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C++ AngleSubtract函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中AngleSubtract函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AngleSubtract函数的具体用法?C++ AngleSubtract怎么用?C++ AngleSubtract使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: UI_SwingAngles

static void UI_SwingAngles( float destination, float swingTolerance, float clampTolerance,
                            float speed, float *angle, qbool *swinging ) {
    float	swing;
    float	move;
    float	scale;

    if ( !*swinging ) {
        // see if a swing should be started
        swing = AngleSubtract( *angle, destination );
        if ( swing > swingTolerance || swing < -swingTolerance ) {
            *swinging = qtrue;

    if ( !*swinging ) {

    // modify the speed depending on the delta
    // so it doesn't seem so linear
    swing = AngleSubtract( destination, *angle );
    scale = fabs( swing );
    if ( scale < swingTolerance * 0.5 ) {
        scale = 0.5;
    } else if ( scale < swingTolerance ) {
        scale = 1.0;
    } else {
        scale = 2.0;

    // swing towards the destination angle
    if ( swing >= 0 ) {
        move = uiInfo.uiDC.frameTime * scale * speed;
        if ( move >= swing ) {
            move = swing;
            *swinging = qfalse;
        *angle = AngleMod( *angle + move );
    } else if ( swing < 0 ) {
        move = uiInfo.uiDC.frameTime * scale * -speed;
        if ( move <= swing ) {
            move = swing;
            *swinging = qfalse;
        *angle = AngleMod( *angle + move );

    // clamp to no more than tolerance
    swing = AngleSubtract( destination, *angle );
    if ( swing > clampTolerance ) {
        *angle = AngleMod( destination - (clampTolerance - 1) );
    } else if ( swing < -clampTolerance ) {
        *angle = AngleMod( destination + (clampTolerance - 1) );

示例2: WalkerYawAdjust

void WalkerYawAdjust(Vehicle_t *pVeh, playerState_t *riderPS, playerState_t *parentPS)
	float angDif = AngleSubtract(pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW], riderPS->viewangles[YAW]);

	if (parentPS && parentPS->speed)
		float s = parentPS->speed;
		float maxDif = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turningSpeed*1.5f; //magic number hackery

		if (s < 0.0f)
			s = -s;
		angDif *= s/pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->speedMax;
		if (angDif > maxDif)
			angDif = maxDif;
		else if (angDif < -maxDif)
			angDif = -maxDif;
		pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] = AngleNormalize180(pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] - angDif*(pVeh->m_fTimeModifier*0.2f));

示例3: ProcessOrientCommands

void ProcessOrientCommands( Vehicle_t *pVeh )
	/*	BEGIN	Here is where make sure the vehicle is properly oriented.	BEGIN	*/
	playerState_t *riderPS;
	playerState_t *parentPS;

	float angDif;

	if (pVeh->m_pPilot)
		riderPS = pVeh->m_pPilot->playerState;
		riderPS = pVeh->m_pParentEntity->playerState;
	parentPS = pVeh->m_pParentEntity->playerState;

	//pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] = 0.0f;//riderPS->viewangles[YAW];
	angDif = AngleSubtract(pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW], riderPS->viewangles[YAW]);
	if (parentPS && parentPS->speed)
		float s = parentPS->speed;
		float maxDif = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turningSpeed*4.0f; //magic number hackery
		if (s < 0.0f)
			s = -s;
		angDif *= s/pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->speedMax;
		if (angDif > maxDif)
			angDif = maxDif;
		else if (angDif < -maxDif)
			angDif = -maxDif;
		pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] = AngleNormalize180(pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] - angDif*(pVeh->m_fTimeModifier*0.2f));

		if (parentPS->electrifyTime > pm->cmd.serverTime)
		{ //do some crazy stuff
			pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] += (sin(pm->cmd.serverTime/1000.0f)*3.0f)*pVeh->m_fTimeModifier;

