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C++ ARRAY_LEN函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中ARRAY_LEN函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ARRAY_LEN函数的具体用法?C++ ARRAY_LEN怎么用?C++ ARRAY_LEN使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: strncpy

LTBOOL SURFACE::Init(CButeMgr & buteMgr, char* aTagName)
    if (!aTagName) return LTFALSE;

	eType					= (SurfaceType) buteMgr.GetInt(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_ID);
    bShowsMark              = (LTBOOL) buteMgr.GetInt(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_SHOWSMARK);
    bCanSeeThrough          = (LTBOOL) buteMgr.GetInt(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_CANSEETHROUGH);
    bCanShootThrough        = (LTBOOL) buteMgr.GetInt(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_CANSHOOTTHROUGH);
    bShowBreath             = (LTBOOL) buteMgr.GetInt(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_SHOWBREATH);
	nMaxShootThroughPerturb	= buteMgr.GetInt(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_MAXSHOOTTHROUGHPERTURB);
	nMaxShootThroughThickness= buteMgr.GetInt(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_MAXSHOOTTHROUGHTHICKNESS);
    fDeathNoiseModifier     = (LTFLOAT) buteMgr.GetDouble(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_DEATHNOISEMOD);
    fMovementNoiseModifier  = (LTFLOAT) buteMgr.GetDouble(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_MOVENOISEMOD);
    fImpactNoiseModifier    = (LTFLOAT) buteMgr.GetDouble(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_IMPACTNOISEMOD);
    fBodyFallSndRadius      = (LTFLOAT) buteMgr.GetDouble(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_BODYFALLSNDRADIUS);
    fBodyLedgeFallSndRadius = (LTFLOAT) buteMgr.GetDouble(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_BODYLEDGEFALLSNDRADIUS);
    fBulletHoleMinScale     = (LTFLOAT) buteMgr.GetDouble(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_BULLETHOLEMINSCALE);
    fBulletHoleMaxScale     = (LTFLOAT) buteMgr.GetDouble(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_BULLETHOLEMAXSCALE);
    fBulletRangeDampen      = (LTFLOAT) buteMgr.GetDouble(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_BULLETRANGEDAMPEN);
    fBulletDamageDampen     = (LTFLOAT) buteMgr.GetDouble(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_BULLETDAMAGEDAMPEN);
    fActivationSndRadius    = (LTFLOAT) buteMgr.GetDouble(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_ACTIVATIONSNDRADIUS);
    fShellSndRadius         = (LTFLOAT) buteMgr.GetDouble(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_SHELLSNDRADIUS);
    fGrenadeSndRadius       = (LTFLOAT) buteMgr.GetDouble(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_GRENADESNDRADIUS);
    fHardness               = (LTFLOAT) buteMgr.GetDouble(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_HARDNESS);
    fFootPrintLifetime      = (LTFLOAT) buteMgr.GetDouble(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_FOOTPRINTLIFETIME);
    fMotoVelMult			= (LTFLOAT) buteMgr.GetDouble(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_MOTOVELMULTIPLIER);
    fSnowVelMult			= (LTFLOAT) buteMgr.GetDouble(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_SNOWVELMULTIPLIER);
    bMagnetic               = (LTBOOL) buteMgr.GetInt(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_MAGNETIC);

	vFootPrintScale			= buteMgr.GetVector(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_FOOTPRINTSCALE);

	CString str = buteMgr.GetString(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_NAME);
	if (!str.IsEmpty())
		strncpy(szName, (char*)(LPCSTR)str, ARRAY_LEN(szName));

	str = buteMgr.GetString(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_BULLETHOLESPR);
	if (!str.IsEmpty())
		strncpy(szBulletHoleSpr, (char*)(LPCSTR)str, ARRAY_LEN(szBulletHoleSpr));

	str = buteMgr.GetString(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_RTFOOTPRINTSPR);
	if (!str.IsEmpty())
		strncpy(szRtFootPrintSpr, (char*)(LPCSTR)str, ARRAY_LEN(szRtFootPrintSpr));

	str = buteMgr.GetString(aTagName, SRFMGR_SURFACE_LTFOOTPRINTSPR);
	if (!str.IsEmpty())
		strncpy(szLtFootPrintSpr, (char*)(LPCSTR)str, ARRAY_LEN(szLtFootPrintSpr));

    int i;
    for (i=1; i <= SRF_MAX_FOOTSTEP_SNDS; i++)
		sprintf(s_aAttName, "%s%d", SRFMGR_SURFACE_RTFOOTSND, i);
		str = buteMgr.GetString(aTagName, s_aAttName);

		if (!str.IsEmpty())
			strncpy(szRtFootStepSnds[i-1], (char*)(LPCSTR)str, ARRAY_LEN(szRtFootStepSnds[i-1]));

