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C++ AddPoint函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中AddPoint函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AddPoint函数的具体用法?C++ AddPoint怎么用?C++ AddPoint使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: AddPoint

void FTContour::evaluateCubicCurve(FTPoint A, FTPoint B, FTPoint C, FTPoint D)
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < BEZIER_STEPS; i++)
        float t = static_cast<float>(i) / BEZIER_STEPS;

        FTPoint U = (1.0f - t) * A + t * B;
        FTPoint V = (1.0f - t) * B + t * C;
        FTPoint W = (1.0f - t) * C + t * D;

        FTPoint M = (1.0f - t) * U + t * V;
        FTPoint N = (1.0f - t) * V + t * W;

        AddPoint((1.0f - t) * M + t * N);

示例2: ClearPoints

int DBrush::BuildPoints()

    if(faceList.size() <= 3)	// if less than 3 faces, there can be no points
        return 0;					// with only 3 faces u can't have a bounded soild

    for(list<DPlane *>::const_iterator p1=faceList.begin(); p1!=faceList.end(); p1++)
        list<DPlane *>::const_iterator p2=p1;
        for(p2++; p2!=faceList.end(); p2++)
            list<DPlane *>::const_iterator p3=p2;
            for(p3++; p3!=faceList.end(); p3++)
                vec3_t pnt;
                if((*p1)->PlaneIntersection(*p2, *p3, pnt))
                    int pos = PointPosition(pnt);

                    if(pos == POINT_IN_BRUSH)
                    {   // ???? shouldn't happen here
                        Sys_Printf("ERROR:: Build Brush Points: Point IN brush!!!\n");
                    else if(pos == POINT_ON_BRUSH)
                    {   // normal point
                        /*						else
                        							Sys_Printf("Duplicate Point Found, pyramids ahoy!!!!!\n");*/
                        // point lies on more that 3 planes

                    // otherwise point is removed due to another plane..

                    // Sys_Printf("(%f, %f, %f)\n", pnt[0], pnt[1], pnt[2]);

#ifdef _DEBUG
//	Sys_Printf("%i points on brush\n", pointList.size());

    return pointList.size();

示例3: GetnPoints

void Route::CloneTrack( Route *psourceroute, int start_nPoint, int end_nPoint, const wxString & suffix)
    if( psourceroute->m_bIsInLayer ) return;

    m_bIsTrack = psourceroute->m_bIsTrack;

    m_RouteNameString = psourceroute->m_RouteNameString + suffix;
    m_RouteStartString = psourceroute->m_RouteStartString;
    m_RouteEndString = psourceroute->m_RouteEndString;

    bool b_splitting = GetnPoints() == 0;

    int startTrkSegNo;
    if( b_splitting ) startTrkSegNo = psourceroute->GetPoint( start_nPoint )->m_GPXTrkSegNo;
        startTrkSegNo = this->GetLastPoint()->m_GPXTrkSegNo;

    int i;
    for( i = start_nPoint; i <= end_nPoint; i++ ) {

        RoutePoint *psourcepoint = psourceroute->GetPoint( i );
        RoutePoint *ptargetpoint = new RoutePoint( psourcepoint->m_lat, psourcepoint->m_lon,
                psourcepoint->GetIconName(), psourcepoint->GetName(), GPX_EMPTY_STRING, false );

        AddPoint( ptargetpoint, false );
        //    This is a hack, need to undo the action of Route::AddPoint
        ptargetpoint->m_bIsInRoute = false;
        ptargetpoint->m_bIsInTrack = true;
        CloneAddedTrackPoint( m_pLastAddedPoint, psourcepoint );

        int segment_shift = psourcepoint->m_GPXTrkSegNo;

        if(  start_nPoint == 2 ) 
            segment_shift = psourcepoint->m_GPXTrkSegNo - 1; // continue first segment if tracks share the first point

        if( b_splitting )
            m_pLastAddedPoint->m_GPXTrkSegNo = ( psourcepoint->m_GPXTrkSegNo - startTrkSegNo ) + 1;
            m_pLastAddedPoint->m_GPXTrkSegNo = startTrkSegNo + segment_shift;



