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C++ Curl_strerror函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中Curl_strerror函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Curl_strerror函数的具体用法?C++ Curl_strerror怎么用?C++ Curl_strerror使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: peer

/* The preferred method on Mac OS X (10.2 and later) to prevent SIGPIPEs when
   sending data to a dead peer (instead of relying on the 4th argument to send
   being MSG_NOSIGNAL). Possibly also existing and in use on other BSD
   systems? */
static void nosigpipe(struct connectdata *conn,
                      curl_socket_t sockfd)
  struct SessionHandle *data= conn->data;
  int onoff = 1;
  if(setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, (void *)&onoff,
                sizeof(onoff)) < 0)
    infof(data, "Could not set SO_NOSIGPIPE: %s\n",
          Curl_strerror(conn, SOCKERRNO));

示例2: Curl_wait_for_resolv

 * Curl_wait_for_resolv() waits for a resolve to finish. This function should
 * be avoided since using this risk getting the multi interface to "hang".
 * If 'entry' is non-NULL, make it point to the resolved dns entry
 * This is the version for resolves-in-a-thread.
CURLcode Curl_wait_for_resolv(struct connectdata *conn,
                              struct Curl_dns_entry **entry)
  struct thread_data   *td = (struct thread_data*) conn->async.os_specific;
  struct SessionHandle *data = conn->data;
  CURLcode rc = CURLE_OK;

  DEBUGASSERT(conn && td);

  /* wait for the thread to resolve the name */
  if (Curl_thread_join(&td->thread_hnd)) {
    rc = getaddrinfo_complete(conn);
  } else {

  conn->async.done = TRUE;
    *entry = conn->async.dns;

  if(!conn->async.dns) {
    /* a name was not resolved */
    if (conn->bits.httpproxy) {
      failf(data, "Could not resolve proxy: %s; %s",
            conn->async.hostname, Curl_strerror(conn, conn->async.status));
    } else {
      failf(data, "Could not resolve host: %s; %s",
            conn->async.hostname, Curl_strerror(conn, conn->async.status));


    conn->bits.close = TRUE;

  return (rc);

示例3: bad

/* NetWare has getaddrinfo but lacks gai_strerror.
   Windows has a gai_strerror but it is bad (not thread-safe) and the generic
   socket error string function can be used for this pupose. */
static const char *gai_strerror(int ecode)
  switch (ecode) {
  case EAI_AGAIN:
    return "The name could not be resolved at this time";
    return "The flags parameter had an invalid value";
  case EAI_FAIL:
    return "A non-recoverable error occurred when attempting to "
      "resolve the name";
  case EAI_FAMILY:
    return "The address family was not recognized";
  case EAI_MEMORY:
    return "Out of memory";
  case EAI_NONAME:
    return "The name does not resolve for the supplied parameters";
    return "The service passed was not recognized for the "
      "specified socket type"
    return "The intended socket type was not recognized"
  case EAI_SYSTEM:
    return "A system error occurred";
    return "An argument buffer overflowed";
    return "Unknown error";

/* define this now as this is a private implementation of said function */

 * resolver_error() calls failf() with the appropriate message after a resolve
 * error

static void resolver_error(struct connectdata *conn, const char *host_or_proxy)
  failf(conn->data, "Could not resolve %s: %s; %s", host_or_proxy,
        /* NetWare doesn't have gai_strerror and on Windows it isn't deemed
           thread-safe */
        Curl_strerror(conn, conn->async.status)

示例4: Curl_send_plain

ssize_t Curl_send_plain(struct connectdata *conn, int num,
                        const void *mem, size_t len, CURLcode *code)
  curl_socket_t sockfd = conn->sock[num];
  ssize_t bytes_written;
  /* WinSock will destroy unread received data if send() is
     To avoid lossage of received data, recv() must be
     performed before every send() if any incoming data is
     available. */
  pre_receive_plain(conn, num);

