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C++ CHK函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中CHK函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ CHK函数的具体用法?C++ CHK怎么用?C++ CHK使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: gread

gread(struct termios *tp, char *s)
	const struct cchar *cp;
	char *ep, *p;
	long tmp;

	if ((s = strchr(s, ':')) == NULL)
	for (++s; s != NULL;) {
		p = strsep(&s, ":\0");
		if (!p || !*p)
		if (!(ep = strchr(p, '=')))
		*ep++ = '\0';
		(void)sscanf(ep, "%lx", &tmp);

#define	CHK(s)	(*p == s[0] && !strcmp(p, s))
		if (CHK("cflag")) {
			tp->c_cflag = tmp;
		if (CHK("iflag")) {
			tp->c_iflag = tmp;
		if (CHK("ispeed")) {
			(void)sscanf(ep, "%ld", &tmp);
			tp->c_ispeed = tmp;
		if (CHK("lflag")) {
			tp->c_lflag = tmp;
		if (CHK("oflag")) {
			tp->c_oflag = tmp;
		if (CHK("ospeed")) {
			(void)sscanf(ep, "%ld", &tmp);
			tp->c_ospeed = tmp;
		for (cp = cchars1; cp->name != NULL; ++cp)
			if (CHK(cp->name)) {
				tp->c_cc[cp->sub] = tmp;
		if (cp->name == NULL)

示例2: BMessageRunner

	BMessageRunner(BMessenger target, const BMessage *message,
				   bigtime_t interval, int32 count)
	@case 3			target is valid, message is valid, interval == 0, count > 0
	@results		R5: InitCheck() should return B_ERROR.
						GetInfo() should return B_BAD_VALUE.
					OBOS: InitCheck() should return B_OK.
						  GetInfo() should return B_OK.
						  A minimal time interval is used (50000).
void TBMessageRunnerTester::BMessageRunnerA3()
	MessageRunnerTestApp app(kTesterSignature);
	MessageRunnerTestLooper *looper = app.TestLooper();
	BMessenger target(looper);
	BMessage message(MSG_RUNNER_MESSAGE);
	bigtime_t interval = 0;
	int32 count = 5;
	BMessageRunner runner(target, &message, interval, count);
#ifdef TEST_R5
	CHK(runner.InitCheck() == B_ERROR);
	check_message_runner_info(runner, B_BAD_VALUE);
	bigtime_t startTime = system_time();
	CHK(runner.InitCheck() == B_OK);
	interval = max(interval, kMinTimeInterval);
	check_message_runner_info(runner, B_OK, interval, count);
	snooze((count + 1) * interval + 10000);
	CHK(looper->CheckMessages(startTime, interval, count));
	CHK(app.CountReplies() == count);

示例3: channelTestFamily_done

utilStatus channelTestFamily_done( channelTestFamily * This ) {
   utilStatus status = UTIL_STATUS_NO_ERROR;
   if( This ) {
      unsigned i;
      if( This->parent2 ) {
         CHK(__FILE__,__LINE__,channelTestPerson_delete( &This->parent2 ))
      for( i = 0; i < This->children.count; ++i ) {
         CHK(__FILE__,__LINE__,channelTestPerson_delete( &This->children.items[i] ))
      CHK(__FILE__,__LINE__,channelList_done((channelList *)&This->children ))
   else {

示例4: cli_fault_injection_dev_addr

int cli_fault_injection_dev_addr(char *line, int num_of_args)
	char fault_num_str[MAX_ARG_SIZE];
	char dev_addr_str[MAX_ARG_SIZE];
	int fault_num;
	int dev_addr;

	/* Get number of fault injection */
	CHK(cli_get_word(line, fault_num_str, sizeof(fault_num_str), 2));

	/* Get device address */
	CHK(cli_get_word(line, dev_addr_str, sizeof(dev_addr_str), 3));

	/* Convert strings to int */
	fault_num = atoi(fault_num_str) - 1;
	dev_addr = (int) strtol(dev_addr_str, (char **) &dev_addr_str, 16);

	CHK(cfg_set_fault_injection_dev_address(fault_num, (unsigned char) dev_addr));

	return 0;

示例5: GetAppList

	void GetAppList(const char *signature, BList *teamIDList) const
	@case 2			teamIDList is not NULL and not empty, signature is not
					NULL, but no app with this signature is running
	@results		Should not modify teamIDList.
void GetAppListTester::GetAppListTestB2()
	const char *signature = "application/x-vnd.obos-does-not-exist";
	// create a list with some dummy entries
	BList list;
	// get a list of running applications for reference
	BRoster roster;
	BList list1(list);
	roster.GetAppList(signature, &list1);
	// run some apps
	AppRunner runner1(true);
	AppRunner runner2(true);
	AppRunner runner3(true);
	CHK(runner1.Run("AppRunTestApp1") == B_OK);
	CHK(runner2.Run("AppRunTestApp2") == B_OK);
	CHK(runner3.Run("BMessengerTestApp1") == B_OK);
	BList expectedApps;
	// get a new app list and check it
	BList list2(list);
	roster.GetAppList(signature, &list2);
	check_list(list2, list, list1, expectedApps);
	// quit app 1
	BList list3(list);
	roster.GetAppList(signature, &list3);
	check_list(list3, list, list1, expectedApps);
	// quit app 2
	BList list4(list);
	roster.GetAppList(signature, &list4);
	check_list(list4, list, list1, expectedApps);
	// quit app 3
	BList list5(list);
	roster.GetAppList(signature, &list5);
	check_list(list5, list, list1, expectedApps);

