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C++ AVER函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中AVER函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AVER函数的具体用法?C++ AVER怎么用?C++ AVER使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: EventInit

Res EventInit(void)
  Res res;

  /* Only if this is the first call. */
  if(!eventInited) { /* See .trans.log */
    AVER(EventNext == 0);
    AVER(EventLimit == 0);
    res = (Res)mps_io_create(&eventIO);
    if(res != ResOK) return res;
    EventNext = eventBuffer;
    EventLimit = &eventBuffer[EventBufferSIZE];
    eventUserCount = (Count)1;
    eventError = ResOK;
    eventInited = TRUE;
    EventKindControl = (Word)mps_lib_telemetry_control();
    EventInternSerial = (Serial)1; /* 0 is reserved */
    (void)EventInternString(MPSVersion()); /* emit version */
  } else {

  return ResOK;

示例2: mapThreadRing

static void mapThreadRing(Ring threadRing, void (*func)(Thread))
  Ring node, next;
  mach_port_t self;

  AVERT(Ring, threadRing);

  self = mach_thread_self();
  RING_FOR(node, threadRing, next) {
    Thread thread = RING_ELT(Thread, arenaRing, node);
    AVERT(Thread, thread);
    if(thread->port != self)

示例3: TreeRotateLeft

void TreeRotateLeft(Tree *treeIO)
  Tree tree, right;

  AVER(treeIO != NULL);
  tree = *treeIO;
  AVERT(Tree, tree);
  right = TreeRight(tree);
  AVERT(Tree, right);

  TreeSetRight(tree, TreeLeft(right));
  TreeSetLeft(right, tree);

  *treeIO = right;

示例4: VMDestroy

void VMDestroy(VM vm)
  int r;
  int zero_fd;

  AVERT(VM, vm);
  AVER(vm->mapped == (Size)0);

  /* This appears to be pretty pointless, since the descriptor */
  /* page is about to vanish completely.  However, munmap might fail */
  /* for some reason, and this would ensure that it was still */
  /* discovered if sigs were being checked. */
  vm->sig = SigInvalid;

  zero_fd = vm->zero_fd;
  r = munmap((void *)vm->base, (size_t)AddrOffset(vm->base, vm->limit));
  AVER(r == 0);
  r = munmap((void *)vm, (size_t)SizeAlignUp(sizeof(VMStruct), vm->align));
  AVER(r == 0);
  r = close(zero_fd);
  AVER(r == 0);

  EVENT_P(VMDestroy, vm);

示例5: BufferReserve

Res BufferReserve(Addr *pReturn, Buffer buffer, Size size)
  Addr next;

  AVER(pReturn != NULL);
  AVERT(Buffer, buffer);
  AVER(size > 0);
  AVER(SizeIsAligned(size, BufferPool(buffer)->alignment));
  AVER(BufferIsReady(buffer)); /* <design/check/#.common> */

  /* Is there enough room in the unallocated portion of the buffer to */
  /* satisfy the request?  If so, just increase the alloc marker and */
  /* return a pointer to the area below it. */
  next = AddrAdd(buffer->ap_s.alloc, size);
  if (next > (Addr)buffer->ap_s.alloc &&
      next <= (Addr)buffer->ap_s.limit) {
    buffer->ap_s.alloc = next;
    *pReturn = buffer->ap_s.init;
    return ResOK;

  /* If the buffer can't accommodate the request, call "fill". */
  return BufferFill(pReturn, buffer, size);

示例6: vmArenaUnmap

static void vmArenaUnmap(VMArena vmArena, VM vm, Addr base, Addr limit)
  Arena arena;
  Size size;

  /* no checking as function is local to module */

  arena = VMArena2Arena(vmArena);
  size = AddrOffset(base, limit);
  AVER(size <= arena->committed);

  VMUnmap(vm, base, limit);
  arena->committed -= size;

示例7: void

void (ShieldRaise) (Arena arena, Seg seg, AccessSet mode)
    /* .seg.broken: Seg's shield invariants may not be true at */
    /* this point (this function is called to enforce them) so we */
    /* can't check seg. Nor can we check arena as that checks the */
    /* segs in the cache. */

    AVER((SegSM(seg) & mode) == AccessSetEMPTY);
    SegSetSM(seg, SegSM(seg) | mode); /* inv.prot.shield preserved */

    /* ensure inv.unsynced.suspended & inv.unsynced.depth */
    cache(arena, seg);
    AVERT(Arena, arena);
    AVERT(Seg, seg);

