr);
    DEBUG_ONLY(rdx_argp = noreg);
    Register rbx_member = rbx_method;  // MemberName ptr; incoming method ptr is dead now
    __ pop(rax_temp);           // return address
    __ pop(rbx_member);         // extract last argument
    __ push(rax_temp);          // re-push return address
    generate_method_handle_dispatch(_masm, iid, rcx_recv, rbx_member, not_for_compiler_entry);

  return entry_point;


void RowScatter
( T alpha,
  const ElementalMatrix<T>& A,
        ElementalMatrix<T>& B )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("axpy_contract::RowScatter"))
    AssertSameGrids( A, B );
    if( A.Height() != B.Height() || A.Width() != B.Width() )
        LogicError("Matrix sizes did not match");
    if( !B.Participating() )

    const Int width = B.Width();
    const Int colDiff = B.ColAlign()-A.ColAlign();
    if( colDiff == 0 )
        if( width == 1 )
            const Int localHeight = B.LocalHeight();
            const Int portionSize = mpi::Pad( localHeight );
            //vector<T> buffer( portionSize );
            vector<T> buffer;
            buffer.reserve( portionSize );

            // Reduce to rowAlign
            const Int rowAlign = B.RowAlign();
            ( A.LockedBuffer(), buffer.data(), portionSize,
              rowAlign, B.RowComm() );

            if( B.RowRank() == rowAlign )
                ( alpha, localHeight, 1,
                  buffer.data(), 1, localHeight,
                  B.Buffer(),    1, B.LDim() );
            const Int rowStride = B.RowStride();
            const Int rowAlign = B.RowAlign();

            const Int localHeight = B.LocalHeight();
            const Int localWidth = B.LocalWidth();
            const Int maxLocalWidth = MaxLength(width,rowStride);

            const Int portionSize = mpi::Pad( localHeight*maxLocalWidth );
            const Int sendSize = rowStride*portionSize;

            // Pack 
            //vector<T> buffer( sendSize );
            vector<T> buffer;
            buffer.reserve( sendSize );
            ( localHeight, width,
              rowAlign, rowStride,
              A.LockedBuffer(), A.LDim(),
              buffer.data(), portionSize );

            // Communicate
            mpi::ReduceScatter( buffer.data(), portionSize, B.RowComm() );

            // Update with our received data
            ( alpha, localHeight, localWidth,
              buffer.data(), 1, localHeight,
              B.Buffer(),    1, B.LDim() );
        if( B.Grid().Rank() == 0 )
            cerr << "Unaligned RowScatter" << endl;
        const Int colRank = B.ColRank();
        const Int colStride = B.ColStride();

        const Int sendRow = Mod( colRank+colDiff, colStride );
        const Int recvRow = Mod( colRank-colDiff, colStride );

        const Int localHeight = B.LocalHeight();
        const Int localHeightA = A.LocalHeight();

        if( width == 1 )
            //vector<T> buffer( localHeight+localHeightA );
            vector<T> buffer;
            buffer.reserve( localHeight+localHeightA );
            T* sendBuf = &buffer[0];
            T* recvBuf = &buffer[localHeightA];

            // Reduce to rowAlign
            const Int rowAlign = B.RowAlign();
            ( A.LockedBuffer(), sendBuf, localHeightA, rowAlign, B.RowComm() );

            if( B.RowRank() == rowAlign )


BDM& BDM::operator=( const DistMatrix<T,STAR,VR,BLOCK>& A )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("[STAR,VC] = [STAR,VR]"))
    LogicError("This routine is not yet written");
    return *this;

示例4: UpdateImagPart

inline void
UpdateImagPart( Real& alpha, const Real& beta )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("UpdateImagPart"))
    LogicError("Nonsensical update");


DM& DM::operator=( const DistMatrix<T,STAR,MR>& A )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("[MC,MR] = [STAR,MR]"))
    copy::ColFilter( A, *this );
    return *this;