	for (i=1; i <= SRF_MAX_FOOTSTEP_SNDS; i++)
		sprintf(s_aAttName, "%s%d", SRFMGR_SURFACE_LTFOOTSND, i);
		str = buteMgr.GetString(aTagName, s_aAttName);

		if (!str.IsEmpty())
			strncpy(szLtFootStepSnds[i-1], (char*)(LPCSTR)str, ARRAY_LEN(szLtFootStepSnds[i-1]));

	for (i=1; i <= SRF_MAX_MOTORCYCLE_SNDS; i++)
		sprintf(s_aAttName, "%s%d", SRFMGR_SURFACE_MOTORCYCLESND, i);
		str = buteMgr.GetString(aTagName, s_aAttName);

		if (!str.IsEmpty())
			strncpy(szMotorcycleSnds[i-1], (char*)(LPCSTR)str, ARRAY_LEN(szMotorcycleSnds[i-1]));

	for (i=1; i <= SRF_MAX_SNOWMOBILE_SNDS; i++)
		sprintf(s_aAttName, "%s%d", SRFMGR_SURFACE_SNOWMOBILESND, i);
		str = buteMgr.GetString(aTagName, s_aAttName);

		if (!str.IsEmpty())
			strncpy(szSnowmobileSnds[i-1], (char*)(LPCSTR)str, ARRAY_LEN(szSnowmobileSnds[i-1]));


示例2: ast_ari_asterisk_get_info_cb

 * \brief Parameter parsing callback for /asterisk/info.
 * \param get_params GET parameters in the HTTP request.
 * \param path_vars Path variables extracted from the request.
 * \param headers HTTP headers.
 * \param[out] response Response to the HTTP request.
static void ast_ari_asterisk_get_info_cb(
	struct ast_tcptls_session_instance *ser,
	struct ast_variable *get_params, struct ast_variable *path_vars,
	struct ast_variable *headers, struct ast_ari_response *response)
	struct ast_ari_asterisk_get_info_args args = {};
	struct ast_variable *i;
	RAII_VAR(struct ast_json *, body, NULL, ast_json_unref);
#if defined(AST_DEVMODE)
	int is_valid;
	int code;
#endif /* AST_DEVMODE */

	for (i = get_params; i; i = i->next) {
		if (strcmp(i->name, "only") == 0) {
			/* Parse comma separated list */
			char *vals[MAX_VALS];
			size_t j;

			args.only_parse = ast_strdup(i->value);
			if (!args.only_parse) {
				goto fin;

			if (strlen(args.only_parse) == 0) {
				/* ast_app_separate_args can't handle "" */
				args.only_count = 1;
				vals[0] = args.only_parse;
			} else {
				args.only_count = ast_app_separate_args(
					args.only_parse, ',', vals,

			if (args.only_count == 0) {
				goto fin;

			if (args.only_count >= MAX_VALS) {
				ast_ari_response_error(response, 400,
					"Bad Request",
					"Too many values for only");
				goto fin;

			args.only = ast_malloc(sizeof(*args.only) * args.only_count);
			if (!args.only) {
				goto fin;

			for (j = 0; j < args.only_count; ++j) {
				args.only[j] = (vals[j]);
		} else
	/* Look for a JSON request entity */
	body = ast_http_get_json(ser, headers);
	if (!body) {
		switch (errno) {
		case EFBIG:
			ast_ari_response_error(response, 413, "Request Entity Too Large", "Request body too large");
			goto fin;
		case ENOMEM:
			ast_ari_response_error(response, 500, "Internal Server Error", "Error processing request");
			goto fin;
		case EIO:
			ast_ari_response_error(response, 400, "Bad Request", "Error parsing request body");
			goto fin;
	if (ast_ari_asterisk_get_info_parse_body(body, &args)) {
		goto fin;
	ast_ari_asterisk_get_info(headers, &args, response);
#if defined(AST_DEVMODE)
	code = response->response_code;

	switch (code) {
	case 0: /* Implementation is still a stub, or the code wasn't set */
		is_valid = response->message == NULL;
	case 500: /* Internal Server Error */
	case 501: /* Not Implemented */
		is_valid = 1;
		if (200 <= code && code <= 299) {
			is_valid = ast_ari_validate_asterisk_info(

示例3: parse_naptr


	regexp_len = strlen(regexp);
	if (regexp_len < 7) {
		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Regex too short to be meaningful.\n");
		return -1;

