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C++ CompMod函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中CompMod函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ CompMod函数的具体用法?C++ CompMod怎么用?C++ CompMod使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: Comp3Mod

void Comp3Mod(zz_pX& x1, zz_pX& x2, zz_pX& x3, 
              const zz_pX& g1, const zz_pX& g2, const zz_pX& g3,
              const zz_pX& h, const zz_pXModulus& F)

   long m = SqrRoot(g1.rep.length() + g2.rep.length() + g3.rep.length());

   if (m == 0) {

   zz_pXArgument A;

   build(A, h, F, m);

   zz_pX xx1, xx2, xx3;

   CompMod(xx1, g1, A, F);
   CompMod(xx2, g2, A, F);
   CompMod(xx3, g3, A, F);

   x1 = xx1;
   x2 = xx2;
   x3 = xx3;

示例2: MinPolyMod

void MinPolyMod(zz_pX& hh, const zz_pX& g, const zz_pXModulus& F, long m)
   zz_pX h, h1;
   long n = F.n;
   if (m < 1 || m > n) Error("MinPoly: bad args");

   /* probabilistically compute min-poly */

   ProbMinPolyMod(h, g, F, m);
   if (deg(h) == m) { hh = h; return; }
   CompMod(h1, h, g, F);
   if (IsZero(h1)) { hh = h; return; }

   /* not completely successful...must iterate */

   long i;

   zz_pX h2, h3;
   zz_pXMultiplier H1;
   vec_zz_p R(INIT_SIZE, n);

   for (;;) {
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++) random(R[i]);
      build(H1, h1, F);
      UpdateMap(R, R, H1, F);
      DoMinPolyMod(h2, g, F, m-deg(h), R);

      mul(h, h, h2);
      if (deg(h) == m) { hh = h; return; }
      CompMod(h3, h2, g, F);
      MulMod(h1, h3, H1, F);
      if (IsZero(h1)) { hh = h; return; }

示例3: split

void split(ZZ_pEX& f1, ZZ_pEX& g1, ZZ_pEX& f2, ZZ_pEX& g2,
           const ZZ_pEX& f, const ZZ_pEX& g, 
           const vec_ZZ_pE& roots, long lo, long mid)
   long r = mid-lo+1;

   ZZ_pEXModulus F;
   build(F, f);

   vec_ZZ_pE lroots(INIT_SIZE, r);
   long i;

   for (i = 0; i < r; i++)
      lroots[i] = roots[lo+i];

   ZZ_pEX h, a, d;
   BuildFromRoots(h, lroots);
   CompMod(a, h, g, F);

   GCD(f1, a, f);
   div(f2, f, f1);

   rem(g1, g, f1);
   rem(g2, g, f2);

示例4: Ft

template<> void 
PAlgebraModTmpl<zz_pX,vec_zz_pX,zz_pXModulus>::mapToFt(zz_pX& r,
			     const zz_pX& G,unsigned t,const zz_pX* rF1) const
  int i = zmStar.indexOfRep(t);
  if (i < 0) { r=zz_pX::zero(); return; }

  if (rF1==NULL) {              // Compute the representation "from scratch"
    zz_pE::init(factors[i]);    // work with the extension field GF_2[X]/Ft(X)
    zz_pEX Ga=to_zz_pEX((zz_pX&)G);// G is polynomial over the extension field
    r=rep(FindRoot(Ga));        // Find a root of G in this field
  // if rF1 is set, then use it instead, setting r = rF1(X^t) mod Ft(X)
  zz_pXModulus Ft(factors[i]);
  //  long tInv = InvMod(t,m);
  zz_pX X2t = PowerXMod(t,Ft);    // X2t = X^t mod Ft
  r = CompMod(*rF1,X2t,Ft);      // r = F1(X2t) mod Ft

