本文整理匯總了TypeScript中lodash.pull函數的典型用法代碼示例。如果您正苦於以下問題:TypeScript pull函數的具體用法?TypeScript pull怎麽用?TypeScript pull使用的例子?那麽, 這裏精選的函數代碼示例或許可以為您提供幫助。
示例1: mergeSimilarOverloads
function mergeSimilarOverloads(overloads: Overload[]): Overload[] {
const newOverloads = _.cloneDeep(overloads);
for (const overload of newOverloads) {
// We can merge if all param types are the same except one, and the return types are the same.
// Also, we can't merge a placeholder param with a non-placeholder.
const others = newOverloads.filter(o2 => o2 !== overload
&& _.isEqual(overload.typeParams, o2.typeParams)
&& overload.params.length === o2.params.length
&& overload.params.length >= 1
&& overload.params.every((p, i) => isPlaceholder(p) === isPlaceholder(o2.params[i]))
&& overload.params.filter((p, i) => getParamType(p) !== getParamType(o2.params[i])).length <= 1
&& overload.returnType === o2.returnType);
if (_.isEmpty(others))
const differingParamIndexes = _(others)
.map(o2 => overload.params.findIndex((p, i) => getParamType(p) !== getParamType(o2.params[i])))
.filter(i => i !== -1)
if (differingParamIndexes.length > 1)
continue; // Only one param is different, but it's a different param for some overloads, so we can't merge
const similarOverloads = [overload].concat(others);
for (let i = 0; i < overload.params.length; ++i) {
const paramNames = _.uniq(similarOverloads.map(o => getParamName(o.params[i])));
const newParamName = (paramNames.length > 1) ? `${paramNames[0]}Or${paramNames.slice(1).map(_.upperFirst).join("Or")}` : paramNames[0];
const newParamType = _(similarOverloads)
.map(o => o.params[i])
.flatMap(p => getParamType(p).split("|"))
.sortBy(type => type === "undefined" ? 2 : (type === "null" ? 1 : 0))
.join(" | ");
overload.params[i] = `${newParamName}: ${newParamType}`;
_.pull(newOverloads, ...others);
return newOverloads;
request.always(() => _.pull(pendingComponents, request));
示例3: main
async function main() {
lineBreak = await getLineBreak();
const commonTypes: string[] = [];
const tsconfigPath = path.join("..", "tsconfig.json");
const subfolders = ["common"];
const promises: Array<Promise<string[]>> = [];
for (const subfolder of subfolders) {
promises.push(new Promise<string[]>((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readdir(path.join("..", subfolder), (err, files) => {
if (err) {
console.error(`failed to list directory contents for '${subfolder}': `, err);
const filePaths = files.map(f => path.join("..", subfolder, f));
try {
resolve(processDefinitions(filePaths, commonTypes));
} catch (e) {
console.error(`failed to process files in '${subfolder}': `, e);
let functions: string;
try {
functions = _.flatten(await Promise.all(promises)).join(lineBreak);
} catch (err) {
console.error("Failed to parse all functions: ", err);
_.pull(commonTypes, "LoDashExplicitWrapper");
const commonTypeSearch = new RegExp(`\\b(${commonTypes.join("|")})\\b`, "g");
functions = functions.replace(commonTypeSearch, "_.$1");
const syncFunctions = functions.replace(/\bLoDashExplicitWrapper\b/g, "LoDashExplicitSyncWrapper");
const asyncFunctions = functions.replace(/\bLoDashExplicitWrapper\b/g, "LoDashExplicitAsyncWrapper");
const lodashFile = [
"// AUTO-GENERATED: do not modify this file directly.",
"// If you need to make changes, modify types/lodash/scripts/generate-lowdb.ts (if necessary), then open a terminal in types/lodash/scripts, and do:",
"// npm install && npm run generate",
'import _ = require("lodash");',
'declare module "./index" {',
" interface LoDashExplicitSyncWrapper<TValue> {",
syncFunctions, // TODO: write sync?
" }",
" interface LoDashExplicitAsyncWrapper<TValue> {",
asyncFunctions, // TODO: write async?
" }",
const lodashFilePath = path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "..", "lowdb", "_lodash.d.ts");
fs.writeFile(lodashFilePath, lodashFile, (err) => {
if (err)
console.error(`Failed to write ${lodashFilePath}: `, err);
示例4: curryOverloads
function curryOverloads(overloads: Overload[], functionName: string, paramOrder: number[], spreadIndex: number, isFixed: boolean): Interface[] {
overloads = _.cloneDeep(overloads);
// Remove unused type parameters
for (const overload of overloads) {
for (let i = 0; i < overload.typeParams.length; ++i) {
const search = new RegExp(`\\b${overload.typeParams[i].name}\\b`);
if (overload.params.every(p => !search.test(p)) && !search.test(overload.returnType)) {
overload.typeParams.splice(i, 1);
if (overloads.some(o => o !== overload && _.isEqual(o, overload)))
_.pull(overloads, overload);
if (!isFixed) {
// Non-fixed arity functions cannot be curried.
for (const overload of overloads)
overload.params = overload.params.map(p => p.replace(/\?:/g, ":")); // No optional parameters
return [{
name: _.upperFirst(functionName),
typeParams: [],
paramOrder = paramOrder.filter(p => typeof p === "number");
const arity = paramOrder.length;
if (spreadIndex !== -1) {
// The parameter at this index is an array that will be spread when passed down to the actual function (e.g. assignAll, invokeArgs, partial, without).