示例6: GetWaitingUserCount

				//client has a valid secure hash, add him remove other one
				if (thePrefs.GetVerbose())
					AddDebugLogLine(false,CString(GetResString(IDS_SAMEUSERHASH)),client->GetUserName(),cur_client->GetUserName(),cur_client->GetUserName() );
				if (!cur_client->socket)
					if(cur_client->Disconnected(_T("AddClientToQueue - same userhash 1")))
						delete cur_client;
				// remove both since we do not know who the bad one is
				if (thePrefs.GetVerbose())
					AddDebugLogLine(false,CString(GetResString(IDS_SAMEUSERHASH)),client->GetUserName(),cur_client->GetUserName(),"Both" );
				if (!cur_client->socket)
					if(cur_client->Disconnected(_T("AddClientToQueue - same userhash 2")))
						delete cur_client;
		else if (client->GetIP() == cur_client->GetIP())
			// same IP, different port, different userhash
	if (cSameIP >= 3)
		// do not accept more than 3 clients from the same IP
		if (thePrefs.GetVerbose())
			DEBUG_ONLY( AddDebugLogLine(false,_T("%s's (%s) request to enter the queue was rejected, because of too many clients with the same IP"), client->GetUserName(), ipstr(client->GetConnectIP())) );
	else if (theApp.clientlist->GetClientsFromIP(client->GetIP()) >= 3)
		if (thePrefs.GetVerbose())
			DEBUG_ONLY( AddDebugLogLine(false,_T("%s's (%s) request to enter the queue was rejected, because of too many clients with the same IP (found in TrackedClientsList)"), client->GetUserName(), ipstr(client->GetConnectIP())) );
	// done

	// statistic values
	CKnownFile* reqfile = theApp.sharedfiles->GetFileByID((uchar*)client->GetUploadFileID());
	if (reqfile)

	// emule collection will bypass the queue
	if (reqfile != NULL && CCollection::HasCollectionExtention(reqfile->GetFileName()) && reqfile->GetFileSize() < MAXPRIORITYCOLL_SIZE
		&& !client->IsDownloading() && client->socket != NULL && client->socket->IsConnected())
		RemoveFromWaitingQueue(client, true);
		AddUpNextClient(_T("Collection Priority Slot"), client);

   // cap the list
    // the queue limit in prefs is only a soft limit. Hard limit is 25% higher, to let in powershare clients and other
    // high ranking clients after soft limit has been reached
    uint32 softQueueLimit = thePrefs.GetQueueSize();
    uint32 hardQueueLimit = thePrefs.GetQueueSize() + max(thePrefs.GetQueueSize()/4, 200);

    // if soft queue limit has been reached, only let in high ranking clients
    if ((uint32)waitinglist.GetCount() >= hardQueueLimit ||
        (uint32)waitinglist.GetCount() >= softQueueLimit && // soft queue limit is reached
        (client->IsFriend() && client->GetFriendSlot()) == false && // client is not a friend with friend slot
        client->GetCombinedFilePrioAndCredit() < GetAverageCombinedFilePrioAndCredit()) { // and client has lower credits/wants lower prio file than average client in queue

        // then block client from getting on queue
	if (client->IsDownloading())
		// he's already downloading and wants probably only another file
		if (thePrefs.GetDebugClientTCPLevel() > 0)
			DebugSend("OP__AcceptUploadReq", client);
		Packet* packet = new Packet(OP_ACCEPTUPLOADREQ,0);
	if (waitinglist.IsEmpty() && AcceptNewClient())
		AddUpNextClient(_T("Direct add with empty queue."), client);

示例7: gdsfilext


uint4	 gdsfilext(uint4 blocks, uint4 filesize, boolean_t trans_in_prog)
	sm_uc_ptr_t		old_base[2], mmap_retaddr;
	boolean_t		was_crit, is_mm;
	char			buff[DISK_BLOCK_SIZE];
	int			result, save_errno, status;
	uint4			new_bit_maps, bplmap, map, new_blocks, new_total, max_tot_blks;
	uint4			jnl_status, to_wait, to_msg, wait_period;
	gtm_uint64_t		avail_blocks, mmap_sz;
	off_t			new_eof;
	trans_num		curr_tn;
	unix_db_info		*udi;
	inctn_opcode_t		save_inctn_opcode;
	int4			prev_extend_blks_to_upgrd;
	jnl_private_control	*jpc;
	jnl_buffer_ptr_t	jbp;

