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C++ BuildPlayerLockDungeonBlock函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中BuildPlayerLockDungeonBlock函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ BuildPlayerLockDungeonBlock函数的具体用法?C++ BuildPlayerLockDungeonBlock怎么用?C++ BuildPlayerLockDungeonBlock使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: GetRandomDungeons

/// <summary>
/// Build and Send LFG lock player info and reward
/// </summary>
/// <param name="plr">Player</param>
void LFGMgr::SendLfgPlayerInfo(Player *plr)
    uint32 rsize = 0;
    uint32 lsize = 0;
    LfgDungeonSet *randomlist = GetRandomDungeons(plr->getLevel(), plr->GetSession()->Expansion());
    LfgLockStatusSet *lockSet = GetPlayerLockStatusDungeons(plr, m_DungeonsMap[LFG_ALL_DUNGEONS]);
    if (randomlist)
        rsize = randomlist->size();
    if (lockSet)
        lsize = lockSet->size();

    WorldPacket data(SMSG_LFG_PLAYER_INFO, 1 + rsize * (4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4) + 4 + lsize * (4 + 4));
    if (!randomlist)
        data << uint8(0);
        data << uint8(randomlist->size());                  // Random Dungeon count
        for (LfgDungeonSet::iterator it = randomlist->begin(); it != randomlist->end(); ++it)
            data << uint32(*it);                            // Entry
            BuildRewardBlock(data, *it, plr);
        delete randomlist;
    BuildPlayerLockDungeonBlock(data, lockSet);

示例2: BuildPartyLockDungeonBlock

void BuildPartyLockDungeonBlock(WorldPacket& data, lfg::LfgLockPartyMap const& lockMap)
    data << uint8(lockMap.size());
    for (lfg::LfgLockPartyMap::const_iterator it = lockMap.begin(); it != lockMap.end(); ++it)
        data << uint64(it->first);                         // Player guid
        BuildPlayerLockDungeonBlock(data, it->second);

示例3: BuildPartyLockDungeonBlock

void BuildPartyLockDungeonBlock(WorldPacket& data, const LfgLockPartyMap& lockMap)
    Log.Debug("LfgHandler", "BUILD PARTY LOCK DUNGEON BLOCK");
    data << uint8(lockMap.size());
    for (LfgLockPartyMap::const_iterator it = lockMap.begin(); it != lockMap.end(); ++it)
        data << uint64(it->first);                         // Player guid
        BuildPlayerLockDungeonBlock(data, it->second);

示例4: BuildPartyLockDungeonBlock

void BuildPartyLockDungeonBlock(WorldPacket& data, lfg::LfgLockPartyMap const& lockMap)
    data << uint8(lockMap.size());

    for (auto lockMapP : lockMap)
        data << ObjectGuid(lockMapP.first);                         // Player guid
        BuildPlayerLockDungeonBlock(data, lockMapP.second);

示例5: assert

/// <summary>
/// Build Party Dungeon lock status packet
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">WorldPacket</param>
/// <param name="lock">lock status map</param>
void LFGMgr::BuildPartyLockDungeonBlock(WorldPacket &data, LfgLockStatusMap *lockMap)

    data << uint8(lockMap->size());

    LfgLockStatusSet *lockSet;
    uint64 guid;
    for (LfgLockStatusMap::const_iterator it = lockMap->begin(); it != lockMap->end(); ++it)
        guid = it->first;
        lockSet = it->second;
        if (!lockSet)

        data << uint64(guid);                               // Player guid
        BuildPlayerLockDungeonBlock(data, lockSet);
    delete lockMap;

示例6: GetPlayer

void WorldSession::SendLfgPlayerLockInfo()
    ObjectGuid guid = GetPlayer()->GetGUID();

    // Get Random dungeons that can be done at a certain level and expansion
    uint8 level = GetPlayer()->getLevel();
    lfg::LfgDungeonSet const& randomDungeons =
        sLFGMgr->GetRandomAndSeasonalDungeons(level, GetPlayer()->GetSession()->Expansion());

