本文整理汇总了C++中AngleNormalize函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AngleNormalize函数的具体用法?C++ AngleNormalize怎么用?C++ AngleNormalize使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: EstimateYaw
void CSDKPlayerAnimState::ComputePoseParam_MoveYaw( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr )
// Get the estimated movement yaw.
// Get the view yaw.
float flAngle = AngleNormalize( m_flEyeYaw );
// Calc side to side turning - the view vs. movement yaw.
float flYaw = flAngle - m_PoseParameterData.m_flEstimateYaw;
flYaw = AngleNormalize( -flYaw );
// Get the current speed the character is running.
bool bIsMoving;
float flPlaybackRate = CalcMovementPlaybackRate( &bIsMoving );
// Setup the 9-way blend parameters based on our speed and direction.
Vector2D vecCurrentMoveYaw( 0.0f, 0.0f );
if ( bIsMoving )
if ( mp_slammoveyaw.GetBool() )
flYaw = SnapYawTo( flYaw );
vecCurrentMoveYaw.x = cos( DEG2RAD( flYaw ) ) * flPlaybackRate;
vecCurrentMoveYaw.y = -sin( DEG2RAD( flYaw ) ) * flPlaybackRate;
// Set the 9-way blend movement pose parameters.
GetBasePlayer()->SetPoseParameter( pStudioHdr, m_PoseParameterData.m_iMoveX, vecCurrentMoveYaw.x );
GetBasePlayer()->SetPoseParameter( pStudioHdr, m_PoseParameterData.m_iMoveY, -vecCurrentMoveYaw.y ); //Tony; flip it
m_DebugAnimData.m_vecMoveYaw = vecCurrentMoveYaw;
示例2: AngleNormalize
// Purpose:
void CObjectBaseMannedGun::ProcessMovement( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CMoveData *pMove )
m_Movement.ProcessMovement( pPlayer, pMove );
m_flGunPitch = AngleNormalize( m_flGunPitch );
m_flBarrelPitch = AngleNormalize( m_flBarrelPitch );
示例3: fabs
// Purpose:
// Input : flGoalYaw -
// flYawRate -
// flDeltaTime -
// &flCurrentYaw -
void CSDKPlayerAnimState::ConvergeYawAngles( float flGoalYaw, float flYawRate, float flDeltaTime, float &flCurrentYaw )
#define FADE_TURN_DEGREES 60.0f
// Find the yaw delta.
float flDeltaYaw = flGoalYaw - flCurrentYaw;
float flDeltaYawAbs = fabs( flDeltaYaw );
flDeltaYaw = AngleNormalize( flDeltaYaw );
// Always do at least a bit of the turn (1%).
float flScale = 1.0f;
flScale = flDeltaYawAbs / FADE_TURN_DEGREES;
flScale = clamp( flScale, 0.01f, 1.0f );
float flYaw = flYawRate * flDeltaTime * flScale;
if ( flDeltaYawAbs < flYaw )
flCurrentYaw = flGoalYaw;
float flSide = ( flDeltaYaw < 0.0f ) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
flCurrentYaw += ( flYaw * flSide );
flCurrentYaw = AngleNormalize( flCurrentYaw );
示例4: VPROF
// Purpose:
void CSDKPlayerAnimState::Update( float eyeYaw, float eyePitch )
// Profile the animation update.
VPROF( "CMultiPlayerAnimState::Update" );
// Clear animation overlays because we're about to completely reconstruct them.
// Some mods don't want to update the player's animation state if they're dead and ragdolled.
if ( !ShouldUpdateAnimState() )
// Get the SDK player.
CSDKPlayer *pSDKPlayer = GetSDKPlayer();
if ( !pSDKPlayer )
// Get the studio header for the player.
CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = pSDKPlayer->GetModelPtr();
if ( !pStudioHdr )
// Check to see if we should be updating the animation state - dead, ragdolled?
if ( !ShouldUpdateAnimState() )
// Store the eye angles.
m_flEyeYaw = AngleNormalize( eyeYaw );
m_flEyePitch = AngleNormalize( eyePitch );
// Compute the player sequences.
ComputeSequences( pStudioHdr );
if ( SetupPoseParameters( pStudioHdr ) )
// Pose parameter - what direction are the player's legs running in.
