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Java ObjectInputStream和ObjectOutputStream的區別用法及代碼示例

在軟件項目中,很多情況下都需要傳輸數據,可以使用Java IO包中的ObjectOutputStream ObjectInputStream來處理。通常,數據以二進製格式寫入,因此我們無法查看其內容。 Serialization是將對象寫入輸出流的過程。我們可以編寫一個類對象本身,它包含原始數據類型和 Java 對象圖的組合。反序列化是從輸入流重建對象的過程。

執行:讓我們看看ObjectOutputStream 圖中所示為我們創建的POJO類稱為“VehicleSpecifications”。

Note: It should implement Serializable, otherwise, java.io.NotSerializableException will be thrown.

示例 1:


// Java Program simply illustrating POJO / Model class
// Importing input output class 
import java.io.Serializable;
// Class 1
// Implements Serializable  for POJO class to avoid
// NotSerializableException will be thrown
public class VehicleSpecifications implements Serializable {
    // Member variables of this class
    private String color;
    private String type;
    private String name;
    private double price;
    // Constructors of this class
    // Constructor- 1
    // Default constructor
    public VehicleSpecifications() {}
    // Constructor- 2
    // Parameterized constructor accepting all attributes and
    // helps to create a VehicleSpecifications class
    public VehicleSpecifications(String color, String type,
                                 String name, double price)
        // This keyword refers to current object itself
        this.color = color;
        this.type = type;
        this.name = name;
        this.price = price;
    // Methods of this class
    // Specifically  Getter and Setter methods
    // Method 1
    public double getPrice() { return price; }
    // Method 2
    public void setPrice(double price)
        this.price = price;
    // Method 3
    public String getName() { return name; }
    // Method 4
    public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; }
    // Method 5
    public String getColor() { return color; }
    // Method 6
    public void setColor(final String color)
        this.color = color;
    // Method 7
    public String getType() { return type; }
    // Method 8
    public void setType(final String type)
        this.type = type;

No output is as till now by far we have implemented just the constructors and defined body of methods including getters and setters. 

Now let us create a few vehicle specifications and write them in a file. As VehicleSpecifications implemented Serializable functionality, the data can be written to a file in a binary format. For this we will be using “writeObject” function and by using that we can write class attributes using write methods provided by ObjectOutputStream.

示例 2:


// Class 2
// Java Program to Create Few VehicleSpecification and
// Writing in a File
// Importing required classes from packages
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
// Main class
public class VehicleSpecificationsSerializer {
    // main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Output file been passed in a string
        String sampleOutputFile = "VehicleSpecification.db";
        // Try block to check for exceptions
        try {
            // Create a objectoutputstream accepting the
            // file name as VehicleSpecification.db
            ObjectOutputStream vehicleObjectOutput
                = new ObjectOutputStream(
                    new FileOutputStream(sampleOutputFile));
            // Create a list of VehicleSpecifications class
            List<VehicleSpecifications> listSpecifications
                = new ArrayList<VehicleSpecifications>();
            // Add the necessary data using standard add()
            // method Custom input
                new VehicleSpecifications("Radiant Red",
                                          "SUV", "WR-V",
                new VehicleSpecifications("Metallic Blue",
                                          "SUV", "WR-V",
                new VehicleSpecifications(
                    "Black", "SUV", "WR-V", 1900000f));
            // We are writing the whole object into the file
            // which is a list item of VehicleSpecifications
            // object
            // Closing the connection to release memory
        // Catch block to handle the exceptions
        catch (IOException ex) {
            // Print the exceptions along with line number
            // using printStackTrace() method



示例 3:


