本文整理汇总了C++中CVector3函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ CVector3函数的具体用法?C++ CVector3怎么用?C++ CVector3使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: LuaSetRelativePosition
* The stack must have three values in this order:
* 1. x coordinate (a number)
* 2. y coordinate (a number)
* 3. z coordinate (a number)
int LuaSetRelativePosition(lua_State* pt_lua_state) {
/* Check parameters */
if(lua_gettop(pt_lua_state) != 3) {
return luaL_error(pt_lua_state, "robot.quadrotor.set_relative_position() expects 3 arguments");
luaL_checktype(pt_lua_state, 1, LUA_TNUMBER);
luaL_checktype(pt_lua_state, 2, LUA_TNUMBER);
luaL_checktype(pt_lua_state, 3, LUA_TNUMBER);
/* Perform action */
CLuaUtility::GetDeviceInstance<CCI_QuadRotorPositionActuator>(pt_lua_state, "quadrotor")->
SetRelativePosition(CVector3(lua_tonumber(pt_lua_state, 1),
lua_tonumber(pt_lua_state, 2),
lua_tonumber(pt_lua_state, 3)));
return 0;
示例2: CVector3
bool CRABEquippedEntityGridEntityUpdater::operator()(CRABEquippedEntity& c_entity) {
try {
/* Continue with the other entities */
return true;
catch(CARGoSException& ex) {
THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION_NESTED("While updating the RAB entity grid for RAB entity \"" << c_entity.GetContext() << c_entity.GetId() << "\"", ex);
示例3: CalcNorms
//- CalcNorms
//- Calculate the vertex and face normals
void CalcNorms()
//Calculate face normals first
for(int x = 0; x < 10; x++)
CVector3 vTmp = CalcFaceNormal(CVector3(verts[Tris[x][2]]), CVector3(verts[Tris[x][1]]), CVector3(verts[Tris[x][0]]));
memcpy(facenormals[x], vTmp.Get(), 12);
//Calculate the vertex normals
for(x = 0; x < 10; x++)
int iShared[10]; //Indices of shared faces
int iNumShared = 0; //Number of faces that share vertex
//first find out which faces share the vertex
for(int y = 0; y < 10; y++)
for(int z = 0; z < 3; z++)
if(Tris[y][z] == x)
iShared[iNumShared] = y;
iNumShared ++;
//Calculate a normal by averaging the face normals of the shared faces
CVector3 finalNorm;
for(y = 0; y < iNumShared; y++)
finalNorm += facenormals[iShared[y]];
finalNorm /= (float)iNumShared;
memcpy(&vertnormals[x], finalNorm.Get(), 12);
示例4: UpdateDrawInWorldData
// draw function for adding graphics to a foot-bot
void iAnt_qt_user_functions::DrawFood(CFootBotEntity& entity) {
iAnt_controller& c = dynamic_cast<iAnt_controller&>
if(c.IsHoldingFood() == true) {
//#ifdef __APPLE__
//Edit here for drawing trails
DrawCylinder(CVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f), CQuaternion(), 0.05f, 0.025f, CColor::BLACK);
// DrawCylinder(0.05f, 0.025f, CVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f), CColor::BLACK);
示例5: CVector3
void CEyeBotCircle::TakeOff() {
if(m_eState != STATE_TAKE_OFF) {
/* State initialization */
m_eState = STATE_TAKE_OFF;
m_cCircleCenter = m_pcPosSens->GetReading().Position + CVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, ALTITUDE);
m_cTargetPos = m_cCircleCenter;
else {
if(Distance(m_cTargetPos, m_pcPosSens->GetReading().Position) < PROXIMITY_TOLERANCE) {
/* State transition */
_MEMBER_FUNCTION_IMPL(Audio, setPosition)
CAudio * pAudio = script_getinstance<CAudio *>(pVM);
float fX, fY, fZ, fR;
script_getfloat ( pVM, 1, &fX );
script_getfloat ( pVM, 2, &fY );
script_getfloat ( pVM, 3, &fZ );
script_getfloat ( pVM, 4, &fR );
pAudio->SetPosition (CVector3(fX, fY, fZ), fR );
script_pushbool(pVM, true);
return 1;
示例7: CVector3
// getVehicleAngularVelocity(vehicleid)
CVector3 CVehicleModuleNatives::GetAngularVelocity(EntityId vehicleid)
CVehicle * pVehicle = g_pVehicleManager->GetAt(vehicleid);
CVector3 vecTurnSpeed;
return vecTurnSpeed;
return CVector3();
示例8: m_vecPosition
CNetworkEntity::CNetworkEntity(eEntityType eType)
: m_vecPosition(CVector3()),
示例9: tRootNode
CLightEntity& CLoopFunctions::AddLight(const std::string& str_id,
const CVector3& c_position,
Real f_intensity,
const CColor& c_color) {
/* Build the XML tree */
TConfigurationNode tRootNode("light");
SetNodeAttribute(tRootNode, "id", str_id);
SetNodeAttribute(tRootNode, "position", c_position);
SetNodeAttribute(tRootNode, "orientation", CVector3());
SetNodeAttribute(tRootNode, "intensity", f_intensity);
SetNodeAttribute(tRootNode, "color", c_color);
/* Add the entity to the space */
CLightEntity& cEntity = AddEntityToSpace<CLightEntity>(tRootNode);
/* Return the entity */
return cEntity;
示例10: if
CVector3 CSplineInterpolatorVector3::intepolate(S32 index, F32 t){
if ((index + 1) == nodes.size()){
return nodes[index];
if (t == 0.0f){
return nodes[index];
}else if(t == 1.0f){