示例6: IteratorForIndex

	inline ConstIterator IteratorForIndex(int32 index) const
		if (index < 0 || index > Count()) {
			CHK(fMyVector.IteratorForIndex(index) == fMyVector.End());
			return End();
		} else {
			MyIterator myIt = fMyVector.IteratorForIndex(index);
			ReferenceIterator it = fReferenceVector.begin();
			for (int32 i = 0; i < index; i++)
			return ConstIterator(this, myIt, it);

示例7: TestDir15

uint TestDir15(void)
  tIORes res;
  uint result = 1;
  tReadDirState ReadDirState;
  tFATDirectoryEntry DirEntry;
//  tFATFSStatus FSStatus2;

  FAT_opendir (&stdio_FATFS, &res, "d:\\", &ReadDirState);
  CHK(res == ior_OK);

  FAT_readdir (&stdio_FATFS, &res, &ReadDirState, &DirEntry);
  CHK(res == ior_NO_MORE_FILES);

  FAT_closedir (&stdio_FATFS, &res, &ReadDirState);
  CHK(res == ior_OK);

  result = 0;

  return result;

示例8: main

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	/* create dummy pixmap to get initialization out of the way */
	c2d_ts_handle curTimestamp;
	PixmapPtr tmp = create_pixmap(64, 64, xRGB);
	CHK(c2dFlush(tmp->id, &curTimestamp));

[  1340.257] (II) freedreno(0): MSMCheckComposite:590 op:12: 0x2eb268 {20028888, 0} <- 0x2eb3a8 {08018000, 0} ((nil) {00000000, 0})
[  1340.257] (II) freedreno(0): MSMPrepareComposite:694 0x2eb178 {35x8,256} <- 0x2eb2c8 {1024x320,1024} ((nil) {0x0,0})
[  1340.258] (II) freedreno(0): MSMComposite:766 srcX=0 srcY=0  maskX=0 maskY=0 dstX=0  dstY=2  width=7 height=6

			ARGB, 35,   8,
			A8,   1024, 320,
			0,    0,    0,
			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 7, 6);

	return 0;

示例9: ctr_drbg_self_test

 * Checkup routine
int ctr_drbg_self_test( int verbose )
    ctr_drbg_context ctx;
    unsigned char buf[16];

     * Based on a NIST CTR_DRBG test vector (PR = True)
    if( verbose != 0 )
        polarssl_printf( "  CTR_DRBG (PR = TRUE) : " );

    test_offset = 0;
    CHK( ctr_drbg_init_entropy_len( &ctx, ctr_drbg_self_test_entropy,
                                entropy_source_pr, nonce_pers_pr, 16, 32 ) );
    ctr_drbg_set_prediction_resistance( &ctx, CTR_DRBG_PR_ON );
    CHK( ctr_drbg_random( &ctx, buf, CTR_DRBG_BLOCKSIZE ) );
    CHK( ctr_drbg_random( &ctx, buf, CTR_DRBG_BLOCKSIZE ) );
    CHK( memcmp( buf, result_pr, CTR_DRBG_BLOCKSIZE ) );

    if( verbose != 0 )
        polarssl_printf( "passed\n" );

     * Based on a NIST CTR_DRBG test vector (PR = FALSE)
    if( verbose != 0 )
        polarssl_printf( "  CTR_DRBG (PR = FALSE): " );

    test_offset = 0;
    CHK( ctr_drbg_init_entropy_len( &ctx, ctr_drbg_self_test_entropy,
                            entropy_source_nopr, nonce_pers_nopr, 16, 32 ) );
    CHK( ctr_drbg_random( &ctx, buf, 16 ) );
    CHK( ctr_drbg_reseed( &ctx, NULL, 0 ) );
    CHK( ctr_drbg_random( &ctx, buf, 16 ) );
    CHK( memcmp( buf, result_nopr, 16 ) );

    if( verbose != 0 )
        polarssl_printf( "passed\n" );

    if( verbose != 0 )
            polarssl_printf( "\n" );

    return( 0 );

示例10: chunk_write

/* writting from chunk */
int chunk_write(void *chunk, int fd)
    int n = -1;

    if(chunk && fd > 0 && CHK(chunk)->left > 0 && CHK(chunk)->data && CHK(chunk)->end
            && (n = write(fd, CHK(chunk)->end, CHK(chunk)->left)) > 0)
        CHK(chunk)->left -= n;
        CHK(chunk)->end += n;
    return n;