	/* this takes the first character of the regexp (which is a delimiter)
	 * and uses that character to find the index of the second delimiter */
	delim = regexp[0];
	delim2 = strchr(regexp + 1, delim);
	if ((delim2 == NULL) || (regexp[regexp_len - 1] != delim)) {  /* is the second delimiter found, and is the end of the regexp a delimiter */
		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Regex delimiter error (on \"%s\").\n", regexp);
		return -1;
	} else if (strchr((delim2 + 1), delim) == NULL) { /* if the second delimiter is found, make sure there is a third instance.  this could be the end one instead of the middle */
		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Regex delimiter error (on \"%s\").\n", regexp);
		return -1;
	pattern = regexp + 1;   /* pattern is the regex without the begining and ending delimiter */
	*delim2 = 0;    /* zero out the middle delimiter */
	subst   = delim2 + 1; /* dst substring is everything after the second delimiter. */
	regexp[regexp_len - 1] = 0; /* zero out the last delimiter */

 * now do the regex wizardry.

	if (regcomp(&preg, pattern, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NEWLINE)) {
		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "NAPTR Regex compilation error (regex = \"%s\").\n", regexp);
		return -1;

	if (preg.re_nsub > ARRAY_LEN(pmatch)) {
		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "NAPTR Regex compilation error: too many subs.\n");
		return -1;
	/* pmatch is an array containing the substring indexes for the regex backreference sub.
	 * max_bt is the maximum number of backreferences allowed to be stored in pmatch */
	if ((rc = regexec(&preg, (char *) naptrinput, max_bt, pmatch, 0))) {
		regerror(rc, &preg, errbuff, sizeof(errbuff));
		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "NAPTR Regex match failed. Reason: %s\n", errbuff);
		return -1;

	d = tempdst;

	/* perform the backreference sub. Search the subst for backreferences,
	 * when a backreference is found, retrieve the backreferences number.
	 * use the backreference number as an index for pmatch to retrieve the
	 * beginning and ending indexes of the substring to insert as the backreference.
	 * if no backreference is found, continue copying the subst into tempdst */
	while (*subst && (d_len > 0)) {
		if ((subst[0] == '\\') && isdigit(subst[1])) { /* is this character the beginning of a backreference */
			matchindex = (int) (subst[1] - '0');
			if (matchindex >= ARRAY_LEN(pmatch)) {
				ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Error during regex substitution. Invalid pmatch index.\n");
				return -1;
			/* pmatch len is 10. we are garanteed a single char 0-9 is a valid index */
			size = pmatch[matchindex].rm_eo - pmatch[matchindex].rm_so;
			if (size > d_len) {

示例4: callback_test

static void
callback_test (int converter, double src_ratio)
{	static TEST_CB_DATA test_callback_data ;
	static float output [BUFFER_LEN] ;

	SRC_STATE	*src_state ;

	long	read_count, read_total ;
	int 	input_len, output_len, error ;

	printf ("\tcallback_test    (SRC ratio = %6.4f) ........... ", src_ratio) ;
	fflush (stdout) ;

	/* Calculate maximun input and output lengths. */
	if (src_ratio >= 1.0)
	{	output_len = BUFFER_LEN ;
		input_len = (int) floor (BUFFER_LEN / src_ratio) ;
	{	input_len = BUFFER_LEN ;
		output_len = (int) floor (BUFFER_LEN * src_ratio) ;
		} ;

	/* Reduce input_len by 10 so output is longer than necessary. */
	input_len -= 10 ;

	if (output_len > BUFFER_LEN)
	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : output_len > BUFFER_LEN\n\n", __LINE__) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	test_callback_data.channels = 1 ;
	test_callback_data.count = 0 ;
	test_callback_data.total = input_len ;

	if ((src_state = src_callback_new (test_callback_func, converter, 1, &error, &test_callback_data)) == NULL)
	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : %s\n\n", __LINE__, src_strerror (error)) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	read_total = 0 ;
	{	read_count = (ARRAY_LEN (output) - read_total > CB_READ_LEN) ? CB_READ_LEN : ARRAY_LEN (output) - read_total ;
		read_count = src_callback_read (src_state, src_ratio, read_count, output + read_total) ;
		read_total += read_count ;
	while (read_count > 0) ;

	if ((error = src_error (src_state)) != 0)
	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : %s\n\n", __LINE__, src_strerror (error)) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	src_state = src_delete (src_state) ;

	if (fabs (read_total - src_ratio * input_len) > 2)
	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : input / output length mismatch.\n\n", __LINE__) ;
		printf ("    input len  : %d\n", input_len) ;
		printf ("    output len : %ld (should be %g +/- 2)\n\n", read_total, floor (0.5 + src_ratio * input_len)) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	puts ("ok") ;