    // Get player locked Dungeons
    lfg::LfgLockMap const& lock = sLFGMgr->GetLockedDungeons(guid);
    uint32 rsize = uint32(randomDungeons.size());
    uint32 lsize = uint32(lock.size());

    TC_LOG_DEBUG("lfg", "SMSG_LFG_PLAYER_INFO %s", GetPlayerInfo().c_str());
    WorldPacket data(SMSG_LFG_PLAYER_INFO, 1 + rsize * (4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4) + 4 + lsize * (1 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4));

    data << uint8(randomDungeons.size());                  // Random Dungeon count
    for (lfg::LfgDungeonSet::const_iterator it = randomDungeons.begin(); it != randomDungeons.end(); ++it)
        data << uint32(*it);                               // Dungeon Entry (id + type)
        lfg::LfgReward const* reward = sLFGMgr->GetRandomDungeonReward(*it, level);
        Quest const* quest = NULL;
        bool done = false;
        if (reward)
            quest = sObjectMgr->GetQuestTemplate(reward->firstQuest);
            if (quest)
                done = !GetPlayer()->CanRewardQuest(quest, false);
                if (done)
                    quest = sObjectMgr->GetQuestTemplate(reward->otherQuest);

        data << uint8(done);
        data << uint32(0);                                              // currencyQuantity
        data << uint32(0);                                              // some sort of overall cap/weekly cap
        data << uint32(0);                                              // currencyID
        data << uint32(0);                                              // tier1Quantity
        data << uint32(0);                                              // tier1Limit
        data << uint32(0);                                              // overallQuantity
        data << uint32(0);                                              // overallLimit
        data << uint32(0);                                              // periodPurseQuantity
        data << uint32(0);                                              // periodPurseLimit
        data << uint32(0);                                              // purseQuantity
        data << uint32(0);                                              // purseLimit
        data << uint32(0);                                              // some sort of reward for completion
        data << uint32(0);                                              // completedEncounters
        data << uint8(0);                                               // Call to Arms eligible

        for (uint32 i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            data << uint32(0);                                          // Call to Arms Role
            //if (role)
            //    BuildQuestReward(data, ctaRoleQuest, GetPlayer());

        if (quest)
            BuildQuestReward(data, quest, GetPlayer());
            data << uint32(0);                                          // Money
            data << uint32(0);                                          // XP
            data << uint8(0);                                           // Reward count

    BuildPlayerLockDungeonBlock(data, lock);

示例7: GetPlayer

void WorldSession::HandleLfgPlayerLockInfoRequestOpcode(WorldPacket& /*recv_data*/)
    uint64 guid = GetPlayer()->GetGUID();

    // Get Random dungeons that can be done at a certain level and expansion
    // FIXME - Should return seasonals (when not disabled)
    LfgDungeonSet randomDungeons;
    uint8 level = GetPlayer()->getLevel();
    uint8 expansion = GetPlayer()->GetSession()->Expansion();
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < sLFGDungeonStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        LFGDungeonEntry const* dungeon = sLFGDungeonStore.LookupEntry(i);
        if (dungeon && dungeon->type == LFG_TYPE_RANDOM && dungeon->expansion <= expansion &&
                dungeon->minlevel <= level && level <= dungeon->maxlevel)

    // Get player locked Dungeons
    LfgLockMap lock = sLFGMgr->GetLockedDungeons(guid);
    uint32 rsize = uint32(randomDungeons.size());
    uint32 lsize = uint32(lock.size());

    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "SMSG_LFG_PLAYER_INFO [" UI64FMTD "]", guid);
    WorldPacket data(SMSG_LFG_PLAYER_INFO, 1 + rsize * (4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4) + 4 + lsize * (1 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4));

