本文整理汇总了C++中CVector3D函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ CVector3D函数的具体用法?C++ CVector3D怎么用?C++ CVector3D使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: if
void CGraphicsCamera::RotateXY( double xInc, double yInc, CWindowFilter& filter )
m_rot.x += xInc;
if( m_rot.x > M_PI*2 )
m_rot.x = 0.0;
else if( m_rot.x < -M_PI*2 )
m_rot.x = 0.0;
m_rot.y += yInc;
if( m_rot.y > M_PI*2 )
m_rot.y = 0.0;
else if( m_rot.y < -M_PI*2 )
m_rot.y = 0.0;
filter.SetRotations( m_rot );
//get the quaternion representation of this rotation
CVector3D right = m_up.cross( CVector3D( m_pos, m_focalPt ).normalize() );
CQuaternion xquat( xInc, CVector3D( right ).normalize() );
CQuaternion yquat( yInc, m_up.normalize() );
CQuaternion total_quat = xquat + yquat;
double m[4][4] = {0.};
total_quat.QuatToMat( m );
CVector3D v1( m_pos, m_focalPt );
//multiply our view vector by the rotation matrix
v1 = v1*m;
//update our position
m_pos = CPoint3D( v1.x + m_focalPt.x, v1.y + m_focalPt.y, v1.z + m_focalPt.z );
//update our camera's up vector
m_up = m_up*m;
示例2: CVector3D
// internal. Based on Equation 15
CVector3D RNSpline::GetEndVelocity(int index)
if (index >= NodeCount || index < 1)
return CVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
CVector3D temp = CVector3D(Node[index].Position - Node[index-1].Position) * 3.0f * (1.0f / Node[index-1].Distance.ToFloat());
return (temp - Node[index-1].Velocity) * 0.5f;
示例3: tracer
CVector3D CCamera::GetFocus() const
// Basically the same as GetWorldCoordinates
CHFTracer tracer(g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain());
int x, z;
CVector3D origin, dir, delta, terrainPoint, waterPoint;
origin = m_Orientation.GetTranslation();
dir = m_Orientation.GetIn();
bool gotTerrain = tracer.RayIntersect(origin, dir, x, z, terrainPoint);
CPlane plane;
plane.Set(CVector3D(0.f, 1.f, 0.f), // upwards normal
CVector3D(0.f, g_Renderer.GetWaterManager()->m_WaterHeight, 0.f)); // passes through water plane
bool gotWater = plane.FindRayIntersection( origin, dir, &waterPoint );
// Clamp the water intersection to within the map's bounds, so that
// we'll always return a valid position on the map
ssize_t mapSize = g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain()->GetVerticesPerSide();
if (gotWater)
waterPoint.X = clamp(waterPoint.X, 0.f, (float)((mapSize-1)*TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE));
waterPoint.Z = clamp(waterPoint.Z, 0.f, (float)((mapSize-1)*TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE));
if (gotTerrain)
if (gotWater)
// Intersecting both heightmap and water plane; choose the closest of those
if ((origin - terrainPoint).LengthSquared() < (origin - waterPoint).LengthSquared())
return terrainPoint;
return waterPoint;
// Intersecting heightmap but parallel to water plane
return terrainPoint;
if (gotWater)
// Only intersecting water plane
return waterPoint;
// Not intersecting terrain or water; just return 0,0,0.