	assert((cs_addrs->nl == NULL) || (process_id != cs_addrs->nl->trunc_pid)); /* mu_truncate shouldn't extend file... */
	DEBUG_ONLY(old_base[0] = old_base[1] = NULL);
	udi = FILE_INFO(gv_cur_region);
	is_mm = (dba_mm == cs_addrs->hdr->acc_meth);
#	if !defined(MM_FILE_EXT_OK)
	if (!udi->grabbed_access_sem && is_mm)
		return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE); /* should this be changed to show extension not allowed ? */
#	endif
	/* Both blocks and total blocks are unsigned ints so make sure we aren't asking for huge numbers that will
	   overflow and end up doing silly things.
	assert((blocks <= (MAXTOTALBLKS(cs_data) - cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks)) || WBTEST_ENABLED(WBTEST_FILE_EXTEND_ERROR));
	if (!blocks)
		return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE); /* should this be changed to show extension not enabled ? */
	bplmap = cs_data->bplmap;
	/* New total of non-bitmap blocks will be number of current, non-bitmap blocks, plus new blocks desired
	 * There are (bplmap - 1) non-bitmap blocks per bitmap, so add (bplmap - 2) to number of non-bitmap blocks
	 *      and divide by (bplmap - 1) to get total number of bitmaps for expanded database. (must round up in this
	 *      manner as every non-bitmap block must have an associated bitmap)
	 * Current number of bitmaps is (total number of current blocks + bplmap - 1) / bplmap.
	 * Subtract current number of bitmaps from number needed for expanded database to get number of new bitmaps needed.
	new_bit_maps = DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks
			- DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks, bplmap) + blocks, bplmap - 1)
			- DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks, bplmap);
	new_blocks = blocks + new_bit_maps;
	assert(0 < (int)new_blocks);
	if (new_blocks + cs_data->trans_hist.total_blks > MAXTOTALBLKS(cs_data))
		send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(1) ERR_TOTALBLKMAX);
		return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE);
	if (0 != (save_errno = disk_block_available(udi->fd, &avail_blocks, FALSE)))
		send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), save_errno);
		rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), save_errno);
	} else
		if (!(gtmDebugLevel & GDL_IgnoreAvailSpace))
		{	/* Bypass this space check if debug flag above is on. Allows us to create a large sparce DB
			 * in space it could never fit it if wasn't sparse. Needed for some tests.
			avail_blocks = avail_blocks / (cs_data->blk_size / DISK_BLOCK_SIZE);
			if ((blocks * EXTEND_WARNING_FACTOR) > avail_blocks)
				if (blocks > (uint4)avail_blocks)
						return (uint4)(NO_FREE_SPACE);
						send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(6) MAKE_MSG_WARNING(ERR_NOSPACEEXT), 4,
							DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), new_blocks, (uint4)avail_blocks);
				} else
					send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(cs_addrs) VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_DSKSPACEFLOW, 3, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region),
						 (uint4)(avail_blocks - ((new_blocks <= avail_blocks) ? new_blocks : 0)));
	/* From here on, we need to use GDSFILEXT_CLNUP before returning to the caller */
	was_crit = cs_addrs->now_crit;
	assert(!cs_addrs->hold_onto_crit || was_crit);
	/* If we are coming from mupip_extend (which gets crit itself) we better have waited for any unfreezes to occur.
	 * If we are coming from online rollback (when that feature is available), we will come in holding crit and in
	 * 	the final retry. In that case too, we expect to have waited for unfreezes to occur in the caller itself.
	 * Therefore if we are coming in holding crit from MUPIP, we expect the db to be unfrozen so no need to wait for
	 * freeze.
	 * If we are coming from GT.M and final retry (in which case we come in holding crit) we expect to have waited
	 * 	for any unfreezes (by invoking tp_crit_all_regions) to occur (TP or non-TP) before coming into this
	 *	function. However, there is one exception. In the final retry, if tp_crit_all_regions notices that
	 *	at least one of the participating regions did ONLY READs, it will not wait for any freeze on THAT region
	 *	to complete before grabbing crit. Later, in the final retry, if THAT region did an update which caused
	 *	op_tcommit to invoke bm_getfree->gdsfilext, then we would have come here with a frozen region on which
	 *	we hold crit.
	assert(!was_crit || !cs_data->freeze || (dollar_tlevel && (CDB_STAGNATE <= t_tries)));