  /* Debugging sanity-check: G(r)=0 in the extension field (Z/2Z)[X]/Ft(X)
  zz_pEX Ga=to_zz_pEX((zz_pX&)G);// G as a polynomial over the extension field
  zz_pE ra =to_zz_pE(r);         // r is an element in the extension field
  eval(ra,Ga,ra);  // ra = Ga(ra)
  if (!IsZero(ra)) {// check that Ga(r)=0 in this extension field
    cout << "rF1(X^t) mod Ft(X) != root of G mod Ft, t=" << t << endl;

示例5: crt

void PAlgebraModDerived<type>::embedInAllSlots(RX& H, const RX& alpha, 
                                            const MappingData<type>& mappingData) const
  if (isDryRun()) {
    H = RX::zero();
  long nSlots = zMStar.getNSlots();

  vector<RX> crt(nSlots); // alloate space for CRT components

  // The i'th CRT component is (H mod F_t) = alpha(maps[i]) mod F_t,
  // where with t=T[i].

  if (IsX(mappingData.G) || deg(alpha) <= 0) {
    // special case...no need for CompMod, which is
    // is not optimized for this case

    for (long i=0; i<nSlots; i++)   // crt[i] = alpha(maps[i]) mod Ft
      crt[i] = ConstTerm(alpha);
  else {
    // general case...

    for (long i=0; i<nSlots; i++)   // crt[i] = alpha(maps[i]) mod Ft
      CompMod(crt[i], alpha, mappingData.maps[i], factors[i]);

  CRT_reconstruct(H,crt); // interpolate to get H

示例6: assert

void PAlgebraModDerived<type>::embedInSlots(RX& H, const vector<RX>& alphas,
        const MappingData<type>& mappingData) const
    long nSlots = zMStar.getNSlots();
    assert(lsize(alphas) == nSlots);

    for (long i = 0; i < nSlots; i++) assert(deg(alphas[i]) < mappingData.degG);

    vector<RX> crt(nSlots); // alloate space for CRT components

    // The i'th CRT component is (H mod F_t) = alphas[i](maps[i]) mod F_t,
    // where with t=T[i].

    if (IsX(mappingData.G)) {
        // special case...no need for CompMod, which is
        // is not optimized for zero

        for (long i=0; i<nSlots; i++)   // crt[i] = alpha(maps[i]) mod Ft
            crt[i] = ConstTerm(alphas[i]);
    else {
        // general case...

        for (long i=0; i<nSlots; i++)   // crt[i] = alpha(maps[i]) mod Ft
            CompMod(crt[i], alphas[i], mappingData.maps[i], factors[i]);

    CRT_reconstruct(H,crt); // interpolate to get p

示例7: main


int main()
    ZZ_p::init(conv<ZZ>(17)); // define GF(17)

    ZZ_pX P;
    BuildIrred(P, 10); // generate an irreducible polynomial P
    // of degree 10 over GF(17)

    ZZ_pE::init(P); // define GF(17^10)

    ZZ_pEX f, g, h;  // declare polynomials over GF(17^10)

    random(f, 20);  // f is a random, monic polynomial of degree 20
    SetCoeff(f, 20);

    random(h, 20); // h is a random polynomial of degree less than 20

    g = MinPolyMod(h, f); // compute the minimum polynomial of h modulo f

    if (g == 0) Error("oops (1)"); // check that g != 0

    if (CompMod(g, h, f) != 0) // check that g(h) = 0 mod f
        Error("oops (2)");

示例8: SetX

void PAlgebraModDerived<type>::mapToFt(RX& w,
			     const RX& G,unsigned long t,const RX* rF1) const
  if (isDryRun()) {
    w = RX::zero();
  long i = zMStar.indexOfRep(t);
  if (i < 0) { clear(w); return; }

  if (rF1==NULL) {               // Compute the representation "from scratch"
    // special case
    if (G == factors[i]) {

    //special case
    if (deg(G) == 1) {
      w = -ConstTerm(G);

    // the general case: currently only works when r == 1
    assert(r == 1);  