#if defined(MSG_FASTOPEN) && !defined(TCP_FASTOPEN_CONNECT) /* Linux */
  if(conn->bits.tcp_fastopen) {
    bytes_written = sendto(sockfd, mem, len, MSG_FASTOPEN,
                           conn->ip_addr->ai_addr, conn->ip_addr->ai_addrlen);
    conn->bits.tcp_fastopen = FALSE;
    bytes_written = swrite(sockfd, mem, len);

  *code = CURLE_OK;
  if(-1 == bytes_written) {
    int err = SOCKERRNO;

      /* This is how Windows does it */
      (WSAEWOULDBLOCK == err)
      /* errno may be EWOULDBLOCK or on some systems EAGAIN when it returned
         due to its inability to send off data without blocking. We therefore
         treat both error codes the same here */
      (EWOULDBLOCK == err) || (EAGAIN == err) || (EINTR == err) ||
      (EINPROGRESS == err)
      ) {
      /* this is just a case of EWOULDBLOCK */
      bytes_written = 0;
      *code = CURLE_AGAIN;
    else {
      char buffer[STRERROR_LEN];
      failf(conn->data, "Send failure: %s",
            Curl_strerror(err, buffer, sizeof(buffer)));
      conn->data->state.os_errno = err;
      *code = CURLE_SEND_ERROR;
  return bytes_written;

示例5: dump_addrinfo

static void dump_addrinfo (struct connectdata *conn, const struct addrinfo *ai)
  for ( ; ai; ai = ai->ai_next) {
    char  buf [INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];

    trace_it("    fam %2d, CNAME %s, ",
             ai->ai_family, ai->ai_canonname ? ai->ai_canonname : "<none>");
    if (Curl_printable_address(ai, buf, sizeof(buf)))
      trace_it("%s\n", buf);
      trace_it("failed; %s\n", Curl_strerror(conn, SOCKERRNO));

示例6: init_resolve_thread

 * init_resolve_thread() starts a new thread that performs the actual
 * resolve. This function returns before the resolve is done.
 * Returns FALSE in case of failure, otherwise TRUE.
static bool init_resolve_thread (struct connectdata *conn,
                                 const char *hostname, int port,
                                 const Curl_addrinfo *hints)
  struct thread_data *td = calloc(sizeof(*td), 1);

  if (!td) {
    return FALSE;

  conn->async.hostname = strdup(hostname);
  if (!conn->async.hostname) {
    return FALSE;

  conn->async.port = port;
  conn->async.done = FALSE;
  conn->async.status = 0;
  conn->async.dns = NULL;
  conn->async.os_specific = (void*) td;

  td->dummy_sock = CURL_SOCKET_BAD;
  td->stderr_file = stderr;
  td->thread_hnd = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, THREAD_FUNC,
                                           conn, 0, &td->thread_id);
  td->hints = *hints;
  (void) hints;

  if (!td->thread_hnd) {
     TRACE(("_beginthreadex() failed; %s\n", Curl_strerror(conn,errno)));
     return FALSE;
  /* This socket is only to keep Curl_fdset() and select() happy; should never
   * become signalled for read/write since it's unbound but Windows needs
   * atleast 1 socket in select().
  td->dummy_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
  return TRUE;

示例7: Curl_write

 * Curl_write() is an internal write function that sends plain (binary) data
 * to the server. Works with plain sockets, SSL or kerberos.
CURLcode Curl_write(struct connectdata *conn,
                    curl_socket_t sockfd,
                    void *mem,
                    size_t len,
                    ssize_t *written)
  ssize_t bytes_written;
  CURLcode retcode;
  int num = (sockfd == conn->sock[SECONDARYSOCKET]);

  if (conn->ssl[num].use)
    /* only TRUE if SSL enabled */
    bytes_written = Curl_ssl_send(conn, num, mem, len);
  else {
      /* only TRUE if krb4 enabled */
      bytes_written = Curl_sec_write(conn, sockfd, mem, len);
      bytes_written = (ssize_t)swrite(sockfd, mem, len);

    if(-1 == bytes_written) {
      int err = Curl_ourerrno();