示例11: calc_afe_blacklevel

 * Calculate and set the AFE offset.
 * low:  known-good AFE offset-register value. See note.
 * high: known-good AFE offset-register value. See note. 
 * Note:
 * 'low' and 'high' depend on the scanner model.
 * Choose them so that
 * 1. both produce black pixel samples > 0, and never zero.
 * 2. 'low' produces a a darker black level than 'high',
 * 3. 'low' and 'high' values are as far apart as possible,
 *    for better precision.
 * Example: For CanoScan 4400F, select low = 75, high = 0.
 * Notice that the 'low' register value is not necessarily
 * less than the 'high' register value. It is what comes
 * out of the scanner that counts.
static int calc_afe_blacklevel(struct gl843_device *dev,
			       struct calibration_info *cal,
			       uint8_t low, uint8_t high)
	int ret, i;
	struct gl843_image *img;
	struct img_stat lo_stat, hi_stat;

	DBG(DBG_msg, "Calibrating A/D-converter black level.\n");

	CHK_MEM(img = create_image(cal->width, cal->height, PXFMT_RGB16));

	/* Scan with the lamp off to produce black pixels. */
	CHK(set_lamp(dev, LAMP_OFF, 0));

	/* Sample 'low' black level */

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		CHK(write_afe_gain(dev, i, 1.0));
		CHK(write_afe(dev, 32 + i, low));  /* Set 'low' black level */
	CHK(scan_img(dev, img, 10000));
	get_image_stats(img, &lo_stat);

	/* Sample 'high' black level */

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		CHK(write_afe(dev, 32 + i, high)); /* Set 'high' black level */
	CHK(scan_img(dev, img, 10000));
	get_image_stats(img, &hi_stat);

	/* Use the line equation to find and set the best offset value */

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		double m, c; /* y = mx + c */
		int o;	/* offset */
		m = (hi_stat.avg[i] - lo_stat.avg[i]) / (high - low);
		c = lo_stat.avg[i] - m * low;
		o = (int) satf(-c / m + 0.5, 0, 255);
		cal->offset[i] = o;
		CHK(write_afe(dev, 32 + i, o));
		DBG(DBG_info, "AFE %s offset = %d\n", idx_name(i), o);

	ret = 0;
	return ret;	
	goto chk_failed;

示例12: msearch

msearch(char ***argvp, struct info *ip)
	struct modes *mp;
	char *name;

	name = **argvp;

	for (mp = cmodes; mp->name; ++mp)
		if (CHK(mp->name)) {
			ip->t.c_cflag &= ~mp->unset;
			ip->t.c_cflag |= mp->set;
			ip->set = 1;
			return (1);
	for (mp = imodes; mp->name; ++mp)
		if (CHK(mp->name)) {
			ip->t.c_iflag &= ~mp->unset;
			ip->t.c_iflag |= mp->set;
			ip->set = 1;
			return (1);
	for (mp = lmodes; mp->name; ++mp)
		if (CHK(mp->name)) {
			ip->t.c_lflag &= ~mp->unset;
			ip->t.c_lflag |= mp->set;
			ip->set = 1;
			return (1);
	for (mp = omodes; mp->name; ++mp)
		if (CHK(mp->name)) {
			ip->t.c_oflag &= ~mp->unset;
			ip->t.c_oflag |= mp->set;
			ip->set = 1;
			return (1);
	return (0);

示例13: main

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	/* create dummy pixmap to get initialization out of the way */
	c2d_ts_handle curTimestamp;
	PixmapPtr tmp = create_pixmap(64, 64, xRGB);
	CHK(c2dFlush(tmp->id, &curTimestamp));

	test_fill(1920, 1080, xRGB, 0, 0, 1920, 1080);
	test_fill(1920, 1080, xRGB, 717, 395, 718, 685);

	/* test limits of x, y */
	test_fill(1920, 1080, xRGB, 0x100, 0, 0x101, 0);
	test_fill(1920, 1080, xRGB, 0, 0x100, 0, 0x101);

	/* test limits of width, height */
	test_fill(1920, 1080, xRGB, 0, 0, 0x100, 0);
	test_fill(1920, 1080, xRGB, 0, 0, 0, 0x100);

	test_fill(1, 1, xRGB, 0, 0, 1, 1);

	return 0;

示例14: cli_fault_injection_gen_read_en

int cli_fault_injection_gen_read_en(char *line, int num_of_args)
	char fault_num_str[MAX_ARG_SIZE];
	char en_value_str[MAX_ARG_SIZE];
	int fault_num;
	int en_value;

	/* Get number of fault injection */
	CHK(cli_get_word(line, fault_num_str, sizeof(fault_num_str), 2));

	/* Get enable value */
	CHK(cli_get_word(line, en_value_str, sizeof(en_value_str), 3));

	/* Convert strings to int */
	fault_num = atoi(fault_num_str) - 1;
	en_value = atoi(en_value_str);

	CHK(cfg_set_fault_injection_read_enable(fault_num, en_value));

	return 0;

	return 0;

示例15: TestDir13

uint TestDir13(void)
  tIORes res;
  uint result = 1;
//  tFATFSStatus FSStatus1;

  FAT_mkdir (&stdio_FATFS, &res, "d:\\level1", mt_S_IWUSR);
  CHK(res == ior_OK);

  result = 0;

  return result;
