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C++ Curl_reset_reqproto函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中Curl_reset_reqproto函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Curl_reset_reqproto函数的具体用法?C++ Curl_reset_reqproto怎么用?C++ Curl_reset_reqproto使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: pop3_do

 * pop3_do()
 * This function is registered as 'curl_do' function. It decodes the path
 * parts etc as a wrapper to the actual DO function (pop3_perform).
 * The input argument is already checked for validity.
static CURLcode pop3_do(struct connectdata *conn, bool *done)
  CURLcode retcode = CURLE_OK;

  *done = FALSE; /* default to false */

    Since connections can be re-used between SessionHandles, this might be a
    connection already existing but on a fresh SessionHandle struct so we must
    make sure we have a good 'struct POP3' to play with. For new connections,
    the struct POP3 is allocated and setup in the pop3_connect() function.
  retcode = pop3_init(conn);
    return retcode;

  retcode = pop3_parse_url_path(conn);
    return retcode;

  retcode = pop3_regular_transfer(conn, done);

  return retcode;

示例2: pop3_do

 * pop3_do()
 * This function is registered as 'curl_do' function. It decodes the path
 * parts etc as a wrapper to the actual DO function (pop3_perform).
 * The input argument is already checked for validity.
static CURLcode pop3_do(struct connectdata *conn, bool *done)
  CURLcode result = CURLE_OK;

  *done = FALSE; /* default to false */

  /* Since connections can be re-used between SessionHandles, there might be a
     connection already existing but on a fresh SessionHandle struct. As such
     we make sure we have a good POP3 struct to play with. For new connections
     the POP3 struct is allocated and setup in the pop3_connect() function. */
  result = pop3_init(conn);
    return result;

  /* Parse the URL path */
  result = pop3_parse_url_path(conn);
    return result;

  /* Parse the custom request */
  result = pop3_parse_custom_request(conn);
    return result;

  result = pop3_regular_transfer(conn, done);

  return result;

示例3: smtp_connect

 * smtp_connect()
 * This function should do everything that is to be considered a part of
 * the connection phase.
 * The variable pointed to by 'done' will be TRUE if the protocol-layer
 * connect phase is done when this function returns, or FALSE if not. When
 * called as a part of the easy interface, it will always be TRUE.
static CURLcode smtp_connect(struct connectdata *conn, bool *done)
  CURLcode result;
  struct smtp_conn *smtpc = &conn->proto.smtpc;
  struct pingpong *pp = &smtpc->pp;
  const char *path = conn->data->state.path;
  char localhost[HOSTNAME_MAX + 1];

  *done = FALSE; /* default to not done yet */

  /* If there already is a protocol-specific struct allocated for this
     sessionhandle, deal with it */

  result = smtp_init(conn);
  if(CURLE_OK != result)
    return result;

  /* We always support persistent connections on smtp */
  conn->bits.close = FALSE;

  pp->response_time = RESP_TIMEOUT; /* set default response time-out */
  pp->statemach_act = smtp_statemach_act;
  pp->endofresp = smtp_endofresp;
  pp->conn = conn;

  /* Initialise the response reader stuff */

  /* Set the default response time-out */
  pp->response_time = RESP_TIMEOUT;
  pp->statemach_act = smtp_statemach_act;
  pp->endofresp = smtp_endofresp;
  pp->conn = conn;

  /* Calculate the path if necessary */
  if(!*path) {
    if(!Curl_gethostname(localhost, sizeof(localhost)))
      path = localhost;
      path = "localhost";

  /* URL decode the path and use it as the domain in our EHLO */
  result = Curl_urldecode(conn->data, path, 0, &smtpc->domain, NULL, TRUE);
    return result;

  /* Start off waiting for the server greeting response */
  state(conn, SMTP_SERVERGREET);

  result = smtp_multi_statemach(conn, done);

  return result;

示例4: imap_connect

 * imap_connect() should do everything that is to be considered a part of
 * the connection phase.
 * The variable 'done' points to will be TRUE if the protocol-layer connect
 * phase is done when this function returns, or FALSE is not. When called as
 * a part of the easy interface, it will always be TRUE.
static CURLcode imap_connect(struct connectdata *conn,
                                 bool *done) /* see description above */
  CURLcode result;
  struct imap_conn *imapc = &conn->proto.imapc;
  struct SessionHandle *data=conn->data;
  struct pingpong *pp = &imapc->pp;