        /* This is how Windows does it */
        (WSAEWOULDBLOCK == err)
        /* As pointed out by Christophe Demory on March 11 2003, errno
           may be EWOULDBLOCK or on some systems EAGAIN when it returned
           due to its inability to send off data without blocking. We
           therefor treat both error codes the same here */
        (EWOULDBLOCK == err) || (EAGAIN == err) || (EINTR == err)
        /* this is just a case of EWOULDBLOCK */
        failf(conn->data, "Send failure: %s",
              Curl_strerror(conn, err));
  *written = bytes_written;
  retcode = (-1 != bytes_written)?CURLE_OK:CURLE_SEND_ERROR;

  return retcode;

示例8: tcpnodelay

static void tcpnodelay(struct connectdata *conn,
                       curl_socket_t sockfd)
  struct SessionHandle *data= conn->data;
  socklen_t onoff = (socklen_t) data->set.tcp_nodelay;
  if(setsockopt(sockfd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (void *)&onoff,
                sizeof(onoff)) < 0)
    infof(data, "Could not set TCP_NODELAY: %s\n",
          Curl_strerror(conn, Curl_ourerrno()));
    infof(data,"TCP_NODELAY set\n");

示例9: Curl_recv_plain

ssize_t Curl_recv_plain(struct connectdata *conn, int num, char *buf,
                        size_t len, CURLcode *code)
  curl_socket_t sockfd = conn->sock[num];
  ssize_t nread;
  /* Check and return data that already received and storied in internal
     intermediate buffer */
  nread = get_pre_recved(conn, num, buf, len);
  if(nread > 0) {
    *code = CURLE_OK;
    return nread;

  nread = sread(sockfd, buf, len);

  *code = CURLE_OK;
  if(-1 == nread) {
    int err = SOCKERRNO;

      /* This is how Windows does it */
      (WSAEWOULDBLOCK == err)
      /* errno may be EWOULDBLOCK or on some systems EAGAIN when it returned
         due to its inability to send off data without blocking. We therefore
         treat both error codes the same here */
      (EWOULDBLOCK == err) || (EAGAIN == err) || (EINTR == err)
      ) {
      /* this is just a case of EWOULDBLOCK */
      *code = CURLE_AGAIN;
    else {
      char buffer[STRERROR_LEN];
      failf(conn->data, "Recv failure: %s",
            Curl_strerror(err, buffer, sizeof(buffer)));
      conn->data->state.os_errno = err;
      *code = CURLE_RECV_ERROR;
  return nread;

示例10: Curl_tcpnodelay

void Curl_tcpnodelay(struct connectdata *conn, curl_socket_t sockfd)
#if defined(TCP_NODELAY)
  curl_socklen_t onoff = (curl_socklen_t) 1;
  int level = IPPROTO_TCP;

  (void) conn;

  if(setsockopt(sockfd, level, TCP_NODELAY, (void *)&onoff,
                sizeof(onoff)) < 0)
    infof(conn->data, "Could not set TCP_NODELAY: %s\n",
          Curl_strerror(conn, SOCKERRNO));
    infof(conn->data, "TCP_NODELAY set\n");

示例11: Curl_is_resolved

 * Curl_is_resolved() is called repeatedly to check if a previous name resolve
 * request has completed. It should also make sure to time-out if the
 * operation seems to take too long.
CURLcode Curl_is_resolved(struct connectdata *conn,
                          struct Curl_dns_entry **entry)
  struct SessionHandle *data = conn->data;

  *entry = NULL;

  if(conn->async.done) {
    /* we're done */
    if(!conn->async.dns) {
      failf(data, "Could not resolve host: %s; %s",
            conn->host.name, Curl_strerror(conn, conn->async.status));
    *entry = conn->async.dns;
  return CURLE_OK;

