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C++ CharString函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中CharString函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ CharString函数的具体用法?C++ CharString怎么用?C++ CharString使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: target

void VerbApplyEnhancement::onExecute()
	NounShip * pShip = WidgetCast<NounShip>( target() );
	if ( context()->isServer() && validate(pShip) && validate(m_pCargo) )
		NounEnhancement::Ref pEnhancement = m_pCargo->enhancement();
		if ( pEnhancement && pEnhancement->parent() == NULL && pEnhancement->canUse( pShip ) )
			// this will attach the contained enhancement to the ship...
			if ( pEnhancement->use( pShip ) )
				// detach the cargo item now..
				pShip->detachNode( m_pCargo );

				pShip->privateChat( CharString().format( "<color;ffffff>Enhancement: Using <color;%6.6x>%s</color> on %s.", 
					pEnhancement->color().RGB(),pEnhancement->getName(), pShip->name() ) );
				LOG_STATUS( "VerbApplyEnhancement", "[ENHANCEMENT]:Apply:%u:%s:%s", 
					pShip->userId(), pEnhancement->getName(),pShip->name() );

				// save off storage with this "active" ship
				pShip->privateChat( CharString().format( "<color;ffffff>Enhancement: Failed to use enhancement <color;%6.6x>%s</color>.",
					pEnhancement->color().RGB(), pEnhancement->getName() ) );

示例2: TRACE

void GameDocument::onShipCaptured( Noun * pCapper )
	TRACE( "GameDocument::onShipCaptured" );

	setGameState( GS_DEATH );
	m_bShipLost = true;

	// inform our script
	CharString sSelf = ship()->key().string();
	CharString sCapper = pCapper != NULL ? pCapper->key().string() : "";
	context()->scriptCall( CharString().format("onCaptured( '%s''%s' )", sSelf, sCapper ) );
	// reset the camera time
	s_fCamera = 0.0f;

	WindowObserve * pWindow = WidgetCast<WindowObserve>( InterfaceContext::findNode( "ObserveWindow" ) );
	if ( pWindow != NULL )
		pWindow->setCameraMode( WindowObserve::CHASE );
		pWindow->setTargetMode( WindowObserve::LOCKED );
		pWindow->setTarget( ship() );

	WindowText * pMessage = WidgetCast<WindowText>( InterfaceContext::findNode( "TextMessage" ) );
	if ( pMessage != NULL )
		if ( pCapper != NULL )
			pMessage->setText( CharString().format("Ship captured by %s...", pCapper->name()) );
			pMessage->setText( "Ship captured..." );

示例3: calculateModifier

CharString GadgetBeamWeapon::useTip( Noun * pTarget, bool shift ) const
	if ( shift )
		return "Toggle Point Defense.";
	// usage information
	CharString tip;
	float fEnergyMod = calculateModifier( MT_BEAM_ENERGY );
	float fChargeScale = damageRatioInv() * fEnergyMod;
	tip += CharString().format("\nRecharge Time:   <X;100>%.1fs", energyCost() / ( ( energyCharge() * fChargeScale ) * TICKS_PER_SECOND ) );
	tip += CharString().format("\nEnergy Cost:<X;100>%.1f", energyCost() / 1000.0f );
	float fLength = length() * calculateModifier( MT_BEAM_RANGE );
	tip += CharString().format("\nMax Range:<X;100>%.1fgu", fLength );
	// direct damage
	float fDamageMod = calculateModifier( MT_BEAM_DAMAGE );
	float fDamage = damage() * fDamageMod;
	if ( damageRandom() > 0 )
		float fMaxDamage = fDamage + (damageRandom() * fDamageMod);
		tip += CharString().format( "\nDamage:<X;100>%.0f-%.0f", fDamage * duration(), fMaxDamage * duration() );
		tip += CharString().format( "\nDamage:<X;100>%.1f", fDamage * duration() );

	return tip;

示例4: damageRatioInv

CharString GadgetDrive::useTip( Noun * pTarget, bool shift ) const
	CharString tip;
	// usage information
	int generate = 0;
	if ( active() )
		generate = damageRatioInv() * this->energy();
		// reduce energy based on velocity
		NounShip * pShip = WidgetCast<NounShip>( parent() );
		if ( pShip != NULL )
			if ( energyFalloff() > 0 && pShip->maxVelocity() > 0.0f && pShip->velocity() > pShip->baseVelocity() )
				float scale = ( pShip->velocity() - pShip->baseVelocity() ) / pShip->velocityRange();
				generate -= ( energyFalloff() * scale) ;
	tip += CharString().format("\nEnergy p/s:<X;100>%.1f", ( generate * TICKS_PER_SECOND ) / 1000.0f );
	tip += CharString().format("\nEnergy Stored:<X;100>%.0f", maxEnergy() / 1000.0f );	
	return tip;


bool ButtonCargo::onCursorMove( const RectInt & window, const PointInt & position, const PointInt & delta )
	if ( WindowButton::onCursorMove( window, position, delta ) )
		GameDocument * pDoc = (GameDocument *)document();
		ASSERT( pDoc );
		NounShip * pShip = pDoc->ship();
		if (! pShip )
			return false;
		Noun * pCargo = m_Cargo;
		if (! pCargo )
			return false;

		pDoc->setLeftHint( CharString().format( "TARGET %s", pCargo->name() ) );