return CVector3D(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
示例4: PolygonOrientation
//! polygon orientation - clockwise or anti-clockwise
PolygonOrientation(const CPoint3D &point1, const CPoint3D &point2,
const CPoint3D &point3, const CPoint3D &eye)
CVector3D off(point1, eye);
CVector3D d1d2 =
CVector3D(point1, point2).crossProduct(CVector3D(point2, point3));
double dotprod = d1d2.dotProduct(off);
return (CPolygonOrientation) CMathGen::sign(dotprod);
// Scissor rectangle of water patches
CBoundingBoxAligned TerrainRenderer::ScissorWater(const CMatrix3D &viewproj)
CBoundingBoxAligned scissor;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m->visiblePatches.size(); ++i)
CPatchRData* data = m->visiblePatches[i];
const CBoundingBoxAligned& waterBounds = data->GetWaterBounds();
if (waterBounds.IsEmpty())
CVector4D v1 = viewproj.Transform(CVector4D(waterBounds[0].X, waterBounds[1].Y, waterBounds[0].Z, 1.0f));
CVector4D v2 = viewproj.Transform(CVector4D(waterBounds[1].X, waterBounds[1].Y, waterBounds[0].Z, 1.0f));
CVector4D v3 = viewproj.Transform(CVector4D(waterBounds[0].X, waterBounds[1].Y, waterBounds[1].Z, 1.0f));
CVector4D v4 = viewproj.Transform(CVector4D(waterBounds[1].X, waterBounds[1].Y, waterBounds[1].Z, 1.0f));
CBoundingBoxAligned screenBounds;
#define ADDBOUND(v1, v2, v3, v4) \
if (v1[2] >= -v1[3]) \
screenBounds += CVector3D(v1[0], v1[1], v1[2]) * (1.0f / v1[3]); \
else \
{ \
float t = v1[2] + v1[3]; \
if (v2[2] > -v2[3]) \
{ \
CVector4D c2 = v1 + (v2 - v1) * (t / (t - (v2[2] + v2[3]))); \
screenBounds += CVector3D(c2[0], c2[1], c2[2]) * (1.0f / c2[3]); \
} \
if (v3[2] > -v3[3]) \
{ \
CVector4D c3 = v1 + (v3 - v1) * (t / (t - (v3[2] + v3[3]))); \
screenBounds += CVector3D(c3[0], c3[1], c3[2]) * (1.0f / c3[3]); \
} \
if (v4[2] > -v4[3]) \
{ \
CVector4D c4 = v1 + (v4 - v1) * (t / (t - (v4[2] + v4[3]))); \
screenBounds += CVector3D(c4[0], c4[1], c4[2]) * (1.0f / c4[3]); \
} \
ADDBOUND(v1, v2, v3, v4);
ADDBOUND(v2, v1, v3, v4);
ADDBOUND(v3, v1, v2, v4);
ADDBOUND(v4, v1, v2, v3);
if (screenBounds[0].X >= 1.0f || screenBounds[1].X <= -1.0f || screenBounds[0].Y >= 1.0f || screenBounds[1].Y <= -1.0f)
scissor += screenBounds;
return CBoundingBoxAligned(CVector3D(clamp(scissor[0].X, -1.0f, 1.0f), clamp(scissor[0].Y, -1.0f, 1.0f), -1.0f),
CVector3D(clamp(scissor[1].X, -1.0f, 1.0f), clamp(scissor[1].Y, -1.0f, 1.0f), 1.0f));
示例6: CVector3D
CVector3D CVector3D::GetVerticalVector(int m) const
return CVector3D(-(m*dy+dz)/dx,m,1);
return CVector3D(1,-(dx+m*dz)/dy,m);
return CVector3D(m,1,-(m*dx+dy)/dz);
return CVector3D(0,0,0);
示例7: CVector3D
CVector3D CCamera::GetWorldCoordinates(int px, int py, float h) const
CPlane plane;
plane.Set(CVector3D(0.f, 1.f, 0.f), CVector3D(0.f, h, 0.f)); // upwards normal, passes through h
CVector3D origin, dir, delta, currentTarget;
BuildCameraRay(px, py, origin, dir);
if (plane.FindRayIntersection(origin, dir, ¤tTarget))
return currentTarget;
// No intersection with the infinite plane - nothing sensible can be returned,
// so just choose an arbitrary point on the plane
return CVector3D(0.f, h, 0.f);
示例8: GetPosition
void CCinemaPath::MoveToPointAt(float t, float nodet, const CVector3D& startRotation)
CCamera *camera = g_Game->GetView()->GetCamera();
t = (this->*DistModePtr)(t);
CVector3D pos = GetPosition(t);
if (m_LookAtTarget)
if (m_TimeElapsed <= m_TargetSpline.MaxDistance.ToFloat())
camera->LookAt(pos, m_TargetSpline.GetPosition(m_TimeElapsed / m_TargetSpline.MaxDistance.ToFloat()), CVector3D(0, 1, 0));
camera->LookAt(pos, m_TargetSpline.GetAllNodes().back().Position, CVector3D(0, 1, 0));
CVector3D nodeRotation = Node[m_CurrentNode + 1].Rotation;
CQuaternion start, end;
start.FromEulerAngles(DEGTORAD(startRotation.X), DEGTORAD(startRotation.Y), DEGTORAD(startRotation.Z));
end.FromEulerAngles(DEGTORAD(nodeRotation.X), DEGTORAD(nodeRotation.Y), DEGTORAD(nodeRotation.Z));
start.Slerp(start, end, nodet);
示例9: RemoveAll
void CTestParticleSet::setupTestParticles( )
RemoveAll( );
// Check for invalid ranges.