	return ;
} /* callback_test */

示例5: CG_ConfigStringModified

		cgs.teamVoteYes[num-CS_TEAMVOTE_YES] = atoi( str );
		cgs.teamVoteModified[num-CS_TEAMVOTE_YES] = qtrue;
	} else if ( num >= CS_TEAMVOTE_NO && num <= CS_TEAMVOTE_NO + 1) {
		cgs.teamVoteNo[num-CS_TEAMVOTE_NO] = atoi( str );
		cgs.teamVoteModified[num-CS_TEAMVOTE_NO] = qtrue;
	} else if ( num >= CS_TEAMVOTE_STRING && num <= CS_TEAMVOTE_STRING + 1) {
		Q_strncpyz( cgs.teamVoteString[num-CS_TEAMVOTE_STRING], str, sizeof( cgs.teamVoteString ) );
	} else if ( num == CS_INTERMISSION ) {
		cg.intermissionStarted = atoi( str );
	} else if ( num >= CS_MODELS && num < CS_MODELS+MAX_MODELS ) {
		char modelName[MAX_QPATH];
		strcpy(modelName, str);
		if (strstr(modelName, ".glm") || modelName[0] == '$')
		{ //Check to see if it has a custom skin attached.

		if (modelName[0] != '$' && modelName[0] != '@')
		{ //don't register vehicle names and saber names as models.
			cgs.gameModels[ num-CS_MODELS ] = trap->R_RegisterModel( modelName );
            cgs.gameModels[ num-CS_MODELS ] = 0;
// GHOUL2 Insert start
	} else if ( num >= CS_CHARSKINS && num < CS_CHARSKINS+MAX_CHARSKINS ) {
		cgs.skins[ num-CS_CHARSKINS ] = trap->R_RegisterSkin( str );
		//rww - removed and replaced with CS_G2BONES
// Ghoul2 Insert end
	} else if ( num >= CS_SOUNDS && num < CS_SOUNDS+MAX_SOUNDS ) {
		if ( str[0] != '*' ) {	// player specific sounds don't register here
			cgs.gameSounds[ num-CS_SOUNDS] = trap->S_RegisterSound( str );
		else if (str[1] == '$')
		{ //an NPC soundset
	} else if ( num >= CS_EFFECTS && num < CS_EFFECTS+MAX_FX ) {
		if (str[0] == '*')
		{ //it's a special global weather effect
			cgs.gameEffects[ num-CS_EFFECTS] = 0;
			cgs.gameEffects[ num-CS_EFFECTS] = trap->FX_RegisterEffect( str );
	else if ( num >= CS_SIEGE_STATE && num < CS_SIEGE_STATE+1 )
		if (str[0])
	else if ( num >= CS_SIEGE_WINTEAM && num < CS_SIEGE_WINTEAM+1 )
		if (str[0])
			cg_siegeWinTeam = atoi(str);
	else if ( num >= CS_SIEGE_OBJECTIVES && num < CS_SIEGE_OBJECTIVES+1 )
		cg_beatingSiegeTime = atoi(str);
		CG_SetSiegeTimerCvar ( cg_beatingSiegeTime );
	else if ( num >= CS_PLAYERS && num < CS_PLAYERS+MAX_CLIENTS )
		CG_NewClientInfo( num - CS_PLAYERS, qtrue);
	} else if ( num == CS_FLAGSTATUS ) {
		if( cgs.gametype == GT_CTF || cgs.gametype == GT_CTY ) {
			// format is rb where its red/blue, 0 is at base, 1 is taken, 2 is dropped
			int redflagId = str[0] - '0', blueflagId = str[1] - '0';

			if ( redflagId >= 0 && redflagId < ARRAY_LEN( ctfFlagStatusRemap ) ) 
				cgs.redflag = ctfFlagStatusRemap[redflagId];

			if ( blueflagId >= 0 && blueflagId < ARRAY_LEN( ctfFlagStatusRemap ) )  
				cgs.blueflag = ctfFlagStatusRemap[blueflagId];
	else if ( num == CS_SHADERSTATE ) {
	else if ( num >= CS_LIGHT_STYLES && num < CS_LIGHT_STYLES + (MAX_LIGHT_STYLES * 3))
		CG_SetLightstyle(num - CS_LIGHT_STYLES);


vidmode_t r_vidModes[] =
	{ "Mode  0: 320x240",		320,	240,	1 },
	{ "Mode  1: 400x300",		400,	300,	1 },
	{ "Mode  2: 512x384",		512,	384,	1 },
	{ "Mode  3: 640x480",		640,	480,	1 },
	{ "Mode  4: 800x600",		800,	600,	1 },
	{ "Mode  5: 960x720",		960,	720,	1 },
	{ "Mode  6: 1024x768",		1024,	768,	1 },
	{ "Mode  7: 1152x864",		1152,	864,	1 },
	{ "Mode  8: 1280x1024",		1280,	1024,	1 },
	{ "Mode  9: 1600x1200",		1600,	1200,	1 },
	{ "Mode 10: 2048x1536",		2048,	1536,	1 },
	{ "Mode 11: 856x480 (wide)",856,	480,	1 }
static int	s_numVidModes = ARRAY_LEN( r_vidModes );

qboolean R_GetModeInfo( int *width, int *height, float *windowAspect, int mode ) {
	vidmode_t	*vm;
	float			pixelAspect;

	if ( mode < -1 ) {
		return qfalse;
	if ( mode >= s_numVidModes ) {
		return qfalse;

	if ( mode == -1 ) {
		*width = r_customwidth->integer;
		*height = r_customheight->integer;