  *done = FALSE; /* default to not done yet */

  /* If there already is a protocol-specific struct allocated for this
     sessionhandle, deal with it */

  result = imap_init(conn);
  if(CURLE_OK != result)
    return result;

  /* We always support persistent connections on imap */
  conn->bits.close = FALSE;

  pp->response_time = RESP_TIMEOUT; /* set default response time-out */
  pp->statemach_act = imap_statemach_act;
  pp->endofresp = imap_endofresp;
  pp->conn = conn;

  if((conn->handler->flags & PROTOPT_SSL) &&
     data->state.used_interface != Curl_if_multi) {
    /* IMAPS is simply imap with SSL for the control channel */
    /* so perform the SSL initialization for this socket */
    result = Curl_ssl_connect(conn, FIRSTSOCKET);
      return result;

  /* Initialise the response reader stuff */

  /* Start off waiting for the server greeting response */
  state(conn, IMAP_SERVERGREET);

  /* Start off with an id of '*' */
  imapc->idstr = "*";

  if(data->state.used_interface == Curl_if_multi)
    result = imap_multi_statemach(conn, done);
  else {
    result = imap_easy_statemach(conn);
      *done = TRUE;

  return result;

示例5: pop3_connect

 * pop3_connect() should do everything that is to be considered a part of
 * the connection phase.
 * The variable 'done' points to will be TRUE if the protocol-layer connect
 * phase is done when this function returns, or FALSE is not. When called as
 * a part of the easy interface, it will always be TRUE.
static CURLcode pop3_connect(struct connectdata *conn,
                                 bool *done) /* see description above */
  CURLcode result;
  struct pop3_conn *pop3c = &conn->proto.pop3c;
  struct SessionHandle *data=conn->data;
  struct pingpong *pp = &pop3c->pp;

  *done = FALSE; /* default to not done yet */

  /* If there already is a protocol-specific struct allocated for this
     sessionhandle, deal with it */

  result = pop3_init(conn);
  if(CURLE_OK != result)
    return result;

  /* We always support persistent connections on pop3 */
  conn->bits.close = FALSE;

  pp->response_time = RESP_TIMEOUT; /* set default response time-out */
  pp->statemach_act = pop3_statemach_act;
  pp->endofresp = pop3_endofresp;
  pp->conn = conn;

  if(conn->handler->flags & PROTOPT_SSL) {
    /* BLOCKING */
    result = Curl_ssl_connect(conn, FIRSTSOCKET);
      return result;

  Curl_pp_init(pp); /* init the response reader stuff */

  /* When we connect, we start in the state where we await the server greet
     response */
  state(conn, POP3_SERVERGREET);

  if(data->state.used_interface == Curl_if_multi)
    result = pop3_multi_statemach(conn, done);
  else {
    result = pop3_easy_statemach(conn);
      *done = TRUE;

  return result;

示例6: smtp_do

 * smtp_do()
 * This function is registered as 'curl_do' function. It decodes the path
 * parts etc as a wrapper to the actual DO function (smtp_perform).
 * The input argument is already checked for validity.
static CURLcode smtp_do(struct connectdata *conn, bool *done)
  CURLcode result = CURLE_OK;

  *done = FALSE; /* default to false */

  /* Since connections can be re-used between SessionHandles, there might be a
     connection already existing but on a fresh SessionHandle struct. As such
     we make sure we have a good SMTP struct to play with. For new connections
     the SMTP struct is allocated and setup in the smtp_connect() function. */
  result = smtp_init(conn);
    return result;

  result = smtp_regular_transfer(conn, done);

  return result;

示例7: pop3_connect

 * pop3_connect()
 * This function should do everything that is to be considered a part of the
 * connection phase.
 * The variable 'done' points to will be TRUE if the protocol-layer connect
 * phase is done when this function returns, or FALSE is not. When called as
 * a part of the easy interface, it will always be TRUE.
static CURLcode pop3_connect(struct connectdata *conn, bool *done)
  CURLcode result;
  struct pop3_conn *pop3c = &conn->proto.pop3c;
  struct pingpong *pp = &pop3c->pp;

  *done = FALSE; /* default to not done yet */

  /* If there already is a protocol-specific struct allocated for this
     sessionhandle, deal with it */

  result = pop3_init(conn);
  if(CURLE_OK != result)
    return result;