ComputePoseParam_MoveYaw( pStudioHdr );
// Pose parameter - Torso aiming (up/down).
ComputePoseParam_AimPitch( pStudioHdr );
// Pose parameter - Torso aiming (rotation).
ComputePoseParam_AimYaw( pStudioHdr );
if ( C_BasePlayer::ShouldDrawLocalPlayer() )
m_pSDKPlayer->SetPlaybackRate( 1.0f );
示例5: AngleNormalize
Real AngleInterval::clamp(Real x) const
Real dc=AngleCCWDiff(x,c);
if(dc <= d) return x;
Real da=AngleCCWDiff(c,x);
Real db=AngleCCWDiff(x,AngleNormalize(c+d));
if(da < db) return c;
else return AngleNormalize(c+d);
示例6: normalize
void AngleInterval::normalize()
if (d<0) {
示例7: GetOuterAbsVelocity
void CSDKPlayerAnimState::EstimateYaw( void )
// Get the frame time.
float flDeltaTime = gpGlobals->frametime * m_pSDKPlayer->GetSlowMoMultiplier();
if ( flDeltaTime == 0.0f )
// Get the player's velocity and angles.
Vector vecEstVelocity;
GetOuterAbsVelocity( vecEstVelocity );
QAngle angles = GetBasePlayer()->GetLocalAngles();
// If we are not moving, sync up the feet and eyes slowly.
if (m_pSDKPlayer->m_Shared.IsProne())
// Don't touch it
else if ( vecEstVelocity.x == 0.0f && vecEstVelocity.y == 0.0f )
float flYawDelta = angles[YAW] - m_PoseParameterData.m_flEstimateYaw;
flYawDelta = AngleNormalize( flYawDelta );
if ( flDeltaTime < 0.25f )
flYawDelta *= ( flDeltaTime * 4.0f );
flYawDelta *= flDeltaTime;
m_PoseParameterData.m_flEstimateYaw += flYawDelta;
m_PoseParameterData.m_flEstimateYaw = AngleNormalize( m_PoseParameterData.m_flEstimateYaw );
else if (m_pSDKPlayer->m_Shared.IsAimedIn() || m_pSDKPlayer->m_Shared.IsDiving() || m_pSDKPlayer->m_Shared.IsRolling() || m_pSDKPlayer->m_Shared.IsSliding())
m_PoseParameterData.m_flEstimateYaw = ( atan2( vecEstVelocity.y, vecEstVelocity.x ) * 180.0f / M_PI );
m_PoseParameterData.m_flEstimateYaw = clamp( m_PoseParameterData.m_flEstimateYaw, -180.0f, 180.0f );
QAngle angDir;
VectorAngles(vecEstVelocity, angDir);
if (fabs(AngleNormalize(angDir[YAW] - m_flEyeYaw)) <= 90)
m_bFacingForward = true;
else if (fabs(AngleNormalize(angDir[YAW] - m_flEyeYaw)) >= 91)
m_bFacingForward = false;
float flYawDelta = AngleNormalize(m_flGoalFeetYaw - m_flCurrentFeetYaw);
if (m_bFacingForward)
m_PoseParameterData.m_flEstimateYaw = flYawDelta;
m_PoseParameterData.m_flEstimateYaw = 180-flYawDelta;
示例8: GetAttachment
// Purpose: Causes the turret to face its desired angles
bool CNPC_CeilingTurret::UpdateFacing( void )
bool bMoved = false;
matrix3x4_t localToWorld;
GetAttachment( LookupAttachment( "eyes" ), localToWorld );
Vector vecGoalDir;
AngleVectors( m_vecGoalAngles, &vecGoalDir );
Vector vecGoalLocalDir;
VectorIRotate( vecGoalDir, localToWorld, vecGoalLocalDir );
if ( g_debug_turret_ceiling.GetBool() )
Vector vecMuzzle, vecMuzzleDir;
QAngle vecMuzzleAng;
GetAttachment( "eyes", vecMuzzle, vecMuzzleAng );
AngleVectors( vecMuzzleAng, &vecMuzzleDir );
NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( vecMuzzle, -Vector(2,2,2), Vector(2,2,2), 255, 255, 0, false, 0.05 );
NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( vecMuzzle+(vecMuzzleDir*256), -Vector(2,2,2), Vector(2,2,2), 255, 255, 0, false, 0.05 );
NDebugOverlay::Line( vecMuzzle, vecMuzzle+(vecMuzzleDir*256), 255, 255, 0, false, 0.05 );
NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( vecMuzzle, -Vector(2,2,2), Vector(2,2,2), 255, 0, 0, false, 0.05 );
NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( vecMuzzle+(vecGoalDir*256), -Vector(2,2,2), Vector(2,2,2), 255, 0, 0, false, 0.05 );
