public System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary<TKey,TValue>.KeyCollection Keys { get; }
// C# code to get the keys
// in the SortedDictionary
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG {
// Driver code
public static void Main()
// Create a new SortedDictionary
// of strings, with string keys.
SortedDictionary<string, string> myDict =
new SortedDictionary<string, string>();
// Adding key/value pairs in myDict
myDict.Add("Australia", "Canberra");
myDict.Add("Belgium", "Brussels");
myDict.Add("Netherlands", "Amsterdam");
myDict.Add("China", "Beijing");
myDict.Add("Russia", "Moscow");
myDict.Add("India", "New Delhi");
// To get count of key/value pairs in myDict
Console.WriteLine("Total key/value pairs"
+ " in myDict are:" + myDict.Count);
// To get the keys alone,
// use the Keys property.
SortedDictionary<string, string>.KeyCollection keyColl =
// The elements of the KeyCollection
// are strongly typed with the type
// that was specified for dictionary
// keys
foreach(string s in keyColl)
Console.WriteLine("Key = {0}", s);
Total key/value pairs in myDict are:6 Key = Australia Key = Belgium Key = China Key = India Key = Netherlands Key = Russia
// C# code to get the keys
// in the SortedDictionary
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG {
// Driver code
public static void Main()
// Create a new SortedDictionary
// of ints, with int keys.
SortedDictionary<int, int> myDict =
new SortedDictionary<int, int>();
// Adding key/value pairs in myDict
myDict.Add(9, 8);
myDict.Add(3, 4);
myDict.Add(4, 7);
myDict.Add(1, 7);
// To get count of key/value pairs in myDict
Console.WriteLine("Total key/value pairs"
+ " in myDict are:" + myDict.Count);
// To get the keys alone,
// use the Keys property.
SortedDictionary<int, int>.KeyCollection keyColl =
// The elements of the KeyCollection
// are strongly typed with the type
// that was specified for dictionary
// keys
foreach(int s in keyColl)
Console.WriteLine("Key = {0}", s);
Total key/value pairs in myDict are:4 Key = 1 Key = 3 Key = 4 Key = 9
- C# Dictionary.Item[]用法及代碼示例
- C# SortedDictionary.Values用法及代碼示例
- C# SortedDictionary.Count用法及代碼示例
- C# SortedDictionary.Item[]用法及代碼示例
- C# Dictionary.Values用法及代碼示例
- C# Dictionary.Keys用法及代碼示例
- C# Dictionary.Count用法及代碼示例
- C# Queue.Count用法及代碼示例
- C# Queue.IsSynchronized用法及代碼示例
- C# Stack.Count用法及代碼示例
- C# Stack.IsSynchronized用法及代碼示例
注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自rupesh_rao大神的英文原創作品 C# | SortedDictionary.Keys Property。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。