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JavaScript ArcGIS TravelMode用法及代碼示例



AMD: require(["esri/rest/support/TravelMode"], (TravelMode) => { /* code goes here */ });

ESM: import TravelMode from "@arcgis/core/rest/support/TravelMode";

類: esri/rest/support/TravelMode

繼承: TravelMode > Accessor

自從:用於 JavaScript 4.20 的 ArcGIS API


TravelMode 是一組特征,用於定義車輛、自行車或行人等對象如何沿街道網絡移動。在尋找方向以確定車輛或行人如何行駛以及他們可以去哪裏時,會考慮這些特征。要獲取支持的出行模式列表、查找默認出行模式以及查找和使用特定出行模式,您可以使用 networkService.fetchServiceDescription() 方法:

// 1. Get the default and supported travel modes of a route service
const apiKey = "<your api key>";
const url = "https://route-api.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/Route/NAServer/Route_World";
const serviceDescription = await fetchServiceDescription(url, apiKey);
const { defaultTravelMode, supportedTravelModes } = serviceDescription;
console.log(`The id of the default travel mode is: ${defaultTravelMode}.`);
console.log(`This service has ${supportedTravelModes.length} preset travel modes`);
// 2. Find and use the "Driving Time" travel mode
const apiKey = "<your api key>";
const url = "https://route-api.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/Route/NAServer/Route_World";
const serviceDescription = await fetchServiceDescription(url, apiKey);
const { supportedTravelModes } = serviceDescription;
const driveTimeTravelMode = supportedTravelModes.find((mode) => mode.name === "Driving Time");

// Solve a route using the "Driving Time" travel mode
const routeParameters = {
  stops: stopsFeatureSet, // route stops
  travelMode: driveTimeTravelMode
const result = await solve(url, routeParameters);

對於ArcGIS Enterprise 服務,出行模式的默認值基於使用網絡分析函數發布Map服務時的圖層設置。打開服務說明頁麵以查看參數的默認值。


注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自arcgis.com大神的英文原創作品 TravelMode。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。