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Bitcoin getblockchaininfo用法及代碼示例

比特幣(Bitcoin) RPC Blockchain API中getblockchaininfo的用法及代碼示例。





  "chain": "xxxx",              (string) current network name as defined in BIP70 (main, test, regtest)
  "blocks": xxxxxx,             (numeric) the current number of blocks processed in the server
  "headers": xxxxxx,            (numeric) the current number of headers we have validated
  "bestblockhash": "...",       (string) the hash of the currently best block
  "difficulty": xxxxxx,         (numeric) the current difficulty
  "mediantime": xxxxxx,         (numeric) median time for the current best block
  "verificationprogress": xxxx, (numeric) estimate of verification progress [0..1]
  "initialblockdownload": xxxx, (bool) (debug information) estimate of whether this node is in Initial Block Download mode.
  "chainwork": "xxxx"           (string) total amount of work in active chain, in hexadecimal
  "size_on_disk": xxxxxx,       (numeric) the estimated size of the block and undo files on disk
  "pruned": xx,                 (boolean) if the blocks are subject to pruning
  "pruneheight": xxxxxx,        (numeric) lowest-height complete block stored (only present if pruning is enabled)
  "automatic_pruning": xx,      (boolean) whether automatic pruning is enabled (only present if pruning is enabled)
  "prune_target_size": xxxxxx,  (numeric) the target size used by pruning (only present if automatic pruning is enabled)
  "softforks": [                (array) status of softforks in progress
        "id": "xxxx",           (string) name of softfork
        "version": xx,          (numeric) block version
        "reject": {             (object) progress toward rejecting pre-softfork blocks
           "status": xx,        (boolean) true if threshold reached
     }, ...
  "bip9_softforks": {           (object) status of BIP9 softforks in progress
     "xxxx" : {                 (string) name of the softfork
        "status": "xxxx",       (string) one of "defined", "started", "locked_in", "active", "failed"
        "bit": xx,              (numeric) the bit (0-28) in the block version field used to signal this softfork (only for "started" status)
        "startTime": xx,        (numeric) the minimum median time past of a block at which the bit gains its meaning
        "timeout": xx,          (numeric) the median time past of a block at which the deployment is considered failed if not yet locked in
        "since": xx,            (numeric) height of the first block to which the status applies
        "statistics": {         (object) numeric statistics about BIP9 signalling for a softfork (only for "started" status)
           "period": xx,        (numeric) the length in blocks of the BIP9 signalling period
           "threshold": xx,     (numeric) the number of blocks with the version bit set required to activate the feature
           "elapsed": xx,       (numeric) the number of blocks elapsed since the beginning of the current period
           "count": xx,         (numeric) the number of blocks with the version bit set in the current period
           "possible": xx       (boolean) returns false if there are not enough blocks left in this period to pass activation threshold
  "warnings" : "...",           (string) any network and blockchain warnings.


bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo
curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getblockchaininfo", "params": [] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'


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