	/*	END	Here is where make sure the vehicle is properly oriented.	END			*/

示例4: WalkerYawAdjust

void WalkerYawAdjust(Vehicle_t *pVeh, playerState_t *riderPS, playerState_t *parentPS)
	float angDif = AngleSubtract(pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW], riderPS->viewangles[YAW]);

	if (!pVeh->bTransAnimFlag && parentPS && 
		(parentPS->speed || pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turnWhenStopped))
		float s = parentPS->speed;
		float maxDif = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turningSpeed*1.5f; //magic number hackery

		pVeh->eTurningOnSpot = VEHICLE_NOT_TURNING;

		if(s == 0.0f)
			//If were stationary, then simulate walking speed
			s = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->speedMax * 0.275f;

		if (s < 0.0f)
			s = -s;
		angDif *= s/pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->speedMax;
		if (angDif > maxDif)
			angDif = maxDif;
		else if (angDif < -maxDif)
			angDif = -maxDif;

		if(parentPS->speed == 0.0f)
			if(angDif > (maxDif * 0.25))
				//We are turning right
				pVeh->eTurningOnSpot = VEHICLE_TURNING_RIGHT;
			else if(angDif < -(maxDif * 0.25))
				//We are turning left
				pVeh->eTurningOnSpot = VEHICLE_TURNING_LEFT;

		pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] = AngleNormalize180(pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] - angDif*(pVeh->m_fTimeModifier*0.2f));

示例5: BG_EmplacedView


Shared code for emplaced angle gun constriction
int BG_EmplacedView(vec3_t baseAngles, vec3_t angles, float *newYaw, float constraint)
	float dif = AngleSubtract(baseAngles[YAW], angles[YAW]);

	if (dif > constraint ||
		dif < -constraint)
		float amt;

		if (dif > constraint)
			amt = (dif-constraint);
			dif = constraint;
		else if (dif < -constraint)
			amt = (dif+constraint);
			dif = -constraint;
			amt = 0.0f;

		*newYaw = AngleSubtract(angles[YAW], -dif);

		if (amt > 1.0f || amt < -1.0f)
		{ //significant, force the view
			return 2;
		{ //just a little out of range
			return 1;

	return 0;

示例6: CG_DrawCompassIcon

void CG_DrawCompassIcon(float x, float y, float w, float h, vec3_t origin, vec3_t dest, qhandle_t shader)
	float  angle, pi2 = M_PI * 2;
	vec3_t v1, angles;
	float  len;

	VectorCopy(dest, v1);
	VectorSubtract(origin, v1, v1);
	len = VectorLength(v1);
	vectoangles(v1, angles);

	if (v1[0] == 0 && v1[1] == 0 && v1[2] == 0)

	angles[YAW] = AngleSubtract(cg.predictedPlayerState.viewangles[YAW], angles[YAW]);

	angle = ((angles[YAW] + 180.f) / 360.f - (0.50 / 2.f)) * pi2;

	w /= 2;
	h /= 2;

	x += w;
	y += h;

		w = sqrt((w * w) + (h * h)) / 3.f * 2.f * 0.9f;

	x = x + (cos(angle) * w);
	y = y + (sin(angle) * w);

	len = 1 - MIN(1.f, len / 2000.f);

	CG_DrawPic(x - (14 * len + 4) / 2, y - (14 * len + 4) / 2, 14 * len + 8, 14 * len + 8, shader);

示例7: ProcessOrientCommands

void ProcessOrientCommands( Vehicle_t *pVeh )
	/*	BEGIN	Here is where make sure the vehicle is properly oriented.	BEGIN	*/
	playerState_t *riderPS;
	playerState_t *parentPS;

#ifdef _JK2MP
	float angDif;

	if (pVeh->m_pPilot)
		riderPS = pVeh->m_pPilot->playerState;
		riderPS = pVeh->m_pParentEntity->playerState;
	parentPS = pVeh->m_pParentEntity->playerState;