inline void ComputeFactorCommMeta
( DistSymmInfo& info, bool computeFactRecvInds )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("ComputeFactorCommMeta"))
    const Int numDist = info.distNodes.size();
    for( Int s=1; s<numDist; ++s )
        DistSymmNodeInfo& node = info.distNodes[s];
        const int teamSize = mpi::CommSize( node.comm );
        const DistSymmNodeInfo& childNode = info.distNodes[s-1];

        // Fill factorMeta.numChildSendInds 
        FactorCommMeta& commMeta = node.factorMeta;
        const int gridHeight = node.grid->Height();
        const int gridWidth = node.grid->Width();
        const int childGridHeight = childNode.grid->Height();
        const int childGridWidth = childNode.grid->Width();
        const int childGridRow = childNode.grid->Row();
        const int childGridCol = childNode.grid->Col();
        const Int mySize = childNode.size;
        const Int updateSize = childNode.lowerStruct.size();
        commMeta.numChildSendInds.resize( teamSize );
        elem::MemZero( &commMeta.numChildSendInds[0], teamSize );
        const std::vector<Int>& myRelInds = 
            ( childNode.onLeft ? node.leftRelInds : node.rightRelInds );
            const Int colAlign = mySize % childGridHeight;
            const Int rowAlign = mySize % childGridWidth;
            const Int colShift = 
                Shift( childGridRow, colAlign, childGridHeight );
            const Int rowShift = 
                Shift( childGridCol, rowAlign, childGridWidth );
            const Int localHeight = 
                Length( updateSize, colShift, childGridHeight );
            const Int localWidth = 
                Length( updateSize, rowShift, childGridWidth );
            for( Int jChildLoc=0; jChildLoc<localWidth; ++jChildLoc )
                const Int jChild = rowShift + jChildLoc*childGridWidth;
                const int destGridCol = myRelInds[jChild] % gridWidth;

                Int localColShift;
                if( colShift > jChild )
                    localColShift = 0;
                else if( (jChild-colShift) % childGridHeight == 0 )
                    localColShift = (jChild-colShift)/childGridHeight;
                    localColShift = (jChild-colShift)/childGridHeight + 1;
                for( Int iChildLoc=localColShift; 
                         iChildLoc<localHeight; ++iChildLoc )
                    const Int iChild = colShift + iChildLoc*childGridHeight;
                    if( iChild >= jChild )
                        const int destGridRow = myRelInds[iChild] % gridHeight;
                        const int destRank = destGridRow+destGridCol*gridHeight;

        // Optionally compute the recv indices for the factorization. 
        // This is optional since it requires a nontrivial amount of storage.
        if( computeFactRecvInds )
            ComputeFactRecvInds( node, childNode );

示例9: grab_gtmsource_srv_latch

/* Note we don't increment fast_lock_count as part of getting the latch and decrement it when releasing it because ROLLBACK
 * can hold onto this latch for a long while and can do updates in this duration and we should NOT have a non-zero fast_lock_count
 * as many places like t_begin/dsk_read have asserts to this effect. It is okay to NOT increment fast_lock_count as ROLLBACK
 * anyways have logic to disable interrupts the moment it starts doing database updates.
boolean_t	grab_gtmsource_srv_latch(sm_global_latch_ptr_t latch, uint4 max_timeout_in_secs, uint4 onln_rlbk_action)
	int			spins, maxspins, retries, max_retries;
	unix_db_info		*udi;
	sgmnt_addrs		*repl_csa;
	boolean_t		cycle_mismatch;