// For these parameters, we expect the input to be an array (so remove the "...")
// Spread/rest parameters could be in any of the following formats:
// 1. The rest parameter is at spreadIndex, and it is the last parameter.
// 2. The rest parameter is immediately after spreadIndex, e.g. assign(object, ...sources[]). In this case, convert it to assignAll(...object[])
// 3. The rest parameter is not the last parameter, e.g. assignWith(object, ...sources[], customizer)
if (spreadIndex === arity - 1) {
// cases 1-2
for (let i = 0; i < overloads.length; ++i) {
const overload = overloads[i];
if (overload.params.length === arity && overload.params[spreadIndex] && overload.params[spreadIndex].startsWith("...")) {
overload.params[spreadIndex] = overload.params[spreadIndex].replace("...", "");
} else if (overload.params.length === arity + 1 && overload.params[spreadIndex + 1] && overload.params[spreadIndex + 1].startsWith("...")) {
overload.params.splice(spreadIndex + 1, 1);
const parts = overload.params[spreadIndex].split(":").map(_.trim);
parts[1] = `ReadonlyArray<${parts[1]}>`;
overload.params[spreadIndex] = `${parts[0]}: ${parts[1]}`;
} else {
_.pull(overloads, overload);
} else {
// case 3
const overload = overloads[0];
overloads = [{
jsdoc: overload.jsdoc,
typeParams: [],
params: [
...overload.params.slice(0, spreadIndex),
"args: ReadonlyArray<any>",
...overload.params.slice(overload.params.length - (arity - spreadIndex - 1)),
returnType: "any",
let filteredOverloads = overloads.filter(o => o.params.length >= arity && o.params.slice(arity).every(p => p.includes("?") && !p.startsWith("iteratee"))
&& o.params.every(p => !p.startsWith("...") && !p.startsWith("guard:")));
if (filteredOverloads.length === 0)
filteredOverloads = overloads.filter(o => o.params.length >= arity && o.params.slice(arity).every(p => p.includes("?") || p.startsWith("..."))
&& o.params.every(p => !p.startsWith("guard:")));
if (filteredOverloads.length === 0)
filteredOverloads = overloads.filter(o => o.params.length > 0 && o.params.length <= arity + 1 && o.params[o.params.length - 1].startsWith("..."));
if (filteredOverloads.length === 0)
console.warn(`No matching overloads found for ${functionName} with arity ${arity}`);
const restOverloads = overloads.filter(o => o.params.length > 0 && o.params[o.params.length - 1].startsWith("..."));
for (const restOverload of restOverloads) {
restOverload.params[restOverload.params.length - 1] = restOverload.params[restOverload.params.length - 1]
.replace(/\[\]$/, "")
.replace(/: Array<(.+)>$/, ": $1");
if (restOverload.params.length < arity) {
const paramToCopy = restOverload.params[restOverload.params.length - 1];
const copiedParams = _.range(2, arity - restOverload.params.length + 2).map(i => paramToCopy.replace(/(^.+?):/, `$1${i}:`));
for (const overload of filteredOverloads)
preProcessOverload(overload, functionName, arity);
const interfaces = _.flatMap(filteredOverloads, (o, i) => {
const reargParams = o.params.map((p, i) => o.params[paramOrder.indexOf(i)]);
return curryOverload({
typeParams: o.typeParams,
params: reargParams,
示例5: parseDefinitions
let paramStartIndex = overloadString.indexOf("(");
if (paramStartIndex !== -1) {
const overload: Overload = { typeParams: [], params: [], returnType: "", jsdoc: currentDefinition.jsdoc };
const previousLine = getPreviousLine(definitionString, overloadStartIndex).trim();
if (previousLine.startsWith("// tslint:disable"))
overload.tslintDisable = previousLine;
const typeParamStartIndex = overloadString.indexOf("<");
if (typeParamStartIndex !== -1 && typeParamStartIndex < paramStartIndex) {
const typeParamEndIndex = overloadString.indexOf(">(", typeParamStartIndex);
if (typeParamEndIndex !== -1) {
paramStartIndex = typeParamEndIndex + 1;
overload.typeParams = overloadString
.substring(typeParamStartIndex + 1, typeParamEndIndex)
.map((tpString): TypeParam => {
const typeParam: TypeParam = { name: tpString };
let parts = tpString.split(/=[^>]/);
if (parts[1])
typeParam.equals = parts[1].trim();
parts = tpString.split(" extends ");
if (parts[1])
typeParam.extends = parts[1].trim();
typeParam.name = parts[0].trim();
return typeParam;
const paramEndIndex = overloadString.indexOf("):", paramStartIndex);
if (paramEndIndex === -1) {
console.warn(`Failed to find parameter end position in overload for '${name}' (${filePath}).`);
overload.params = overloadString
.substring(paramStartIndex + 1, paramEndIndex)
.split(/,(?=[^,]+:)(?=(?:[^()]*|.*\(.*\).*)$)/m) // split on commas, but ignore Generic<T, U> and (a, b) => c
.map(o => _.trim(o, ","))
.filter(o => !!o);
overload.returnType = overloadString.substring(paramEndIndex + 2).trim();
} else {
// This overload actually points to an interface. Try to find said interface and get the overloads from there.