示例4: AddPoint

void TerrainFunction::ModifyVertex(const vec2& world_flat_pos, vec3& vertex) const {
	const float distance = world_flat_pos.GetDistance(position_);
	if (distance < outer_radius_) {
		// We made it!
		float _scale;
		if (distance <= inner_radius_) {
			// This point is inside, or on, the inner radius.
			_scale = 1;
		} else {
			// We linearly down-scale our method parameter. This does not necessarily mean
			// that the parameter is used in a linear fasion.
			_scale = 1-(distance-inner_radius_)/(outer_radius_-inner_radius_);
		const vec2 relative_normalized_pos = (world_flat_pos - position_) / outer_radius_;
		AddPoint(relative_normalized_pos.x, relative_normalized_pos.y, _scale, distance, vertex);

示例5: ssp

int CPointsCollection::EditPoint(int index, double x, double y, BOOL bRescan)
	if (index<0 || index>=GetSize()) return -1;
	int ret;
	SSinglePoint ssp(x, y);
	//if bSortX not specified - just replace given point
	RemovePoint(index, FALSE);
	if (!bSortX)
		InsertPoint(index, ssp.x, ssp.y, bRescan);
		ret = index;
	} else
		int res;
		ret = AddPoint(&ssp, bRescan, &res);
	return ret;

示例6: RotateBlade4Covise

int RotateBlade4Covise(struct covise_info *ci, int nob)
	int i, j, ipol, ivx;
	int np, npol, nvx;
	int nstart, nend;
	float rot, roma[2][2];
	float x, y, z;

	np		   = ci->p->nump;
	npol	   = ci->pol->num;
	nvx		   = ci->vx->num;
	rot		   = 2 * M_PI / nob;
	roma[0][0] =  cos(rot);
	roma[0][1] = -sin(rot);
	roma[1][0] =  sin(rot);
	roma[1][1] =  cos(rot);

	for (i = 0; i < nob-1; i++) {
		nstart = i * np;
		nend   = nstart + np;
		// calculate rotated blade point coordinates
		for (j = nstart; j < nend; j++)
			x = ci->p->x[j] * roma[0][0] + ci->p->y[j] * roma[0][1];
			y = ci->p->x[j] * roma[1][0] + ci->p->y[j] * roma[1][1];
			z = ci->p->z[j];
			AddPoint(ci->p, x, y, z);
		// assign rotated polygon vertices
		for (j = i*nvx; j < (i+1)*nvx; j++)
			ivx = ci->vx->list[j] + np;
			Add2Ilist(ci->vx, ivx);
		// assign rotated polygon start vertices
		ipol = ci->pol->list[ci->pol->num-1];
		for (j = 0; j < npol; j++)
			ipol  += 3;
			Add2Ilist(ci->pol, ipol);

示例7: while

void Route::AssembleRoute( void )
    //    iterate over the RoutePointGUIDs
    for( unsigned int ip = 0; ip < RoutePointGUIDList.GetCount(); ip++ ) {
        wxString GUID = RoutePointGUIDList[ip];

        //    And on the RoutePoints themselves
        wxRoutePointListNode *prpnode = pWayPointMan->m_pWayPointList->GetFirst();
        while( prpnode ) {
            RoutePoint *prp = prpnode->GetData();

            if( prp->m_GUID == GUID ) {
                AddPoint( prp );
            prpnode = prpnode->GetNext(); //RoutePoint

示例8: Mutate

    bool Mutate() {
        bool dirty = false;

        if (DoMutate(AddPointMutation))
            dirty |= AddPoint();
        if (DoMutate(DelPointMutation))
            dirty |= DelPoint();
        if (DoMutate(AlphaMutation))
            dirty |= Alpha(IntervalRand(Settings::AlphaMin, Settings::AlphaMax));

        if (DoMutate(ComponentMutation)) dirty |= RandomRed();
        if (DoMutate(ComponentMutation)) dirty |= RandomGreen();            
        if (DoMutate(ComponentMutation)) dirty |= RandomBlue();

        for (PointIt it = vertex_.begin(); it != vertex_.end(); ++it)
            dirty |= it->Mutate();

        return dirty;