return nodes[index + 1];
F32 t2, t3;
t2 = t * t;
t3 = t2 * t;
CVector4 powers(t3, t2, t, 1);
// ret = powers * mCoeffs * (point1, point2, tangent1, tangent2)
CVector3& point1 = nodes[index];
CVector3& point2 = nodes[index+1];
CVector3& tan1 = mTangents[index];
CVector3& tan2 = mTangents[index+1];
CMatrix4 mpt;
FMatrix4 &pt = mpt.m;
pt[0][0] = point1.x;
pt[0][1] = point1.y;
pt[0][2] = point1.z;
pt[0][3] = 1.0f;
pt[1][0] = point2.x;
pt[1][1] = point2.y;
pt[1][2] = point2.z;
pt[1][3] = 1.0f;
pt[2][0] = tan1.x;
pt[2][1] = tan1.y;
pt[2][2] = tan1.z;
pt[2][3] = 1.0f;
pt[3][0] = tan2.x;
pt[3][1] = tan2.y;
pt[3][2] = tan2.z;
pt[3][3] = 1.0f;
CVector4 ret = mCoeffs * mpt * powers;
return CVector3(ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
示例11: g_arrowScale
void CWorldEditor::CreateBaseAxis()
auto sceneRoot = m_overlayViewport->GetSceneRoot();
static const CVector3 g_arrowScale(0.075f, 0.25f, 0.075f);
auto baseAxisNode = Palleon::CSceneNode::Create();
baseAxisNode->SetPosition(CVector3(289.2f, 5.00f, -563.f));
auto axisMesh = Palleon::CAxisMesh::Create();
axisMesh->SetScale(CVector3(1, 1, 1));
//X arrow
auto coneMesh = Palleon::CConeMesh::Create();
coneMesh->SetPosition(CVector3(1, 0, 0));
coneMesh->SetRotation(CQuaternion(CVector3(0, 0, 1), M_PI / 2.f));
coneMesh->GetMaterial()->SetColor(CColor(1, 0, 0, 1));
//Y arrow
auto coneMesh = Palleon::CConeMesh::Create();
coneMesh->SetPosition(CVector3(0, 1, 0));
coneMesh->GetMaterial()->SetColor(CColor(0, 1, 0, 1));
//Z arrow
auto coneMesh = Palleon::CConeMesh::Create();
coneMesh->SetPosition(CVector3(0, 0, 1));
coneMesh->SetRotation(CQuaternion(CVector3(1, 0, 0), -M_PI / 2.f));
coneMesh->GetMaterial()->SetColor(CColor(0, 0, 1, 1));
示例12: CVector3
// Ammo constructor intialises ammo-specific data and passes its parameters to the base
// class constructor
CEntityTemplate* entityTemplate,
const TInt32& refillSize,
const string& name /*= ""*/,
const CVector3& position /*= CVector3::kOrigin*/,
const CVector3& rotation /*= CVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)*/,
const CVector3& scale /*= CVector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)*/
) : CEntity( entityTemplate, UID, name, position + CVector3(0.0f, 100.0f, 0.0f), rotation, scale )
m_RefillSize = refillSize;
m_Height = position.y;
m_FallSpeed = 20.0f;
landed = false;
m_SinWave = 0.0f;
示例13: while
void CIVTrain::CreateWagons(BYTE iWagons)
// Check if we're a wagon
if(m_eTrainType == TYPE_WAGON)
int iWagonCount = 0;
while(iWagonCount < iWagons)
CVehicleEntity * pVehicle = new CVehicleEntity(127, CVector3(), 0.0f, 0, 0, 0, 0);
m_pWagonEntity[iWagonCount] = new CIVTrain;
m_pWagonEntity[iWagonCount]->m_eTrainType = TYPE_WAGON;
m_pWagonEntity[iWagonCount]->m_pVehicle = pVehicle;
示例14: CVector3
CVector3 CQuake3BSP::TraceBox(CVector3 vStart, CVector3 vEnd, CVector3 vMin, CVector3 vMax)
m_traceType = TYPE_BOX; // Set the trace type to a BOX
m_vTraceMaxs = vMax; // Set the max value of our AABB
m_vTraceMins = vMin; // Set the min value of our AABB
m_bCollided = false; // Reset the collised flag
/////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
// Here we initialize our variables for a new round of collision checks
m_bTryStep = false;
m_bGrounded = false;
/////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
// Grab the extend of our box (the largest size for each x, y, z axis)
m_vExtents = CVector3(-m_vTraceMins.x > m_vTraceMaxs.x ? -m_vTraceMins.x : m_vTraceMaxs.x,
-m_vTraceMins.y > m_vTraceMaxs.y ? -m_vTraceMins.y : m_vTraceMaxs.y,
-m_vTraceMins.z > m_vTraceMaxs.z ? -m_vTraceMins.z : m_vTraceMaxs.z);
// Check if our movement collided with anything, then get back our new position
CVector3 vNewPosition = Trace(vStart, vEnd);
/////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
// Let's check to see if we collided with something and we should try to step up
if(m_bCollided && m_bTryStep)
// Try and step up what we collided with
vNewPosition = TryToStep(vNewPosition, vEnd);
/////// * /////////// * /////////// * NEW * /////// * /////////// * /////////// *
// Return our new position
return vNewPosition;
示例15: CVector3
void COctree::InitOctree()
// Set the subdivided flag to false
m_bSubDivided = false;
// Set the dimensions of the box to false
m_Width = 0;
// Initialize the triangle count
m_TriangleCount = 0;
// Initialize the center of the box to the 0
m_vCenter = CVector3(0, 0, 0);
// Set the triangle list to NULL
m_pVertices = NULL;
// Set the sub nodes to NULL
memset(m_pOctreeNodes, 0, sizeof(m_pOctreeNodes));