示例7: get_colour_map_value

static void
get_colour_map_value (float value, double spec_floor_db, unsigned char colour [3], bool gray_scale)
{	static unsigned char map [][3] =
	{	/* These values were originally calculated for a dynamic range of 180dB. */
		{	255,	255,	255	},	/* -0dB */
		{	240,	254,	216	},	/* -10dB */
		{	242,	251,	185	},	/* -20dB */
		{	253,	245,	143	},	/* -30dB */
		{	253,	200,	102	},	/* -40dB */
		{	252,	144,	66	},	/* -50dB */
		{	252,	75,		32	},	/* -60dB */
		{	237,	28,		41	},	/* -70dB */
		{	214,	3,		64	},	/* -80dB */
		{	183,	3,		101	},	/* -90dB */
		{	157,	3,		122	},	/* -100dB */
		{	122,	3,		126	},	/* -110dB */
		{	80,		2,		110	},	/* -120dB */
		{	45,		2,		89	},	/* -130dB */
		{	19,		2,		70	},	/* -140dB */
		{	1,		3,		53	},	/* -150dB */
		{	1,		3,		37	},	/* -160dB */
		{	1,		2,		19	},	/* -170dB */
		{	0,		0,		0	},	/* -180dB */
	} ;

	float rem ;
	int indx ;

	if (gray_scale)
	{	/* "value" is a negative value in decibels.
		 * black (0,0,0) is for <= -180.0, and the other 255 values
		 * should cover the range from -180 to 0 evenly.
		 * (value/spec_floor_db) is >=0.0  and <1.0
		 * because both value and spec_floor_db are negative.
		 * (v/s) * 255.0 goes from 0.0 to 254.9999999 and
		 * floor((v/s) * 255) gives us 0 to 254
		 * converted to 255 to 1 by subtracting it from 255. */
		int gray ; /* The pixel value */

		if (value <= spec_floor_db)
			gray = 0 ;
		{	gray = 255 - lrint (floor ((value / spec_floor_db) * 255.0)) ;
			assert (gray >= 1 && gray <= 255) ;
			} ;
		colour [0] = colour [1] = colour [2] = gray ;
		return ;
		} ;

	if (value >= 0.0)
	{	colour [0] = colour [1] = colour [2] = 255 ;
		return ;
		} ;

	value = fabs (value * (-180.0 / spec_floor_db) * 0.1) ;

	indx = lrintf (floor (value)) ;

	if (indx < 0)
	{	printf ("\nError : colour map array index is %d\n\n", indx) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	if (indx >= ARRAY_LEN (map) - 1)
	{	colour [0] = colour [1] = colour [2] = 0 ;
		return ;
		} ;

	rem = fmod (value, 1.0) ;

	colour [0] = lrintf ((1.0 - rem) * map [indx][0] + rem * map [indx + 1][0]) ;
	colour [1] = lrintf ((1.0 - rem) * map [indx][1] + rem * map [indx + 1][1]) ;
	colour [2] = lrintf ((1.0 - rem) * map [indx][2] + rem * map [indx + 1][2]) ;

	return ;
} /* get_colour_map_value */

示例8: event_loop



		suggestions_are_visible = 0;

		/* Ensure that current working directory is set correctly (some pieces of
		 * code rely on this, e.g. %c macro in current directory). */

				wait_for_enter = 0;
				curr_stats.save_msg = 0;
				if(c == WC_CR)

			if(c == WC_C_z)

			if(input_buf_pos < ARRAY_LEN(input_buf) - 2)
				input_buf[input_buf_pos++] = c;
				input_buf[input_buf_pos] = L'\0';
				/* Recover from input buffer overflow by resetting its contents. */
				reset_input_buf(input_buf, &input_buf_pos);

		counter = vle_keys_counter();
		if(!got_input && last_result == KEYS_WAIT_SHORT)

			last_result = vle_keys_exec_timed_out(input_buf);
			counter = vle_keys_counter() - counter;
			assert(counter <= input_buf_pos);
			if(counter > 0)
				memmove(input_buf, input_buf + counter,
						(wcslen(input_buf) - counter + 1)*sizeof(wchar_t));
				curr_stats.save_msg = 0;

