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C++ DBGC2函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中DBGC2函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ DBGC2函数的具体用法?C++ DBGC2怎么用?C++ DBGC2使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: ocsp_parse_responder_id

 * Parse OCSP responder ID
 * @v ocsp		OCSP check
 * @v raw		ASN.1 cursor
 * @ret rc		Return status code
static int ocsp_parse_responder_id ( struct ocsp_check *ocsp,
				     const struct asn1_cursor *raw ) {
	struct ocsp_responder *responder = &ocsp->response.responder;
	struct asn1_cursor *responder_id = &responder->id;
	unsigned int type;

	/* Enter responder ID */
	memcpy ( responder_id, raw, sizeof ( *responder_id ) );
	type = asn1_type ( responder_id );
	asn1_enter_any ( responder_id );

	/* Identify responder ID type */
	switch ( type ) {
	case ASN1_EXPLICIT_TAG ( 1 ) :
		DBGC2 ( ocsp, "OCSP %p \"%s\" responder identified by name\n",
			ocsp, x509_name ( ocsp->cert ) );
		responder->compare = ocsp_compare_responder_name;
		return 0;
	case ASN1_EXPLICIT_TAG ( 2 ) :
		DBGC2 ( ocsp, "OCSP %p \"%s\" responder identified by key "
			"hash\n", ocsp, x509_name ( ocsp->cert ) );
		responder->compare = ocsp_compare_responder_key_hash;
		return 0;
		DBGC ( ocsp, "OCSP %p \"%s\" unsupported responder ID type "
		       "%d\n", ocsp, x509_name ( ocsp->cert ), type );

示例2: netfront_poll_tx

 * Poll for completed packets
 * @v netdev		Network device
static void netfront_poll_tx ( struct net_device *netdev ) {
	struct netfront_nic *netfront = netdev->priv;
	struct xen_device *xendev = netfront->xendev;
	struct netif_tx_response *response;
	struct io_buffer *iobuf;
	unsigned int status;
	int rc;

	/* Consume any unconsumed responses */
	while ( RING_HAS_UNCONSUMED_RESPONSES ( &netfront->tx_fring ) ) {

		/* Get next response */
		response = RING_GET_RESPONSE ( &netfront->tx_fring,
					       netfront->tx_fring.rsp_cons++ );

		/* Retrieve from descriptor ring */
		iobuf = netfront_pull ( netfront, &netfront->tx, response->id );
		status = response->status;
		if ( status == NETIF_RSP_OKAY ) {
			DBGC2 ( netfront, "NETFRONT %s TX id %d complete\n",
				xendev->key, response->id );
			netdev_tx_complete ( netdev, iobuf );
		} else {
			rc = -EIO_NETIF_RSP ( status );
			DBGC2 ( netfront, "NETFRONT %s TX id %d error %d: %s\n",
				xendev->key, response->id, status,
				strerror ( rc ) );
			netdev_tx_complete_err ( netdev, iobuf, rc );

示例3: xenstore_response

 * Receive XenStore response
 * @v xen		Xen hypervisor
 * @v req_id		Request ID
 * @v value		Value to fill in
 * @v len		Length to fill in
 * @ret rc		Return status code
 * The caller is responsible for eventually calling free() on the
 * returned value.  Note that the value may comprise multiple
 * NUL-terminated strings concatenated together.  A terminating NUL
 * will always be appended to the returned value.
static int xenstore_response ( struct xen_hypervisor *xen, uint32_t req_id,
			       char **value, size_t *len ) {
	struct xsd_sockmsg msg;
	char *string;
	int rc;

	/* Receive message header */
	xenstore_recv ( xen, &msg, sizeof ( msg ) );
	*len = msg.len;

	/* Allocate space for response */
	*value = zalloc ( msg.len + 1 /* terminating NUL */ );

	/* Receive data.  Do this even if allocation failed, or if the
	 * request ID was incorrect, to avoid leaving data in the
	 * ring.
	xenstore_recv ( xen, *value, msg.len );

	/* Validate request ID */
	if ( msg.req_id != req_id ) {
		DBGC ( xen, "XENSTORE response ID mismatch (got %d, expected "
		       "%d)\n", msg.req_id, req_id );
		rc = -EPROTO;
		goto err_req_id;