    REBak bak; bak.save();
    RE::init(factors[i]);        // work with the extension field GF_p[X]/Ft(X)
    REX Ga;
    conv(Ga, G);                 // G as a polynomial over the extension field

    vec_RE roots;
    FindRoots(roots, Ga);        // Find roots of G in this field
    RE* first = &roots[0];
    RE* last = first + roots.length();
    RE* smallest = min_element(first, last);
                                // make a canonical choice
  // if rF1 is set, then use it instead, setting w = rF1(X^t) mod Ft(X)
  RXModulus Ft(factors[i]);
  //  long tInv = InvMod(t,m);
  RX X2t = PowerXMod(t,Ft);    // X2t = X^t mod Ft
  w = CompMod(*rF1,X2t,Ft);      // w = F1(X2t) mod Ft

  /* Debugging sanity-check: G(w)=0 in the extension field (Z/2Z)[X]/Ft(X)
  REX Ga;
  conv(Ga, G); // G as a polynomial over the extension field
  RE ra;
  conv(ra, w);         // w is an element in the extension field
  eval(ra,Ga,ra);  // ra = Ga(ra)
  if (!IsZero(ra)) {// check that Ga(w)=0 in this extension field
    cout << "rF1(X^t) mod Ft(X) != root of G mod Ft, t=" << t << endl;

示例9: CompMod

int Directory::Compare( const void* ptr1, const void* ptr2 )
    const cv_dir_entry* cvDirEntry1 = ( cv_dir_entry * ) ptr1;
    const cv_dir_entry* cvDirEntry2 = ( cv_dir_entry * ) ptr2;
    int   retVal;
    if ( IsModuleBasis(cvDirEntry1->subsection,cvDirEntry2->subsection) ) {
        retVal = CompMod(cvDirEntry1->iMod,cvDirEntry2->iMod);
        return retVal ? retVal : CompSub(cvDirEntry1->subsection,cvDirEntry2->subsection);
    retVal = CompSub(cvDirEntry1->subsection,cvDirEntry2->subsection);
    if ( retVal ) {
        return retVal;
    retVal = CompMod(cvDirEntry1->iMod,cvDirEntry2->iMod);
    return retVal ? retVal : 0;

示例10: ComposeFrobeniusMap

void ComposeFrobeniusMap(GF2EX& y, const GF2EXModulus& F)
   long d = GF2E::degree();
   long n = deg(F);

   long i;
   i = 1;
   while (i <= d) i = i << 1;
   i = i >> 1;

   GF2EX z(INIT_SIZE, n), z1(INIT_SIZE, n);

   i = i >> 1;
   long m = 1;

   if (n == 2) {
      SqrMod(z, z, F);
   else {
      while (i) {
         long m1 = 2*m;
         if (i & d) m1++;
         if (m1 >= NTL_BITS_PER_LONG-1 || (1L << m1) >= n) break;
         m = m1;
         i = i >> 1;

      SetCoeff(z, 1L << m);

   while (i) {
      z1 = z;

      long j, k, dz;
      dz = deg(z);

      for (j = 0; j <= dz; j++)
         for (k = 0; k < m; k++)
            sqr(z1.rep[j], z1.rep[j]);

      CompMod(z, z1, z, F);
      m = 2*m;

      if (d & i) {
         SqrMod(z, z, F);

      i = i >> 1;

   y = z;

示例11: GenerateBabySteps

void GenerateBabySteps(GF2EX& h1, const GF2EX& f, const GF2EX& h, long k,
                       long verbose)

   double t;

   if (verbose) { cerr << "generating baby steps..."; t = GetTime(); }

   GF2EXModulus F;
   build(F, f);

   GF2EXArgument H;

#if 0
   double n2 = sqrt(double(F.n));
   double n4 = sqrt(n2);
   double n34 = n2*n4;
   long sz = long(ceil(n34/sqrt(sqrt(2.0))));
   long sz = 2*SqrRoot(F.n);

   build(H, h, F, sz);

   h1 = h;

   long i;

   long HexOutput = GF2X::HexOutput;
   GF2X::HexOutput = 1;

   if (!use_files) {

   for (i = 1; i <= k-1; i++) {
      if (use_files) {
         ofstream s;
         OpenWrite(s, FileName(GF2EX_stem, "baby", i));
         s << h1 << "\n";
         BabyStepFile(i) = h1;