// Java Program to make above code human-readable
// Importing classes from required packages
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
// Main class
public class VehicleSpecificationsDeSerializer {
    // main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Input file
        String sampleInputFile = "VehicleSpecification.db";
        // Try block to check for exceptions
        try {
            // Creating an object of ObjectInputStream class
            ObjectInputStream vehicleObjectInputStream
                = new ObjectInputStream(
                    new FileInputStream(sampleInputFile));
            // Creating a List class object
            // Declaring object of user defined type
            // (VehicleSpecifications)
                = new ArrayList<VehicleSpecifications>();
            // Using readObject, bringing back the whole
            // list item of VehicleSpecifications into scope
            // readObject which can read class attributes
            // using read methods provided by
            // ObjectInputStream.
                = (ArrayList<VehicleSpecifications>)
            // Iterating over above object created
            for (int i = 0;
                 i < vehicleSpecificationsListData.size();
                 i++) {
                VehicleSpecifications vehicleSpecifications
                    = vehicleSpecificationsListData.get(i);
                // Print and display commands
                    "Color .."
                    + vehicleSpecifications.getColor());
                    "Name .."
                    + vehicleSpecifications.getName());
                    "Price .."
                    + vehicleSpecifications.getPrice());
                    "Type .."
                    + vehicleSpecifications.getType());
            // Closing the resources to free up memory space
        // Catch block to handle the exceptions
        // Catch block 1
        // Handling input output  exceptions
        catch (IOException ex) {
            // Printing the line number where exception
            // occurred using printStackTrace() method
        // Catch block 2
        // Handle exception if class not found
        catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            // Again, printing the line number where
            // exception occurred using printStackTrace()
            // method



因此,我們看到的是人類可讀格式的輸出。因此,我們的整個類對象集可以使用 java.io 包提供的 ObjectInput 和 ObjectOutput 流進行移植。因此,現在讓我們在了解ObjectOutputStream 和ObjectInputStream 的內部工作流程後,最終討論它們之間的差異。它們以表格格式顯示如下:

ObjectOutputStream ObjectInputStream
寫入 Java 對象 讀取 Java 對象
使用ArrayList,我們可以編寫多個Java對象 通過ArrayList,我們可以讀取和檢索多個Java對象
默認情況下,ArrayList是可序列化的,因此如果我們編寫像String這樣的對象ArrayList,則不需要實現可序列化,但元素應該是可序列化的。 writeObject()用於寫入ArrayList數據 ArrayList對象反序列化時,使用readObject()讀取ArrayList數據
如果我們使用類對象(如上麵討論的示例),該類應該實現可序列化,然後隻有在使用 writeObject() 方法時,才不會拋出 java.io.NotSerializedException 我們需要在使用readObject()時轉換相同格式的對象
writeObject()方法以二進製格式寫入序列化數據 readObject()方法反序列化並讀取數據
二進製格式不可讀。盡管我們傳遞的是 String、double 等原始數據,但在寫入時,數據是以二進製格式存儲的。 為了獲得完美的類格式的數據,我們需要使用ObjectInputStream來反序列化數據,我們可以獲得寫入的所有原始數據
作為一個完整的對象,它正在被寫入,隻要對象被序列化並以正確的格式寫入,就不會丟失數據 同樣,讀取整個對象,不會丟失數據,並且我們也可以輕鬆迭代數據。

不僅通過 writeObject() 寫入類對象,它還支持其他寫入方法,如下所示,以及為每種數據類型寫入的更多方法。

write(byte[] buffer)-> 寫入字節數組。

writeBoolean(布爾值) -> 寫入布爾值

writeDouble(double value)-> 寫入 64 位 double 值

writeInt(int value)-> 寫入 32 位 int


read()-> 讀取數據字節

readBoolean() -> 讀取布爾值。

readDouble()-> 讀取 64 位雙精度值。

readInt()->讀取 32 位 int。

ObjectOutputStream 可能的例外情況如下:

IOException - 如果在寫入流頭期間發生任何 I/O 錯誤


NullPointerException - 如果 OutputStream 未初始化,因此它可能為 null

ObjectInputStream 可能的例外情況如下:

StreamCorruptedException - 不正確的流標頭

IOException - 如果讀取流標頭時發生任何 I/O 錯誤


NullPointerException - 如果輸入流未初始化,因此它可能為空

writeObject 可能出現的異常如下:

InvalidClassException - 類的序列化應該正確,如果有問題。

NotSerializableException - 某些要序列化的對象未實現 java.io.Serializable 接口。這種情況很常見,因此必須讓類實現 Serialized

IOException - 在寫入期間,如果底層 OutputStream 發生 IO 錯誤。

readObject 可能出現的異常如下:

InvalidClassException - 類的序列化應該正確,如果有問題。

ClassNotFoundException - 序列化對象的類應該可用,如果找不到的話。

IOException - 讀取期間,如果底層 InputStream 發生 IO 錯誤




注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自priyarajtt大神的英文原創作品 Difference Between ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream in Java。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。