	/* Check for allocation failure */
	if ( ! *value ) {
		DBGC ( xen, "XENSTORE could not allocate %d bytes for "
		       "response\n", msg.len );
		rc = -ENOMEM;
		goto err_alloc;

	/* Check for explicit errors */
	if ( msg.type == XS_ERROR ) {
		DBGC ( xen, "XENSTORE response error \"%s\"\n", *value );
		rc = -EIO;
		goto err_explicit;

	DBGC2 ( xen, "XENSTORE response ID %d\n", req_id );
	if ( DBG_EXTRA ) {
		for ( string = *value ; string < ( *value + msg.len ) ;
		      string += ( strlen ( string ) + 1 /* NUL */ ) ) {
			DBGC2 ( xen, " - \"%s\"\n", string );
	return 0;

	free ( *value );
	*value = NULL;
	return rc;

示例4: tls_p_hash_va

 * Generate secure pseudo-random data using a single hash function
 * @v tls		TLS session
 * @v digest		Hash function to use
 * @v secret		Secret
 * @v secret_len	Length of secret
 * @v out		Output buffer
 * @v out_len		Length of output buffer
 * @v seeds		( data, len ) pairs of seed data, terminated by NULL
static void tls_p_hash_va ( struct tls_session *tls,
			    struct digest_algorithm *digest,
			    void *secret, size_t secret_len,
			    void *out, size_t out_len,
			    va_list seeds ) {
	uint8_t secret_copy[secret_len];
	uint8_t digest_ctx[digest->ctxsize];
	uint8_t digest_ctx_partial[digest->ctxsize];
	uint8_t a[digest->digestsize];
	uint8_t out_tmp[digest->digestsize];
	size_t frag_len = digest->digestsize;
	va_list tmp;

	/* Copy the secret, in case HMAC modifies it */
	memcpy ( secret_copy, secret, secret_len );
	secret = secret_copy;
	DBGC2 ( tls, "TLS %p %s secret:\n", tls, digest->name );
	DBGC2_HD ( tls, secret, secret_len );

	/* Calculate A(1) */
	hmac_init ( digest, digest_ctx, secret, &secret_len );
	va_copy ( tmp, seeds );
	tls_hmac_update_va ( digest, digest_ctx, tmp );
	va_end ( tmp );
	hmac_final ( digest, digest_ctx, secret, &secret_len, a );
	DBGC2 ( tls, "TLS %p %s A(1):\n", tls, digest->name );
	DBGC2_HD ( tls, &a, sizeof ( a ) );

	/* Generate as much data as required */
	while ( out_len ) {
		/* Calculate output portion */
		hmac_init ( digest, digest_ctx, secret, &secret_len );
		hmac_update ( digest, digest_ctx, a, sizeof ( a ) );
		memcpy ( digest_ctx_partial, digest_ctx, digest->ctxsize );
		va_copy ( tmp, seeds );
		tls_hmac_update_va ( digest, digest_ctx, tmp );
		va_end ( tmp );
		hmac_final ( digest, digest_ctx,
			     secret, &secret_len, out_tmp );

		/* Copy output */
		if ( frag_len > out_len )
			frag_len = out_len;
		memcpy ( out, out_tmp, frag_len );
		DBGC2 ( tls, "TLS %p %s output:\n", tls, digest->name );
		DBGC2_HD ( tls, out, frag_len );

		/* Calculate A(i) */
		hmac_final ( digest, digest_ctx_partial,
			     secret, &secret_len, a );
		DBGC2 ( tls, "TLS %p %s A(n):\n", tls, digest->name );
		DBGC2_HD ( tls, &a, sizeof ( a ) );

		out += frag_len;
		out_len -= frag_len;

示例5: xenstore_request

 * Send XenStore request
 * @v xen		Xen hypervisor
 * @v type		Message type
 * @v req_id		Request ID
 * @v value		Value, or NULL to omit
 * @v key		Key path components
 * @ret rc		Return status code
static int xenstore_request ( struct xen_hypervisor *xen,
			      enum xsd_sockmsg_type type, uint32_t req_id,
			      const char *value, va_list key ) {
	struct xsd_sockmsg msg;
	struct evtchn_send event;
	const char *string;
	va_list tmp;
	int xenrc;
	int rc;

	/* Construct message header */
	msg.type = type;
	msg.req_id = req_id;
	msg.tx_id = 0;
	msg.len = 0;
	DBGC2 ( xen, "XENSTORE request ID %d type %d ", req_id, type );

