本文整理匯總了TypeScript中snabbdom.h函數的典型用法代碼示例。如果您正苦於以下問題:TypeScript h函數的具體用法?TypeScript h怎麽用?TypeScript h使用的例子?那麽, 這裏精選的函數代碼示例或許可以為您提供幫助。
示例1: renderChildrenOf
function renderChildrenOf(ctx, node, opts): MaybeVNodes {
const cs = node.children, main = cs[0];
if (!main) return [];
if (opts.isMainline) {
const isWhite = main.ply % 2 === 1;
if (!cs[1]) return [
isWhite ? renderIndex(main.ply, false) : null,
...renderMoveAndChildrenOf(ctx, main, {
parentPath: opts.parentPath,
isMainline: true
const mainChildren = renderChildrenOf(ctx, main, {
parentPath: opts.parentPath + main.id,
isMainline: true
passOpts = {
parentPath: opts.parentPath,
isMainline: true
return [
isWhite ? renderIndex(main.ply, false) : null,
renderMoveOf(ctx, main, passOpts),
isWhite ? emptyMove() : null,
h('interrupt', renderLines(ctx, cs.slice(1), {
parentPath: opts.parentPath,
isMainline: true
...(isWhite && mainChildren ? [
renderIndex(main.ply, false),
] : []),
return cs[1] ? [renderLines(ctx, cs, opts)] : renderMoveAndChildrenOf(ctx, main, opts);
示例2: function
export default function(ctrl: Controller): VNode {
const showCeval = ctrl.vm.showComputer();
if (cevalShown !== showCeval) {
if (!cevalShown) ctrl.vm.autoScrollNow = true;
cevalShown = showCeval;
return h('div#puzzle.cg-512', [
h('div', {
hook: {
insert: _ => window.lichess.pubsub.emit('reset_zoom')()
class: { gauge_displayed: ctrl.showEvalGauge() }
}, [
h('div.lichess_game' + (ctrl.pref.blindfold ? '.blindfold' : ''), {
hook: {
insert: _ => window.lichess.pubsub.emit('content_loaded')()
}, [
h('div.lichess_ground', [
// we need the wrapping div here
// so the siblings are only updated when ceval is added
h('div', showCeval ? [
] : []),
h('div.underboard', [
h('div.center', [
示例3: renderTournament
function renderTournament(ctrl, tour) {
let width = tour.minutes * scale;
const left = leftPos(tour.startsAt);
// moves content into viewport, for long tourneys and marathons
const paddingLeft = tour.minutes < 90 ? 0 : Math.max(0,
Math.min(width - 250, // max padding, reserved text space
leftPos(now) - left - 380)); // distance from Now
// cut right overflow to fit viewport and not widen it, for marathons
width = Math.min(width, leftPos(stopTime) - left);
return h('a.tournament', {
class: tournamentClass(tour),
attrs: {
href: '/tournament/' + tour.id,
style: 'width: ' + width + 'px; left: ' + left + 'px; padding-left: ' + paddingLeft + 'px'
}, [
h('span.icon', tour.perf ? {
attrs: {
'data-icon': tour.perf.icon,
title: tour.perf.name
} : {}),
h('span.body', [
h('span.name', tour.fullName),
h('span.infos', [
h('span.text', [
displayClock(tour.clock) + ' ',
tour.variant.key === 'standard' ? null : tour.variant.name + ' ',
tour.position ? 'Thematic ' : null,
tour.rated ? ctrl.trans('rated') : ctrl.trans('casual')
tour.nbPlayers ? h('span.nb-players', {
attrs: { 'data-icon': 'r' }
}, tour.nbPlayers) : null
示例4: view
export function view(ctrl): VNode {
const candidates = ctrl.candidates();
return dialog.form({
class: 'study_invite',
onClose() {
content: [
h('h2', 'Invite to the study'),
h('p.info', { attrs: { 'data-icon': 'î
' } }, [
'Please only invite people you know,',
'and who actively want to join this study.'