	//pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] = 0.0f;//riderPS->viewangles[YAW];
	angDif = AngleSubtract(pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW], riderPS->viewangles[YAW]);
	if (parentPS && parentPS->speed)
		float s = parentPS->speed;
		float maxDif = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turningSpeed*4.0f; //magic number hackery
		if (s < 0.0f)
			s = -s;
		angDif *= s/pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->speedMax;
		if (angDif > maxDif)
			angDif = maxDif;
		else if (angDif < -maxDif)
			angDif = -maxDif;
		pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] = AngleNormalize180(pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] - angDif*(pVeh->m_fTimeModifier*0.2f));

		if (parentPS->electrifyTime > pm->cmd.serverTime)
		{ //do some crazy stuff
			pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] += (sin(pm->cmd.serverTime/1000.0f)*3.0f)*pVeh->m_fTimeModifier;

 	gentity_t *rider = pVeh->m_pParentEntity->owner;
	if ( !rider || !rider->client )
		riderPS = &pVeh->m_pParentEntity->client->ps;
		riderPS = &rider->client->ps;
	parentPS = &pVeh->m_pParentEntity->client->ps;

	if (pVeh->m_ulFlags & VEH_FLYING)
		pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] += pVeh->m_vAngularVelocity;
	else if (
		(pVeh->m_ulFlags & VEH_SLIDEBREAKING) ||	// No Angles Control While Out Of Control 
		(pVeh->m_ulFlags & VEH_OUTOFCONTROL) 		// No Angles Control While Out Of Control 
		// Any ability to change orientation?
	else if (
		(pVeh->m_ulFlags & VEH_STRAFERAM)			// No Angles Control While Strafe Ramming
		if (parentPS->hackingTime>0)
			pVeh->m_vOrientation[ROLL] += (parentPS->hackingTime<( STRAFERAM_DURATION/2))?(-STRAFERAM_ANGLE):( STRAFERAM_ANGLE);
		else if (pVeh->hackingTime<0)
			pVeh->m_vOrientation[ROLL] += (parentPS->hackingTime>(-STRAFERAM_DURATION/2))?( STRAFERAM_ANGLE):(-STRAFERAM_ANGLE);
		pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] = riderPS->viewangles[YAW];

	/*	END	Here is where make sure the vehicle is properly oriented.	END			*/

示例8: CL_FinishMove

void CL_FinishMove( usercmd_t *cmd ) {
	int		i;

	// copy the state that the cgame is currently sending
	cmd->weapon = cl.cgameUserCmdValue;
	cmd->forcesel = cl.cgameForceSelection;
	cmd->invensel = cl.cgameInvenSelection;

	if (cl.gcmdSendValue)
		cmd->generic_cmd = cl.gcmdValue;
		//cl.gcmdSendValue = qfalse;
		cl.gcmdSentValue = qtrue;
		cmd->generic_cmd = 0;

	// send the current server time so the amount of movement
	// can be determined without allowing cheating
	cmd->serverTime = cl.serverTime;
	if (cl.cgameViewAngleForceTime > cl.serverTime)
		cl.cgameViewAngleForce[YAW] -= SHORT2ANGLE(cl.snap.ps.delta_angles[YAW]);

		cl.viewangles[YAW] = cl.cgameViewAngleForce[YAW];
		cl.cgameViewAngleForceTime = 0;

	if ( cl_crazyShipControls )
		float pitchSubtract, pitchDelta, yawDelta;

		yawDelta = AngleSubtract(cl.viewangles[YAW],cl_lastViewAngles[YAW]);
		//yawDelta *= (4.0f*pVeh->m_fTimeModifier);
		cl_sendAngles[ROLL] -= yawDelta;

		float nRoll = fabs(cl_sendAngles[ROLL]);

		pitchDelta = AngleSubtract(cl.viewangles[PITCH],cl_lastViewAngles[PITCH]);
		//pitchDelta *= (2.0f*pVeh->m_fTimeModifier);
		pitchSubtract = pitchDelta * (nRoll/90.0f);
		cl_sendAngles[PITCH] += pitchDelta-pitchSubtract;

