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TypeScript electron-builder-util.warn函數代碼示例

本文整理匯總了TypeScript中electron-builder-util.warn函數的典型用法代碼示例。如果您正苦於以下問題:TypeScript warn函數的具體用法?TypeScript warn怎麽用?TypeScript warn使用的例子?那麽, 這裏精選的函數代碼示例或許可以為您提供幫助。


示例1: computeDefaultAppDirectory

export async function computeDefaultAppDirectory(projectDir: string, userAppDir: string | null | undefined): Promise<string> {
  if (userAppDir != null) {
    const absolutePath = path.resolve(projectDir, userAppDir)
    const stat = await statOrNull(absolutePath)
    if (stat == null) {
      throw new Error(`Application directory ${userAppDir} doesn't exists`)
    else if (!stat.isDirectory()) {
      throw new Error(`Application directory ${userAppDir} is not a directory`)
    else if (projectDir === absolutePath) {
      warn(`Specified application directory "${userAppDir}" equals to project dir — superfluous or wrong configuration`)
    return absolutePath

  for (const dir of DEFAULT_APP_DIR_NAMES) {
    const absolutePath = path.join(projectDir, dir)
    const packageJson = path.join(absolutePath, "package.json")
    const stat = await statOrNull(packageJson)
    if (stat != null && stat.isFile()) {
      return absolutePath
  return projectDir

示例2: warn

 .catch(error => {
   if (dep.optional) {
     warn(`Cannot build optional native dep ${dep.name}`)
   else {
     throw error

示例3: checkMetadata

export function checkMetadata(metadata: Metadata, devMetadata: any | null, appPackageFile: string, devAppPackageFile: string): void {
  const errors: Array<string> = []
  const reportError = (missedFieldName: string) => {
    errors.push(`Please specify '${missedFieldName}' in the package.json (${appPackageFile})`)

  const checkNotEmpty = (name: string, value: string | n) => {
    if (isEmptyOrSpaces(value)) {

  if ((metadata as any).directories != null) {
    errors.push(`"directories" in the root is deprecated, please specify in the "build"`)

  checkNotEmpty("name", metadata.name)

  if (isEmptyOrSpaces(metadata.description)) {
    warn(`description is missed in the package.json (${appPackageFile})`)
  if (!metadata.author) {
    warn(`author is missed in the package.json (${appPackageFile})`)
  checkNotEmpty("version", metadata.version)

  if (devMetadata != null) {
    checkDependencies(devMetadata.dependencies, errors)
  if (metadata !== devMetadata) {
    checkDependencies(metadata.dependencies, errors)

    if (metadata.build != null) {
      errors.push(`'build' in the application package.json (${appPackageFile}) is not supported since 3.0 anymore. Please move 'build' into the development package.json (${devAppPackageFile})`)

  const devDependencies = (metadata as any).devDependencies
  if (devDependencies != null && "electron-rebuild" in devDependencies) {
    log('electron-rebuild not required if you use electron-builder, please consider to remove excess dependency from devDependencies\n\nTo ensure your native dependencies are always matched electron version, simply add script `"postinstall": "electron-builder install-app-deps" to your `package.json`')

  if (errors.length > 0) {
    throw new Error(errors.join("\n"))

示例4: async

 process.once("beforeExit", async () => {
   try {
     const list = (await listUserKeychains()).filter(it => it !== keychainFile)
     exec("security", ["list-keychains", "-d", "user", "-s"].concat(list))
   catch (e) {
     warn(`Cannot restore keychain search list: ${e}`)

示例5: signed

export function signed(packagerOptions: PackagerOptions): PackagerOptions {
  if (process.env.CSC_KEY_PASSWORD == null) {
    warn("macOS code sign is not tested — CSC_KEY_PASSWORD is not defined")
  else {
    packagerOptions.cscLink = CSC_LINK
  return packagerOptions

示例6: computeElectronVersion

export async function computeElectronVersion(projectDir: string, projectMetadata?: any | null): Promise<string> {
  // projectMetadata passed only for prepacked app asar and in this case no dev deps in the app.asar
  if (projectMetadata == null) {
    for (const name of ["electron", "electron-prebuilt", "electron-prebuilt-compile"]) {
      try {
        return (await readJson(path.join(projectDir, "node_modules", name, "package.json"))).version
      catch (e) {
        if (e.code !== "ENOENT") {
          warn(`Cannot read electron version from ${name} package.json: ${e.message}`)

  const packageJsonPath = path.join(projectDir, "package.json")
  const electronPrebuiltDep = findFromElectronPrebuilt(projectMetadata || await readJson(packageJsonPath))
  if (electronPrebuiltDep == null || electronPrebuiltDep === "latest") {
    try {
      const releaseInfo = await httpExecutor.request<any>({
        hostname: "github.com",
        path: "/electron/electron/releases/latest",
        headers: {
          Accept: "application/json",
      }, new CancellationToken())
      return (releaseInfo.tag_name.startsWith("v")) ? releaseInfo.tag_name.substring(1) : releaseInfo.tag_name
    catch (e) {

    throw new Error(`Cannot find electron dependency to get electron version in the '${packageJsonPath}'`)

  const firstChar = electronPrebuiltDep[0]
  return firstChar === "^" || firstChar === "~" ? electronPrebuiltDep.substring(1) : electronPrebuiltDep

示例7: reactCra

export async function reactCra(projectDir: string): Promise<Config> {
  if ((await statOrNull(path.join(projectDir, "public", "electron.js"))) == null) {
    warn("public/electron.js not found. Please see https://medium.com/@kitze/%EF%B8%8F-from-react-to-an-electron-app-ready-for-production-a0468ecb1da3")

  return {
    directories: {
      buildResources: "assets"
    files: ["build/**/*"],
    extraMetadata: {
      main: "build/electron.js"