示例8: mps_pool_check_fenceposts

void mps_pool_check_fenceposts(mps_pool_t mps_pool)
  Pool pool = (Pool)mps_pool;
  Arena arena;
  /* TESTT not AVERT, see <design/interface-c/#check.space */
  AVER(TESTT(Pool, pool));
  arena = PoolArena(pool);


  AVERT(Pool, pool);


示例9: StackScan

Res StackScan(ScanState ss, Addr *stackBot)
  jmp_buf jb;
  void *stackTop = &jb;

  /* .assume.stack: This implementation assumes that the stack grows
   * downwards, so that the address of the jmp_buf is the limit of the
   * part of the stack that needs to be scanned. (StackScanInner makes
   * the same assumption.)
  AVER(stackTop < (void *)stackBot);


  return StackScanInner(ss, stackBot, stackTop, sizeof jb / sizeof(Addr*));

示例10: BufferAbsFinish

static void BufferAbsFinish(Inst inst)
  Buffer buffer = MustBeA(Buffer, inst);
  AVERT(Buffer, buffer);

  /* Detach the buffer from its owning pool and unsig it. */
  InstFinish(MustBeA(Inst, buffer));
  buffer->sig = SigInvalid;
  /* Finish off the generic buffer fields. */

  EVENT1(BufferFinish, buffer);

示例11: MutatorContextScan

Res MutatorContextScan(ScanState ss, MutatorContext context,
                       mps_area_scan_t scan_area, void *closure)
  CONTEXT *cx;
  Res res;

  AVERT(ScanState, ss);
  AVERT(MutatorContext, context);
  AVER(context->var == MutatorContextTHREAD);

  cx = &context->the.context;
  res = TraceScanArea(ss, (Word *)cx, (Word *)((char *)cx + sizeof *cx),
                      scan_area, closure); /* .context.regroots */

  return res;

示例12: mps_pool_check_free_space

void mps_pool_check_free_space(mps_pool_t mps_pool)
  Pool pool = (Pool)mps_pool;
  Arena arena;
  /* TESTT not AVERT, see <design/interface-c#.check.space */
  AVER(TESTT(Pool, pool));
  arena = PoolArena(pool);


  AVERT(Pool, pool);


示例13: LDReset

/* LDReset -- reset a dependency to empty
 * .reset.sync: This does not need to be synchronized with LDAge
 * because if the epoch advances after it is read the dependency
 * will simply include movement for more time than necessary.
void LDReset(mps_ld_t ld, Arena arena)
  Bool b;
  Seg seg;

  AVER(ld != NULL);
  AVERT(Arena, arena);

  b = SegOfAddr(&seg, arena, (Addr)ld);
  if (b)
    ShieldExpose(arena, seg);   /* .ld.access */
  ld->_epoch = arena->epoch;
  ld->_rs = RefSetEMPTY;
  if (b)
    ShieldCover(arena, seg);

示例14: TreeToVine

Count TreeToVine(Tree *link)
  Count count = 0;
  AVER(link != NULL);
  AVERT(Tree, *link);

  while (*link != TreeEMPTY) {
    while (TreeHasLeft(*link))
    link = &((*link)->right);
  return count;

示例15: MVFFAlloc

static Res MVFFAlloc(Addr *aReturn, Pool pool, Size size,
                     Bool withReservoirPermit)
  Res res;
  MVFF mvff;
  Addr base, limit;
  Bool foundBlock;

  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  mvff = Pool2MVFF(pool);
  AVERT(MVFF, mvff);

  AVER(aReturn != NULL);
  AVER(size > 0);
  AVERT(Bool, withReservoirPermit);

  size = SizeAlignUp(size, PoolAlignment(pool));

  foundBlock = MVFFFindFirstFree(&base, &limit, mvff, size);
  if (!foundBlock) {
    Seg seg;

    res = MVFFAddSeg(&seg, mvff, size, withReservoirPermit);
    if (res != ResOK)
      return res;
    foundBlock = MVFFFindFirstFree(&base, &limit, mvff, size);

    /* We know that the found range must intersect the new segment. */
    /* In particular, it doesn't necessarily lie entirely within it. */
    /* The next three AVERs test for intersection of two intervals. */
    AVER(base >= SegBase(seg) || limit <= SegLimit(seg));
    AVER(base < SegLimit(seg));
    AVER(SegBase(seg) < limit);

    /* We also know that the found range is no larger than the segment. */
    AVER(SegSize(seg) >= AddrOffset(base, limit));
  AVER(AddrOffset(base, limit) == size);

  *aReturn = base;

  return ResOK;