		Noun * pTarget = pDoc->target();
		if ( WidgetCast<CargoEnhancement>( pCargo ) 
			&& VerbApplyEnhancement::canApply( (CargoEnhancement *)pCargo, pShip ) )
			pDoc->setRightHint( CharString().format( "USE %s", pCargo->name() ) );
		else if ( pTarget != NULL && pShip->canUnload( pTarget, pCargo ) )
			pDoc->setRightHint( CharString().format( "UNLOAD %s ONTO %s", pCargo->name(), pTarget->name() ) );
			pDoc->setRightHint( "" );

		return true;

	return false;


Error PaymentService::purchase(Variant p_params) {

	Dictionary params = p_params;
	ERR_FAIL_COND_V((!params.has("product_id")) && (!params.has("product_sku")), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);

	char* id = NULL;
	char* sku = NULL;

	CharString p_id = params.has("product_id")?String(params["product_id"]).ascii():CharString();
	CharString p_sku = params.has("product_sku")?String(params["product_sku"]).ascii():CharString();
	unsigned int request_id;
	int ret = paymentservice_purchase_request(params.has("product_sku") ? NULL : p_id.get_data(),
											  params.has("product_sku") ? p_sku.get_data() : NULL,
											  NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, get_window_group_id(), &request_id);

	if (ret != BPS_SUCCESS) {
		int eret = errno;
		printf("purchase error %i, %x, %i, %x\n", ret, ret, eret, eret);
		return (Error)eret;
	return OK;

示例7: CharString

CharString NounShip::status() const
	CharString sTargetInfo;

	// team & ship type..
	sTargetInfo += CharString().format("%s - %s\n", teamName(), nounContext()->name() );
	// hull %
	sTargetInfo += CharString().format("Hull: %d%%\n", int( damageRatioInv() * 100) );

	int armor = 0, maxArmor = 0;
	int shield = 0, maxShield = 0;
	for(int i=0;i<childCount();i++)
		BaseNode * pChild = child(i);
		if ( WidgetCast<GadgetShield>( pChild ) )
			shield += ((GadgetShield *)pChild)->charge();
			maxShield += ((GadgetShield *)pChild)->maxCharge();
		else if ( WidgetCast<GadgetArmor>( pChild ) )
			armor += ((GadgetArmor *)pChild)->armor();
			maxArmor += ((GadgetArmor *)pChild)->maxArmor();

	if ( maxShield > 0 )
		sTargetInfo += CharString().format("Shield: %d%%\n", (shield * 100) / maxShield);
	if ( maxArmor > 0 )
		sTargetInfo += CharString().format("Armor: %d%%\n", (armor * 100) / maxArmor );

	return sTargetInfo;

示例8: lock

bool ProcessServer::loadProcessList()
	AutoLock lock( &m_Lock );


	Settings pf( "ProcessList", m_Context.processFile );
	m_NextProcessId = pf.get( "NextProcessId", m_NextProcessId );

	int nProcessCount = pf.get( "ProcessCount", (dword)0 );
	for(int i=0;i<nProcessCount;i++)
		Process process;
		process.processId = pf.get( CharString().format("ProcessId%d", i), i + 1 );
		process.name = pf.get( CharString().format("ProcessName%d", i), "" );
		process.executable = pf.get( CharString().format("ProcessExe%d", i), "" );
		process.arguments = pf.get( CharString().format("ProcessArg%d", i), "" );
		process.config = pf.get( CharString().format("ProcessConfig%d", i), "" );
		process.log = pf.get( CharString().format("ProcessLog%d", i), "" );
		process.flags = (u16)pf.get( CharString().format("ProcessFlags%d", i), 0xffff );
		if ( process.flags == 0xffff )
			process.flags = 0;
			if ( pf.get( CharString().format("ProcessRunning%d", i), (dword)0 ) != 0 )
				process.flags |= ProcessClient::PF_RUNNING;
			if ( pf.get( CharString().format("ProcessDisabled%d", i), (dword)1 ) != 0 )
				process.flags |= ProcessClient::PF_DISABLED;

		m_ProcessList.push( process );

	return true;