	/* Calculate total length */
	va_copy ( tmp, key );
	while ( ( string = va_arg ( tmp, const char * ) ) != NULL ) {
		DBGC2 ( xen, "%s%s", ( msg.len ? "/" : "" ), string );
		msg.len += ( strlen ( string ) + 1 /* '/' or NUL */ );
	va_end ( tmp );
	if ( value ) {
		DBGC2 ( xen, " = \"%s\"", value );
		msg.len += strlen ( value );
	DBGC2 ( xen, "\n" );

	/* Send message */
	xenstore_send ( xen, &msg, sizeof ( msg ) );
	string = va_arg ( key, const char * );
	assert ( string != NULL );
	xenstore_send_string ( xen, string );
	while ( ( string = va_arg ( key, const char * ) ) != NULL ) {
		xenstore_send_string ( xen, "/" );
		xenstore_send_string ( xen, string );
	xenstore_send ( xen, "", 1 ); /* Separating NUL */
	if ( value )
		xenstore_send_string ( xen, value );

	/* Notify the back end */
	event.port = xen->store.port;
	if ( ( xenrc = xenevent_send ( xen, &event ) ) != 0 ) {
		rc = -EXEN ( xenrc );
		DBGC ( xen, "XENSTORE could not notify back end: %s\n",
		       strerror ( rc ) );
		return rc;

	return 0;

示例6: ocsp_parse_certs

 * Parse OCSP certificates
 * @v ocsp		OCSP check
 * @v raw		ASN.1 cursor
 * @ret rc		Return status code
static int ocsp_parse_certs ( struct ocsp_check *ocsp,
			      const struct asn1_cursor *raw ) {
	struct ocsp_response *response = &ocsp->response;
	struct asn1_cursor cursor;
	struct x509_certificate *cert;
	int rc;

	/* Enter certs */
	memcpy ( &cursor, raw, sizeof ( cursor ) );
	asn1_enter ( &cursor, ASN1_EXPLICIT_TAG ( 0 ) );
	asn1_enter ( &cursor, ASN1_SEQUENCE );

	/* Parse certificate, if present.  The data structure permits
	 * multiple certificates, but the protocol requires that the
	 * OCSP signing certificate must either be the issuer itself,
	 * or must be directly issued by the issuer (see RFC2560
	 * section "Authorized Responders").  We therefore
	 * need to identify only the single certificate matching the
	 * Responder ID.
	while ( cursor.len ) {

		/* Parse certificate */
		if ( ( rc = x509_certificate ( cursor.data, cursor.len,
					       &cert ) ) != 0 ) {
			DBGC ( ocsp, "OCSP %p \"%s\" could not parse "
			       "certificate: %s\n", ocsp,
			       x509_name ( ocsp->cert ), strerror ( rc ) );
			DBGC_HDA ( ocsp, 0, cursor.data, cursor.len );
			return rc;

		/* Use if this certificate matches the responder ID */
		if ( response->responder.compare ( ocsp, cert ) == 0 ) {
			response->signer = cert;
			DBGC2 ( ocsp, "OCSP %p \"%s\" response is signed by ",
				ocsp, x509_name ( ocsp->cert ) );
			DBGC2 ( ocsp, "\"%s\"\n",
				x509_name ( response->signer ) );
			return 0;

		/* Otherwise, discard this certificate */
		x509_put ( cert );
		asn1_skip_any ( &cursor );

	DBGC ( ocsp, "OCSP %p \"%s\" missing responder certificate\n",
	       ocsp, x509_name ( ocsp->cert ) );

示例7: nii_issue_cpb_db

 * Issue command with parameter block and data block
 * @v nii		NII NIC
 * @v op		Operation
 * @v cpb		Command parameter block, or NULL
 * @v cpb_len		Command parameter block length
 * @v db		Data block, or NULL
 * @v db_len		Data block length
 * @ret stat		Status flags, or negative status code
static int nii_issue_cpb_db ( struct nii_nic *nii, unsigned int op, void *cpb,
			      size_t cpb_len, void *db, size_t db_len ) {
	PXE_CDB cdb;

