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本文整理汇总了C++中DB_GET_PAYLOAD函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ DB_GET_PAYLOAD函数的具体用法?C++ DB_GET_PAYLOAD怎么用?C++ DB_GET_PAYLOAD使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: bdb_cmd_exec

int bdb_cmd_exec(db_res_t *res, db_cmd_t *cmd)
	db_con_t *con;
	bdb_cmd_t *bcmd;
	bdb_con_t *bcon;

	/* First things first: retrieve connection info from the currently active
	 * connection and also mysql payload from the database command
	con = cmd->ctx->con[db_payload_idx];
	bcmd = DB_GET_PAYLOAD(cmd);
	bcon = DB_GET_PAYLOAD(con);

	if((bcon->flags & BDB_CONNECTED) == 0) {
		ERR("bdb: not connected\n");
		return -1;
	bcmd->next_flag = -1;
	switch(cmd->type) {
		case DB_DEL:
		case DB_PUT:
		case DB_UPD:
			/* no result expected - cleanup */
			DBG("bdb: query with no result.\n");
		case DB_GET:
			return bdb_query(cmd, bcmd);
			/* result expected - no cleanup */
			DBG("bdb: query with result.\n");

	return 0;

示例2: my_con_connect

int my_con_connect(db_con_t* con)
	struct my_con* mcon;
	struct my_uri* muri;
	mcon = DB_GET_PAYLOAD(con);
	muri = DB_GET_PAYLOAD(con->uri);
	/* Do not reconnect already connected connections */
	if (mcon->flags & MY_CONNECTED) return 0;

	DBG("mysql: Connecting to %.*s:%.*s\n",
		con->uri->scheme.len, ZSW(con->uri->scheme.s),
		con->uri->body.len, ZSW(con->uri->body.s));

	if (my_connect_to) {
		if (mysql_options(mcon->con, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 
			WARN("mysql: failed to set MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT\n");

#if MYSQL_VERSION_ID >= 40101 
	if ((my_client_ver >= 50025) || 
		((my_client_ver >= 40122) && 
		 (my_client_ver < 50000))) {
		if (my_send_to) {
			if (mysql_options(mcon->con, MYSQL_OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT , 
				WARN("mysql: failed to set MYSQL_OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT\n");
		if (my_recv_to){
			if (mysql_options(mcon->con, MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT , 
				WARN("mysql: failed to set MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT\n");
	if (!mysql_real_connect(mcon->con, muri->host, muri->username, 
							muri->password, muri->database, muri->port, 0, 0)) {
		LOG(L_ERR, "mysql: %s\n", mysql_error(mcon->con));
		return -1;
	DBG("mysql: Connection type is %s\n", mysql_get_host_info(mcon->con));
	DBG("mysql: Protocol version is %d\n", mysql_get_proto_info(mcon->con));
	DBG("mysql: Server version is %s\n", mysql_get_server_info(mcon->con));

	mcon->flags |= MY_CONNECTED;

	/* Increase the variable that keeps track of number of connects performed
	 * on this connection. The mysql module uses the variable to determine
	 * when a pre-compiled command needs to be uploaded to the server again.
	 * If the number in the my_con structure is large than the number kept
	 * in my_cmd then it means that we have to upload the command to the server
	 * again because the connection was reconnected meanwhile.
	return 0;

示例3: bdb_con_connect

int bdb_con_connect(db_con_t* con)
	bdb_con_t *bcon;
	bdb_uri_t *buri;

	bcon = DB_GET_PAYLOAD(con);
	buri = DB_GET_PAYLOAD(con->uri);

	/* Do not reconnect already connected connections */
	if (bcon->flags & BDB_CONNECTED) return 0;

	DBG("bdb: Connecting to %s\n", buri->uri);

	/* create BDB environment */
	bcon->dbp = bdblib_get_db(&buri->path);
	if(bcon->dbp == NULL)
		ERR("bdb: error binding to DB %s\n", buri->uri);
		return -1;

	DBG("bdb: Successfully bound to %s\n", buri->uri);
	bcon->flags |= BDB_CONNECTED;
	return 0;


