本文整理匯總了TypeScript中d3.map函數的典型用法代碼示例。如果您正苦於以下問題:TypeScript map函數的具體用法?TypeScript map怎麽用?TypeScript map使用的例子?那麽, 這裏精選的函數代碼示例或許可以為您提供幫助。
示例1: partitionChildren
function partitionChildren(parent, children, lastIdValue, keys, currKeyIndex) {
if (currKeyIndex >= keys.length) {
children.forEach(c => { c.parent = parent; });
return children;
let keyMap = d3.map();
children.forEach(c => {
let currKeyValue = currentKeyValue(c, keys, currKeyIndex);
let currKeyArray = arrayForKey(keyMap, currKeyValue);
let newNodes = [];
keyMap.each((v,k) => {
let newIdValue = lastIdValue + k;
let newInnerNode = {
id: newIdValue,
keyValue: k,
parent: parent,
children: null };
newInnerNode.children = partitionChildren(newInnerNode, v, newIdValue, keys, currKeyIndex + 1);
return newNodes;
示例2: updateStacked
private updateStacked(data: any[]) {
let propertyKey = this.config.get('propertyKey');
let propertyX = this.config.get('propertyX');
let propertyY = this.config.get('propertyY');
let keys: any = map(data, (d) => d[propertyKey]).keys();
let stack = this.config.get('stack');
data = stack.keys(keys)(simple2stacked(data, propertyX, propertyY, propertyKey));
let colorScale = this.config.get('colorScale'),
layer = this.svg.selectAll('.barSeries').data(data),
layerEnter = layer.enter().append('g'),
x = this.x.xAxis.scale(),
y = this.y.yAxis.scale();
.attr('class', 'barSeries')
.attr(Globals.COMPONENT_DATA_KEY_ATTRIBUTE, (d: any) => d[propertyKey])
.style('fill', (d: any, i: number) => d[propertyKey] !== undefined
? colorScale(d[propertyKey])
: colorScale(i)
.data((d: any) => d)
.attr('data-proteic-element', 'bar')
.attr('x', (d: any) => x(d.data[propertyKey]))
.attr('y', (d: any) => y(d[1]))
.attr('height', (d: any) => y(d[0]) - y(d[1]))
.attr('width', x.bandwidth());
示例3: discontinuousTimeScaleProvider
function discontinuousTimeScaleProvider(data,
indexMutator) {
var calculate = discontinuousIndexCalculatorLocalTime.source(dateAccessor);
var index = calculate(data);
// var interval1 = Math.round((dateAccessor(last(data)) - dateAccessor(head(data))) / data.length)
// console.log(interval, interval1);
var map = d3.map()
for (var i = 0; i < data.length - 1; i++) {
var nextDate = dateAccessor(data[i + 1]);
var nowDate = dateAccessor(data[i]);
var diff = nextDate - nowDate;
if (map.has(diff)) {
var count = parseInt(map.get(diff), 10) + 1;
map.set(diff, count)
} else {
map.set(diff, 1)
var entries = map.entries().sort((a, b) => a.value < b.value);
// For Renko/p&f
var interval = entries[0].value === 1
? Math.round((dateAccessor(last(data)) - dateAccessor(head(data))) / data.length)
: parseInt(entries[0].key, 10)
// console.log(interval, entries[0].key);
var xScale = financeDiscontinuousScale(index, interval);
// console.log(index);
var mergedData = zipper()
var finalData = mergedData(data, index);
return {
data: finalData,
xAccessor: d => d && indexAccessor(d).index,
displayXAccessor: dateAccessor,
示例4: update
public update(data: any[]): void {
let propertyKey = this.config.get('propertyKey');
let propertyX = this.config.get('propertyX');
let propertyY = this.config.get('propertyY');
let colorScale = this.config.get('colorScale'),