	/* Prepare command descriptor block */
	memset ( &cdb, 0, sizeof ( cdb ) );
	cdb.OpCode = NII_OPCODE ( op );
	cdb.OpFlags = NII_OPFLAGS ( op );
	cdb.CPBaddr = ( ( intptr_t ) cpb );
	cdb.CPBsize = cpb_len;
	cdb.DBaddr = ( ( intptr_t ) db );
	cdb.DBsize = db_len;
	cdb.IFnum = nii->nii->IfNum;

	/* Issue command */
	DBGC2 ( nii, "NII %s issuing %02x:%04x ifnum %d%s%s\n",
		nii->dev.name, cdb.OpCode, cdb.OpFlags, cdb.IFnum,
		( cpb ? " cpb" : "" ), ( db ? " db" : "" ) );
	if ( cpb )
		DBGC2_HD ( nii, cpb, cpb_len );
	if ( db )
		DBGC2_HD ( nii, db, db_len );
	nii->issue ( ( intptr_t ) &cdb );

	/* Check completion status */
	if ( cdb.StatCode != PXE_STATCODE_SUCCESS )
		return -cdb.StatCode;

	/* Return command-specific status flags */
	return ( cdb.StatFlags & ~PXE_STATFLAGS_STATUS_MASK );

示例8: netfront_read_mac

 * Fetch MAC address
 * @v netfront		Netfront device
 * @v hw_addr		Hardware address to fill in
 * @ret rc		Return status code
static int netfront_read_mac ( struct netfront_nic *netfront, void *hw_addr ) {
	struct xen_device *xendev = netfront->xendev;
	struct xen_hypervisor *xen = xendev->xen;
	char *mac;
	int len;
	int rc;

	/* Fetch MAC address */
	if ( ( rc = xenstore_read ( xen, &mac, xendev->key, "mac", NULL ) )!=0){
		DBGC ( netfront, "NETFRONT %s could not read MAC address: %s\n",
		       xendev->key, strerror ( rc ) );
		goto err_xenstore_read;
	DBGC2 ( netfront, "NETFRONT %s has MAC address \"%s\"\n",
		xendev->key, mac );

	/* Decode MAC address */
	len = hex_decode ( mac, ':', hw_addr, ETH_ALEN );
	if ( len < 0 ) {
		rc = len;
		DBGC ( netfront, "NETFRONT %s could not decode MAC address "
		       "\"%s\": %s\n", xendev->key, mac, strerror ( rc ) );
		goto err_decode;

	/* Success */
	rc = 0;

	free ( mac );
	return rc;

示例9: rhine_mii_write

 * Write to MII register
 * @v mii		MII interface
 * @v reg		Register address
 * @v data		Data to write
 * @ret rc		Return status code
static int rhine_mii_write ( struct mii_interface *mii, unsigned int reg,
                             unsigned int data ) {
	struct rhine_nic *rhn = container_of ( mii, struct rhine_nic, mii );
	unsigned int timeout = RHINE_TIMEOUT_US;
	uint8_t cr;

	DBGC2 ( rhn, "RHINE %p MII write reg %d data 0x%04x\n",
	        rhn, reg, data );

	/* Initiate write */
	writeb ( reg, rhn->regs + RHINE_MII_ADDR );
	writew ( data, rhn->regs + RHINE_MII_RDWR );
	cr = readb ( rhn->regs + RHINE_MII_CR );
	writeb ( ( cr | RHINE_MII_CR_WREN ), rhn->regs + RHINE_MII_CR );

	/* Wait for write to complete */
	while ( timeout-- ) {
		udelay ( 1 );
		cr = readb ( rhn->regs + RHINE_MII_CR );
		if ( ! ( cr & RHINE_MII_CR_WREN ) )
			return 0;

	DBGC ( rhn, "RHINE %p MII write timeout\n", rhn );
	return -ETIMEDOUT;

示例10: rhine_poll_tx

 * Poll for completed packets
 * @v netdev		Network device
static void rhine_poll_tx ( struct net_device *netdev ) {
	struct rhine_nic *rhn = netdev->priv;
	struct rhine_descriptor *desc;
	unsigned int tx_idx;
	uint32_t des0;

	/* Check for completed packets */
	while ( rhn->tx.cons != rhn->tx.prod ) {

		/* Get next transmit descriptor */
		tx_idx = ( rhn->tx.cons % RHINE_TXDESC_NUM );
		desc = &rhn->tx.desc[tx_idx];

		/* Stop if descriptor is still in use */
		if ( desc->des0 & cpu_to_le32 ( RHINE_DES0_OWN ) )

