本文整理匯總了TypeScript中cucumber.defineSupportCode函數的典型用法代碼示例。如果您正苦於以下問題:TypeScript defineSupportCode函數的具體用法?TypeScript defineSupportCode怎麽用?TypeScript defineSupportCode使用的例子?那麽, 這裏精選的函數代碼示例或許可以為您提供幫助。
示例1: defineSupportCode
defineSupportCode(function ({ Given, Then, When, setDefaultTimeout }) {
Given('I choose to moderate members of the community before', () => {
return utils.pressButton("#acceptBefore");
Given('I choose to moderate members of the community after', () => {
return utils.pressButton("#acceptAfter");
When('I save the community', () => {
return utils.pressButton(".save-community");
Given('I press button leave community', () => {
utils.pressButton("profile-join .actions .profile-actions .leave");
return browser.waitForAngular();
Given('I press button join community', () => {
return utils.pressButton("profile-join .actions .profile-actions .join");
Given('I prepare community to run tests', () => {
return utils.goTo("adminuser").then(() => {
return utils.destroy("e2e-community");
}).then(() => {
return browser.get('/myprofile/adminuser');
}).then( () => {
return utils.pressButton('ul li .communities');
}).then( () => {
return utils.pressButton('.create-community');
}).then( () => {
return element(by.css('#name')).sendKeys('E2e community');
}).then( () => {
return utils.pressButton('#acceptAfter');
}).then( () => {
return utils.pressButton('.save-community');
}).then( () => {
return utils.goTo("e2e-community");
Then('I should see join community button', () => {
return expect(element(by.css("profile-join .actions .profile-actions .join")).isPresent()).to.eventually.equal(true);
示例2: require
import { browser } from 'protractor';
import { CalculatorPageObject } from '../pages/test.page';
import { defineSupportCode } from 'cucumber';
let chai = require('chai').use(require('chai-as-promised'));
let expect = chai.expect;
defineSupportCode(({Given, When, Then}) => {
let calc: CalculatorPageObject = new CalculatorPageObject();
Given(/^The calculator component is present$/, () => {
return expect(browser.getTitle()).to.eventually.equal('My App');
When(/^I type two numbers "(.*?)" "(.*?)"$/, (num1: string, num2: string) => {
return calc.valueB.sendKeys(num2);
Then(/^the correct result should be displayed "(.*?)"$/, (result: string) => {
return expect(calc.result.getText()).to.eventually.equal(result);
示例3: defineSupportCode
import { expect } from 'chai';
import { defineSupportCode } from 'cucumber';
import { AppPage } from './app.po';
defineSupportCode(({Given, When, Then, Before}) => {
let app: AppPage;
Before(() => {
app = new AppPage();
Given('I am on the angular.io site',
() => app.navigateTo());
When('I type {string} into the search input field',
(text: string) => app.enterSearchInput(text));
Then('I should see some results in the search overlay',
() => app.getSearchResultItems()
.then(elems => expect(elems.length).to.be.greaterThan(0)));
示例4: defineSupportCode
defineSupportCode(function ({ Given, Then, When, setDefaultTimeout }) {
Given('I go to the homepage', () => {
return browser.get('/');
Then('I should be on the homepage', () => {
return expect(browser.getCurrentUrl()).to.eventually.equal('http://localhost:49152/');
Then('I should be on {stringInDoubleQuotes}', (stringInDoubleQuotes) => {
return expect(browser.getCurrentUrl()).to.eventually.equal(`http://localhost:49152${stringInDoubleQuotes}`);
Given('I follow {stringInDoubleQuotes}', (stringInDoubleQuotes) => {
return utils.pressButton(stringInDoubleQuotes);
Given('I fill in the following:', (table, callback) => {
for (const line of table.raw()) {
Given('I pause', (callback) => {
When('I press {stringInDoubleQuotes}', (stringInDoubleQuotes) => {
return utils.pressButton(stringInDoubleQuotes);
When('I press first {stringInDoubleQuotes}', (stringInDoubleQuotes) => {
return element.all(by.css(stringInDoubleQuotes)).first().click();
Then('I should be logged in as {stringInDoubleQuotes}', (stringInDoubleQuotes) => {
return expect(element(by.css('#navbar .profile-link .truncated-profile-name')).getText()).to.eventually.equal(stringInDoubleQuotes);
Given('I login with {stringInDoubleQuotes}, {stringInDoubleQuotes}', (user: string, password: string) => {
return utils.pressButton('#navbar .login').then(() => {
