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C++ Contains函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中Contains函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Contains函数的具体用法?C++ Contains怎么用?C++ Contains使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: Intersects

/* Intersects
 * test for a common area between segment and rect.
 * return true if at least a common point is found
bool EDA_RECT::Intersects( const wxPoint& aPoint1, const wxPoint& aPoint2 ) const
    wxPoint point2, point4;

    if( Contains( aPoint1 ) || Contains( aPoint2 ) )
        return true;

    point2.x = GetEnd().x;
    point2.y = GetOrigin().y;
    point4.x = GetOrigin().x;
    point4.y = GetEnd().y;

    //Only need to test 3 sides since a straight line cant enter and exit on same side
    if( SegmentIntersectsSegment( aPoint1, aPoint2, GetOrigin() , point2 ) )
        return true;

    if( SegmentIntersectsSegment( aPoint1, aPoint2, point2      , GetEnd() ) )
        return true;

    if( SegmentIntersectsSegment( aPoint1, aPoint2, GetEnd()    , point4 ) )
        return true;

    return false;

示例2: if

Widget *Container::GetWidgetAt(const Point &pos)
	if (!Contains(pos)) return 0;

	for (RefCountedPtr<Widget> widget : GetWidgets()) {
		const Point relpos = pos - widget->GetPosition() - widget->GetDrawOffset();
		if (widget->IsContainer()) {
			Widget* w = static_cast<Container*>(widget.Get())->GetWidgetAt(relpos);
			if (w) return w;
		} else if (widget->Contains(relpos))
			return widget.Get();

	return this;

示例3: SystemGc

void CPositionDisplay::Draw(const TRect& aRect) const
   CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();

   //gc.Clear(aRect); //paint background color.


   if(Contains(iLatControl->Rect(), aRect) || 
      Contains(iLonControl->Rect(), aRect)){
   TRect bubbles[] = {BoundingRect(iLatControl->Rect(), iLonControl->Rect())};
   const TInt num = sizeof(bubbles)/sizeof(*bubbles);
   for(TInt i = 0; i < num; ++i){
      gc.DrawRoundRect(bubbles[i], TSize(8,8));

示例4: Contains

bool PolygonItem::ProcessLeftUp(Point p, dword keyflags)
	bool sel = Contains(p);

	p = GetTopRender()->ViewToScene(p);

	if (sel && !IsNull(_click))
		if (abs(_click.x - p.x) < 5 && abs(_click.y - p.y) < 5)

	_click = Null;
	return IMapItem::ProcessLeftUp(p, keyflags);

示例5: MakeHitTest

  int GraphicsBase::MakeHitTest(const glm::vec2& point)
    if (selected_) {
      for (int i = 1; i <= HandleCount(); ++i)
        if (GetHandleRect(i).Contains(point))
          return i;

    if (Contains(point))
      return 0;

    return -1;

示例6: assert

Window *
WindowList::FindPreviousChildControl(Window *reference)
    assert(reference != nullptr);

    std::list<Window*>::const_reverse_iterator i =
        std::find(list.rbegin(), list.rend(), reference);
#ifndef ANDROID
    /* Android's NDK r5b ships a cxx-stl which does not allow comparing
       two const_reverse_iterator objects for inequality */
    assert(i != list.rend());

    return FindControl(++i, list.rend());

示例7: FacePlane

bool Polyhedron::Intersects(const LineSegment &lineSegment) const
	if (Contains(lineSegment))
		return true;
	for(int i = 0; i < NumFaces(); ++i)
		float t;
		Plane plane = FacePlane(i);
		bool intersects = Plane::IntersectLinePlane(plane.normal, plane.d, lineSegment.a, lineSegment.b - lineSegment.a, t);
		if (intersects && t >= 0.f && t <= 1.f)
			if (FaceContains(i, lineSegment.GetPoint(t)))
				return true;

	return false;

示例8: if

Widget *Container::GetWidgetAt(const Point &pos)
	if (!Contains(pos)) return 0;

	for (WidgetIterator i = WidgetsBegin(); i != WidgetsEnd(); ++i) {
		Widget *widget = (*i).Get();
		const Point relpos = pos - widget->GetPosition() - widget->GetDrawOffset();
		if (widget->IsContainer()) {
			Widget* w = static_cast<Container*>(widget)->GetWidgetAt(relpos);
			if (w) return w;
		} else if (widget->Contains(relpos))
			return widget;

	return this;

示例9: CheckMultiple

void CheckMultiple(const TList& list, const char* title, const char* what)
  // check whether the list contains each pad only once
  TIter next(&list);
  AliMpPad* pad;
  while ( ( pad = (AliMpPad*)next() ) )
    if ( Contains(list,*pad) != 1 )
      cout << title << " " << what << " pad found more than once : " << endl;