		//yaw-roll calc should be different
		if (nRoll > 90.0f)
			nRoll -= 180.0f;
		if (nRoll < 0.0f)
			nRoll = -nRoll;
		pitchSubtract = pitchDelta * (nRoll/90.0f);
		if ( cl_sendAngles[ROLL] > 0.0f )
			cl_sendAngles[YAW] += pitchSubtract;
			cl_sendAngles[YAW] -= pitchSubtract;
		cl_sendAngles[PITCH] = AngleNormalize180( cl_sendAngles[PITCH] );
		cl_sendAngles[YAW] = AngleNormalize360( cl_sendAngles[YAW] );
		cl_sendAngles[ROLL] = AngleNormalize180( cl_sendAngles[ROLL] );

		for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) {
			cmd->angles[i] = ANGLE2SHORT(cl_sendAngles[i]);
		for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) {
			cmd->angles[i] = ANGLE2SHORT(cl.viewangles[i]);
		//in case we switch to the cl_crazyShipControls
		VectorCopy( cl.viewangles, cl_sendAngles );
	//always needed in for the cl_crazyShipControls
	VectorCopy( cl.viewangles, cl_lastViewAngles );

示例9: PM_UpdateViewAngles

			//FIXME get this limit from the NPCs stats?
			// don't let the player look up or down more than 90 degrees
			if ( temp > pitchClampMax ) 
				ps->delta_angles[i] = (pitchClampMax - cmd->angles[i]) & 0xffff;	//& clamp to short
				temp = pitchClampMax;
			else if ( temp < pitchClampMin ) 
				ps->delta_angles[i] = (pitchClampMin - cmd->angles[i]) & 0xffff;	//& clamp to short
				temp = pitchClampMin;
		if ( i == ROLL && ps->vehicleModel != 0 ) 
			if ( temp > pitchClampMax ) 
				ps->delta_angles[i] = (pitchClampMax - cmd->angles[i]) & 0xffff;
				temp = pitchClampMax;
			else if ( temp < pitchClampMin ) 
				ps->delta_angles[i] = (pitchClampMin - cmd->angles[i]) & 0xffff;
				temp = pitchClampMin;
		//FIXME: Are we losing precision here?  Is this why it jitters?
		ps->viewangles[i] = SHORT2ANGLE(temp);

		if ( i == YAW && lockedYaw) 
			// don't let the player look left or right more than the clamp, if any
			if ( AngleSubtract(ps->viewangles[i], gent->client->renderInfo.lockYaw) > yawMax ) 
				ps->viewangles[i] = yawMax;
			else if ( AngleSubtract(ps->viewangles[i], gent->client->renderInfo.lockYaw) < yawMin ) 
				ps->viewangles[i] = yawMin;

	if ( (!cg.renderingThirdPerson||cg.zoomMode) && (cmd->buttons & BUTTON_USE) && cmd->rightmove != 0 && !cmd->forwardmove && cmd->upmove <= 0 )
	{//Only lean if holding use button, strafing and not moving forward or back and not jumping
		if ( gent )
			int leanofs = 0;
			vec3_t	viewangles;

			if ( cmd->rightmove > 0 )
				if( pm->ps->legsAnim != LEGS_LEAN_RIGHT1)
				pm->ps->legsAnimTimer = 500;//Force it to hold the anim for at least half a sec

				if ( ps->leanofs <= 28 )
					leanofs = ps->leanofs + 4;

示例10: ProcessOrientCommands

//If you really need to violate this rule for SP, then use ifdefs.
//By BG-compatible, I mean no use of game-specific data - ONLY use
//stuff available in the MP bgEntity (in SP, the bgEntity is #defined
//as a gentity, but the MP-compatible access restrictions are based
//on the bgEntity structure in the MP codebase) -rww
// ProcessOrientCommands the Vehicle.
static void ProcessOrientCommands( Vehicle_t *pVeh )
	/*	BEGIN	Here is where make sure the vehicle is properly oriented.	BEGIN	*/
	bgEntity_t *parent = pVeh->m_pParentEntity;
	playerState_t *parentPS, *riderPS;

	bgEntity_t *rider = NULL;
	if (parent->s.owner != ENTITYNUM_NONE)
		rider = PM_BGEntForNum(parent->s.owner); //&g_entities[parent->r.ownerNum];

	if ( !rider )
		rider = parent;

	parentPS = parent->playerState;

	if (rider)
		float angDif;
		riderPS = rider->playerState;
		angDif = AngleSubtract(pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW], riderPS->viewangles[YAW]);
		if (parentPS && parentPS->speed)
			float s = parentPS->speed;
			float maxDif = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turningSpeed*4.0f; //magic number hackery
			if (s < 0.0f)
				s = -s;
			angDif *= s/pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->speedMax;
			if (angDif > maxDif)
				angDif = maxDif;
			else if (angDif < -maxDif)
				angDif = -maxDif;
			pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] = AngleNormalize180(pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] - angDif*(pVeh->m_fTimeModifier*0.2f));