示例9: sinc_set_converter

sinc_set_converter (SRC_PRIVATE *psrc, int src_enum)
{	SINC_FILTER *filter, temp_filter ;
	increment_t count ;
	int bits ;

	/* Quick sanity check. */
	if (SHIFT_BITS >= sizeof (increment_t) * 8 - 1)

	if (psrc->private_data != NULL)
	{	free (psrc->private_data) ;
		psrc->private_data = NULL ;
		} ;

	memset (&temp_filter, 0, sizeof (temp_filter)) ;

	temp_filter.sinc_magic_marker = SINC_MAGIC_MARKER ;
	temp_filter.channels = psrc->channels ;

	if (psrc->channels > ARRAY_LEN (temp_filter.left_calc))
	else if (psrc->channels == 1)
	{	psrc->const_process = sinc_mono_vari_process ;
		psrc->vari_process = sinc_mono_vari_process ;
	if (psrc->channels == 2)
	{	psrc->const_process = sinc_stereo_vari_process ;
		psrc->vari_process = sinc_stereo_vari_process ;
	if (psrc->channels == 4)
	{	psrc->const_process = sinc_quad_vari_process ;
		psrc->vari_process = sinc_quad_vari_process ;
	if (psrc->channels == 6)
	{	psrc->const_process = sinc_hex_vari_process ;
		psrc->vari_process = sinc_hex_vari_process ;
	{	psrc->const_process = sinc_multichan_vari_process ;
		psrc->vari_process = sinc_multichan_vari_process ;
		} ;
	psrc->reset = sinc_reset ;

	switch (src_enum)
				temp_filter.coeffs = fastest_coeffs.coeffs ;
				temp_filter.coeff_half_len = ARRAY_LEN (fastest_coeffs.coeffs) - 1 ;
				temp_filter.index_inc = fastest_coeffs.increment ;
				break ;

				temp_filter.coeffs = slow_mid_qual_coeffs.coeffs ;
				temp_filter.coeff_half_len = ARRAY_LEN (slow_mid_qual_coeffs.coeffs) - 1 ;
				temp_filter.index_inc = slow_mid_qual_coeffs.increment ;
				break ;

				temp_filter.coeffs = slow_high_qual_coeffs.coeffs ;
				temp_filter.coeff_half_len = ARRAY_LEN (slow_high_qual_coeffs.coeffs) - 1 ;
				temp_filter.index_inc = slow_high_qual_coeffs.increment ;
				break ;

		default :
		} ;

	** FIXME : This needs to be looked at more closely to see if there is
	** a better way. Need to look at prepare_data () at the same time.

	temp_filter.b_len = lrint (2.5 * temp_filter.coeff_half_len / (temp_filter.index_inc * 1.0) * SRC_MAX_RATIO) ;
	temp_filter.b_len = MAX (temp_filter.b_len, 4096) ;
	temp_filter.b_len *= temp_filter.channels ;

	if ((filter = calloc (1, sizeof (SINC_FILTER) + sizeof (filter->buffer [0]) * (temp_filter.b_len + temp_filter.channels))) == NULL)

	*filter = temp_filter ;
	memset (&temp_filter, 0xEE, sizeof (temp_filter)) ;

	psrc->private_data = filter ;

	sinc_reset (psrc) ;

	count = filter->coeff_half_len ;
	for (bits = 0 ; (MAKE_INCREMENT_T (1) << bits) < count ; bits++)
		count |= (MAKE_INCREMENT_T (1) << bits) ;

	if (bits + SHIFT_BITS - 1 >= (int) (sizeof (increment_t) * 8))

	return SRC_ERR_NO_ERROR ;
} /* sinc_set_converter */



consoleCommand_t	ui_commands[] = {
	//{ "levelselect", UI_SPLevelMenu_f, 0 },
	{ "postgame", UI_CalcPostGameStats, CMD_INGAME },
	{ "ui_cache", UI_Cache_f, 0 },
	//{ "ui_cinematics", UI_CinematicsMenu_f, 0 },
	//{ "ui_teamOrders", UI_TeamOrdersMenu_f, CMD_INGAME },
	//{ "iamacheater", UI_SPUnlock_f, 0 },
	//{ "iamamonkey", UI_SPUnlockMedals_f, 0 },
	{ "ui_test", UI_Test_f, CMD_INGAME },
	{ "ui_report", UI_Report, 0 },
	{ "ui_load", UI_Load_f, 0 }

int ui_numCommands = ARRAY_LEN( ui_commands );


update frame time, commands are executed by CG_ConsoleCommand
void UI_ConsoleCommand( int realTime ) {
	uiInfo.uiDC.frameTime = realTime - uiInfo.uiDC.realTime;
	uiInfo.uiDC.realTime = realTime;

qboolean UI_CursorInRect (int x, int y, int width, int height)