NDebugOverlay::Line( vecMuzzle, vecMuzzle+(vecGoalDir*256), 255, 0, 0, false, 0.05 );
QAngle vecGoalLocalAngles;
VectorAngles( vecGoalLocalDir, vecGoalLocalAngles );
// Update pitch
float flDiff = AngleNormalize( UTIL_ApproachAngle( vecGoalLocalAngles.x, 0.0, 0.1f * MaxYawSpeed() ) );
SetPoseParameter( m_poseAim_Pitch, GetPoseParameter( m_poseAim_Pitch ) + ( flDiff / 1.5f ) );
if ( fabs( flDiff ) > 0.1f )
bMoved = true;
// Update yaw
flDiff = AngleNormalize( UTIL_ApproachAngle( vecGoalLocalAngles.y, 0.0, 0.1f * MaxYawSpeed() ) );
SetPoseParameter( m_poseAim_Yaw, GetPoseParameter( m_poseAim_Yaw ) + ( flDiff / 1.5f ) );
if ( fabs( flDiff ) > 0.1f )
bMoved = true;
return bMoved;
示例9: GetAttachment
int CBaseTurret::MoveTurret(void)
bool bDidMove = false;
int iPose;
matrix3x4_t localToWorld;
GetAttachment( LookupAttachment( "eyes" ), localToWorld );
Vector vecGoalDir;
AngleVectors( m_vecGoalAngles, &vecGoalDir );
Vector vecGoalLocalDir;
VectorIRotate( vecGoalDir, localToWorld, vecGoalLocalDir );
QAngle vecGoalLocalAngles;
VectorAngles( vecGoalLocalDir, vecGoalLocalAngles );
float flDiff;
QAngle vecNewAngles;
// update pitch
flDiff = AngleNormalize( UTIL_ApproachAngle( vecGoalLocalAngles.x, 0.0, 0.1 * m_iBaseTurnRate ) );
iPose = LookupPoseParameter( TURRET_BC_PITCH );
SetPoseParameter( iPose, GetPoseParameter( iPose ) + flDiff / 1.5 );
if (fabs(flDiff) > 0.1)
bDidMove = true;
// update yaw, with acceleration
#if 0
float flDist = AngleNormalize( vecGoalLocalAngles.y );
float flNewDist;
float flNewTurnRate;
ChangeDistance( 0.1, flDist, 0.0, m_fTurnRate, m_iBaseTurnRate, m_iBaseTurnRate * 4, flNewDist, flNewTurnRate );
m_fTurnRate = flNewTurnRate;
flDiff = flDist - flNewDist;
flDiff = AngleNormalize( UTIL_ApproachAngle( vecGoalLocalAngles.y, 0.0, 0.1 * m_iBaseTurnRate ) );
iPose = LookupPoseParameter( TURRET_BC_YAW );
SetPoseParameter( iPose, GetPoseParameter( iPose ) + flDiff / 1.5 );
if (fabs(flDiff) > 0.1)
bDidMove = true;
if (bDidMove)
// DevMsg( "(%.2f, %.2f)\n", AngleNormalize( vecGoalLocalAngles.x ), AngleNormalize( vecGoalLocalAngles.y ) );
return bDidMove;
示例10: CreateSpotlightEntities
void CAI_Spotlight::UpdateSpotlightDirection( void )
if ( !m_hSpotlight )
// Compute the current beam direction
Vector vTargetDir;
VectorSubtract( m_vSpotlightTargetPos, m_hSpotlight->GetAbsStartPos(), vTargetDir );
ConstrainToCone( &vTargetDir );
// Compute the amount to rotate
float flDot = DotProduct( vTargetDir, m_vSpotlightDir );
flDot = clamp( flDot, -1.0f, 1.0f );
float flAngle = AngleNormalize( RAD2DEG( acos( flDot ) ) );
float flClampedAngle = clamp( flAngle, 0.0f, 45.0f );
float flBeamTurnRate = SimpleSplineRemapVal( flClampedAngle, 0.0f, 45.0f, 10.0f, 45.0f );
if ( fabs(flAngle) > flBeamTurnRate * gpGlobals->frametime )
flAngle = flBeamTurnRate * gpGlobals->frametime;
// Compute the rotation axis
Vector vecRotationAxis;
CrossProduct( m_vSpotlightDir, vTargetDir, vecRotationAxis );
if ( VectorNormalize( vecRotationAxis ) < 1e-3 )
vecRotationAxis.Init( 0, 0, 1 );
// Compute the actual rotation amount, using quat slerp blending
Quaternion desiredQuat, resultQuat;
AxisAngleQuaternion( vecRotationAxis, flAngle, desiredQuat );
QuaternionSlerp( m_vAngularVelocity, desiredQuat, QUAT_BLEND_FACTOR, resultQuat );
m_vAngularVelocity = resultQuat;
// If we're really close, and we're not moving very quickly, slam.