  /* We always support persistent connections on pop3 */
  conn->bits.close = FALSE;

  pp->response_time = RESP_TIMEOUT; /* set default response time-out */
  pp->statemach_act = pop3_statemach_act;
  pp->endofresp = pop3_endofresp;
  pp->conn = conn;

  if(conn->handler->flags & PROTOPT_SSL) {
    /* POP3S is simply pop3 with SSL for the control channel */
    /* so perform the SSL initialization for this socket */
    result = Curl_ssl_connect(conn, FIRSTSOCKET);
      return result;

  /* Initialise the response reader stuff */

  /* Start off waiting for the server greeting response */
  state(conn, POP3_SERVERGREET);

  result = pop3_multi_statemach(conn, done);

  return result;

示例8: pop3_connect

 * pop3_connect()
 * This function should do everything that is to be considered a part of the
 * connection phase.
 * The variable 'done' points to will be TRUE if the protocol-layer connect
 * phase is done when this function returns, or FALSE is not. When called as
 * a part of the easy interface, it will always be TRUE.
static CURLcode pop3_connect(struct connectdata *conn, bool *done)
  CURLcode result = CURLE_OK;
  struct pop3_conn *pop3c = &conn->proto.pop3c;
  struct pingpong *pp = &pop3c->pp;

  *done = FALSE; /* default to not done yet */

  /* If there already is a protocol-specific struct allocated for this
     sessionhandle, deal with it */

  /* Initialise the POP3 layer */
  result = pop3_init(conn);
    return result;

  /* We always support persistent connections in POP3 */
  conn->bits.close = FALSE;

  /* Set the default response time-out */
  pp->response_time = RESP_TIMEOUT;
  pp->statemach_act = pop3_statemach_act;
  pp->endofresp = pop3_endofresp;
  pp->conn = conn;

  /* Initialise the pingpong layer */

  /* Start off waiting for the server greeting response */
  state(conn, POP3_SERVERGREET);

  result = pop3_multi_statemach(conn, done);

  return result;

示例9: pop3_connect

 * pop3_connect() should do everything that is to be considered a part of
 * the connection phase.
 * The variable 'done' points to will be TRUE if the protocol-layer connect
 * phase is done when this function returns, or FALSE is not. When called as
 * a part of the easy interface, it will always be TRUE.
static CURLcode pop3_connect(struct connectdata *conn,
                                 bool *done) /* see description above */
  CURLcode result;
  struct pop3_conn *pop3c = &conn->proto.pop3c;
  struct SessionHandle *data=conn->data;
  struct pingpong *pp = &pop3c->pp;

  *done = FALSE; /* default to not done yet */

  /* If there already is a protocol-specific struct allocated for this
     sessionhandle, deal with it */

  result = pop3_init(conn);
  if(CURLE_OK != result)
    return result;

  /* We always support persistent connections on pop3 */
  conn->bits.close = FALSE;

  pp->response_time = RESP_TIMEOUT; /* set default response time-out */
  pp->statemach_act = pop3_statemach_act;
  pp->endofresp = pop3_endofresp;
  pp->conn = conn;

  if(conn->bits.tunnel_proxy && conn->bits.httpproxy) {
    /* for POP3 over HTTP proxy */
    struct HTTP http_proxy;
    struct FTP *pop3_save;

    /* BLOCKING */
    /* We want "seamless" POP3 operations through HTTP proxy tunnel */

    /* Curl_proxyCONNECT is based on a pointer to a struct HTTP at the member
     * conn->proto.http; we want POP3 through HTTP and we have to change the
     * member temporarily for connecting to the HTTP proxy. After
     * Curl_proxyCONNECT we have to set back the member to the original struct
     * POP3 pointer
    pop3_save = data->state.proto.pop3;
    memset(&http_proxy, 0, sizeof(http_proxy));
    data->state.proto.http = &http_proxy;

    result = Curl_proxyCONNECT(conn, FIRSTSOCKET,
                               conn->host.name, conn->remote_port);

    data->state.proto.pop3 = pop3_save;

    if(CURLE_OK != result)
      return result;

  if(conn->handler->flags & PROTOPT_SSL) {
    /* BLOCKING */
    result = Curl_ssl_connect(conn, FIRSTSOCKET);
      return result;

  Curl_pp_init(pp); /* init the response reader stuff */

  /* When we connect, we start in the state where we await the server greet
     response */
  state(conn, POP3_SERVERGREET);

  if(data->state.used_interface == Curl_if_multi)
    result = pop3_multi_statemach(conn, done);
  else {
    result = pop3_easy_statemach(conn);
      *done = TRUE;

  return result;