if( m_xRange.m_y < m_xRange.m_x ||
m_yRange.m_y < m_yRange.m_x ||
m_zRange.m_y < m_zRange.m_x ||
IS_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL( m_xRange.m_z, 0 ) ||
IS_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL( m_yRange.m_z, 0 ) ||
IS_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL( m_zRange.m_z, 0 ) )
for( double i=m_xRange.m_x; i<=m_xRange.m_y; i+=m_xRange.m_z )
for( double j=m_yRange.m_x; j<=m_yRange.m_y; j+=m_yRange.m_z )
for( double k=m_zRange.m_x; k<=m_zRange.m_y; k+=m_zRange.m_z )
// A planet.
CPlanet newPlanet;
newPlanet.setPositionOptimized( CVector3D( i, j, k ) );
newPlanet.setRadius( 0.1 );
newPlanet.setDrawAsPoint( true );
Add( newPlanet );
示例10: CVector4D
void Utility::ScreenToWorld(CVector3D *out,CVector3D spos,CMatrix mProj,CMatrix mView,int w,int h){
CMatrix mVP;
mVP.Viewport(0.0f,0.0f, static_cast<float>(w), static_cast<float>(h));
CVector4D o = (mView.getInverse() * mProj.getInverse() * mVP.getInverse()) * CVector4D(spos.x,spos.y,spos.z,1);
*out = CVector3D(o.x/o.w,o.y/o.w,o.z/o.w);
示例11: CVector3D
CVector3D CConeVecProjectionGeometry3D::getProjectionDirection(int _iProjectionIndex, int _iDetectorIndex) const
const SConeProjection& p = m_pProjectionAngles[_iProjectionIndex];
int u = _iDetectorIndex % m_iDetectorColCount;
int v = _iDetectorIndex / m_iDetectorColCount;
return CVector3D(p.fDetSX + (u+0.5)*p.fDetUX + (v+0.5)*p.fDetVX - p.fSrcX, p.fDetSY + (u+0.5)*p.fDetUY + (v+0.5)*p.fDetVY - p.fSrcY, p.fDetSZ + (u+0.5)*p.fDetUZ + (v+0.5)*p.fDetVZ - p.fSrcZ);
示例12: GetProjectileLaunchPoint
virtual CVector3D GetProjectileLaunchPoint()
if (!m_Unit)
return CVector3D();
if (m_Unit->GetModel().ToCModel())
// Ensure the prop transforms are correct
CModelAbstract* ammo = m_Unit->GetModel().ToCModel()->FindFirstAmmoProp();
if (ammo)
return ammo->GetTransform().GetTranslation();
return CVector3D();
示例13: CVector3D
CVector3D CBoundingBox::GetPosition()
return CVector3D(
(m_vMin[0] + m_vMax[0]) / 2.0,
(m_vMin[1] + m_vMax[1]) / 2.0,
(m_vMin[2] + m_vMax[2]) / 2.0
示例14: q
//void CGraphicsCamera::Rotate
void CGraphicsCamera::Rotate( const CPoint3D& euler_angles )
CQuaternion q( euler_angles.x, euler_angles.y, euler_angles.z );
double m[4][4] = {0. };
q.QuatToMat( m );
CVector3D v1( m_pos, m_focalPt );
double dist = v1.length();
v1 = CVector3D( 0., 0., 1. );
m_pos = CPoint3D( v1.x + m_focalPt.x, v1.y + m_focalPt.y, v1.z + m_focalPt.z );
m_up = CVector3D( 0., 1., 0. );
Rotate( CVector3D::X_AXIS, euler_angles.x );
Rotate( CVector3D::Y_AXIS, euler_angles.y );
Rotate( CVector3D::Z_AXIS, euler_angles.z );
//m_up = m_up*m;
示例15: m_etDir
CGraphicsRigidDiaphragmLoad::CGraphicsRigidDiaphragmLoad( const CRigidDiaphragmLoad* pRDL ):
m_etDir( DY ),
m_loc( CPoint3D() ),
m_textPoint ( CPoint() ),
m_axis( CVector3D() ),
m_rot( 0.f ),
m_pRDL( pRDL )