float flActualRotation = AngleNormalize( RAD2DEG(2 * acos(m_vAngularVelocity.w)) );
if (( flActualRotation < 1e-3 ) && (flAngle < 1e-3 ))
m_vSpotlightDir = vTargetDir;
m_vAngularVelocity.Init( 0, 0, 0, 1 );
// Update the desired direction
matrix3x4_t rot;
Vector vecNewDir;
QuaternionMatrix( m_vAngularVelocity, rot );
VectorRotate( m_vSpotlightDir, rot, vecNewDir );
m_vSpotlightDir = vecNewDir;
示例11: AngleNormalize
void CSDKPlayerAnimState::ComputePoseParam_StuntYaw( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr )
// Get the view yaw.
float flAngle = AngleNormalize( m_flEyeYaw );
// Calc side to side turning - the view vs. movement yaw.
float flYaw = flAngle - m_PoseParameterData.m_flEstimateYaw;
flYaw = AngleNormalize( flYaw );
GetBasePlayer()->SetPoseParameter( pStudioHdr, m_iStuntYawPose, flYaw );
示例12: RandomFloat
* Orient head and eyes towards m_lookAt.
void C_HL2MP_Player::UpdateLookAt( void )
// head yaw
if (m_headYawPoseParam < 0 || m_headPitchPoseParam < 0)
// orient eyes
m_viewtarget = m_vLookAtTarget;
// blinking
if (m_blinkTimer.IsElapsed())
m_blinktoggle = !m_blinktoggle;
m_blinkTimer.Start( RandomFloat( 1.5f, 4.0f ) );
// Figure out where we want to look in world space.
QAngle desiredAngles;
Vector to = m_vLookAtTarget - EyePosition();
VectorAngles( to, desiredAngles );
// Figure out where our body is facing in world space.
QAngle bodyAngles( 0, 0, 0 );
bodyAngles[YAW] = GetLocalAngles()[YAW];
float flBodyYawDiff = bodyAngles[YAW] - m_flLastBodyYaw;
m_flLastBodyYaw = bodyAngles[YAW];
// Set the head's yaw.
float desired = AngleNormalize( desiredAngles[YAW] - bodyAngles[YAW] );
desired = clamp( desired, m_headYawMin, m_headYawMax );
m_flCurrentHeadYaw = ApproachAngle( desired, m_flCurrentHeadYaw, 130 * gpGlobals->frametime );
// Counterrotate the head from the body rotation so it doesn't rotate past its target.
m_flCurrentHeadYaw = AngleNormalize( m_flCurrentHeadYaw - flBodyYawDiff );
desired = clamp( desired, m_headYawMin, m_headYawMax );
SetPoseParameter( m_headYawPoseParam, m_flCurrentHeadYaw );
// Set the head's yaw.