示例10: smtp_connect

 * smtp_connect() should do everything that is to be considered a part of
 * the connection phase.
 * The variable 'done' points to will be TRUE if the protocol-layer connect
 * phase is done when this function returns, or FALSE is not. When called as
 * a part of the easy interface, it will always be TRUE.
static CURLcode smtp_connect(struct connectdata *conn,
                             bool *done) /* see description above */
    CURLcode result;
    struct smtp_conn *smtpc = &conn->proto.smtpc;
    struct SessionHandle *data=conn->data;
    struct pingpong *pp=&smtpc->pp;
    const char *path = conn->data->state.path;
    int len;
    char localhost[1024 + 1];

    *done = FALSE; /* default to not done yet */

    /* If there already is a protocol-specific struct allocated for this
       sessionhandle, deal with it */

    result = smtp_init(conn);
    if(CURLE_OK != result)
        return result;

    /* We always support persistant connections on smtp */
    conn->bits.close = FALSE;

    pp->response_time = RESP_TIMEOUT; /* set default response time-out */
    pp->statemach_act = smtp_statemach_act;
    pp->endofresp = smtp_endofresp;
    pp->conn = conn;

#if !defined(CURL_DISABLE_HTTP) && !defined(CURL_DISABLE_PROXY)
    if(conn->bits.tunnel_proxy && conn->bits.httpproxy) {
        /* for SMTP over HTTP proxy */
        struct HTTP http_proxy;
        struct FTP *smtp_save;

        /* BLOCKING */
        /* We want "seamless" SMTP operations through HTTP proxy tunnel */

        /* Curl_proxyCONNECT is based on a pointer to a struct HTTP at the member
         * conn->proto.http; we want SMTP through HTTP and we have to change the
         * member temporarily for connecting to the HTTP proxy. After
         * Curl_proxyCONNECT we have to set back the member to the original struct
         * SMTP pointer
        smtp_save = data->state.proto.smtp;
        memset(&http_proxy, 0, sizeof(http_proxy));
        data->state.proto.http = &http_proxy;

        result = Curl_proxyCONNECT(conn, FIRSTSOCKET,
                                   conn->host.name, conn->remote_port);

        data->state.proto.smtp = smtp_save;

        if(CURLE_OK != result)
            return result;

    if(conn->protocol & PROT_SMTPS) {
        /* BLOCKING */
        /* SMTPS is simply smtp with SSL for the control channel */
        /* now, perform the SSL initialization for this socket */
        result = Curl_ssl_connect(conn, FIRSTSOCKET);
            return result;

    Curl_pp_init(pp); /* init the response reader stuff */

    pp->response_time = RESP_TIMEOUT; /* set default response time-out */
    pp->statemach_act = smtp_statemach_act;
    pp->endofresp = smtp_endofresp;
    pp->conn = conn;

    if(!*path) {
        if(!Curl_gethostname(localhost, sizeof localhost))
            path = localhost;
            path = "localhost";

    /* url decode the path and use it as domain with EHLO */
    smtpc->domain = curl_easy_unescape(conn->data, path, 0, &len);
        return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    /* When we connect, we start in the state where we await the server greeting
    state(conn, SMTP_SERVERGREET);

    if(data->state.used_interface == Curl_if_multi)
        result = smtp_multi_statemach(conn, done);

示例11: file_connect

 * file_connect() gets called from Curl_protocol_connect() to allow us to
 * do protocol-specific actions at connect-time.  We emulate a
 * connect-then-transfer protocol and "connect" to the file here
static CURLcode file_connect(struct connectdata *conn, bool *done)
  struct SessionHandle *data = conn->data;
  char *real_path = curl_easy_unescape(data, data->state.path, 0, NULL);
  struct FILEPROTO *file;
  int fd;
  int i;
  char *actual_path;


  /* If there already is a protocol-specific struct allocated for this
     sessionhandle, deal with it */

  if(!data->state.proto.file) {
    file = calloc(sizeof(struct FILEPROTO), 1);
    if(!file) {
      return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
    data->state.proto.file = file;
  else {
    /* file is not a protocol that can deal with "persistancy" */
    file = data->state.proto.file;
    if(file->fd != -1)
    file->path = NULL;
    file->freepath = NULL;
    file->fd = -1;

  /* If the first character is a slash, and there's
     something that looks like a drive at the beginning of
     the path, skip the slash.  If we remove the initial
     slash in all cases, paths without drive letters end up
     relative to the current directory which isn't how
     browsers work.

     Some browsers accept | instead of : as the drive letter
     separator, so we do too.