      CompMod(h1, h1, H, F);
      if (verbose) cerr << "+";

   if (verbose)
      cerr << (GetTime()-t) << "\n";

   GF2X::HexOutput = HexOutput;

示例12: PowerCompose

void PowerCompose(ZZ_pEX& y, const ZZ_pEX& h, long q, const ZZ_pEXModulus& F)
   if (q < 0) LogicError("PowerCompose: bad args");

   ZZ_pEX z(INIT_SIZE, F.n);
   long sw;

   z = h;

   while (q) {
      sw = 0;

      if (q > 1) sw = 2;
      if (q & 1) {
         if (IsX(y))
            y = z;
            sw = sw | 1;

      switch (sw) {
      case 0:

      case 1:
         CompMod(y, y, z, F);

      case 2:
         CompMod(z, z, z, F);

      case 3:
         Comp2Mod(y, z, y, z, z, F);

      q = q >> 1;

示例13: main


int main()

   zz_pX P;
   BuildIrred(P, 10);


   zz_pEX f, g, h;

   random(f, 20);
   SetCoeff(f, 20);

   random(h, 20);

   g = MinPolyMod(h, f);

   if (deg(g) < 0) Error("bad zz_pEXTest (1)");
   if (CompMod(g, h, f) != 0)
      Error("bad zz_pEXTest (2)");

   vec_pair_zz_pEX_long v;

   long i;
   for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      long n = RandomBnd(20)+1;
      cerr << n << " ";

      random(f, n);
      SetCoeff(f, n);

      v = CanZass(f);

      g = mul(v);
      if (f != g) cerr << "oops1\n";

      long i;
      for (i = 0; i < v.length(); i++)
         if (!DetIrredTest(v[i].a))
            Error("bad zz_pEXTest (3)");


   cerr << "\n";

   cerr << "zz_pEXTest OK\n";

示例14: GenerateBabySteps

void GenerateBabySteps(ZZ_pEX& h1, const ZZ_pEX& f, const ZZ_pEX& h, long k,
                       FileList& flist, long verbose)

   double t;

   if (verbose) { cerr << "generating baby steps..."; t = GetTime(); }

   ZZ_pEXModulus F;
   build(F, f);

   ZZ_pEXArgument H;

#if 0
   double n2 = sqrt(double(F.n));
   double n4 = sqrt(n2);
   double n34 = n2*n4;
   long sz = long(ceil(n34/sqrt(sqrt(2.0))));
   long sz = 2*SqrRoot(F.n);

   build(H, h, F, sz);

   h1 = h;

   long i;

   if (!use_files) {

   for (i = 1; i <= k-1; i++) {
      if (use_files) {
         ofstream s;
         OpenWrite(s, FileName("baby", i), flist);
         s << h1 << "\n";
         (*BabyStepFile)(i) = h1;

      CompMod(h1, h1, H, F);
      if (verbose) cerr << "+";

   if (verbose)
      cerr << (GetTime()-t) << "\n";


示例15: GenerateGiantSteps

void GenerateGiantSteps(const ZZ_pX& f, const ZZ_pX& h, long l, long verbose)

   double t;

   if (verbose) { cerr << "generating giant steps..."; t = GetTime(); }

   ZZ_pXModulus F;
   build(F, f);

   ZZ_pXArgument H;
   build(H, h, F, 2*SqrRoot(F.n));

   ZZ_pX h1;

   h1 = h;

   long i;

   if (!use_files) {

   for (i = 1; i <= l-1; i++) {
      if (use_files) {
         ofstream s;
         OpenWrite(s, FileName(ZZ_pX_stem, "giant", i));
         s << h1 << "\n";
         GiantStepFile(i) = h1;

      CompMod(h1, h1, H, F);
      if (verbose) cerr << "+";

   if (use_files) {
      ofstream s;
      OpenWrite(s, FileName(ZZ_pX_stem, "giant", i));
      s << h1 << "\n";
      GiantStepFile(i) = h1;

   if (verbose)
      cerr << (GetTime()-t) << "\n";