示例11: main

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int dummy, dummysigalrm, foreground = 0;
    struct timeval tv, difftime, curtime, lasttime, *timeout;
    fd_set rfds, readers;
    int nfds, n, i, secs, ch;
    struct sigaction sa;
    time_t boottime;
    struct option long_options[] = {
	{"config", 1, 0, 'c'},
	{"debug", 2, 0, 'd'},
	{"foreground", 0, 0, 'f'},
	{"disable-vifs", 0, 0, 'N'},
	{"help", 0, 0, 'h'},
	{"version", 0, 0, 'v'},
	{"quit-daemon", 0, 0, 'q'},
	{"reload-config", 0, 0, 'l'},
	{"show-routes", 0, 0, 'r'},
	/* {"show-cache", 0, 0, 'i'}, */
	/* {"show-debug", 0, 0, 'p'}, */
	{0, 0, 0, 0}
    snprintf(versionstring, sizeof (versionstring), "pimd version %s", todaysversion);

    while ((ch = getopt_long (argc, argv, "c:d::fhlNP::vqr", long_options, NULL)) != EOF) {
	switch (ch) {
	    case 'c':
		configfilename = optarg;

	    case 'd':
		if (!optarg) {
		    debug = DEBUG_DEFAULT;
		} else {
		    char *p,*q;
		    size_t i, len;
		    struct debugname *d;

		    debug = 0;
		    p = optarg; q = NULL;
		    while (p) {
			q = strchr(p, ',');
			if (q)
			    *q++ = '\0';
			len = strlen(p);
			for (i = 0, d = debugnames; i < ARRAY_LEN(debugnames); i++, d++)
			    if (len >= d->nchars && strncmp(d->name, p, len) == 0)

			if (i == ARRAY_LEN(debugnames))
			    return usage();

			debug |= d->level;
			p = q;

	    case 'f':
		foreground = 1;

	    case 'h':
		return usage();

	    case 'l':
		killshow(SIGHUP, NULL);
		return 0;

	    case 'N':
		disable_all_by_default = 1;

	    case 'P':
#ifdef SNMP
		if (!optarg)
		    dest_port = DEFAULT_PORT;
		else {
		    dest_port = strtonum(optarg, 1, 65535, &errstr);
		    if (errstr) {
			warnx("destination port %s", errstr);
			dest_port = DEFAULT_PORT;
		warnx("SNMP support missing, please feel free to submit a patch.");

	    case 'v':
		printf("%s\n", versionstring);
		return 0;

	    case 'q':
		killshow(SIGTERM, NULL);
		return 0;

	    case 'r':
		killshow(SIGUSR1, _PATH_PIMD_DUMP);


	{ "scoresDown", CG_scrollScoresDown_f },
	{ "scoresUp", CG_scrollScoresUp_f },
	{ "startOrbit", CG_StartOrbit_f },
	//{ "camera", CG_Camera_f },
	{ "loaddeferred", CG_LoadDeferredPlayers },
	{ "invnext", CG_NextInventory_f },
	{ "invprev", CG_PrevInventory_f },
	{ "forcenext", CG_NextForcePower_f },
	{ "forceprev", CG_PrevForcePower_f },
	{ "briefing", CG_SiegeBriefing_f },
	{ "siegeCvarUpdate", CG_SiegeCvarUpdate_f },
	{ "siegeCompleteCvarUpdate", CG_SiegeCompleteCvarUpdate_f },
	{ "clientlist", CG_ClientList_f },

static size_t numCommands = ARRAY_LEN( commands );


The string has been tokenized and can be retrieved with
Cmd_Argc() / Cmd_Argv()
qboolean CG_ConsoleCommand( void ) {
	const char	*cmd;
	int		i;

	cmd = CG_Argv(0);

示例13: SETUP

	vle_cmds_add(commands, ARRAY_LEN(commands));

示例14: set_wordbreaks

 * Sets the word breaking information for a generic input string.
 * @param[in]  s			input string
 * @param[in]  len			length of the input
 * @param[in]  lang			language of the input
 * @param[out] brks			pointer to the output breaking data, containing
 * @param[in] get_next_char	function to get the next UTF-32 character
static void set_wordbreaks(
		const void *s,
		size_t len,
		const char *lang,
		char *brks,
		get_next_char_t get_next_char)
	enum WordBreakClass wbcLast = WBP_Undefined;
	/* wbcSeqStart is the class that started the current sequence.
	 * WBP_Undefined is a special case that means "sot".
	 * This value is the class that is at the start of the current rule
	 * matching sequence. For example, in case of Numeric+MidNum+Numeric
	 * it'll be Numeric all the way.
	enum WordBreakClass wbcSeqStart = WBP_Undefined;
	utf32_t ch;
	size_t posNext = 0;
	size_t posCur = 0;
	size_t posLast = 0;