     On other platforms, we need the slash to indicate an
     absolute pathname.  On Windows, absolute paths start
     with a drive letter.
  actual_path = real_path;
  if((actual_path[0] == '/') &&
      actual_path[1] &&
      (actual_path[2] == ':' || actual_path[2] == '|'))
    actual_path[2] = ':';

  /* change path separators from '/' to '\\' for DOS, Windows and OS/2 */
  for (i=0; actual_path[i] != '\0'; ++i)
    if(actual_path[i] == '/')
      actual_path[i] = '\\';

  fd = open_readonly(actual_path, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY); /* no CR/LF translation */
  file->path = actual_path;
  fd = open_readonly(real_path, O_RDONLY);
  file->path = real_path;
  file->freepath = real_path; /* free this when done */

  file->fd = fd;
  if(!data->set.upload && (fd == -1)) {
    failf(data, "Couldn't open file %s", data->state.path);
  *done = TRUE;

  return CURLE_OK;

示例12: Curl_rtsp

CURLcode Curl_rtsp(struct connectdata *conn, bool *done)
  struct SessionHandle *data = conn->data;
  CURLcode result=CURLE_OK;
  Curl_RtspReq rtspreq = data->set.rtspreq;
  struct RTSP *rtsp;
  struct HTTP *http;
  Curl_send_buffer *req_buffer;
  curl_off_t postsize = 0; /* for ANNOUNCE and SET_PARAMETER */
  curl_off_t putsize = 0; /* for ANNOUNCE and SET_PARAMETER */

  const char *p_request = NULL;
  const char *p_session_id = NULL;
  const char *p_accept = NULL;
  const char *p_accept_encoding = NULL;
  const char *p_range = NULL;
  const char *p_referrer = NULL;
  const char *p_stream_uri = NULL;
  const char *p_transport = NULL;
  const char *p_uagent = NULL;

  *done = TRUE;


  if(!data->state.proto.rtsp) {
    /* Only allocate this struct if we don't already have it! */

    rtsp = calloc(1, sizeof(struct RTSP));
      return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
    data->state.proto.rtsp = rtsp;
  else {
    rtsp = data->state.proto.rtsp;

  http = &(rtsp->http_wrapper);
  /* Assert that no one has changed the RTSP struct in an evil way */
  DEBUGASSERT((void *)http == (void *)rtsp);

  rtsp->CSeq_sent = data->state.rtsp_next_client_CSeq;
  rtsp->CSeq_recv = 0;

  /* Setup the 'p_request' pointer to the proper p_request string
   * Since all RTSP requests are included here, there is no need to
   * support custom requests like HTTP.
  DEBUGASSERT((rtspreq > RTSPREQ_NONE && rtspreq < RTSPREQ_LAST));
  data->set.opt_no_body = TRUE; /* most requests don't contain a body */
  switch(rtspreq) {
    failf(data, "Got invalid RTSP request: RTSPREQ_NONE");
    p_request = "OPTIONS";
    p_request = "DESCRIBE";
    data->set.opt_no_body = FALSE;
    p_request = "ANNOUNCE";
    p_request = "SETUP";
    p_request = "PLAY";
    p_request = "PAUSE";
    p_request = "TEARDOWN";
    /* GET_PARAMETER's no_body status is determined later */
    p_request = "GET_PARAMETER";
    p_request = "SET_PARAMETER";
    p_request = "RECORD";
    p_request = "";
    /* Treat interleaved RTP as body*/
    data->set.opt_no_body = FALSE;
    failf(data, "Got invalid RTSP request: RTSPREQ_LAST");

  if(rtspreq == RTSPREQ_RECEIVE) {
    Curl_setup_transfer(conn, FIRSTSOCKET, -1, TRUE,
                        &http->readbytecount, -1, NULL);


示例13: imap_connect

 * imap_connect() should do everything that is to be considered a part of
 * the connection phase.
 * The variable 'done' points to will be TRUE if the protocol-layer connect
 * phase is done when this function returns, or FALSE is not. When called as
 * a part of the easy interface, it will always be TRUE.
static CURLcode imap_connect(struct connectdata *conn,
                                 bool *done) /* see description above */
  CURLcode result;
  struct imap_conn *imapc = &conn->proto.imapc;
  struct SessionHandle *data=conn->data;
  struct pingpong *pp = &imapc->pp;

  *done = FALSE; /* default to not done yet */

  /* If there already is a protocol-specific struct allocated for this
     sessionhandle, deal with it */

  result = imap_init(conn);
  if(CURLE_OK != result)
    return result;