示例4: my_con_connect

int my_con_connect(db_con_t* con)
	struct my_con* mcon;
	struct my_uri* muri;
	mcon = DB_GET_PAYLOAD(con);
	muri = DB_GET_PAYLOAD(con->uri);
	/* Do not reconnect already connected connections */
	if (mcon->flags & MY_CONNECTED) return 0;

	DBG("mysql: Connecting to %.*s:%.*s\n",
		con->uri->scheme.len, ZSW(con->uri->scheme.s),
		con->uri->body.len, ZSW(con->uri->body.s));

	if (my_connect_to) {
		if (mysql_options(mcon->con, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 
			WARN("mysql: failed to set MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT\n");

#if MYSQL_VERSION_ID >= 40101 
	if ((my_client_ver >= 50025) || 
		((my_client_ver >= 40122) && 
		 (my_client_ver < 50000))) {
		if (my_send_to) {
			if (mysql_options(mcon->con, MYSQL_OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT , 
				WARN("mysql: failed to set MYSQL_OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT\n");
		if (my_recv_to){
			if (mysql_options(mcon->con, MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT , 
				WARN("mysql: failed to set MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT\n");
	if (!mysql_real_connect(mcon->con, muri->host, muri->username, 
							muri->password, muri->database, muri->port, 0, 0)) {
		LOG(L_ERR, "mysql: %s\n", mysql_error(mcon->con));
		return -1;
	DBG("mysql: Connection type is %s\n", mysql_get_host_info(mcon->con));
	DBG("mysql: Protocol version is %d\n", mysql_get_proto_info(mcon->con));
	DBG("mysql: Server version is %s\n", mysql_get_server_info(mcon->con));

	mcon->flags |= MY_CONNECTED;
	return 0;

示例5: check_types

/** Verify field type compatibility.
 * This function verifies the types of all parameters of a database command
 * with the types of corresponding fields on the server to make sure that they
 * can be converted.
 * @param cmd A command structure whose parameters are to be checked.
 * @retval 0 on success.
 * @retval A negative number if at least one field type does not match.
 * @todo Store oid and length as part of pg_fld, instead of the arrays used
 *       as parameters to PQ functions
static int check_types(db_cmd_t* cmd) 
	struct pg_cmd* pcmd; 
	struct pg_con* pcon;
	pcmd = DB_GET_PAYLOAD(cmd);
	/* FIXME: The function should take the connection as one of parameters */
	pcon = DB_GET_PAYLOAD(cmd->ctx->con[db_payload_idx]);

	if (pg_check_fld2pg(cmd->match, pcon->oid)) return -1;
	if (pg_check_fld2pg(cmd->vals, pcon->oid)) return -1;
	if (pg_check_pg2fld(cmd->result, pcon->oid)) return -1;
	return 0;

示例6: ld_uri_cmp

/** Compares two LDAP connection URIs.
 * This function is called whenever the database abstraction layer in
 * SER needs to compare to URIs with the ldap scheme. The function
 * compares hosts and port numbers of both URIs (host part comparison
 * is case insensitive). The URI comparison is mainly used to
 * by the connection pool to determine if a connection to a given
 * server already exists.
static unsigned char ld_uri_cmp(db_uri_t* uri1, db_uri_t* uri2)
	struct ld_uri* luri1, *luri2;

	if (!uri1 || !uri2) return 0;

	luri1 = DB_GET_PAYLOAD(uri1);
	luri2 = DB_GET_PAYLOAD(uri2);

	if (luri1->ldap_url->lud_port != luri2->ldap_url->lud_port) return 0;
	if (cmpstr(luri1->ldap_url->lud_host,
			   luri2->ldap_url->lud_host, strcasecmp))
		return 0;
	return 1;