	udi = FILE_INFO(jnlpool.jnlpool_dummy_reg);
	repl_csa = &udi->s_addrs;
	maxspins = num_additional_processors ? MAX_LOCK_SPINS(LOCK_SPINS, num_additional_processors) : 1;
	max_retries = max_timeout_in_secs * 4 * 1000; /* outer-loop : X minutes, 1 loop in 4 is sleep of 1 ms */
	for (retries = max_retries - 1; 0 < retries; retries--)
		for (spins = maxspins; 0 < spins; spins--)
			assert(latch->u.parts.latch_pid != process_id); /* We better not hold it if trying to get it */
			if (GET_SWAPLOCK(latch))
				DEBUG_ONLY(locknl = repl_csa->nl); /* Use the journal pool to maintain lock history */
				LOCK_HIST("OBTN", latch, process_id, retries);
				DEBUG_ONLY(locknl = NULL);
				if (jnlpool.repl_inst_filehdr->file_corrupt && !jgbl.onlnrlbk)
					/* Journal pool indicates an abnormally terminated online rollback. Cannot continue until
					 * the rollback command is re-run to bring the journal pool/file and instance file to a
					 * consistent state.
					/* No need to release the latch before rts_error (mupip_exit_handler will do it for us) */
					rts_error(VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_REPLREQROLLBACK, 2, LEN_AND_STR(udi->fn),
						ERR_TEXT, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("file_corrupt field in instance file header is set to"
										" TRUE"));
				cycle_mismatch = (repl_csa->onln_rlbk_cycle != jnlpool.jnlpool_ctl->onln_rlbk_cycle);
				assert((ASSERT_NO_ONLINE_ROLLBACK != onln_rlbk_action) || !cycle_mismatch);
				if ((HANDLE_CONCUR_ONLINE_ROLLBACK == onln_rlbk_action) && cycle_mismatch)
					gtmsource_onln_rlbk_clnup(); /* side-effect : sets gtmsource_state */
				return TRUE;
		if (retries & 0x3)
		{	/* On all but every 4th pass, do a simple rel_quant */
		} else
			/* On every 4th pass, we bide for awhile */
				performCASLatchCheck(latch, TRUE);
	assert(jnlpool.gtmsource_local && jnlpool.gtmsource_local->gtmsource_pid);
	rts_error(VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_SRVLCKWT2LNG, 2, max_timeout_in_secs, jnlpool.gtmsource_local->gtmsource_pid);
	return FALSE; /* to keep the compiler happy */

示例10: send_mesg2gtmsecshr

int send_mesg2gtmsecshr(unsigned int code, unsigned int id, char *path, int path_len)
	int                     client_sockfd, create_server_status, fcntl_res;
	int			req_code, wait_count = 0;
	int			recv_len, send_len;
	ssize_t			num_chars_recvd, num_chars_sent;
	int 			save_errno, ret_code = 0, init_ret_code = 0;
	int			loop_count = 0;
	int			recv_complete, send_complete;
	boolean_t		retry = FALSE;
	size_t			server_proc_len;
	int			semop_res;
	int			selstat, status;
	char			*recv_ptr, *send_ptr;
	struct sockaddr_un	server_proc;
	struct sembuf		sop[4];
	fd_set			wait_on_fd;
	gtmsecshr_mesg		mesg;
	TID			timer_id;
	int4			msec_timeout;
	char			*gtm_tmp_ptr;
	struct stat		stat_buf;
	struct shmid_ds		shm_info;
	int			len;