示例10: Contains

bool AABB::Intersects(const LineSegment &lineSegment) const
	vec dir = lineSegment.b - lineSegment.a;
	float len = dir.Length();
	if (len <= 1e-4f) // Degenerate line segment? Fall back to point-in-AABB test.
		return Contains(lineSegment.a);

	float invLen = 1.f / len;
	dir *= invLen;
	float tNear = 0.f, tFar = len;
#ifdef MATH_SIMD
	return IntersectLineAABB_SSE(lineSegment.a, dir, tNear, tFar);
	return IntersectLineAABB_CPP(lineSegment.a, dir, tNear, tFar);

示例11: Contains

/*!	\brief Returns whether this directory or any of its subdirectories
	at any level contain the entry referred to by the supplied path name.
	Only entries that match the node flavor specified by \a nodeFlags are
	If the BDirectory is not properly initialized, the method returns \c false.
	A non-absolute path is considered relative to the current directory.

	\note R5's implementation always returns \c true given an absolute path or 
	an unitialized directory. This implementation is not compatible with that
	behavior. Instead it converts the path into a BEntry and passes it to the
	other version of Contains().

	\param path the entry's path name. May be relative to this directory or
	\param nodeFlags Any of the following:
		   - \c B_FILE_NODE: The entry must be a file.
		   - \c B_DIRECTORY_NODE: The entry must be a directory.
		   - \c B_SYMLINK_NODE: The entry must be a symbolic link.
		   - \c B_ANY_NODE: The entry may be of any kind.
	- \c true, if the entry exists, its kind does match \nodeFlags and the
	  BDirectory is properly initialized and does contain the entry at any
	- \c false, otherwise
BDirectory::Contains(const char *path, int32 nodeFlags) const
	// check initialization and parameters
	if (InitCheck() != B_OK)
		return false;
	if (!path)
		return true;	// mimic R5 behavior
	// turn the path into a BEntry and let the other version do the work
	BEntry entry;
	if (BPrivate::Storage::is_absolute_path(path))
		entry.SetTo(this, path);
	return Contains(&entry, nodeFlags);

示例12: FilterMatches

     * Method FilterMatches
     * Checks if the filter matches the given hotkey
     * @return true on match (or if filter is disabled)
    bool FilterMatches( const EDA_HOTKEY& aHotkey ) const
        if( !m_valid )
            return true;

        // Match in the (translated) filter string
        const auto normedInfo = wxGetTranslation( aHotkey.m_InfoMsg ).Upper();
        if( normedInfo.Contains( m_normalised_filter_str ) )
            return true;

        const wxString keyName = KeyNameFromKeyCode( aHotkey.m_KeyCode );
        if( keyName.Upper().Contains( m_normalised_filter_str ) )
            return true;

        return false;

示例13: UnionPosition

BOOL CPolygon::UnionPosition(SFloat3* psPosition)
	CArrayInt	cIndices;
	int			iInsertionIndex;
	int			i;
	int			iIndex;
	if (mbConvex)
		if (On(psPosition))
			if (!Contains(psPosition))
				if (HasPositionPtr(psPosition))
					return TRUE;

				FindIndicesOfVisibleHalfSpaces(psPosition, &cIndices);
				if (cIndices.NumElements() == 0)
					//Something went wrong.
					return FALSE;

				iInsertionIndex = cIndices.GetValue(1);  //End index of the first visible line.

				for (i = 2; i < cIndices.NumElements(); i+= 2)
					iIndex = cIndices.GetValue(i);
					if (iIndex < iInsertionIndex)

				mapsPositions.InsertAt(&psPosition, iInsertionIndex);
			return TRUE;
		return FALSE;
	return FALSE;

示例14: if

vector<Node*>* Container::AdjacentRemainingNodes(Node* node)
	vector<Node*>* adjacentNodes = new vector<Node*>();
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i) {
		Edge* edge = edges.at(i);
		Node* adjacent = NULL;
		if (edge->node1 == node)
			adjacent = edge->node2;
		else if (edge->node2 == node)
			adjacent = edge->node1;
		if (adjacent && Contains(nodes, adjacent))
	return adjacentNodes;

示例15: FastRandomPointInside

float3 Frustum::UniformRandomPointInside(LCG &rng) const
	if (type == OrthographicFrustum)
		return FastRandomPointInside(rng);
		OBB o = MinimalEnclosingOBB();
		for(int numTries = 0; numTries < 1000; ++numTries)
			float3 pt = o.RandomPointInside(rng);
			if (Contains(pt))
				return pt;
		LOGW("Rejection sampling failed in Frustum::UniformRandomPointInside! Producing a non-uniformly distributed point inside the frustum!");
		return FastRandomPointInside(rng);