示例7: create_pg_params

/** Creates parameter data structures for PQexecPrepared.
 * This function creates auxiliary data structures that will be used to pass
 * parameter value and types to PQexecPrepared.  The function only allocates
 * memory buffers and determines oids of parameters, actual values will be
 * assigned by another function at runtime.
 * @param cmd A command where the data strctures will be created. 
 * @retval 0 on success.
 * @retval A negative number on error.
static int create_pg_params(db_cmd_t* cmd)
	int num;
	struct pg_cmd* pcmd;

	pcmd = DB_GET_PAYLOAD(cmd);

	num = cmd->match_count + cmd->vals_count;

	if (num == 0) return 0;
	pcmd->params.val = (const char**)pkg_malloc(sizeof(const char*) * num);
	pcmd->params.len = (int*)pkg_malloc(sizeof(int) * num);
	pcmd->params.fmt = (int*)pkg_malloc(sizeof(int) * num);
	if (!pcmd->params.val || 
		!pcmd->params.len || !pcmd->params.fmt) {
		ERR("postgres: No memory left\n");
		goto error;
	memset(pcmd->params.val, '\0', sizeof(const char*) * num);
	memset(pcmd->params.len, '\0', sizeof(int) * num);
	memset(pcmd->params.fmt, '\0', sizeof(int) * num);
	pcmd->params.n = num;
	return 0;

	return -1;

示例8: my_getopt

int my_getopt(db_cmd_t* cmd, char* optname, va_list ap)
	struct my_cmd* mcmd;
	long long* id;
	int* val;

	mcmd = (struct my_cmd*)DB_GET_PAYLOAD(cmd);

	if (!strcasecmp("last_id", optname)) {
		id = va_arg(ap, long long*);
		if (id == NULL) {
			BUG("mysql: NULL pointer passed to 'last_id' option\n");
			goto error;

		if (mcmd->st->last_errno != 0) {
			BUG("mysql: Option 'last_id' called but previous command failed, "
				"check your code\n");
			return -1;

		*id = mysql_stmt_insert_id(mcmd->st);
		if ((*id) == 0) {
			BUG("mysql: Option 'last_id' called but there is no auto-increment"
				" column in table, SQL command: %.*s\n", STR_FMT(&mcmd->sql_cmd));
			return -1;
	} else if (!strcasecmp("fetch_all", optname)) {

示例9: pg_uri_cmp

/** Compare two connection URIs */
static unsigned char pg_uri_cmp(db_uri_t* uri1, db_uri_t* uri2)
	struct pg_uri* puri1, *puri2;

	if (!uri1 || !uri2) return 0;

	puri1 = DB_GET_PAYLOAD(uri1);
	puri2 = DB_GET_PAYLOAD(uri2);
	if (puri1->port != puri2->port) return 0;

	if (cmpstr(puri1->username, puri2->username, strcmp)) return 0;
	if (cmpstr(puri1->password, puri2->password, strcmp)) return 0;
	if (cmpstr(puri1->host, puri2->host, strcasecmp)) return 0;
	if (cmpstr(puri1->database, puri2->database, strcmp)) return 0;
	return 1;

示例10: build_result_array

static int build_result_array(char*** res, db_cmd_t* cmd)
	struct ld_fld* lfld;
	char** t;
	int i;
	if (cmd->result_count == 0) {
		*res = NULL;
		return 0;

	t = (char**)pkg_malloc(sizeof(char*) * (cmd->result_count + 1));
	if (t == NULL) {
		ERR("ldap: No memory left\n");
		return -1;
	t[cmd->result_count] = NULL;

	for(i = 0; i < cmd->result_count; i++) {
		lfld = DB_GET_PAYLOAD(cmd->result + i);
		/* Attribute names are always zero terminated */
		t[i] = lfld->attr.s;

	*res = t;
	return 0;

示例11: my_uri_cmp

 * Compare two connection identifiers
static unsigned char my_uri_cmp(db_uri_t* uri1, db_uri_t* uri2)
	struct my_uri* muri1, *muri2;

	if (!uri1 || !uri2) return 0;

	muri1 = DB_GET_PAYLOAD(uri1);
	muri2 = DB_GET_PAYLOAD(uri2);
	if (muri1->port != muri2->port) return 0;

	if (cmpstr(muri1->username, muri2->username, strcmp)) return 0;
	if (cmpstr(muri1->password, muri2->password, strcmp)) return 0;
	if (cmpstr(muri1->host, muri2->host, strcasecmp)) return 0;
	if (cmpstr(muri1->database, muri2->database, strcmp)) return 0;
	return 1;