onDown = this.config.get('onDown'),
onUp = this.config.get('onUp'),
onLeave = this.config.get('onLeave'),
onHover = this.config.get('onHover'),
onClick = this.config.get('onClick'),
keys = map(data, (d) => d[propertyKey]).keys(),
data4stack = simple2stacked(data, propertyX, propertyY, propertyKey),
stack = this.config.get('stack'),
dataSeries = stack(data4stack);
this.areaGenerator.x((d: any) => this.xyAxes.x.xAxis.scale()((new Date(d.data[propertyKey]))));
// JOIN series
let series = this.svg.selectAll(`.${Globals.SELECTOR_SERIE}`)
// UPDATE series
series.attr('class', Globals.SELECTOR_SERIE)
.attr(Globals.COMPONENT_DATA_KEY_ATTRIBUTE, (d: any) => d[propertyKey])
.attr('d', this.areaGenerator)
.style('fill', (d: any, i: number) => colorScale(d[propertyKey]));
// ENTER + UPDATE series
series = series.enter().append('path')
.attr('class', Globals.SELECTOR_SERIE)
.attr('data-proteic-element', 'stream')
.attr(Globals.COMPONENT_DATA_KEY_ATTRIBUTE, (d: any) => d[propertyKey])
.attr('d', this.areaGenerator)
.style('fill', (d: any, i: number) => colorScale(d[propertyKey]))
// EXIT series
.attr('opacity', 1)
.on('mousedown.user', onDown)
.on('mouseup.user', onUp)
.on('mouseleave.user', onLeave)
.on('mouseover.user', onHover)
.on('click.user', onClick);
示例5: updateGrouped
private updateGrouped(data: any[]) {
let propertyKey = this.config.get('propertyKey');
let propertyX = this.config.get('propertyX');
let propertyY = this.config.get('propertyY');
let width = this.config.get('width');
let keys = map(data, (d) => d[propertyKey]).keys();
this.keys = keys;
let colorScale = this.config.get('colorScale'),
layer: any = null,
x = this.x.xAxis.scale(),
y = this.y.yAxis.scale(),
xGroup = scaleBand().domain(keys).range([0, x.bandwidth()]),
height = this.config.get('height');
let nestedData = simple2nested(data, propertyKey);
// JOIN series
let serie = this.svg.selectAll(`.${Globals.SELECTOR_SERIE}`)
// UPDATE series
serie.attr('class', Globals.SELECTOR_SERIE)
.attr(Globals.COMPONENT_DATA_KEY_ATTRIBUTE, (d: any) => d[propertyKey]);
// ENTER + UPDATE series
serie = serie.enter().append('g')
.attr('class', Globals.SELECTOR_SERIE)
.attr(Globals.COMPONENT_DATA_KEY_ATTRIBUTE, (d: any) => d[propertyKey])
// EXIT series
// JOIN bars
let bars = serie.selectAll(`.${Globals.SELECTOR_ELEMENT}`)
.data((d: any) => d.values, (d: any) => d[propertyX]);
// UPDATE bars
this.elementUpdate = bars
.attr('class', Globals.SELECTOR_ELEMENT)
.attr('fill', (d: any, i: number) => d[propertyKey] !== undefined
? colorScale(d[propertyKey])
: colorScale(i)
.attr('transform', (d: any) => 'translate(' + xGroup(d[propertyKey]) + ')')
.attr('x', (d: any) => x(d[propertyX]));
// ENTER bars
this.elementEnter = bars.enter()
.attr('data-proteic-element', 'bar')
.attr('class', Globals.SELECTOR_ELEMENT)
.attr('fill', (d: any, i: number) => d[propertyKey] !== undefined
? colorScale(d[propertyKey])
: colorScale(i)
.attr('transform', (d: any) => 'translate(' + xGroup(d[propertyKey]) + ')')
.attr('height', 0) // This makes the transition start
.attr('y', y(0)) // at the bottom of the chart
.attr('x', (d: any) => x(d[propertyX]))
.attr('width', xGroup.bandwidth());
// EXIT bars