return element(by.css(".modal-dialog #email")).sendKeys(user);
}).then(() => {
return element(by.css(".modal-dialog #passwd")).sendKeys(password);
}).then(() => {
return utils.pressButton(".btn-login");
Given('I go to {stringInDoubleQuotes} profile', (profile) => {
return browser.driver.get(`http://localhost:49152/${profile}`);
Given('I go to {stringInDoubleQuotes}', (page) => {
return browser.driver.get(`http://localhost:49152${page}`);
Given('I enter in edit mode', () => {
return utils.pressButton(".button-edit-mode");
Given('I enter in profile setup', () => {
return utils.pressButton(".open-setup");
Given('I enter members menu', () => {
return utils.pressButton("ul li .members");
Given('I upload {stringInDoubleQuotes} to {stringInDoubleQuotes}', (file, selector) => {
return element(by.css(selector)).sendKeys(path.resolve(__dirname, `../../assets/${file}`));
Then('I see {stringInDoubleQuotes} as top image', (image) => {
return expect(element(by.css('noosfero-profile-header .profile-header')).getCssValue('background-image')).to.eventually.contain(image);
Given('I am logged out', () => {
return element(by.css("#navbar .profile-menu > .profile-link")).isPresent().then((present) => {
if (present) {
return utils.pressButton("#navbar .profile-menu > .profile-link").then(() => {
return utils.pressButton("#navbar .btn-logout");
When('I change layout to {stringInDoubleQuotes}', (stringInDoubleQuotes) => {
return utils.pressButton("#layout-config-btn").then(() => {
return utils.pressButton(`.layout-config .dropdown-menu .layout-${stringInDoubleQuotes} a.dropdown-item`);
Then('I see {stringInDoubleQuotes} {int} times', (selector, amount) => {
示例5: require
import { browser } from 'protractor';
import { CalculatorPageObject } from '../pages/calcPage';
import { defineSupportCode } from 'cucumber';
let chai = require('chai').use(require('chai-as-promised'));
let expect = chai.expect;
StepDefinition files act as the glue code between config and feature files
They drive the feature files from the background
defineSupportCode(({Given, When, Then}) => {
let calc: CalculatorPageObject = new CalculatorPageObject();
Given(/^I am on ng1 calculator page$/, () => {
return expect(browser.getTitle()).to.eventually.equal('Super Calculator');
When(/^I calculate "(.*?)" "(.*?)" "(.*?)"$/, (num1: string, optor: string, num2: string) => {
return calc.go_button.click();
Then(/^the result "(.*?)" should be displayed$/, (result: string) => {
return expect(calc.result.getText()).to.eventually.equal(result);
示例6: defineSupportCode
defineSupportCode(function ({registerHandler, After }) {
registerHandler('BeforeFeature', (event) => {
return browser.get(``);
After((scenario, callback) => {
if (scenario.failureException) {
(image) => {
const decodedImage = new Buffer(image, `base64`);
scenario.attach(decodedImage, `image/png`);
} else {
(image) => {
const decodedImage = new Buffer(image, `base64`);
scenario.attach(decodedImage, `image/png`);
示例7: defineSupportCode
import { defineSupportCode } from 'cucumber';
import { browser, by, element } from 'protractor';
import * as chai from 'chai';
import * as cap from 'chai-as-promised';
const expect = chai.expect;
defineSupportCode(async ({ Before, Given, Then }) => {
Before({ timeout: 30000 }, async function() {
browser.ignoreSynchronization = true;
await browser.get(browser.baseUrl);
Given(/^he is on "([^"]*)"$/, async function(url: string): Promise<void> {
const currentUrl = await browser.getCurrentUrl();
Then(/^he get title "([^"]*)"$/, async function(title: string): Promise<void> {
const currentTitle = await browser.getTitle();
示例8: defineSupportCode
/*jslint node: true*/
import { browser } from 'protractor';
import { defineSupportCode } from "cucumber";
import * as fs from 'fs';
Hooks help us follow DRY principle, all the utility functions go here
BeforeScenario, Features and screenshot hooks example provided here
defineSupportCode(function ({registerHandler, After}) {
registerHandler('BeforeFeature', (event) => {
return browser.get('/ng1/calculator');
After((scenario, done) => {
if (scenario.isFailed()) {
return browser.takeScreenshot().then(function (base64png) {
let decodedImage = new Buffer(base64png, 'base64').toString('binary');
scenario.attach(decodedImage, 'image/png');
}, (err) => {
} else {