本文整理匯總了TypeScript中ember-cli-chai/qunit.withChai函數的典型用法代碼示例。如果您正苦於以下問題:TypeScript withChai函數的具體用法?TypeScript withChai怎麽用?TypeScript withChai使用的例子?那麽, 這裏精選的函數代碼示例或許可以為您提供幫助。
示例1: moduleForAcceptance
moduleForAcceptance('Acceptance | Events | Shirts | Viewing', {
beforeEach() { mockSetup({ logLevel: 1, mockjaxLogLevel: 4 }); },
afterEach() { mockTeardown(); }
test('a list of shirts', withChai(async expect => {
const event = make('event');
const shirts = makeList('shirt', 2);
mockQuery('shirt').returns({ models: shirts });
mockFindRecord('event').returns({ model: event });
await visit(`/dashboard/events/${event.id}/shirts`);
const selector = '[data-test-shirts-list]';
const list = find(selector);
test('a single shirt with purchases', withChai(async expect => {
const event = make('event');
const shirt = make('shirt', 'withPurchases');
示例2: visit
// custom url mock
Ember.$.mockjax({ url, responseText: payload, type: 'GET' });
Ember.$.mockjax({ url: 'https://checkout.stripe.com/api/outer/manhattan?key=a', responseText: {}, type: 'GET' });
// test start
await visit(`/${event.get('domain')}/register/${event.get('id')}/${registration.get('id')}`);
// skipped because for some reason the test is set up wrong,
// and loading the community registration route
// and also I don't know what StripeCheckout's deal is.
skip('can go back to add a competition', withChai(async expect => {
await preExistingRegistration(expect);
find('.small-12.columns p.left').html());
await click(editButton);
await click(topNavCompetitions);
示例3: test
// custom url mock
Ember.$.mockjax({ url, responseText: payload, type: 'GET' });
Ember.$.mockjax({ url: 'https://checkout.stripe.com/api/outer/manhattan?key=a', responseText: {}, type: 'GET' });
test('a registration is visible', withChai(async expect => {
// ember-data mocks
const event = make('event', { isEvent: true });
const order = make('order', { paid: false, total: 50, orderLineItems: [] });
const registrations = makeList('users/registration', 1, { attendeeFirstName: 'First', attendeeLastName: 'Last', orders: [order], unpaidOrder: order });
const rootRegistrationUrl = `${event.get('domain')}/register/${event.get('id')}`;
mockRequests({ event, registrations, order });
await visit(rootRegistrationUrl);
const text = find('td').text()
expect(text).to.include('First Last')
test('no items - are incomplete', withChai(async expect => {
// ember-data mocks
const event = make('event', { isEvent: true });
const order = make('order', { paid: false, total: 50, orderLineItems: [] });
示例4: beforeEach
beforeEach() { mockSetup({ logLevel: 1, mockjaxLogLevel: 4 }); },
afterEach() { mockTeardown(); }
test('can navigate from upcoming events', withChai(async expect => {
const upcomingEvents = makeList('upcoming-event', 2);
const openingTier = make('pricing-tier', { date: new Date(2016, 7) });
const event = make('event', { openingTier });
mockFindAll('upcoming-event').returns({ models: upcomingEvents });
mockFindRecord('event').returns({ model: event });
const url = `/api/hosts/${event.get('domain')}`;
const payload = { data: { type: 'events', id: 1, attributes: { id: 1, name: event.get('name') } } };
Ember.$.mockjax({ url, responseText: payload, type: 'GET' });
await visit('/upcoming-events');
const upcomingEvent = upcomingEvents.get(0);
const linkSelector = `[data-test-upcoming-event-id="${upcomingEvent.id}"] a`;
const link = find(linkSelector);
const text = link.text();
await click(linkSelector);
示例5: make
const event = make('event', { registrationOpensAt: opensAt, openingTier: { date: opensAt } });
mockFindRecord('event').returns({ model: event });
const url = `/api/hosts/${event.get('domain')}`;
const payload = { data: { type: 'events', id: event.id, attributes: { id: event.id, name: event.get('name') } } };
Ember.$.mockjax({ url, responseText: payload, type: 'GET' });
return event;
test('can view the registration welcome / not-ready page', withChai(async expect => {
const event = await setup();
const domain = event.get('domain');
await visit(`/${domain}`);
test('does not render form', withChai(async expect => {
const event = await setup();
const domain = event.get('domain');
await setup(event);
await visit(`/${domain}`);
const pText = find('p').text();
expect(pText).to.include('Registration opens at');