/*	speed = VectorLength( parentPS->velocity );

	// If the player is the rider...
	if ( rider->s.number < MAX_CLIENTS )
	{//FIXME: use the vehicle's turning stat in this calc
		pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] = riderPS->viewangles[YAW];
		float turnSpeed = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turningSpeed;
		if ( !pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turnWhenStopped
			&& !parentPS->speed )//FIXME: or !pVeh->m_ucmd.forwardmove?
		{//can't turn when not moving
			//FIXME: or ramp up to max turnSpeed?
			turnSpeed = 0.0f;
		if (rider->s.eType == ET_NPC)
		{//help NPCs out some
			turnSpeed *= 2.0f;
			if (parentPS->speed > 200.0f)
				turnSpeed += turnSpeed * parentPS->speed/200.0f*0.05f;
		turnSpeed *= pVeh->m_fTimeModifier;

		//default control scheme: strafing turns, mouselook aims
		if ( pVeh->m_ucmd.rightmove < 0 )
			pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] += turnSpeed;
		else if ( pVeh->m_ucmd.rightmove > 0 )
			pVeh->m_vOrientation[YAW] -= turnSpeed;

		if ( pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->malfunctionArmorLevel && pVeh->m_iArmor <= pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->malfunctionArmorLevel )
		{//damaged badly

	/*	END	Here is where make sure the vehicle is properly oriented.	END			*/

示例11: turret_aim

static void turret_aim( gentity_t *self )
	vec3_t	enemyDir, org, org2;
	vec3_t	desiredAngles, setAngle;
	float	diffYaw = 0.0f, diffPitch = 0.0f, turnSpeed;
	const float pitchCap = 40.0f;
	gentity_t *top = &g_entities[self->r.ownerNum];
	if ( !top )

	// move our gun base yaw to where we should be at this time....
	BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &top->s.apos, level.time, top->r.currentAngles );
	top->r.currentAngles[YAW] = AngleNormalize180( top->r.currentAngles[YAW] );
	top->r.currentAngles[PITCH] = AngleNormalize180( top->r.currentAngles[PITCH] );
	turnSpeed = top->speed;

	if ( self->painDebounceTime > level.time )
		desiredAngles[YAW] = top->r.currentAngles[YAW]+flrand(-45,45);
		desiredAngles[PITCH] = top->r.currentAngles[PITCH]+flrand(-10,10);

		if (desiredAngles[PITCH] < -pitchCap)
			desiredAngles[PITCH] = -pitchCap;
		else if (desiredAngles[PITCH] > pitchCap)
			desiredAngles[PITCH] = pitchCap;

		diffYaw = AngleSubtract( desiredAngles[YAW], top->r.currentAngles[YAW] );
		diffPitch = AngleSubtract( desiredAngles[PITCH], top->r.currentAngles[PITCH] );
		turnSpeed = flrand( -5, 5 );
	else if ( self->enemy )
		// ...then we'll calculate what new aim adjustments we should attempt to make this frame
		// Aim at enemy
		VectorCopy( self->enemy->r.currentOrigin, org );
		if (self->enemy->s.eType == ET_NPC &&
			self->enemy->s.NPC_class == CLASS_VEHICLE &&
			self->enemy->m_pVehicle &&
			self->enemy->m_pVehicle->m_pVehicleInfo->type == VH_WALKER)
		{ //hack!
			org[2] += 32.0f;
		mdxaBone_t	boltMatrix;

		// Getting the "eye" here
		gi.G2API_GetBoltMatrix( self->ghoul2, self->playerModel, 
					&boltMatrix, self->r.currentAngles, self->s.origin, (cg.time?cg.time:level.time),
					NULL, self->s.modelScale );

		gi.G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( boltMatrix, ORIGIN, org2 );
		VectorCopy( top->r.currentOrigin, org2 );