示例8: getToolPath

async function getToolPath(): Promise<ToolInfo> {
  if (isUseSystemSigncode()) {
    return {path: "osslsigncode"}

  const result = process.env.SIGNTOOL_PATH
  if (result) {
    return {path: result}

  const vendorPath = await getSignVendorPath()
  if (process.platform === "win32") {
    // use modern signtool on Windows Server 2012 R2 to be able to sign AppX
    if (isOldWin6()) {
      return {path: path.join(vendorPath, "windows-6", "signtool.exe")}
    else {
      return {path: path.join(vendorPath, "windows-10", process.arch, "signtool.exe")}
  else if (process.platform === "darwin") {
    let suffix: string | null = null
    try {
      if (await isMacOsSierra()) {
        const toolDirPath = path.join(vendorPath, process.platform, "10.12")
        return {
          path: path.join(toolDirPath, "osslsigncode"),
          env: computeToolEnv([path.join(toolDirPath, "lib")]),
      else if (isCi) {
        // not clear for what we do this instead of using version detection
        suffix = "ci"
    catch (e) {
      warn(`${e.stack || e}`)
    return {path: path.join(vendorPath, process.platform, `${suffix == null ? "" : `${suffix}/`}osslsigncode`)}
  else {
    return {path: path.join(vendorPath, process.platform, "osslsigncode")}

示例9: reportError

  private async reportError(isMas: boolean, certificateType: CertType, qualifier: string | null | undefined, keychainName: string | null | undefined) {
    let message: string
    if (qualifier == null) {
      message = `App is not signed`
      if (isAutoDiscoveryCodeSignIdentity()) {
        const postfix = isMas ? "" : ` or custom non-Apple code signing certificate`
        message += `: cannot find valid "${certificateType}" identity${postfix}`
      message += ", see https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/wiki/Code-Signing"
      if (!isAutoDiscoveryCodeSignIdentity()) {
        message += `\n(CSC_IDENTITY_AUTO_DISCOVERY=false)`
    else {
      message = `Identity name "${qualifier}" is specified, but no valid identity with this name in the keychain`

    const args = ["find-identity"]
    if (keychainName != null) {

    if (qualifier != null || isAutoDiscoveryCodeSignIdentity()) {
      const allIdentities = (await exec("security", args))
        .filter(it => !(it.includes("Policy: X.509 Basic") || it.includes("Matching identities")))
      message += "\n\nAll identities:\n" + allIdentities

    if (isMas || this.forceCodeSigning) {
      throw new Error(message)
    else {

示例10: sign

  private async sign(appPath: string, outDir: string | null, masOptions: MasBuildOptions | null): Promise<void> {
    if (process.platform !== "darwin") {
      warn("macOS application code signing is supported only on macOS, skipping.")

    if (isPullRequest()) {
      if (process.env.CSC_FOR_PULL_REQUEST === "true") {
      else {
        // https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/issues/1524
        warn("Current build is a part of pull request, code signing will be skipped." +
          "\nSet env CSC_FOR_PULL_REQUEST to true to force code signing." +

    const isMas = masOptions != null
    const macOptions = this.platformSpecificBuildOptions
    const qualifier = (isMas ? masOptions!.identity : null) || macOptions.identity

    if (!isMas && qualifier === null) {
      if (this.forceCodeSigning) {
        throw new Error("identity explicitly is set to null, but forceCodeSigning is set to true")
      log("identity explicitly is set to null, skipping macOS application code signing.")

    const keychainName = (await this.codeSigningInfo).keychainName
    const explicitType = isMas ? masOptions!.type : macOptions.type
    const type = explicitType || "distribution"
    const isDevelopment = type === "development"
    const certificateType = getCertificateType(isMas, isDevelopment)
    let identity = await findIdentity(certificateType, qualifier, keychainName)
    if (identity == null) {
      if (!isMas && !isDevelopment && explicitType !== "distribution") {
        identity = await findIdentity("Mac Developer", qualifier, keychainName)
        if (identity != null) {
          warn("Mac Developer is used to sign app — it is only for development and testing, not for production")

      if (identity == null) {
        await this.reportError(isMas, certificateType, qualifier, keychainName)

    const signOptions: any = {
      "identity-validation": false,
      // https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/issues/1699
      ignore: (file: string) => file.startsWith("/Contents/PlugIns", appPath.length),
      identity: identity!,
      platform: isMas ? "mas" : "darwin",
      version: this.config.electronVersion,
      app: appPath,
      keychain: keychainName || undefined,
      binaries:  (isMas && masOptions != null ? masOptions.binaries : macOptions.binaries) || undefined,
      requirements: isMas || macOptions.requirements == null ? undefined : await this.getResource(macOptions.requirements),
      "gatekeeper-assess": appleCertificatePrefixes.find(it => identity!.name.startsWith(it)) != null

    await this.adjustSignOptions(signOptions, masOptions)
    await task(`Signing app (identity: ${identity.hash} ${identity.name})`, this.doSign(signOptions))

    // https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/issues/1196#issuecomment-312310209
    if (masOptions != null && !isDevelopment) {
      const certType = isDevelopment ? "Mac Developer" : "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer"
      const masInstallerIdentity = await findIdentity(certType, masOptions.identity, keychainName)
      if (masInstallerIdentity == null) {
        throw new Error(`Cannot find valid "${certType}" identity to sign MAS installer, please see https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/wiki/Code-Signing`)

      const pkg = path.join(outDir!, this.expandArtifactNamePattern(masOptions, "pkg"))
      await this.doFlat(appPath, pkg, masInstallerIdentity, keychainName)
      this.dispatchArtifactCreated(pkg, null, Arch.x64, this.computeSafeArtifactName("pkg"))
