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Java FileReader ready()用法及代碼示例

JavaFileReader類用於從數據文件中讀取數據。它以字節格式返回FileInputStream 類的數據。這是一個 character-oriented 類,用於 Java 中的文件處理。

ready() FileReader 類的方法

它檢查文件讀取器是否準備好讀取。它將返回一個布爾值,表明讀者是否準備好。它主要檢查該流是否準備好讀取。如果 InputStreamReader 的輸入緩衝區不為空,則 InputStreamReader 已準備就緒,或者 因此,可以從其下字節流中讀取字節。


public void ready()



Java FileReader 類是一個本質上是從數據文件讀取數據的程序執行文件的類。它存在於FileInputStream 類中。包含 Java FileReader 類 ready() 方法。 ready()方法用於檢查文件讀取器是否準備好讀取。它將返回一個布爾值,表明讀者是否已做好準備

  • 方法 每當要執行 FileReader 類 ready() 函數時,說明讀取器是否準備好讀取
  • 如果文件保存時有任何其他錯誤或操作中斷,則將拋出 IOException。

覆蓋:Reader 類中的 ready()


它不返回任何值,即 sleep 函數的返回類型為 void。如果下一個 read() 正在解釋不阻止輸入,則此方法返回 True,否則返回 false。因此請注意 - 返回 false 並不能保證下一次讀取將被阻止。

拋出異常: IO異常如果發生 I/O 錯誤,則拋出該錯誤。



// Java Program to Illustrate read() Method
// of FileReader Class
// Importing required classes
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
// Class
class GFG {
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Try block to check for exceptions
        try {
            // Creating a Reader instance for it
            String strg = "Reading the Article";
            Reader readxyz = new StringReader(strg);
            // Checking if the Reader is Ready to read
            System.out.println("Is Reader ready Now "
                               + "to be read: "
                               + readxyz.ready());
            // Getting the character to read from stream
            int pqr;
            // Read the first 4 characters to this reader
            // using read() method
            // Setting up the str in the stream
            // for to read by the reader
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                pqr = readxyz.read();
                // Print statements
                System.out.println("\nInteger value "
                                   + "of character read: "
                                   + pqr);
                System.out.println("Actual "
                                   + "character read: "
                                   + (char)pqr);
            // Closing the connections
            // using close() method
        // Catch block to handle the exceptions
        catch (Exception e) {
            // Displaying exceptions on console

Is Reader ready Now to be read: true

Integer value of character read: 82
Actual character read: R

Integer value of character read: 101
Actual character read: e

Integer value of character read: 97
Actual character read: a

Integer value of character read: 100
Actual character read: d


注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自khurpaderushi143大神的英文原創作品 Java FileReader Class ready() Method with Examples。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。