示例9: AddPoint

// Add a new point to the class from an 3d-array. Works only if mCopyPtsCoords is set to true
int RandomSampler::AddPoint3d(double nCoordinate[]){

		return NULL;
	std::vector<float> *nCoordinatesVec = new std::vector<float>(3);
	(*nCoordinatesVec)[0] = (float) nCoordinate[0];
	(*nCoordinatesVec)[1] = (float) nCoordinate[1];
	(*nCoordinatesVec)[2] = (float) nCoordinate[2];
	mCopyPtsCoords = false;
	unsigned int toReturn = AddPoint(nCoordinatesVec);

	// No free space available
	if(toReturn == -1)
		delete nCoordinatesVec;

	mCopyPtsCoords = true;
	return toReturn;

示例10: AddPoint

void BattleGroundAB::Update(time_t diff)
    //If BG-Status = WAIT_JOIN, we must start BG
    if(GetStatus() == STATUS_WAIT_JOIN)

    if(GetStatus() == STATUS_IN_PROGRESS)
        for(int i = 0;i < 5; i++)
            if(m_Points[i])                                 //If point is controled
                AddPoint(m_Points[i], diff);
        if(GetTeamScore(ALLIANCE) >= (2000*1000))           //1 score/per second
        if(GetTeamScore(HORDE) >= (2000*1000))              //1 score/per second

示例11: AddPoint

void FTContour::evaluateQuadraticCurve()
    for( unsigned int i = 0; i <= ( 1.0f / BEZIER_STEP_SIZE); i++)
        float bezierValues[2][2];

        float t = static_cast<float>(i) * BEZIER_STEP_SIZE;

        bezierValues[0][0] = (1.0f - t) * controlPoints[0][0] + t * controlPoints[1][0];
        bezierValues[0][1] = (1.0f - t) * controlPoints[0][1] + t * controlPoints[1][1];
        bezierValues[1][0] = (1.0f - t) * controlPoints[1][0] + t * controlPoints[2][0];
        bezierValues[1][1] = (1.0f - t) * controlPoints[1][1] + t * controlPoints[2][1];
        bezierValues[0][0] = (1.0f - t) * bezierValues[0][0] + t * bezierValues[1][0];
        bezierValues[0][1] = (1.0f - t) * bezierValues[0][1] + t * bezierValues[1][1];
        AddPoint( bezierValues[0][0], bezierValues[0][1]);

示例12: BuildDelaunayTriangulation

void BuildDelaunayTriangulation(Vertex* pointSet, int numPoints, DelaunayTriangulation* dt)
  srand ( time(nullptr) );

  InitSuperSimplex(pointSet, numPoints, dt);
  AddSimplexToDelaunayTriangulation(dt, dt->m_AlphaSimplex);
  for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
    AddPoint(&pointSet[i], dt);
    for (int j = 0; j < ArrayListSize(dt->m_Conflicts); j++)
      Push(dt->m_RemovedSimplices, GetFromArrayList(dt->m_Conflicts, j));    

示例13: ReadSet

static struct dataset *
ReadSet(FILE *f, const char *n, int column, const char *delim)
	char buf[BUFSIZ], *p, *t;
	struct dataset *s;
	double d;
	int line;
	int i;

	s = NewSet();
	s->name = strdup(n);
	line = 0;
	while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, f) != NULL) {

		i = strlen(buf);
		while (i > 0 && isspace(buf[i - 1]))
			buf[--i] = '\0';
		for (i = 1, t = strtok(buf, delim);
		     t != NULL && *t != '#';
		     i++, t = strtok(NULL, delim)) {
			if (i == column)
		if (t == NULL || *t == '#')

		d = strtod(t, &p);
		if (p != NULL && *p != '\0')
			errx(2, "Invalid data on line %d in %s", line, n);
		if (*buf != '\0')
			AddPoint(s, d);
	if (s->n < 3) {
		    "Dataset %s must contain at least 3 data points\n", n);
		exit (2);
	qsort(s->points, s->n, sizeof *s->points, dbl_cmp);
	return (s);