    data << uint8(randomDungeons.size());                  // Random Dungeon count
    for (LfgDungeonSet::const_iterator it = randomDungeons.begin(); it != randomDungeons.end(); ++it)
        data << uint32(*it);                               // Dungeon Entry (id + type)
        LfgReward const* reward = sLFGMgr->GetRandomDungeonReward(*it, level);
        Quest const* qRew = NULL;
        uint8 done = 0;
        if (reward)
            qRew = sObjectMgr->GetQuestTemplate(reward->reward[0].questId);
            if (qRew)
                done = !GetPlayer()->CanRewardQuest(qRew, false);
                if (done)
                    qRew = sObjectMgr->GetQuestTemplate(reward->reward[1].questId);
        if (qRew)
            data << uint8(done);
            data << uint32(qRew->GetRewOrReqMoney());
            data << uint32(qRew->XPValue(GetPlayer()));
            data << uint32(reward->reward[done].variableMoney);
            data << uint32(reward->reward[done].variableXP);
            data << uint8(qRew->GetRewItemsCount());
            if (qRew->GetRewItemsCount())
                ItemTemplate const* iProto = NULL;
                for (uint8 i = 0; i < QUEST_REWARDS_COUNT; ++i)
                    if (!qRew->RewItemId[i])

                    iProto = sObjectMgr->GetItemTemplate(qRew->RewItemId[i]);

                    data << uint32(qRew->RewItemId[i]);
                    data << uint32(iProto ? iProto->DisplayInfoID : 0);
                    data << uint32(qRew->RewItemCount[i]);
            data << uint8(0);
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint8(0);
    BuildPlayerLockDungeonBlock(data, lock);

示例8: GetPlayer

void WorldSession::HandleLfgPlayerLockInfoRequestOpcode(WorldPacket& /*recvData*/)
    uint64 guid = GetPlayer()->GetGUID();

    // Get Random dungeons that can be done at a certain level and expansion
    LfgDungeonSet randomDungeons;
    uint8 level = GetPlayer()->getLevel();
    uint8 expansion = GetPlayer()->GetSession()->Expansion();

    LFGDungeonContainer& LfgDungeons = sLFGMgr->GetLFGDungeonMap();
    for (LFGDungeonContainer::const_iterator itr = LfgDungeons.begin(); itr != LfgDungeons.end(); ++itr)
        LFGDungeonData const& dungeon = itr->second;
        if ((dungeon.type == LFG_TYPE_RANDOM || (dungeon.seasonal && sLFGMgr->IsSeasonActive(dungeon.id)))
            && dungeon.expansion <= expansion && dungeon.minlevel <= level && level <= dungeon.maxlevel)

    // Get player locked Dungeons
    LfgLockMap const& lock = sLFGMgr->GetLockedDungeons(guid);
    uint32 rsize = uint32(randomDungeons.size());
    uint32 lsize = uint32(lock.size());

    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_LFG, "SMSG_LFG_PLAYER_INFO %s", GetPlayerInfo().c_str());
    WorldPacket data(SMSG_LFG_PLAYER_INFO, 1 + rsize * (4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4) + 4 + lsize * (1 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4));

    data << uint8(randomDungeons.size());                  // Random Dungeon count
    for (LfgDungeonSet::const_iterator it = randomDungeons.begin(); it != randomDungeons.end(); ++it)
        data << uint32(*it);                               // Dungeon Entry (id + type)
        LfgReward const* reward = sLFGMgr->GetRandomDungeonReward(*it, level);
        Quest const* quest = NULL;
        uint8 done = 0;
        if (reward)
            quest = sObjectMgr->GetQuestTemplate(reward->reward[0].questId);
            if (quest)
                done = !GetPlayer()->CanRewardQuest(quest, false);
                if (done)
                    quest = sObjectMgr->GetQuestTemplate(reward->reward[1].questId);

        if (quest)
            data << uint8(done);
            data << uint32(quest->GetRewOrReqMoney());
            data << uint32(quest->XPValue(GetPlayer()));
            data << uint32(reward->reward[done].variableMoney);
            data << uint32(reward->reward[done].variableXP);
            data << uint8(quest->GetRewItemsCount());
            if (quest->GetRewItemsCount())
                for (uint8 i = 0; i < QUEST_REWARDS_COUNT; ++i)
                    if (uint32 itemId = quest->RewardItemId[i])
                        ItemTemplate const* item = sObjectMgr->GetItemTemplate(itemId);
                        data << uint32(itemId);
                        data << uint32(item ? item->DisplayInfoID : 0);
                        data << uint32(quest->RewardItemIdCount[i]);
            data << uint8(0);
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint8(0);
    BuildPlayerLockDungeonBlock(data, lock);

