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Python strip()用法及代碼示例

strip() 函數是 Python 的預定義庫函數。它用於通過刪除傳遞給 strip() 函數的前導和尾隨空格、字符和符號來返回原始字符串的副本。換句話說,它是 Python 字符串 strip() 函數,它通過將一組字符指定給 strip() 函數作為參數,從字符串的左端和右端刪除字符。默認情況下,如果沒有參數傳遞給 strip() 函數,它會從開始和結束字符串中刪除空格。

strip() function in Python


strip( 'characters' )


  1. strip ('chars'):strip() 參數是可選參數。因此,如果程序員沒有將任何參數傳遞給 strip() 函數,它將從字符串中刪除開始和結束空格。
  2. 如果給定參數的集合傳遞給 strip() 函數,它會從原始字符串中刪除字符或符號。


使用 strip() 函數從給定字符串中刪除字符或符號

讓我們考慮一個示例,通過從 Python 中的給定字符串中刪除前導或尾隨字符來執行 strip() 函數。


strinput = "  $$$$$  No. 1 Welcome to JAVATPOINT!! No. 1 $$$ "   
# use strip() function to remove the set of characters
res = strinput.strip ( ' $No. 10 !' ) # store result into res variable
print ( " Given string is:", strinput)
print ( " After removing the set of characters:", res) 

str3 = ' 1 11 111 111 1111 Learn Python Programming Tutorial 1111 111 11 1 '
str4 = str3. strip ( '1' )
print (" \n  Given string is ", str3)
print (" Stripping 1 from both ends of the string using strip ('1') function ", str4)

# define new string
str5 = '++++++Python Programming Tutorial****** $$$$$'
print ("\n Given string is = ", str5)
# use strip function to remove the symbols from both ends
str6 = str5. strip ( ' $*+' )
print (" Stripping the '+', '*' and '$' symbols on both sides of the string is = ", str6)


Given string is:   $$$$$  No. 1 Welcome to JAVATPOINT!! No. 1 $$$ 
 After removing the set of characters: Welcome to JAVATPOINT

 Given string is   1 11 111 111 1111 Learn Python Programming Tutorial 1111 111 11 1
 Stripping 1 from both ends of the string using strip ('1') function   1 11 111 111 1111 Learn Python 
Programming Tutorial 1111 111 11 1

 Given string is =  ++++++Python Programming Tutorial****** $$$$$
 Stripping the '+', '*' and '$' symbols on both sides of the string is =  Python Programming Tutorial

使用 strip() 函數從給定的字符串中刪除空格

讓我們考慮一個示例,通過從 Python 中的給定字符串中刪除前導或尾隨空格來執行 strip() 函數。


str1 = '   Welcome to the World!              '
# print the original string
print (' Given string is:', str1)

# use strip() function to remove whitespace
str2 = str1.strip()
print(" After removing whitespaces from an original string:", str2)

str3 = '             Learn    Python    programming          '
# print the original string
print (' Given string is:', str3)

# use strip() function to remove whitespace
str4 = str3.strip()
print(" After removing whitespaces from an original string:", str4)


Given string is:    Welcome to the World!
 After removing whitespaces from an original string: Welcome to the World!
 Given string is:              Learn    Python    programming
 After removing whitespaces from an original string: Learn    Python    programming

在上麵的程序中,我們使用 strip() 函數從給定字符串的開頭和結尾刪除空格,但它不會刪除字符串之間的空格。

使用 strip() 函數從用戶獲取任何字符串並刪除任何字符或符號的程序


str1 = input( " Enter the string ") # take a string 
print (" Your string is ", str1) 
ch = input (" Enter any character or symbol that you don't want to see in the string ")
res = str1.strip (ch) 
# print the string after using a strip() method
print (" After performing the strip() function, \n Your string is ", res)


Enter the string *** $$ Welcome to JavaTpoint. Learn Python programming !!! &&
 Your string is  *** $$ Welcome to JavaTpoint. Learn Python programming !!! &&
 Enter any character or symbol that you don't want to see in the string * $ Wel ! &
 After performing the strip() function, 
 Your string is  come to JavaTpoint. Learn Python programming

為什麽使用 Python strip() 函數?

以下是使用python strip函數的原因:

  1. 它有助於根據傳遞給 strip() 函數的字符從原始字符串的前導和尾隨中刪除字符。
  2. 如果用戶沒有將任何字符傳遞給 strip 函數,默認情況下,它隻會刪除字符串兩端的空格。
  3. 如果原始字符串的開頭或結尾沒有空格,則返回原始字符串而不對其進行修改。
  4. 如果傳入的字符與原始字符串不匹配,strip 函數返回原始字符串。


在上麵的話題中,我們了解了 Python 庫的 strip() 函數。它是一個 strip() 函數,用於去除原始字符串開頭和結尾的字符或空格。但是,如果用戶沒有將任何字符傳遞給 strip() 函數,它隻會從主字符串的開頭和結尾刪除空格。


注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自 strip() function in Python。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。