	DBGGSSHR((LOGFLAGS, "secshr_client: New send request\n"));
	if (!gtm_dist_ok_to_use)
		rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_GTMDISTUNVERIF, 4, STRLEN(gtm_dist), gtm_dist,
				gtmImageNames[image_type].imageNameLen, gtmImageNames[image_type].imageName);
	/* Create communication key (hash of release name) if it has not already been done */
	if (0 == TREF(gtmsecshr_comkey))
		STR_HASH((char *)gtm_release_name, gtm_release_name_len, TREF(gtmsecshr_comkey), 0);
	timer_id = (TID)send_mesg2gtmsecshr;
	if (!gtmsecshr_file_check_done)
		len = STRLEN(gtm_dist);
		memcpy(gtmsecshr_path, gtm_dist, len);
		gtmsecshr_path[len] =  '/';
		gtmsecshr_pathname.addr = gtmsecshr_path;
		gtmsecshr_pathname.len = len + 1 + STRLEN(GTMSECSHR_EXECUTABLE);
		assertpro(GTM_PATH_MAX > gtmsecshr_pathname.len);
		gtmsecshr_pathname.addr[gtmsecshr_pathname.len] = '\0';
		if (-1 == Stat(gtmsecshr_pathname.addr, &stat_buf))
			rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_SYSCALL, 5,
					LEN_AND_LIT("stat"), CALLFROM, errno);
		if ((ROOTUID != stat_buf.st_uid)
			|| !(stat_buf.st_mode & S_ISUID)
			|| (0 != ACCESS(gtmsecshr_pathname.addr, (X_OK))))
		gtmsecshr_file_check_done = TRUE;
	if (!gtmsecshr_sock_init_done && (0 < (init_ret_code = gtmsecshr_sock_init(CLIENT))))	/* Note assignment */
		return init_ret_code;
	DEBUG_ONLY(mesg.usesecshr = TREF(gtm_usesecshr));	/* Flag ignored in PRO build */
	while (MAX_COMM_ATTEMPTS >= loop_count)
	{	/* first, try the sendto */
		req_code = mesg.code = code;
		send_len = (int4)(GTM_MESG_HDR_SIZE);
  		if (REMOVE_FILE == code)
			assert(GTM_PATH_MAX > path_len);	/* Name is not user supplied so simple check */
			memcpy(mesg.mesg.path, path, path_len);
			send_len += path_len;
		} else if (FLUSH_DB_IPCS_INFO == code)
			assert(GTM_PATH_MAX > db_ipcs.fn_len);
			memcpy(&mesg.mesg.db_ipcs, &db_ipcs, (offsetof(ipcs_mesg, fn[0]) + db_ipcs.fn_len + 1));
			/* Most of the time file length is much smaller than GTM_PATH_MAX */
			send_len += offsetof(ipcs_mesg, fn[0]);
			send_len += mesg.mesg.db_ipcs.fn_len + 1;
		} else
			mesg.mesg.id = id;
			send_len += SIZEOF(mesg.mesg.id);
		DBGGSSHR((LOGFLAGS, "secshr_client: loop %d  frm-pid: %d  to-pid: %d  send_len: %d  code: %d\n", loop_count,
			  process_id, id, send_len, code));
		mesg.comkey = TREF(gtmsecshr_comkey);	/* Version communication key */
		mesg.pid = process_id;			/* Process id of client */
		mesg.seqno = ++cur_seqno;
		send_ptr = (char *)&mesg;
		send_complete = FALSE;
		SENDTO_SOCK(gtmsecshr_sockfd, send_ptr, send_len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&gtmsecshr_sock_name,
			    (GTM_SOCKLEN_TYPE)gtmsecshr_sockpath_len, num_chars_sent);	/* This form handles EINTR internally */
		save_errno = errno;
		DBGGSSHR((LOGFLAGS, "secshr_client: sendto rc:    %d  errno: %d (only important if rc=-1)\n", (int)num_chars_sent,
		if (0 >= num_chars_sent)
		{	/* SENDTO_SOCK failed - start server and attempt to resend */
			if ((EISCONN == save_errno) || (EBADF == save_errno))
				wcs_backoff(loop_count + 1);
				DBGGSSHR((LOGFLAGS, "secshr_client: Connection error, reset socket\n"));

示例11: ComputeMultiVecCommMeta

inline void ComputeMultiVecCommMeta( DistSymmInfo& info )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("ComputeMultiVecCommMeta"))
    // Handle the interface node
    info.distNodes[0].multiVecMeta.localSize = info.localNodes.back().size;