示例9: GetPlayer

void WorldSession::HandleLfgPlayerLockInfoRequestOpcode(WorldPacket& /*recvData*/)
    uint64 guid = GetPlayer()->GetGUID();

    // Get Random dungeons that can be done at a certain level and expansion
    uint8 level = GetPlayer()->getLevel();
    lfg::LfgDungeonSet const& randomDungeons =
        sLFGMgr->GetRandomAndSeasonalDungeons(level, GetPlayer()->GetSession()->Expansion());

    // Get player locked Dungeons
    sLFGMgr->InitializeLockedDungeons(GetPlayer()); // pussywizard
    lfg::LfgLockMap const& lock = sLFGMgr->GetLockedDungeons(guid);
    uint32 rsize = uint32(randomDungeons.size());
    uint32 lsize = uint32(lock.size());

    ;//sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "SMSG_LFG_PLAYER_INFO [" UI64FMTD "]", guid);
    WorldPacket data(SMSG_LFG_PLAYER_INFO, 1 + rsize * (4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4) + 4 + lsize * (1 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4));

    data << uint8(randomDungeons.size());                  // Random Dungeon count
    for (lfg::LfgDungeonSet::const_iterator it = randomDungeons.begin(); it != randomDungeons.end(); ++it)
        data << uint32(*it);                               // Dungeon Entry (id + type)
        lfg::LfgReward const* reward = sLFGMgr->GetRandomDungeonReward(*it, level);
        Quest const* quest = NULL;
        bool done = false;
        if (reward)
            quest = sObjectMgr->GetQuestTemplate(reward->firstQuest);
            if (quest)
                done = !GetPlayer()->CanRewardQuest(quest, false);
                if (done)
                    quest = sObjectMgr->GetQuestTemplate(reward->otherQuest);

        if (quest)
            data << uint8(done);
            data << uint32(quest->GetRewOrReqMoney());
            data << uint32(quest->XPValue(GetPlayer()));
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint8(quest->GetRewItemsCount());
            if (quest->GetRewItemsCount())
                for (uint8 i = 0; i < QUEST_REWARDS_COUNT; ++i)
                    if (uint32 itemId = quest->RewardItemId[i])
                        ItemTemplate const* item = sObjectMgr->GetItemTemplate(itemId);
                        data << uint32(itemId);
                        data << uint32(item ? item->DisplayInfoID : 0);
                        data << uint32(quest->RewardItemIdCount[i]);
            data << uint8(0);
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint8(0);
    BuildPlayerLockDungeonBlock(data, lock);

示例10: GetPlayer

void WorldSession::HandleLfgPlayerLockInfoRequestOpcode(WorldPacket& /*recv_data*/)
    uint64 guid = GetPlayer()->GetGUID();

    // Get Random dungeons that can be done at a certain level and expansion
    // FIXME - Should return seasonals (when not disabled)
    LfgDungeonSet randomDungeons;
    uint8 level = GetPlayer()->getLevel();
    uint8 expansion = GetPlayer()->GetSession()->Expansion();
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < sLFGDungeonStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        LFGDungeonEntry const* dungeon = sLFGDungeonStore.LookupEntry(i);
        if (dungeon && dungeon->type == LFG_TYPE_RANDOM && dungeon->expansion <= expansion &&
            dungeon->minlevel <= level && level <= dungeon->maxlevel)
		        // Dungeons Seleccionables con el evento en el server correspondiente. (En Dungeon Finder)
        if (dungeon && dungeon->grouptype == 11 && dungeon->expansion <= expansion && dungeon->minlevel <= level && level <= dungeon->maxlevel)
                    QueryResult result = WorldDatabase.Query("SELECT dungeonId, eventEntry FROM lfg_dungeon_event");
                    if (!result)
					Field* fields = NULL;
						fields = result->Fetch();
						uint32 dungeonId = fields[0].GetUInt32();
						uint32 eventEntry = fields[1].GetUInt32();
						if (dungeonId != dungeon->ID ) 

						if (eventEntry && sGameEventMgr->IsActiveEvent(eventEntry))
				   } while (result->NextRow());