const overloadParts = overloadString.split(":");
const interfaceName = overloadParts[1].trim();
if (interfaceName.startsWith("typeof ") || interfaceName.startsWith("LoDashStatic[")) {
// This is an alias (e.g. first: typeof _.head, or first: LoDashStatic['head']).
// Ignore it since convert() will create this alias based on the original function.
let interfaceStartIndex: number;
let interfaceEndIndex: number;
if (!interfaceName.startsWith("{")) {
const ignoreInterfaceNames = ["string", "TemplateSettings", "MapCacheConstructor"];
if (ignoreInterfaceNames.includes(interfaceName))
const interfaceRegExp = new RegExp(`( *)interface ${interfaceName} {`);
const interfaceMatch = interfaceRegExp.exec(definitionString);
if (!interfaceMatch) {
const lineNumber = getLineNumber(definitionString, overloadStartIndex);
console.warn(`Failed to parse function '${name}': interface '${interfaceName}' not found. (${filePath} line ${lineNumber})`);
interfaceStartIndex = interfaceMatch.index + interfaceMatch[0].length;
interfaceEndIndex = definitionString.indexOf(`${lineBreak}${interfaceMatch[1]}}`, interfaceStartIndex);
if (interfaceEndIndex === -1) {
const lineNumber = getLineNumber(definitionString, interfaceStartIndex);
console.warn(`Failed to find end of interface '${interfaceName}' (starting at ${filePath} line ${lineNumber}).`);
_.pull(commonTypes, interfaceName);
} else {
// This is an inline type definition
interfaceStartIndex = definitionString.indexOf("{", overloadStartIndex + overloadParts[0].length) + 1;
interfaceEndIndex = definitionString.indexOf("}", interfaceStartIndex);
if (interfaceEndIndex === -1 || interfaceEndIndex >= endIndex) {
console.warn(`Failed to find closing '}' character for property '${name}' (${filePath}).`);
overloadEndIndex = definitionString.indexOf(";", interfaceEndIndex);
if (overloadEndIndex === -1 || overloadEndIndex >= endIndex) {
const lineNumber = getLineNumber(definitionString, overloadStartIndex);
console.warn(`Overload does not end with semicolon! ${filePath} line ${lineNumber}`);
overloadRegExp.lastIndex = overloadEndIndex;
const [definition] = parseDefinitions(definitionString, interfaceStartIndex, interfaceEndIndex, filePath, commonTypes, name);
if (definition) {
for (const overload of definition.overloads)
overload.jsdoc = currentDefinition.jsdoc;
if (currentDefinition && !_.isEmpty(currentDefinition.overloads))
return definitons;
_.forEach(object, (value, property) => {
if (!_.includes(forbidden, property)) {
cleaned[property] = _.cloneDeep(value);
_.pull(missing, property);
示例7: getJsRule
export const getModuleAndPlugins = (
target: Target,
command: Command,
options: EnvOptions
) => {
const rules: Rule[] = [
getJsRule(target, command),
const plugins: Plugin[] = [miniCssExtractPlugin, loaderOptionsPlugin];
if (options.parent.env.length) {
const definitions = options.parent.env.reduce(
(definitions, { key, value }) => {
definitions[`process.env.${key}`] = JSON.stringify(value);
return definitions;
{} as { [key: string]: string }
const definePlugin = new DefinePlugin(definitions);
if (project.ws.tsconfig) {
rules.push(getTsRule(target, command));
if (target === 'spa') {
// does node need a production build?
if (command === 'build -p') {
new CleanWebpackPlugin([project.ws.distReleaseDir], {
verbose: false,
root: process.cwd()
if (project.ws.tsconfig) {
plugins.push(new TypingsPlugin(project.ws.distReleaseDir));
} else if (command === 'build') {
new CleanWebpackPlugin([project.ws.distDir], {
verbose: false,
root: process.cwd()
if (project.ws.tsconfig && target === 'node') {
plugins.push(new TypingsPlugin(project.ws.distDir));
if (target === 'spa' && command === 'build -p') {
// should this be used in non-spa's, too?
// should we remove loaderOptionsPlugin then?
// switch css plugin
pull(plugins, miniCssExtractPlugin);
} else if (target === 'spa' && command === 'build') {
plugins.push(new HotModuleReplacementPlugin());
return { module: { rules }, plugins };
示例8: bryanTest1
bryanTest1() {
var array = [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3];
return _.pull(array, 2, 3);
示例9: removePlayer
export function removePlayer(player: Player) {
_.pull(players, player);
onDelete: (node: INode) => {
_.pull(this.model, node);