		/* Complete TX descriptor */
		des0 = le32_to_cpu ( desc->des0 );
		if ( des0 & RHINE_TDES0_TERR ) {
			DBGC ( rhn, "RHINE %p TX %d error (DES0 %08x)\n",
			       rhn, tx_idx, des0 );
			netdev_tx_complete_next_err ( netdev, -EIO );
		} else {
			DBGC2 ( rhn, "RHINE %p TX %d complete\n", rhn, tx_idx );
			netdev_tx_complete_next ( netdev );

示例11: rhine_transmit

 * Transmit packet
 * @v netdev		Network device
 * @v iobuf		I/O buffer
 * @ret rc		Return status code
static int rhine_transmit ( struct net_device *netdev,
                            struct io_buffer *iobuf ) {
	struct rhine_nic *rhn = netdev->priv;
	struct rhine_descriptor *desc;
	physaddr_t address;
	unsigned int tx_idx;

	/* Get next transmit descriptor */
	if ( ( rhn->tx.prod - rhn->tx.cons ) >= RHINE_TXDESC_NUM )
		return -ENOBUFS;
	tx_idx = ( rhn->tx.prod++ % RHINE_TXDESC_NUM );
	desc = &rhn->tx.desc[tx_idx];

	/* Pad and align packet */
	iob_pad ( iobuf, ETH_ZLEN );
	address = virt_to_bus ( iobuf->data );

	/* Populate transmit descriptor */
	desc->buffer = cpu_to_le32 ( address );
	desc->des1 = cpu_to_le32 ( RHINE_DES1_IC | RHINE_TDES1_STP |
				   RHINE_DES1_SIZE ( iob_len ( iobuf ) ) );
	desc->des0 = cpu_to_le32 ( RHINE_DES0_OWN );

	/* Notify card that there are packets ready to transmit */
	writeb ( ( rhn->cr1 | RHINE_CR1_TXPOLL ), rhn->regs + RHINE_CR1 );

	DBGC2 ( rhn, "RHINE %p TX %d is [%llx,%llx)\n", rhn, tx_idx,
		( ( unsigned long long ) address ),
		( ( unsigned long long ) address + iob_len ( iobuf ) ) );

	return 0;

示例12: myson_poll_tx

 * Poll for completed packets
 * @v netdev		Network device
static void myson_poll_tx ( struct net_device *netdev ) {
	struct myson_nic *myson = netdev->priv;
	struct myson_descriptor *tx;
	unsigned int tx_idx;

	/* Check for completed packets */
	while ( myson->tx.cons != myson->tx.prod ) {

		/* Get next transmit descriptor */
		tx_idx = ( myson->tx.cons % MYSON_NUM_TX_DESC );
		tx = &myson->tx.desc[tx_idx];

		/* Stop if descriptor is still in use */
		if ( tx->status & cpu_to_le32 ( MYSON_TX_STAT_OWN ) )

		/* Complete TX descriptor */
		if ( tx->status & cpu_to_le32 ( MYSON_TX_STAT_ABORT |
						MYSON_TX_STAT_CSL ) ) {
			DBGC ( myson, "MYSON %p TX %d completion error "
			       "(%08x)\n", myson, tx_idx,
			       le32_to_cpu ( tx->status ) );
			netdev_tx_complete_next_err ( netdev, -EIO );
		} else {
			DBGC2 ( myson, "MYSON %p TX %d complete\n",
				myson, tx_idx );
			netdev_tx_complete_next ( netdev );

示例13: ccmp_encrypt

 * Encapsulate and encrypt a packet using CCMP
 * @v crypto	CCMP cryptosystem
 * @v iob	I/O buffer containing cleartext packet
 * @ret eiob	I/O buffer containing encrypted packet
struct io_buffer * ccmp_encrypt ( struct net80211_crypto *crypto,
				  struct io_buffer *iob )
	struct ccmp_ctx *ctx = crypto->priv;
	struct ieee80211_frame *hdr = iob->data;
	struct io_buffer *eiob;
	const int hdrlen = IEEE80211_TYP_FRAME_HEADER_LEN;
	int datalen = iob_len ( iob ) - hdrlen;
	struct ccmp_head head;
	struct ccmp_nonce nonce;
	struct ccmp_aad aad;
	u8 mic[8], tx_pn[6];
	void *edata, *emic;

	u64_to_pn ( ctx->tx_seq, tx_pn, PN_LSB );