    // Get player locked Dungeons
    LfgLockMap lock = sLFGMgr->GetLockedDungeons(guid);
    uint32 rsize = uint32(randomDungeons.size());
    uint32 lsize = uint32(lock.size());

    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "SMSG_LFG_PLAYER_INFO [" UI64FMTD "]", guid);
    WorldPacket data(SMSG_LFG_PLAYER_INFO, 1 + rsize * (4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4) + 4 + lsize * (1 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4));

    data << uint8(randomDungeons.size());                  // Random Dungeon count
    for (LfgDungeonSet::const_iterator it = randomDungeons.begin(); it != randomDungeons.end(); ++it)
        data << uint32(*it);                               // Dungeon Entry (id + type)
        LfgReward const* reward = sLFGMgr->GetRandomDungeonReward(*it, level);
        Quest const* qRew = NULL;
        uint8 done = 0;
        if (reward)
            qRew = sObjectMgr->GetQuestTemplate(reward->reward[0].questId);
            if (qRew)
                done = !GetPlayer()->CanRewardQuest(qRew, false);
                if (done)
                    qRew = sObjectMgr->GetQuestTemplate(reward->reward[1].questId);
        if (qRew)
            data << uint8(done);
            data << uint32(qRew->GetRewOrReqMoney());
            data << uint32(qRew->XPValue(GetPlayer()));
            data << uint32(reward->reward[done].variableMoney);
            data << uint32(reward->reward[done].variableXP);
            data << uint8(qRew->GetRewItemsCount());
            if (qRew->GetRewItemsCount())
                ItemPrototype const* iProto = NULL;
                for (uint8 i = 0; i < QUEST_REWARDS_COUNT; ++i)
                    if (!qRew->RewItemId[i])

                    iProto = ObjectMgr::GetItemPrototype(qRew->RewItemId[i]);

                    data << uint32(qRew->RewItemId[i]);
                    data << uint32(iProto ? iProto->DisplayInfoID : 0);
                    data << uint32(qRew->RewItemCount[i]);
            data << uint8(0);
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint8(0);
    BuildPlayerLockDungeonBlock(data, lock);

示例11: GetPlayer

void WorldSession::HandleLfgPlayerLockInfoRequestOpcode(WorldPacket& recv_data)
    Log.Debug("LfgHandler", "CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST");
    uint64 guid = GetPlayer()->GetGUID();
    Log.Debug("LfgHandler", "CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST %u", guid);

    // Get Random dungeons that can be done at a certain level and expansion
    // FIXME - Should return seasonals (when not disabled)
    LfgDungeonSet randomDungeons;
    uint8 level = GetPlayer()->getLevel();
    uint8 expansion = GetPlayer()->GetSession()->GetFlags();

	for (uint32 i = 0; i < sLFGDungeonStore.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        DBC::Structures::LFGDungeonEntry const* dungeon = sLFGDungeonStore.LookupEntry(i);
        if (dungeon && dungeon->type == LFG_TYPE_RANDOM && dungeon->expansion <= expansion && dungeon->minlevel <= level && level <= dungeon->maxlevel)

    // Get player locked Dungeons
    LfgLockMap lock = sLfgMgr.GetLockedDungeons(guid);
    uint32 rsize = uint32(randomDungeons.size());
    uint32 lsize = uint32(lock.size());

    Log.Debug("LfgHandler", "SMSG_LFG_PLAYER_INFO %u", guid);
    WorldPacket data(SMSG_LFG_PLAYER_INFO, 1 + rsize * (4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4) + 4 + lsize * (1 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4));