    // Handle the truly distributed nodes
    const int numDist = info.distNodes.size();
    for( int s=1; s<numDist; ++s )
        DistSymmNodeInfo& node = info.distNodes[s];
        const int teamSize = mpi::CommSize( node.comm );
        const int teamRank = mpi::CommRank( node.comm );

        const DistSymmNodeInfo& childNode = info.distNodes[s-1];
        const int childTeamSize = mpi::CommSize( childNode.comm );
        const int childTeamRank = mpi::CommRank( childNode.comm );
        const bool inFirstTeam = ( childTeamRank == teamRank );
        const bool leftIsFirst = ( childNode.onLeft==inFirstTeam );
        const int leftTeamSize =
            ( childNode.onLeft ? childTeamSize : teamSize-childTeamSize );
        const int rightTeamSize = teamSize - leftTeamSize;
        const int leftTeamOff = ( leftIsFirst ? 0 : rightTeamSize );
        const int rightTeamOff = ( leftIsFirst ? leftTeamSize : 0 );

        const std::vector<Int>& myRelInds = 
            ( childNode.onLeft ? node.leftRelInds : node.rightRelInds );

        // Fill numChildSendInds
        MultiVecCommMeta& commMeta = node.multiVecMeta;
        commMeta.numChildSendInds.resize( teamSize );
        elem::MemZero( &commMeta.numChildSendInds[0], teamSize );
        const Int updateSize = childNode.lowerStruct.size();
            const Int align = childNode.size % childTeamSize;
            const Int shift = Shift( childTeamRank, align, childTeamSize );
            const Int localHeight = Length( updateSize, shift, childTeamSize );
            for( Int iChildLoc=0; iChildLoc<localHeight; ++iChildLoc )
                const Int iChild = shift + iChildLoc*childTeamSize;
                const int destRank = myRelInds[iChild] % teamSize;

        const Int numLeftInds = node.leftRelInds.size();
        const Int numRightInds = node.rightRelInds.size();
        std::vector<Int> leftInds, rightInds; 
        for( Int i=0; i<numLeftInds; ++i )
            if( node.leftRelInds[i] % teamSize == teamRank )
                leftInds.push_back( i );
        for( Int i=0; i<numRightInds; ++i )
            if( node.rightRelInds[i] % teamSize == teamRank )
                rightInds.push_back( i );

        // Compute the solve recv indices
        commMeta.childRecvInds.resize( teamSize );

        // Compute the recv indices for the left child 
        const Int numLeftSolveInds = leftInds.size();
        for( Int iPre=0; iPre<numLeftSolveInds; ++iPre )
            const Int iChild = leftInds[iPre];
            const Int iFront = node.leftRelInds[iChild];
            const Int iFrontLoc = (iFront-teamRank) / teamSize;
            const int childRank = (node.leftSize+iChild) % leftTeamSize;
            const int frontRank = leftTeamOff + childRank;

        // Compute the recv indices for the right child
        const Int numRightSolveInds = rightInds.size();
        for( Int iPre=0; iPre<numRightSolveInds; ++iPre )
            const Int iChild = rightInds[iPre];
            const Int iFront = node.rightRelInds[iChild];
            const Int iFrontLoc = (iFront-teamRank) / teamSize;
            const int childRank = (node.rightSize+iChild) % rightTeamSize;
            const int frontRank = rightTeamOff + childRank;

        commMeta.localSize = Length(node.size,teamRank,teamSize);

示例12: Her

void Her( UpperOrLower uplo, Base<T> alpha, const Matrix<T>& x, Matrix<T>& A )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("Her"))
    Syr( uplo, T(alpha), x, A, true );


BDM& BDM::operator=( const BlockMatrix<T>& A )
    copy::Gather( A, *this );
    return *this;


DM& DM::operator=( const DistMatrix<T,STAR,VC>& A )
    copy::RowAllGather( A, *this );
    return *this;

示例15: SafeDeterminant

SafeProduct<F> SafeDeterminant( const ElementalMatrix<F>& A )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("SafeDeterminant"))
    DistMatrix<F> B( A );
    return det::LUPartialPiv( B ); 