示例12: my_cmd_exec

int my_cmd_exec(db_res_t* res, db_cmd_t* cmd)
	struct my_cmd* mcmd;

	mcmd = DB_GET_PAYLOAD(cmd);

	mcmd->next_flag = -1;
	return exec_cmd_safe(cmd);

示例13: get_types

static int get_types(db_cmd_t* cmd)
	struct pg_cmd* pcmd;
	struct pg_con* pcon;

	pcmd = DB_GET_PAYLOAD(cmd);
	/* FIXME */
	pcon = DB_GET_PAYLOAD(cmd->ctx->con[db_payload_idx]);

	pcmd->types = PQdescribePrepared(pcon->con, pcmd->name);
	if (PQresultStatus(pcmd->types) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
		ERR("postgres: Error while obtaining description of prepared statement\n");
		return -1;

	return 0;

示例14: bdb_cmd_next

int bdb_cmd_next(db_res_t* res)
	bdb_cmd_t *bcmd;
	DBT key, data;
	int ret;
	static char dbuf[MAX_ROW_SIZE];

	bcmd = DB_GET_PAYLOAD(res->cmd);

	if (bcmd->next_flag == 2 || bcmd->next_flag == -2) return 1;

	memset(&key, 0, sizeof(DBT));
	memset(&data, 0, sizeof(DBT));
	memset(dbuf, 0, MAX_ROW_SIZE);
	data.data = dbuf;
	data.ulen = MAX_ROW_SIZE;
	data.flags = DB_DBT_USERMEM;

	ret = 0;
		while((ret = bcmd->dbcp->c_get(bcmd->dbcp, &key, &data, DB_NEXT))==0)
			bcmd->next_flag =  bcmd->next_flag<0?-2:2;
			return 1;
	} else {
		key.data = bcmd->skey.s;
		key.ulen = bcmd->skey_size;
		key.flags = DB_DBT_USERMEM;
		key.size = bcmd->skey.len;
		ret = bcmd->dbcp->c_get(bcmd->dbcp, &key, &data, DB_NEXT);
			bcmd->next_flag = bcmd->next_flag<0?-2:2;
			return 1;

	if (bcmd->next_flag <= 0) {

	if (bdb_update_result(res->cmd, &data) < 0) {
		return -1;

	res->cur_rec->fld = res->cmd->result;
	return 0;

示例15: my_con

int my_con(db_con_t* con)
	struct my_con* ptr;
	struct my_uri* uri;

	/* First try to lookup the connection in the connection pool and
	 * re-use it if a match is found
	ptr = (struct my_con*)db_pool_get(con->uri);
	if (ptr) {
		DBG("mysql: Connection to %.*s:%.*s found in connection pool\n",
			con->uri->scheme.len, ZSW(con->uri->scheme.s),
			con->uri->body.len, ZSW(con->uri->body.s));
		goto found;

	ptr = (struct my_con*)pkg_malloc(sizeof(struct my_con));
	if (!ptr) {
		LOG(L_ERR, "mysql: No memory left\n");
		goto error;
	memset(ptr, '\0', sizeof(struct my_con));
	if (db_pool_entry_init(&ptr->gen, my_con_free, con->uri) < 0) goto error;

	ptr->con = (MYSQL*)pkg_malloc(sizeof(MYSQL));
	if (!ptr->con) {
		LOG(L_ERR, "mysql: No enough memory\n");
		goto error;

	uri = DB_GET_PAYLOAD(con->uri);
	DBG("mysql: Creating new connection to: %.*s:%.*s\n",
		con->uri->scheme.len, ZSW(con->uri->scheme.s),
		con->uri->body.len, ZSW(con->uri->body.s));

	/* Put the newly created mysql connection into the pool */
	db_pool_put((struct db_pool_entry*)ptr);
	DBG("mysql: Connection stored in connection pool\n");

	/* Attach driver payload to the db_con structure and set connect and
	 * disconnect functions
	DB_SET_PAYLOAD(con, ptr);
	con->connect = my_con_connect;
	con->disconnect = my_con_disconnect;
	return 0;

	if (ptr) {
		if (ptr->con) pkg_free(ptr->con);
	return 0;