    data << uint8(randomDungeons.size());                  // Random Dungeon count
    for (LfgDungeonSet::const_iterator it = randomDungeons.begin(); it != randomDungeons.end(); ++it)
        data << uint32(*it);                               // Dungeon Entry (id + type)
        LfgReward const* reward = sLfgMgr.GetRandomDungeonReward(*it, level);
        Quest* qRew = NULL;
        uint8 done = 0;
        if (reward)
            qRew = QuestStorage.LookupEntry(reward->reward[0].questId);
            if (qRew)
                done = GetPlayer()->HasFinishedQuest(qRew->id);
                if (done)
                    qRew = QuestStorage.LookupEntry(reward->reward[1].questId);
        if (qRew)
            data << uint8(done);
            data << uint32(qRew->reward_money);
            data << uint32(qRew->reward_xp);
            data << uint32(reward->reward[done].variableMoney);
            data << uint32(reward->reward[done].variableXP);
            ///\todo FIXME Linux: error: cast from ‘const uint32* {aka const unsigned int*}’ to ‘uint8 {aka unsigned char}’ loses precision 
            /// can someone check this now ?
            data << uint8(qRew->GetRewardItemCount());
            for (uint8 i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                if (qRew->reward_item[i] != 0)
                    ItemPrototype* item = ItemPrototypeStorage.LookupEntry(qRew->reward_item[i]);
                    data << uint32(qRew->reward_item[i]);
                    data << uint32(item ? item->DisplayInfoID : 0);
                    data << uint32(qRew->reward_itemcount[i]);
            data << uint8(0);
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint8(0);
    BuildPlayerLockDungeonBlock(data, lock);

示例12: uint32

                            for (uint8 j = 0; j < QUEST_REWARD_CURRENCY_COUNT; ++j)
                                uint32 id = quest->RewCurrencyId[j];
                                if (!id)

                                uint32 amount = quest->RewCurrencyCount[j];
                                if (CurrencyTypesEntry const* currency = sCurrencyTypesStore.LookupEntry(id))
                                    amount *= currency->GetPrecision();

                                data << uint32(id);
                                data << uint32(0);
                                data << uint32(amount);
                                data << uint8(true); // Is currency

                            ItemPrototype const* iProto = NULL;
                            for (uint8 j = 0; j < QUEST_REWARDS_COUNT; ++j)
                                if (!quest->RewItemId[j])

                                iProto = sObjectMgr.GetItemPrototype(quest->RewItemId[j]);

                                data << uint32(quest->RewItemId[j]);
                                data << uint32(iProto ? iProto->DisplayInfoID : 0);
                                data << uint32(quest->RewItemCount[j]);
                                data << uint8(false); // Is currency

            data << uint32(quest->GetRewOrReqMoney());
            data << uint32(quest->XPValue(_player));

            uint8 totalRewardCount = uint8(quest->GetRewCurrencyCount() + quest->GetRewItemsCount());
            if (totalRewardCount > 16)
                totalRewardCount = 16;

            data << uint8(totalRewardCount);
            if (totalRewardCount)
                for (uint8 i = 0; i < QUEST_REWARD_CURRENCY_COUNT; ++i)
                    uint32 id = quest->RewCurrencyId[i];
                    if (!id)

                    uint32 amount = quest->RewCurrencyCount[i];
                    if (CurrencyTypesEntry const* currency = sCurrencyTypesStore.LookupEntry(id))
                        amount *= currency->GetPrecision();

                    data << uint32(id);
                    data << uint32(0);
                    data << uint32(amount);
                    data << uint8(true); // Is currency

                ItemPrototype const* iProto = NULL;
                for (uint8 i = 0; i < QUEST_REWARDS_COUNT; ++i)
                    if (!quest->RewItemId[i])

                    iProto = sObjectMgr.GetItemPrototype(quest->RewItemId[i]);

                    data << uint32(quest->RewItemId[i]);
                    data << uint32(iProto ? iProto->DisplayInfoID : 0);
                    data << uint32(quest->RewItemCount[i]);
                    data << uint8(false); // Is currency
            data << uint8(0);
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint32(0);
            data << uint32(0);

            for (int8 i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
                data << uint32(0); // Unknown 4.3.4

            data << uint8(1);
            for (int8 i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                data << uint32(0); // Unknown 4.3.4

            for (int8 i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
                data << uint32(0); // Unknown 4.3.4

            data << uint8(0);
    BuildPlayerLockDungeonBlock(data, lock);