candidates.length ? h('div.users', candidates.map(function(username) {
return h('span.user_link.button', {
key: username,
attrs: { 'data-href': '/@/' + username },
hook: bind('click', _ => ctrl.invite(username))
}, username);
})) : undefined,
h('div.input-wrapper', [ // because typeahead messes up with snabbdom
h('input', {
attrs: { placeholder: 'Search by username' },
hook: {
insert: vnode => {
const el = vnode.elm as HTMLInputElement;
window.lichess.userAutocomplete($(el), {
tag: 'span',
onSelect(v) {
el.value = '';
示例5: h
ctrl.data.nowPlaying.map(function(pov) {
return h('a.mini_board.is2d.' + pov.variant.key + (pov.isMyTurn ? '.my_turn' : ''), {
key: pov.gameId,
attrs: { href: '/' + pov.fullId }
}, [
h('div', [
h('div.cg-board-wrap', {
hook: {
insert(vnode) {
const lm = pov.lastMove;
const config = {
coordinates: false,
drawable: { enabled: false, visible: false },
resizable: false,
viewOnly: true,
orientation: pov.variant.key === 'racingKings' ? 'white' : pov.color,
fen: pov.fen,
lastMove: lm && [lm[0] + lm[1], lm[2] + lm[3]]
Chessground(vnode.elm as HTMLElement, config);
}, [ h('div.cg-board') ])
h('span.meta', [
pov.opponent.ai ? ctrl.trans('aiNameLevelAiLevel', 'Stockfish', pov.opponent.ai) : pov.opponent.username,
pov.isMyTurn ?
(pov.secondsLeft ? timer(pov) : ctrl.trans('yourTurn')) :
h('span', {
hook: {
insert(vnode) {
(vnode.elm as HTMLElement).innerHTML = ' ';
示例6: function
export default function(ctrl, color, position) {
if (!ctrl.node.crazy) return;
const pocket = ctrl.node.crazy.pockets[color === 'white' ? 0 : 1];
const dropped = ctrl.justDropped;
let captured = ctrl.justCaptured;
if (captured) {
captured = captured.promoted ? 'pawn' : captured.role;
const activeColor = color === ctrl.turnColor();
const usable = !ctrl.embed && activeColor;
return h('div.pocket.is2d.' + position, {
class: { usable },
hook: {
insert: vnode => {
if (ctrl.embed) return;
eventNames.forEach(name => {
(vnode.elm as HTMLElement).addEventListener(name, e => drag(ctrl, color, e as MouchEvent));
}, oKeys.map(role => {
let nb = pocket[role] || 0;
if (activeColor) {
if (dropped === role) nb--;
if (captured === role) nb++;
return h('piece.' + role + '.' + color, {
attrs: {
'data-role': role,
'data-color': color,
'data-nb': nb
示例7: renderMoves
function renderMoves(ctrl: RoundController): MaybeVNodes {
const steps = ctrl.data.steps,
firstPly = round.firstPly(ctrl.data),
lastPly = round.lastPly(ctrl.data);
if (typeof lastPly === 'undefined') return [];
const pairs: Array<Array<any>> = [];
let startAt = 1;
if (firstPly % 2 === 1) {
pairs.push([null, steps[1]]);
startAt = 2;
for (let i = startAt; i < steps.length; i += 2) pairs.push([steps[i], steps[i + 1]]);
const els: MaybeVNodes = [], curPly = ctrl.ply;
for (let i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
els.push(h('index', i + 1 + ''));
els.push(renderMove(pairs[i][0], curPly));
els.push(renderMove(pairs[i][1], curPly));
return els;
示例8: return
return (c: Challenge) => {
return h('div.challenge.' + dir + '.c-' + c.id, {
class: {
declined: !!c.declined
}, [
h('div.content', [
h('span.head', renderUser(dir === 'in' ? c.challenger : c.destUser)),
h('span.desc', [
ctrl.trans()(c.rated ? 'rated' : 'casual'),
].join(' ⢠'))
h('i', {
attrs: {'data-icon': c.perf.icon}
h('div.buttons', (dir === 'in' ? inButtons : outButtons)(ctrl, c))
示例9: view
export function view(ctrl: BoardCtrl): VNode {
return h('div.sub.board', [
header(ctrl.trans.noarg('boardGeometry'), ctrl.close),
h('div.selector', [
h('a.text', {
class: { active: !ctrl.data.is3d },
attrs: { 'data-icon': 'E' },
hook: bind('click', () => ctrl.setIs3d(false))
}, '2D'),
h('a.text', {
class: { active: ctrl.data.is3d },
attrs: { 'data-icon': 'E' },
hook: bind('click', () => ctrl.setIs3d(true))
}, '3D')
h('div.zoom', [
h('h2', ctrl.trans.noarg('boardSize')),
h('div.slider', {
hook: { insert: vnode => makeSlider(ctrl, vnode.elm as HTMLElement) }
示例10: renderIndexAndMove
export function renderIndexAndMove(ctx: Ctx, node): VNode[] {
return node.uci ?
[renderIndex(node.ply, ctx.withDots)].concat(renderMove(ctx, node)) :
[h('span.init', 'Initial position')];