this.elementExit = bars.exit();
.attr('class', 'baseline')
.attr('y1', y(0))
.attr('y2', y(0))
.attr('x2', width);
示例6: update
public update(data: any[]): void {
let propertyKey = this.config.get('propertyKey');
let propertyStart = this.config.get('propertyStart');
let propertyEnd = this.config.get('propertyEnd');
let propertyZ = this.config.get('propertyZ');
data = data.filter((d) => propertyEnd in d || propertyStart in d);
let colorScale = this.config.get('colorScale'),
colorScaleType = this.config.get('colorScaleType'),
height = this.config.get('height'),
onDown = this.config.get('onDown'),
onUp = this.config.get('onUp'),
onLeave = this.config.get('onLeave'),
onHover = this.config.get('onHover'),
onClick = this.config.get('onClick'),
displayValues = this.config.get('displayValues'),
valuesFormat = this.config.get('valuesFormat'),
keys = map(data, (d) => d[propertyKey]).keys(),
layer = this.svg.selectAll('.serie').data(data),
layerEnter = null,
layerMerge = null,
box = null,
boxEnter = null,
boxExit = null,
boxMerge = null,
extLanes = null,
yLanes: any = null,
yLanesBand = scaleBand().range([0, keys.length + 1]).domain(keys),
x = this.xyAxes.x.xAxis.scale(),
y = this.xyAxes.y.yAxis.scale();
if (colorScaleType === 'sequential') {
let min = (d3Min(data, (d: any) => +d[propertyZ])),
max = (d3Max(data, (d: any) => +d[propertyZ]));
colorScale.domain([min, max]);
data = simple2nested(data, propertyKey);
extLanes = extent(data, (d, i) => i);
yLanes = scaleLinear().domain([extLanes[0], extLanes[1] + 1]).range([0, height]);
layer = this.svg.selectAll('.serie').data(data);
// NOTE: d.key instead of d[propertyKey] because data is d3.Nest
layerEnter = layer.enter()
.attr(Globals.COMPONENT_DATA_KEY_ATTRIBUTE, (d: any) => d.key);
layerMerge = layer.merge(layerEnter)
.attr('class', 'serie');
box = layerMerge.selectAll('.box')
.data((d: any) => d.values);
boxExit = layer.exit().remove();
boxEnter = box.enter()
.attr('class', 'box');
.attr('data-proteic-element', 'timeBox')
.attr('width', (d: any) => x(d[propertyEnd]) - x(d[propertyStart]))
.attr('x', (d: any) => x(d[propertyStart]))
.attr('y', (d: any) => y(d[propertyKey]))
.attr('height', () => 0.8 * yLanes(1))
.style('fill', (d: any) => colorScaleType === 'sequential'
? colorScale(d[propertyZ])
: colorScale(d[propertyKey])
if (displayValues) {
.attr('x', (d: any) => x(d[propertyStart]) + (x(d[propertyEnd]) - x(d[propertyStart])) / 2)
.attr('y', (d: any) => y(d[propertyKey]) + 0.8 * yLanes(1) / 2)
.attr('dy', '3')
.attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
.attr('dominant-baseline', 'middle')
.text((d: any) => format(valuesFormat)(d[propertyZ]));
boxMerge = box.merge(boxEnter);
.attr('width', (d: any) => x(d[propertyEnd]) - x(d[propertyStart]))
.attr('x', (d: any) => x(d[propertyStart]))
.attr('y', (d: any) => y(d[propertyKey]))
.attr('height', () => 0.8 * yLanes(1))
.style('fill', (d: any) => colorScaleType === 'sequential'
? colorScale(d[propertyZ])
: colorScale(d[propertyKey])
if (displayValues) {
.attr('x', (d: any) => x(d[propertyStart]) + (x(d[propertyEnd]) - x(d[propertyStart])) / 2)
.attr('y', (d: any) => y(d[propertyKey]) + 0.8 * yLanes(1) / 2)