  /* We always support persistant connections on imap */
  conn->bits.close = FALSE;

  pp->response_time = RESP_TIMEOUT; /* set default response time-out */
  pp->statemach_act = imap_statemach_act;
  pp->endofresp = imap_endofresp;
  pp->conn = conn;

#if !defined(CURL_DISABLE_HTTP) && !defined(CURL_DISABLE_PROXY)
  if(conn->bits.tunnel_proxy && conn->bits.httpproxy) {
    /* for IMAP over HTTP proxy */
    struct HTTP http_proxy;
    struct FTP *imap_save;

    /* BLOCKING */
    /* We want "seamless" IMAP operations through HTTP proxy tunnel */

    /* Curl_proxyCONNECT is based on a pointer to a struct HTTP at the member
     * conn->proto.http; we want IMAP through HTTP and we have to change the
     * member temporarily for connecting to the HTTP proxy. After
     * Curl_proxyCONNECT we have to set back the member to the original struct
     * IMAP pointer
    imap_save = data->state.proto.imap;
    memset(&http_proxy, 0, sizeof(http_proxy));
    data->state.proto.http = &http_proxy;

    result = Curl_proxyCONNECT(conn, FIRSTSOCKET,
                               conn->host.name, conn->remote_port);

    data->state.proto.imap = imap_save;

    if(CURLE_OK != result)
      return result;

  if(conn->protocol & PROT_IMAPS) {
    /* BLOCKING */
    /* IMAPS is simply imap with SSL for the control channel */
    /* now, perform the SSL initialization for this socket */
    result = Curl_ssl_connect(conn, FIRSTSOCKET);
      return result;

  Curl_pp_init(pp); /* init generic pingpong data */

  /* When we connect, we start in the state where we await the server greeting
     response */
  state(conn, IMAP_SERVERGREET);
  imapc->idstr = "*"; /* we start off waiting for a '*' response */

  if(data->state.used_interface == Curl_if_multi)
    result = imap_multi_statemach(conn, done);
  else {
    result = imap_easy_statemach(conn);
      *done = TRUE;

  return result;

示例14: smtp_connect

 * smtp_connect() should do everything that is to be considered a part of
 * the connection phase.
 * The variable pointed to by 'done' will be TRUE if the protocol-layer
 * connect phase is done when this function returns, or FALSE if not. When
 * called as a part of the easy interface, it will always be TRUE.
static CURLcode smtp_connect(struct connectdata *conn,
                             bool *done) /* see description above */
  CURLcode result;
  struct smtp_conn *smtpc = &conn->proto.smtpc;
  struct SessionHandle *data = conn->data;
  struct pingpong *pp = &smtpc->pp;
  const char *path = conn->data->state.path;
  char localhost[HOSTNAME_MAX + 1];

  *done = FALSE; /* default to not done yet */

  /* If there already is a protocol-specific struct allocated for this
     sessionhandle, deal with it */

  result = smtp_init(conn);
  if(CURLE_OK != result)
    return result;

  /* We always support persistent connections on smtp */
  conn->bits.close = FALSE;

  pp->response_time = RESP_TIMEOUT; /* set default response time-out */
  pp->statemach_act = smtp_statemach_act;
  pp->endofresp = smtp_endofresp;
  pp->conn = conn;

  if((conn->handler->protocol & CURLPROTO_SMTPS) &&
      data->state.used_interface != Curl_if_multi) {
    /* SMTPS is simply smtp with SSL for the control channel */
    /* now, perform the SSL initialization for this socket */
    result = Curl_ssl_connect(conn, FIRSTSOCKET);
      return result;

  Curl_pp_init(pp); /* init the response reader stuff */

  pp->response_time = RESP_TIMEOUT; /* set default response time-out */
  pp->statemach_act = smtp_statemach_act;
  pp->endofresp = smtp_endofresp;
  pp->conn = conn;

  if(!*path) {
    if(!Curl_gethostname(localhost, sizeof(localhost)))
      path = localhost;
      path = "localhost";

  /* Url decode the path and use it as the domain in our EHLO */
  result = Curl_urldecode(conn->data, path, 0, &smtpc->domain, NULL, TRUE);
    return result;

  /* Set the state as we are waiting the server greeting */
  state(conn, SMTP_SERVERGREET);

  if(data->state.used_interface == Curl_if_multi)
    result = smtp_multi_statemach(conn, done);
  else {
    result = smtp_easy_statemach(conn);
      *done = TRUE;

  return result;
