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C++ fpclassify()用法及代碼示例



int fpclassify(int x);
int fpclassify(float x);
int fpclassify(double x);
int fpclassify(long double x);



  • FP_INFINITE:當指定值為正無窮大或負無窮大時
  • FP_NAN:當指定的值不是數字時
  • FP_ZERO:當指定值為零時。
  • FP_SUBNORMAL:當指定值是正或負非正規化值時
  • FP_NORMAL:當指定值為正或負歸一化非零值時


// C++ program to demonstrate 
// the use of fpclassify() method 
#include <iostream> 
#include <math.h> 
using namespace std; 
// Function to implement fpclassify() method 
void fpclassification(double x) 
    // fpclassify() method 
    switch (fpclassify(x)) { 
    // For the data to be infinite 
    case FP_INFINITE:
        cout << "Infinite Number \n"; 
    // For the data to be not defined 
    // as in divide by zero 
    case FP_NAN:
        cout << "Not a Number \n"; 
    // For the data to be zero 
    case FP_ZERO:
        cout << "Zero \n"; 
    // For the data to be subnormal 
    case FP_SUBNORMAL:
        cout << "Subnormal value \n"; 
    // For the data to be normal 
    case FP_NORMAL:
        cout << "Normal value \n"; 
    // For the data to be invalid 
        cout << "Invalid number \n"; 
// Driver code 
int main() 
    // Example 1 
    double a = 1.0 / 0.0; 
    cout << "For 1.0/0.0:"; 
    // Example 2 
    double b = 0.0 / 0.0; 
    cout << "For 0.0/0.0:"; 
    // Example 3 
    double c = -0.0; 
    cout << "For -0.0:"; 
    // Example 4 
    double d = 1.0; 
    cout << "For 1.0:"; 
    return 0; 
For 1.0/0.0:Infinite Number 
For 0.0/0.0:Not a Number 
For -0.0:Zero 
For 1.0:Normal value


注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自verma_anushka大神的英文原創作品 fpclassify() method in C/C++ with Examples。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。