		VectorSubtract( org, org2, enemyDir );
		vectoangles( enemyDir, desiredAngles );
		desiredAngles[PITCH] = AngleNormalize180(desiredAngles[PITCH]);

		if (desiredAngles[PITCH] < -pitchCap)
			desiredAngles[PITCH] = -pitchCap;
		else if (desiredAngles[PITCH] > pitchCap)
			desiredAngles[PITCH] = pitchCap;

		diffYaw = AngleSubtract( desiredAngles[YAW], top->r.currentAngles[YAW] );
		diffPitch = AngleSubtract( desiredAngles[PITCH], top->r.currentAngles[PITCH] );
	{//FIXME: Pan back and forth in original facing
		// no enemy, so make us slowly sweep back and forth as if searching for a new one
		desiredAngles[YAW] = sin( level.time * 0.0001f + top->count );
		desiredAngles[YAW] *=  60.0f;
		desiredAngles[YAW] += self->s.angles[YAW];
		desiredAngles[YAW] = AngleNormalize180( desiredAngles[YAW] );
		diffYaw = AngleSubtract( desiredAngles[YAW], top->r.currentAngles[YAW] );
		diffPitch = AngleSubtract( 0, top->r.currentAngles[PITCH] );
		turnSpeed = 1.0f;

	if ( diffYaw )
		// cap max speed....
		if ( fabs(diffYaw) > turnSpeed )
			diffYaw = ( diffYaw >= 0 ? turnSpeed : -turnSpeed );

示例12: turretG2_aim

static void turretG2_aim( gentity_t *self )
    vec3_t	enemyDir, org, org2;
    vec3_t	desiredAngles, setAngle;
    float	diffYaw = 0.0f, diffPitch = 0.0f;
    float	maxYawSpeed = (self->spawnflags&SPF_TURRETG2_TURBO)?30.0f:14.0f;
    float	maxPitchSpeed = (self->spawnflags&SPF_TURRETG2_TURBO)?15.0f:3.0f;

    // move our gun base yaw to where we should be at this time....
    BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &self->s.apos, level.time, self->r.currentAngles );
    self->r.currentAngles[YAW] = AngleNormalize360( self->r.currentAngles[YAW] );
    self->speed = AngleNormalize360( self->speed );

    if ( self->enemy )
        mdxaBone_t	boltMatrix;
        // ...then we'll calculate what new aim adjustments we should attempt to make this frame
        // Aim at enemy
        if ( self->enemy->client )
            VectorCopy( self->enemy->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, org );
            VectorCopy( self->enemy->r.currentOrigin, org );
        if ( self->spawnflags & 2 )
            org[2] -= 15;
            org[2] -= 5;

        if ( (self->spawnflags&SPF_TURRETG2_LEAD_ENEMY) )
        {   //we want to lead them a bit
            vec3_t diff, velocity;
            float dist;
            VectorSubtract( org, self->s.origin, diff );
            dist = VectorNormalize( diff );
            if ( self->enemy->client )
                VectorCopy( self->enemy->client->ps.velocity, velocity );
                VectorCopy( self->enemy->s.pos.trDelta, velocity );
            VectorMA( org, (dist/self->mass), velocity, org );

        // Getting the "eye" here
        trap_G2API_GetBoltMatrix( self->ghoul2,
                                  self->modelScale );

        BG_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( &boltMatrix, ORIGIN, org2 );

        VectorSubtract( org, org2, enemyDir );
        vectoangles( enemyDir, desiredAngles );

        diffYaw = AngleSubtract( self->r.currentAngles[YAW], desiredAngles[YAW] );
        diffPitch = AngleSubtract( self->speed, desiredAngles[PITCH] );
        // no enemy, so make us slowly sweep back and forth as if searching for a new one
//		diffYaw = sin( level.time * 0.0001f + self->count ) * 5.0f;	// don't do this for now since it can make it go into walls.

    if ( diffYaw )
        // cap max speed....
        if ( fabs(diffYaw) > maxYawSpeed )
            diffYaw = ( diffYaw >= 0 ? maxYawSpeed : -maxYawSpeed );