	/* TODO: Language-specific specialization. */
	(void) lang;

	/* Init brks. */
	memset(brks, WORDBREAK_BREAK, len);

	ch = get_next_char(s, len, &posNext);

	while (ch != EOS)
		enum WordBreakClass wbcCur;
		wbcCur = get_char_wb_class(ch, wb_prop_default,

		switch (wbcCur)
	    case WBP_CR:
			/* WB3b */
			set_brks_to(s, brks, posLast, posCur, len,
						WORDBREAK_BREAK, get_next_char);
			wbcSeqStart = wbcCur;
			posLast = posCur;

	    case WBP_LF:
			if (wbcSeqStart == WBP_CR) /* WB3 */
				set_brks_to(s, brks, posLast, posCur, len,
							WORDBREAK_NOBREAK, get_next_char);
				wbcSeqStart = wbcCur;
				posLast = posCur;
			/* Fall off */

	    case WBP_Newline:
			/* WB3a,3b */
			set_brks_to(s, brks, posLast, posCur, len,
						WORDBREAK_BREAK, get_next_char);
			wbcSeqStart = wbcCur;
			posLast = posCur;

	    case WBP_Extend:
	    case WBP_Format:
			/* WB4 - If not the first char/after a newline (WB3a,3b), skip
			 * this class, set it to be the same as the prev, and mark
			 * brks not to break before them. */
			if ((wbcSeqStart == WBP_Undefined) || IS_WB3ab(wbcSeqStart))
				set_brks_to(s, brks, posLast, posCur, len,
							WORDBREAK_BREAK, get_next_char);
				wbcSeqStart = wbcCur;
				/* It's surely not the first */
				brks[posCur - 1] = WORDBREAK_NOBREAK;
				/* "inherit" the previous class. */
				wbcCur = wbcLast;

	    case WBP_Katakana:
			if ((wbcSeqStart == WBP_Katakana) || /* WB13 */
					(wbcSeqStart == WBP_ExtendNumLet)) /* WB13b */
				set_brks_to(s, brks, posLast, posCur, len,
							WORDBREAK_NOBREAK, get_next_char);

示例15: switch

static char *timing_test(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a)
	struct ast_timer *timer;
	int count = 0;
	struct timeval start, end;
	unsigned int test_rate = 50;

	switch (cmd) {
	case CLI_INIT:
		e->command = "timing test";
		e->usage = "Usage: timing test <rate>\n"
		           "   Test a timer with a specified rate, 50/sec by default.\n"
		return NULL;
		return NULL;

	if (a->argc != 2 && a->argc != 3) {

	if (a->argc == 3) {
		unsigned int rate;
		if (sscanf(a->argv[2], "%30u", &rate) == 1) {
			test_rate = rate;
		} else {
			ast_cli(a->fd, "Invalid rate '%s', using default of %u\n", a->argv[2], test_rate);

	ast_cli(a->fd, "Attempting to test a timer with %u ticks per second.\n", test_rate);

	if (!(timer = ast_timer_open())) {
		ast_cli(a->fd, "Failed to open timing fd\n");
		return CLI_FAILURE;

	ast_cli(a->fd, "Using the '%s' timing module for this test.\n", timer->holder->iface->name);

	start = ast_tvnow();

	ast_timer_set_rate(timer, test_rate);

	while (ast_tvdiff_ms((end = ast_tvnow()), start) < 1000) {
		int res;
		struct pollfd pfd = {
			.fd = ast_timer_fd(timer),
			.events = POLLIN | POLLPRI,

		res = ast_poll(&pfd, 1, 100);

		if (res == 1) {
			if (ast_timer_ack(timer, 1) < 0) {
				ast_cli(a->fd, "Timer failed to acknowledge.\n");
				return CLI_FAILURE;
		} else if (!res) {
			ast_cli(a->fd, "poll() timed out!  This is bad.\n");
		} else if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR) {
			ast_cli(a->fd, "poll() returned error: %s\n", strerror(errno));

	timer = NULL;

	ast_cli(a->fd, "It has been %" PRIi64 " milliseconds, and we got %d timer ticks\n",
		ast_tvdiff_ms(end, start), count);

	return CLI_SUCCESS;

static struct ast_cli_entry cli_timing[] = {
	AST_CLI_DEFINE(timing_test, "Run a timing test"),

static void timing_shutdown(void)
	ast_cli_unregister_multiple(cli_timing, ARRAY_LEN(cli_timing));

	timing_interfaces = NULL;