示例14: AddRect

void UIView::ConvertStaticMappings(NIBWriter *writer, XIBObject *obj)
    if ( !_ignoreUIObject ) writer->_allUIObjects->AddMember(NULL, this);

    if ( _subviews->count() > 0 ) {
        int count = _subviews->count();
        for ( int i = 0; i < count; i ++ ) {
            XIBObject *curObj = _subviews->objectAtIndex(i);
            if ( !curObj->_ignoreUIObject ) writer->_allUIObjects->AddMember(NULL, curObj);

    AddRect(writer, "UIBounds", _bounds);
    AddPoint(writer, "UICenter", _center);
    if ( _contentStretch.x != 0.0f || _contentStretch.y != 0.0f || _contentStretch.width != 0.0f || _contentStretch.height != 0.0f ) {
        AddRect(writer, "UIContentStretch", _contentStretch);

    Map(writer, obj, propertyMappings, numPropertyMappings);
    if ( _subviews->count() > 0 ) AddOutputMember(writer, "UISubviews", _subviews);
    if ( _constraints->count() > 0) AddOutputMember(writer, "UIViewAutolayoutConstraints", _constraints);

    if ( _autoresizeSubviews ) AddBool(writer, "UIAutoresizeSubviews", _autoresizeSubviews);
    if ( _autoresizingMask ) AddInt(writer, "UIAutoresizingMask", _autoresizingMask);
    if ( _clipsToBounds ) AddBool(writer, "UIClipsToBounds", _clipsToBounds);
    if ( _backgroundColor ) AddOutputMember(writer, "UIBackgroundColor", _backgroundColor);
    if ( _contentMode ) AddInt(writer, "UIContentMode", _contentMode);
    if ( _userInteractionDisabled ) AddBool(writer, "UIUserInteractionDisabled", _userInteractionDisabled);
    if ( _hidden ) AddBool(writer, "UIHidden", _hidden);
    if ( !_enabled ) AddBool(writer, "UIDisabled", true);
    if ( _multipleTouchEnabled ) AddBool(writer, "UIMultipleTouchEnabled", _multipleTouchEnabled);
    if ( !_clearsContextBeforeDrawing ) AddBool(writer, "UIClearsContextBeforeDrawing", _clearsContextBeforeDrawing);

    // Metadata
    if ( !_translatesAutoresizeToConstraints || !obj->GetBool("IBViewMetadataTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints", true) ) AddBool(writer, "UIViewDoesNotTranslateAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints", true);

    if ( _opaque ) obj->AddBool(writer, "UIOpaque", _opaque);

    ObjectConverterSwapper::ConvertStaticMappings(writer, obj);

示例15: wfopen

void CWaypoints::ReadWPT(const wchar_t * wcFilename)
	char buff[1000];
	FILE * pFile = wfopen(wcFilename, L"rt");
	if (pFile)
		std::vector<long> vRecord;
		for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
			if (!fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), pFile))
		std::vector<std::string> listParts;
		while(fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), pFile))
			std::string strCommand = buff;
			std::string::size_type pos = 0;
			std::string::size_type nextpos = 0;
			while ((nextpos = strCommand.find(',', pos)) != std::string::npos)
				listParts.push_back(strCommand.substr(pos, nextpos - pos));
				pos = nextpos + 1;
			if (listParts.size() >= 15)
				double dLatitude = myatof(listParts[2].c_str());
				double dLongitude = myatof(listParts[3].c_str());
				wchar_t buff[1000] = {0};
				MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, listParts[1].c_str(), -1, buff, 1000);
				int iRadius = atoi(listParts[13].c_str());
				int iAltitude = atoi(listParts[14].c_str());
				AddPoint(CPoint(dLongitude, dLatitude, iAltitude, buff), iRadius);
	m_bCanWrite = true;