        // ...then set up our desired yaw
        VectorSet( setAngle, 0.0f, diffYaw, 0.0f );

        VectorCopy( self->r.currentAngles, self->s.apos.trBase );
        VectorScale( setAngle,- 5, self->s.apos.trDelta );
        self->s.apos.trTime = level.time;
        self->s.apos.trType = TR_LINEAR;

    if ( diffPitch )
        if ( fabs(diffPitch) > maxPitchSpeed )

示例13: AnglesSubtract

void AnglesSubtract( vector3 *v1, vector3 *v2, vector3 *v3 ) {
	v3->x = AngleSubtract( v1->x, v2->x );
	v3->y = AngleSubtract( v1->y, v2->y );
	v3->z = AngleSubtract( v1->z, v2->z );

示例14: Reached_Tramcar

void Reached_Tramcar( gentity_t *ent ) {
	gentity_t       *next;
	float speed;
	vec3_t move;
	float length;

	// copy the apropriate values
	next = ent->nextTrain;
	if ( !next || !next->nextTrain ) {
		return;     // just stop

	// Rafael
	if ( next->wait == -1 && next->count ) {
		// G_Printf ("stoped wait = -1 count %i\n",next->count);

	if ( !Q_stricmp( ent->classname, "props_me109" ) ) {
		vec3_t vec, angles;
		float diff;

		if ( next->spawnflags & 8 ) { // laps

			if ( !next->count ) {
				next->count = next->count2;

				GetNextTrack( ent );
				Think_SetupAirplaneWaypoints( ent );

				next = ent->nextTrain;

				G_Printf( "changed track to %s\n", next->targetname );
			} else {
				G_Printf( "%s lap %i\n", next->targetname, next->count );
		} else if ( ( next->spawnflags & 1 ) && !( next->count ) && ent->health > 0 )         { // SCRIPT flag
			GetNextTrack( ent );
			Think_SetupAirplaneWaypoints( ent );
		} else if ( ( next->spawnflags & 2 ) && ( ent->spawnflags & 8 ) && ent->health <= 0 && ent->takedamage )         { // death path
			ent->takedamage = qfalse;

			GetNextTrack( ent );
			Think_SetupAirplaneWaypoints( ent );
		} else if ( ( next->spawnflags & 4 ) )       { // explode the plane
			ExplodePlaneSndFx( ent );

			ent->s.modelindex = crash_part;
			// spawn the wing at the player effect

			ent->nextTrain = NULL;
			G_UseTargets( next, NULL );


		VectorSubtract( ent->nextTrain->nextTrain->s.origin, ent->r.currentOrigin, vec );
		vectoangles( vec, angles );

		diff = AngleSubtract( ent->r.currentAngles [YAW], angles[YAW] );
		// diff = AngleSubtract (ent->TargetAngles [YAW], angles[YAW]);

		ent->rotate[1] = 1;
		ent->angle = -diff;

		//if (angles[YAW] == 0)
		//	ent->s.apos.trDuration = ent->s.pos.trDuration;
		//	ent->s.apos.trDuration = 1000;

			VectorCopy( next->s.origin, ent->pos1 );
			VectorCopy( next->nextTrain->s.origin, ent->pos2 );

			// if the path_corner has a speed, use that
			if ( next->speed ) {
				speed = next->speed;
			} else {
				// otherwise use the train's speed
				speed = ent->speed;
			if ( speed < 1 ) {
				speed = 1;

			// calculate duration
			VectorSubtract( ent->pos2, ent->pos1, move );
			length = VectorLength( move );

			ent->s.apos.trDuration = length * 1000 / speed;

// ent->gDuration = ent->s.apos.trDuration;
			ent->gDurationBack = ent->gDuration = ent->s.apos.trDuration;
// ent->gDeltaBack = ent->gDelta =



示例15: AnglesSubtract

void AnglesSubtract(vec3_t v1, vec3_t v2, vec3_t v3) {
	v3[0] = AngleSubtract(v1[0], v2[0]);
	v3[1] = AngleSubtract(v1[1], v2[1]);
	v3[2] = AngleSubtract(v1[2], v2[2]);
