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JavaFX 類 TextFlow用法及代碼示例

TextFlow類是JavaFX的一部分。 TextFlow類旨在布置富文本格式。它可用於在單個文本流中布局多個Text節點。 TextFlow類擴展了Pane類。


  1. TextFlow():創建一個新的textflow對象。
  2. TextFlow(Node… c):使用指定的節點創建一個新的textflow對象。


方法 說明
getLineSpacing() 返回文本流的行距
getTextAlignment() 返回文本流的文本對齊方式
setLineSpacing(double s) 設置文本流的行距。
setTextAlignment(TextAlignment v) 設置文本流的文本對齊方式。


  1. Java程序創建TextFlow並向其中添加文本對象:在此程序中,我們將創建一個名為text_flow的TextFlow和兩個名為text_1和text_2的Text。使用setFill()和setFont()設置填充和字體。我們將使用getChildren().add()函數將文本添加到text_flow。將text_flow添加到場景並將場景添加到舞台。調用show()函數以顯示最終結果。
    // Java program to create a TextFlow and  
    // add text object to it . 
    import javafx.application.Application; 
    import javafx.scene.Scene; 
    import javafx.scene.control.*; 
    import javafx.scene.layout.*; 
    import javafx.stage.Stage; 
    import javafx.event.ActionEvent; 
    import javafx.scene.paint.*; 
    import javafx.scene.text.*; 
    import javafx.scene.web.*; 
    import javafx.scene.layout.*; 
    import javafx.scene.shape.*; 
    public class TextFlow_0 extends Application { 
        // launch the application 
        public void start(Stage stage) 
            try { 
                // set title for the stage 
                // create TextFlow 
                TextFlow text_flow = new TextFlow(); 
                // create text 
                Text text_1 = new Text("GeeksforGeeks\n"); 
                // set the text color 
                // set font of the text 
                text_1.setFont(Font.font("Verdana", 25)); 
                // create text 
                Text text_2 = new Text("The computer science portal for geeks"); 
                // set the text color 
                // set font of the text 
                text_2.setFont(Font.font("Helvetica", FontPosture.ITALIC, 15)); 
                // add text to textflow 
                // create a scene 
                Scene scene = new Scene(text_flow, 400, 300); 
                // set the scene 
            catch (Exception e) { 
        // Main Method 
        public static void main(String args[]) 
            // launch the application 


  2. Java程序創建一個TextFlow並向其中添加文本對象,設置文本Alignment並設置文本流的行間距:在此程序中,我們將創建一個名為text_flow的TextFlow和兩個名為text_1和text_2的Text。使用setFill()和setFont()設置填充和字體。使用setTextAlignment()設置TextAlignment並使用setLineSpacing()函數設置行距。使用getChildren().add()函數將文本添加到text_flow。將text_flow添加到Vbox。將vbox場景和場景添加到舞台上。調用show()函數以顯示最終結果。
    // Java program to create a TextFlow and  
    // add text object to it, set text Alignment 
    // and set line spacing of the text flow. 
    import javafx.application.Application; 
    import javafx.scene.Scene; 
    import javafx.scene.control.*; 
    import javafx.scene.layout.*; 
    import javafx.stage.Stage; 
    import javafx.scene.layout.*; 
    import javafx.scene.paint.*; 
    import javafx.scene.text.*; 
    import javafx.geometry.*; 
    import javafx.scene.layout.*; 
    import javafx.scene.shape.*; 
    public class TextFlow_1 extends Application { 
        // launch the application 
        public void start(Stage stage) 
            try { 
                // set title for the stage 
                // create TextFlow 
                TextFlow text_flow = new TextFlow(); 
                // create text 
                Text text_1 = new Text("GeeksforGeeks\n"); 
                // set the text color 
                // set font of the text 
                text_1.setFont(Font.font("Verdana", 25)); 
                // create text 
                Text text_2 = new Text("The computer science portal for geeks"); 
                // set the text color 
                // set font of the text 
                text_2.setFont(Font.font("Helvetica", FontPosture.ITALIC, 15)); 
                // add text to textflow 
                // set text Alignment 
                // set line spacing 
                // create VBox 
                VBox vbox = new VBox(text_flow); 
                // set alignment of vbox 
                // create a scene 
                Scene scene = new Scene(vbox, 400, 300); 
                // set the scene 
            catch (Exception e) { 
        // Main Method 
        public static void main(String args[]) 
            // launch the application 



參考: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/api/javafx/scene/text/TextFlow.html


注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自andrew1234大神的英文原創作品 JavaFX | TextFlow Class。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。