示例12: Curl_tcpnodelay

void Curl_tcpnodelay(struct connectdata *conn, curl_socket_t sockfd)
#if defined(TCP_NODELAY)
  struct SessionHandle *data = conn->data;
  curl_socklen_t onoff = (curl_socklen_t) 1;
  int level = IPPROTO_TCP;

#if 0
  /* The use of getprotobyname() is disabled since it isn't thread-safe on
     numerous systems. On these getprotobyname_r() should be used instead, but
     that exists in at least one 4 arg version and one 5 arg version, and
     since the proto number rarely changes anyway we now just use the hard
     coded number. The "proper" fix would need a configure check for the
     correct function much in the same style the gethostbyname_r versions are
     detected. */
  struct protoent *pe = getprotobyname("tcp");
    level = pe->p_proto;

  (void) conn;

  if(setsockopt(sockfd, level, TCP_NODELAY, (void *)&onoff,
                sizeof(onoff)) < 0)
    infof(data, "Could not set TCP_NODELAY: %s\n",
          Curl_strerror(conn, SOCKERRNO));
    infof(data, "TCP_NODELAY set\n");

示例13: Curl_tcpnodelay

void Curl_tcpnodelay(struct connectdata *conn, curl_socket_t sockfd)
#if defined(TCP_NODELAY)
  struct Curl_easy *data = conn->data;
  curl_socklen_t onoff = (curl_socklen_t) 1;
  int level = IPPROTO_TCP;

  (void) conn;

  if(setsockopt(sockfd, level, TCP_NODELAY, (void *)&onoff,
                sizeof(onoff)) < 0)
    infof(data, "Could not set TCP_NODELAY: %s\n",
          Curl_strerror(conn, SOCKERRNO));
    infof(data, "TCP_NODELAY set\n");

示例14: Curl_is_connected

CURLcode Curl_is_connected(struct connectdata *conn,
                           int sockindex,
                           bool *connected)
    int rc;
    struct SessionHandle *data = conn->data;
    CURLcode code = CURLE_OK;
    curl_socket_t sockfd = conn->sock[sockindex];

    DEBUGASSERT(sockindex >= FIRSTSOCKET && sockindex <= SECONDARYSOCKET);

    *connected = FALSE; /* a very negative world view is best */

    if(conn->bits.tcpconnect) {
        /* we are connected already! */
        long allow_total = 0;

        /* subtract the most strict timeout of the ones */
            allow_total = data->set.timeout;

        Curl_expire(data, allow_total);
        *connected = TRUE;
        return CURLE_OK;

    /* figure out how long time we have left to connect */
    allow = Curl_timeleft(conn, NULL, TRUE);

    if(allow < 0) {
        /* time-out, bail out, go home */
        failf(data, "Connection time-out");

    Curl_expire(data, allow);

    /* check for connect without timeout as we want to return immediately */
    rc = waitconnect(conn, sockfd, 0);

    if(WAITCONN_CONNECTED == rc) {
        int error;
        if(verifyconnect(sockfd, &error)) {
            /* we are connected, awesome! */
            conn->bits.tcpconnect = TRUE;
            *connected = TRUE;
            Curl_pgrsTime(data, TIMER_CONNECT); /* connect done */
            Curl_updateconninfo(conn, sockfd);

            return CURLE_OK;
        /* nope, not connected for real */
        data->state.os_errno = error;
        infof(data, "Connection failed\n");
        if(trynextip(conn, sockindex, connected)) {
            failf(data, "Failed connect to %s:%ld; %s",
                  conn->host.name, conn->port, Curl_strerror(conn, error));
            code = CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT;
    else if(WAITCONN_TIMEOUT != rc) {
        int error = 0;