	/* Allocate memory */
	eiob = alloc_iob ( iob_len ( iob ) + CCMP_HEAD_LEN + CCMP_MIC_LEN );
	if ( ! eiob )
		return NULL;

	/* Copy frame header */
	memcpy ( iob_put ( eiob, hdrlen ), iob->data, hdrlen );
	hdr = eiob->data;
	hdr->fc |= IEEE80211_FC_PROTECTED;

	/* Fill in packet number and extended IV */
	memcpy ( head.pn_lo, tx_pn, 2 );
	memcpy ( head.pn_hi, tx_pn + 2, 4 );
	head.kid = 0x20;	/* have Extended IV, key ID 0 */
	head._rsvd = 0;
	memcpy ( iob_put ( eiob, sizeof ( head ) ), &head, sizeof ( head ) );

	/* Form nonce */
	nonce.prio = 0;
	memcpy ( nonce.a2, hdr->addr2, ETH_ALEN );
	u64_to_pn ( ctx->tx_seq, nonce.pn, PN_MSB );

	/* Form additional authentication data */
	aad.fc = hdr->fc & CCMP_AAD_FC_MASK;
	memcpy ( aad.a1, hdr->addr1, 3 * ETH_ALEN ); /* all 3 at once */
	aad.seq = hdr->seq & CCMP_AAD_SEQ_MASK;

	/* Calculate MIC over the data */
	ccmp_cbc_mac ( ctx, &nonce, iob->data + hdrlen, datalen, &aad, mic );

	/* Copy and encrypt data and MIC */
	edata = iob_put ( eiob, datalen );
	emic = iob_put ( eiob, CCMP_MIC_LEN );
	ccmp_ctr_xor ( ctx, &nonce,
		       iob->data + hdrlen, edata, datalen,
		       mic, emic );

	/* Done! */
	DBGC2 ( ctx, "WPA-CCMP %p: encrypted packet %p -> %p\n", ctx,
		iob, eiob );

	return eiob;

示例14: srp_login_rsp

 * Handle SRP login response
 * @v srp		SRP device
 * @v iobuf		I/O buffer
 * @ret rc		Return status code
static int srp_login_rsp ( struct srp_device *srp, struct io_buffer *iobuf ) {
	struct srp_login_rsp *login_rsp = iobuf->data;
	int rc;

	DBGC2 ( srp, "SRP %p RX login response tag %08x%08x\n",
		srp, ntohl ( login_rsp->tag.dwords[0] ),
		ntohl ( login_rsp->tag.dwords[1] ) );

	/* Sanity check */
	if ( iob_len ( iobuf ) < sizeof ( *login_rsp ) ) {
		DBGC ( srp, "SRP %p RX login response too short (%zd bytes)\n",
		       srp, iob_len ( iobuf ) );
		rc = -EINVAL;
		goto out;

	DBGC ( srp, "SRP %p logged in\n", srp );

	/* Mark as logged in */
	srp->state |= SRP_STATE_LOGGED_IN;

	/* Reset error counter */
	srp->retry_count = 0;

	/* Issue pending command */
	srp_cmd ( srp );

	rc = 0;
	free_iob ( iobuf );
	return rc;

示例15: srp_login_rej

 * Handle SRP login rejection
 * @v srp		SRP device
 * @v iobuf		I/O buffer
 * @ret rc		Return status code
static int srp_login_rej ( struct srp_device *srp, struct io_buffer *iobuf ) {
	struct srp_login_rej *login_rej = iobuf->data;
	int rc;

	DBGC2 ( srp, "SRP %p RX login rejection tag %08x%08x\n",
		srp, ntohl ( login_rej->tag.dwords[0] ),
		ntohl ( login_rej->tag.dwords[1] ) );

	/* Sanity check */
	if ( iob_len ( iobuf ) < sizeof ( *login_rej ) ) {
		DBGC ( srp, "SRP %p RX login rejection too short (%zd "
		       "bytes)\n", srp, iob_len ( iobuf ) );
		rc = -EINVAL;
		goto out;

	/* Login rejection always indicates an error */
	DBGC ( srp, "SRP %p login rejected (reason %08x)\n",
	       srp, ntohl ( login_rej->reason ) );
	rc = -EPERM;

	free_iob ( iobuf );
	return rc;