示例9: GetSelectObj

void EEditorManager::onComponentAction ( QAction* action )
	QString componentTypeName = action->text();
	const QString& name = GetSelectObj();
	EditorEvent editorevent;
	editorevent.mType = action->isChecked() ? eEditorToScene_ComponentAttach
		: eEditorToScene_ComponentDettach;
	editorevent.mArgs.push_back ( CharString ( name.toStdString().c_str() ) );
	editorevent.mArgs.push_back ( CharString ( componentTypeName.toStdString().c_str() ) );
	Notify( editorevent );

示例10: CharString

CharString GadgetArmor::useTip( Noun * pTarget, bool shift ) const
	CharString tip;
	// usage information
	tip += CharString().format("\nCurrent HP:<X;100>%d/%d", m_Armor, maxArmor() );
	float fMod = ( calculateModifier( MT_DEFENSE ) * 100 ) - 100;
	if ( fMod > 0 )
		tip += CharString().format("\nDamage Reduction:<X;100>%.0f%%", fMod );
	fMod = calculateModifier( MT_DEFENSE_RECHARGE );

	return tip;

示例11: config

void JukeboxDS::saveConfig()
	Settings config( ("Jukebox"), m_JukeboxConfig );

	config.put( ("listCount"), m_PlayLists.size() );
	for(int i=0;i<m_PlayLists.size();i++)
		config.put( CharString().format(("List%dName"), i), m_PlayLists[i].name );
		config.put( CharString().format(("List%dFileCount"), i ), m_PlayLists[i].files.size() );

		for(int j=0;j<m_PlayLists[i].files.size();j++)
			config.put( CharString().format(("List%dFile%d"), i, j), m_PlayLists[i].files[j] );

示例12: setTip

void ButtonCargo::onUpdate( float t )
	WindowButton::onUpdate( t );

	if ( enabled() )
		Noun * pCargo = m_Cargo;
		if (! pCargo )

		if ( WidgetCast<CargoEnhancement>( pCargo ) )
			setTip(((CargoEnhancement *)pCargo)->status());
			m_HotKey = 0;

		GameDocument * pDoc = (GameDocument *)document();
		ASSERT( pDoc );
		NounShip * pShip = pDoc->ship();
		if (! pShip )

		bool validAction = false;

		Noun * pTarget = pDoc->target();
		if ( pTarget != NULL )
			if ( pShip->canUnload( pTarget, pCargo ) )
				setTip( CharString().format( "Unload %s onto %s", 
					pCargo->name(), pTarget->name() ) );
				setIconColor( WHITE );

				validAction = true;
				m_HotKey = 'U';

		if ( !validAction )
			if ( WidgetCast<NounUnit>( pCargo ) )
				setTip( CharString().format("%s %s", pCargo->name(), ((NounUnit *)pCargo)->status() ) );
				setTip( pCargo->name() );
			setIconColor( GREY );
			m_HotKey = 0;

示例13: release

bool JukeboxDS::initialize( const char * pFilePath, int volume )

	// build the file list
	m_FilePath = Path( pFilePath ).directory();
	if (! m_FilePath.endsWith(("\\")) )
		m_FilePath += ("\\");
	m_JukeboxConfig = m_FilePath + ("config.ini");

	// load the jukebox configuration if the file exists
	if ( FileDisk::fileExists( m_JukeboxConfig ) )
		Settings config( ("Jukebox"), m_JukeboxConfig );

		int listCount = config.get( ("listCount"), (dword)0 );
		for(int i=0;i<listCount;i++)
			int newList = addPlayList( config.get( CharString().format( ("List%dName"), i ), ("") ) );
			int fileCount = config.get( CharString().format(("List%dFileCount"), i ), (dword)0 );

			for(int j=0;j<fileCount;j++)
				addTrack( newList, config.get( CharString().format(("List%dFile%d"), i, j), ("")) );
		// create a default playlist with all mp3 files in the directory
		addTrack( addPlayList( ("Default") ), m_FilePath + ("*.mp3") );
		// save configuration

	if ( !m_PlayLists.isValid( 0 ) )
		return false;
	if ( !m_PlayLists[ 0 ].files.isValid( 0 ) )
		return false;

	m_ActiveList = 0;
	m_CurrentTrack = 0;

	m_Volume = Clamp( volume, 0, 100 );

	// start the thread

	return true;


void ProcessServer::onConnect( dword client )
	LOG_STATUS( "ProcessServer", CharString().format("Connecting client %u from %s", client, clientAddress( client )) );

	AutoLock lock( &m_Lock );
	m_ClientValid[ client ] = false;

示例15: updateTip

void WindowButton::updateTip()
	if ( m_HotKey != 0 )
		updateTip( CharString().format("%s  '%s'", m_Tip, keyText( Keyboard::unmap( m_HotKey ) ) ) );
		updateTip( m_Tip );