desired = AngleNormalize( desiredAngles[PITCH] );
desired = clamp( desired, m_headPitchMin, m_headPitchMax );
m_flCurrentHeadPitch = ApproachAngle( desired, m_flCurrentHeadPitch, 130 * gpGlobals->frametime );
m_flCurrentHeadPitch = AngleNormalize( m_flCurrentHeadPitch );
SetPoseParameter( m_headPitchPoseParam, m_flCurrentHeadPitch );
示例13: GetAttachment
// Purpose: Causes the camera to face its desired angles
bool CNPC_CombineCamera::UpdateFacing()
bool bMoved = false;
matrix3x4_t localToWorld;
GetAttachment(LookupAttachment("eyes"), localToWorld);
Vector vecGoalDir;
AngleVectors(m_vecGoalAngles, &vecGoalDir );
Vector vecGoalLocalDir;
VectorIRotate(vecGoalDir, localToWorld, vecGoalLocalDir);
QAngle vecGoalLocalAngles;
VectorAngles(vecGoalLocalDir, vecGoalLocalAngles);
// Update pitch
float flDiff = AngleNormalize(UTIL_ApproachAngle( vecGoalLocalAngles.x, 0.0, 0.1f * MaxYawSpeed()));
int iPose = LookupPoseParameter(COMBINE_CAMERA_BC_PITCH);
SetPoseParameter(iPose, GetPoseParameter(iPose) + (flDiff / 1.5f));
if (fabs(flDiff) > 0.1f)
bMoved = true;
// Update yaw
flDiff = AngleNormalize(UTIL_ApproachAngle( vecGoalLocalAngles.y, 0.0, 0.1f * MaxYawSpeed()));
iPose = LookupPoseParameter(COMBINE_CAMERA_BC_YAW);
SetPoseParameter(iPose, GetPoseParameter(iPose) + (flDiff / 1.5f));
if (fabs(flDiff) > 0.1f)
bMoved = true;
if (bMoved && (m_flMoveSoundTime < gpGlobals->curtime))
m_flMoveSoundTime = gpGlobals->curtime + CAMERA_MOVE_INTERVAL;
// You're going to make decisions based on this info. So bump the bone cache after you calculate everything
return bMoved;
示例14: AngleNormalize
// Purpose:
// Input : goal -
// maxrate -
// dt -
// current -
// Output : int
int CBasePlayerAnimState::ConvergeAngles( float goal,float maxrate, float maxgap, float dt, float& current )
int direction = TURN_NONE;
float anglediff = goal - current;
anglediff = AngleNormalize( anglediff );
float anglediffabs = fabs( anglediff );
float scale = 1.0f;
if ( anglediffabs <= FADE_TURN_DEGREES )
scale = anglediffabs / FADE_TURN_DEGREES;
// Always do at least a bit of the turn ( 1% )
scale = clamp( scale, 0.01f, 1.0f );
float maxmove = maxrate * dt * scale;
if ( anglediffabs > maxgap )
// gap is too big, jump
maxmove = (anglediffabs - maxgap);
if ( anglediffabs < maxmove )
// we are close enought, just set the final value
current = goal;
// adjust value up or down
if ( anglediff > 0 )
current += maxmove;
direction = TURN_LEFT;
current -= maxmove;
direction = TURN_RIGHT;
current = AngleNormalize( current );
return direction;
示例15: VPROF
// Purpose:
void CHL2MPPlayerAnimState::Update( float eyeYaw, float eyePitch )
// Profile the animation update.
VPROF( "CHL2MPPlayerAnimState::Update" );
// Get the HL2MP player.
CHL2MP_Player *pHL2MPPlayer = GetHL2MPPlayer();
if ( !pHL2MPPlayer )
// Get the studio header for the player.
CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = pHL2MPPlayer->GetModelPtr();
if ( !pStudioHdr )
// Check to see if we should be updating the animation state - dead, ragdolled?
if ( !ShouldUpdateAnimState() )
// Store the eye angles.
m_flEyeYaw = AngleNormalize( eyeYaw );
m_flEyePitch = AngleNormalize( eyePitch );
// Compute the player sequences.
ComputeSequences( pStudioHdr );
if ( SetupPoseParameters( pStudioHdr ) )
// Pose parameter - what direction are the player's legs running in.
ComputePoseParam_MoveYaw( pStudioHdr );
// Pose parameter - Torso aiming (up/down).
ComputePoseParam_AimPitch( pStudioHdr );
// Pose parameter - Torso aiming (rotation).
ComputePoseParam_AimYaw( pStudioHdr );
if ( C_BasePlayer::ShouldDrawLocalPlayer() )
m_pHL2MPPlayer->SetPlaybackRate( 1.0f );