        /* nope, not connected  */
        if(WAITCONN_FDSET_ERROR == rc) {
            (void)verifyconnect(sockfd, &error);
            data->state.os_errno = error;
            infof(data, "%s\n",Curl_strerror(conn,error));
            infof(data, "Connection failed\n");

        if(trynextip(conn, sockindex, connected)) {
            error = SOCKERRNO;
            data->state.os_errno = error;
            failf(data, "Failed connect to %s:%ld; %s",
                  conn->host.name, conn->port, Curl_strerror(conn, error));
            code = CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT;
     * If the connection failed here, we should attempt to connect to the "next
     * address" for the given host.

    return code;

示例15: bindlocal

static CURLcode bindlocal(struct connectdata *conn,
                          curl_socket_t sockfd, int af)
    struct SessionHandle *data = conn->data;

    struct Curl_sockaddr_storage sa;
    struct sockaddr *sock = (struct sockaddr *)&sa;  /* bind to this address */
    curl_socklen_t sizeof_sa = 0; /* size of the data sock points to */
    struct sockaddr_in *si4 = (struct sockaddr_in *)&sa;
#ifdef ENABLE_IPV6
    struct sockaddr_in6 *si6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&sa;

    struct Curl_dns_entry *h=NULL;
    unsigned short port = data->set.localport; /* use this port number, 0 for
                                                "random" */
    /* how many port numbers to try to bind to, increasing one at a time */
    int portnum = data->set.localportrange;
    const char *dev = data->set.str[STRING_DEVICE];
    int error;
    char myhost[256] = "";
    int done = 0; /* -1 for error, 1 for address found */

     * Select device to bind socket to
    if ( !dev && !port )
        /* no local kind of binding was requested */
        return CURLE_OK;

    memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(struct Curl_sockaddr_storage));

    if(dev && (strlen(dev)<255) ) {

        /* interface */
        if(Curl_if2ip(af, dev, myhost, sizeof(myhost))) {
             * We now have the numerical IP address in the 'myhost' buffer
            infof(data, "Local Interface %s is ip %s using address family %i\n",
                  dev, myhost, af);
            done = 1;

            /* I am not sure any other OSs than Linux that provide this feature, and
             * at the least I cannot test. --Ben
             * This feature allows one to tightly bind the local socket to a
             * particular interface.  This will force even requests to other local
             * interfaces to go out the external interface.
             * Only bind to the interface when specified as interface, not just as a
             * hostname or ip address.
            if(setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BINDTODEVICE,
                          dev, (curl_socklen_t)strlen(dev)+1) != 0) {
                error = SOCKERRNO;
                infof(data, "SO_BINDTODEVICE %s failed with errno %d: %s;"
                      " will do regular bind\n",
                      dev, error, Curl_strerror(conn, error));
                /* This is typically "errno 1, error: Operation not permitted" if
                   you're not running as root or another suitable privileged user */
        else {
             * This was not an interface, resolve the name as a host name
             * or IP number
             * Temporarily force name resolution to use only the address type
             * of the connection. The resolve functions should really be changed
             * to take a type parameter instead.
            long ipver = data->set.ip_version;
            int rc;

            if (af == AF_INET)
                data->set.ip_version = CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4;
#ifdef ENABLE_IPV6
            else if (af == AF_INET6)
                data->set.ip_version = CURL_IPRESOLVE_V6;

            rc = Curl_resolv(conn, dev, 0, &h);
            if(rc == CURLRESOLV_PENDING)
                (void)Curl_wait_for_resolv(conn, &h);
            data->set.ip_version = ipver;

            if(h) {
                /* convert the resolved address, sizeof myhost >= INET_ADDRSTRLEN */
                Curl_printable_address(h->addr, myhost, sizeof(myhost));
                infof(data, "Name '%s' family %i resolved to '%s' family %i\n",
                      dev, af, myhost, h->addr->ai_family);
                Curl_resolv_unlock(data, h);
                done = 1;
            else {
