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Python cmds.curve方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中maya.cmds.curve方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python cmds.curve方法的具体用法?Python cmds.curve怎么用?Python cmds.curve使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在maya.cmds的用法示例。


示例1: cvLocator

# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import curve [as 别名]
def cvLocator(self, ctrlName, r=1, d=1, guide=False, *args):
        """Create and return a cvLocator curve to be usually used in the guideSystem and the clusterHandle to shapeSize.
        curveInstance = self.getControlInstance("Locator")
        curve = curveInstance.cvMain(False, "Locator", ctrlName, r, d, '+Y', (0, 0, 0), 1, guide)
        if guide:
            # create an attribute to be used as guide by module:
            cmds.addAttr(curve, longName="nJoint", attributeType='long')
            cmds.setAttr(curve+".nJoint", 1)
            # colorize curveShape:
            self.colorShape([curve], 'blue')
            # shapeSize setup:
            shapeSizeCluster = self.shapeSizeSetup(curve)
            return [curve, shapeSizeCluster]
        return curve


示例2: createCurveShape

# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import curve [as 别名]
def createCurveShape(name, points):
    Create a curve and rename the shapes to be unique.

    :param str name: Name of curve
    :param list points: List of points.
    # create curve
    curve = cmds.curve(p=points, d=1, n=name)

    # rename shapes
    shapes = []
    for shape in cmds.listRelatives(curve, s=True, f=True) or []:
        shape = cmds.rename(shape, "{0}Shape".format(name))

    return curve, shapes 

示例3: convertToBezierCurve

# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import curve [as 别名]
def convertToBezierCurve(curve):
    Check if the parsed curve is a bezier curve, if this is not the case
    convert the curve to a bezier curve.
    :param str curve: Name of curve
    # get shape
    curveShape = cmds.listRelatives(curve, s=True)[0]

    # convert to bezier curve
    if cmds.nodeType(curveShape) == "bezierCurve":

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

示例4: splitCurveToParametersByParameter

# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import curve [as 别名]
def splitCurveToParametersByParameter(curve, num):
    Get a list of parameters evenly spaced along a curve, based on the
    division of its parameters. Ranges are normalizes to be between 0-1.

    :param str curve:
    :param int num:

    :return: parameters
    :rtype: list
    increment = 1.0 / (num - 1)
    parameters = [i * increment for i in range(num)]

    if cmds.getAttr("{0}.form".format(curve)) == 2:
        parameters.insert(0, parameters[-1])

    return parameters

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

示例5: test_get_curve_object_with_history

# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import curve [as 别名]
def test_get_curve_object_with_history(self):
        curve = cmds.circle()[0]
        obj = control.CurveShape(curve)
        self.assertEqual(obj.degree, 3)
        self.assertEqual(obj.form, 2)
        self.assertListEqual(obj.knots, range(-2, 11))
        expected_cvs = [
            (0.7836116248912245, 0.7836116248912246, 0.0),
            (6.785732323110912e-17, 1.1081941875543877, 0.0),
            (-0.7836116248912245, 0.7836116248912244, 0.0),
            (-1.1081941875543881, 5.74489823752483e-17, 0.0),
            (-0.7836116248912245, -0.7836116248912245, 0.0),
            (-1.1100856969603225e-16, -1.1081941875543884, 0.0),
            (0.7836116248912245, -0.7836116248912244, 0.0),
            (1.1081941875543881, -1.511240500779959e-16, 0.0),
        self.cvs_are_equal(obj.cvs, expected_cvs)

示例6: create_arrow

# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import curve [as 别名]
def create_arrow(jointName):
    curve = cmds.curve(
        name="%s_ForwardDirection" % jointName,
            (-1, 0, 0),
            (-1, 2, 0),
            (-2, 2, 0),
            (0, 4, 0),
            (2, 2, 0),
            (1, 2, 0),
            (1, 0, 0),
            (-1, 0, 0),
    group = cmds.group()
    cmds.xform(objectSpace=True, pivots=(0, 0, 0))
    jointScale = cmds.jointDisplayScale(query=True)
    jointRadius = cmds.getAttr("%s.radius" % jointName)
    jointScale *= jointRadius
    cmds.xform(scale=(jointScale, jointScale, jointScale))

    return group 

示例7: import_curves_on_selected

# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import curve [as 别名]
def import_curves_on_selected(file_path=None, tag_as_controller=False):
    """Imports a control shape from disk onto the selected transform.

    :param file_path: Path to the control file.
    :param tag_as_controller: True to tag the curve transform as a controller
    :return: The new curve transform
    controls = load_curves(file_path)
    selected_transforms = cmds.ls(sl=True)
    if not selected_transforms:

    for transform in selected_transforms:
        for curve in controls:
            curve.create(transform, tag_as_controller)
    return selected_transforms 

示例8: applyBrush

# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import curve [as 别名]
def applyBrush(curve, parent):
    Simply applies the paint effects brush to the curve with the settings we want.

    stroke = mc.ls(sl=True)[0]
    stroke = mc.parent(stroke,parent)[0]


    return stroke 

示例9: addControlInfo

# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import curve [as 别名]
def addControlInfo(self, cvNode, className=True, size=True, degree=True, direction=True, rot=True, dpGuide=False, *args):
        """ Add some information in the curve transform node of the control.
        cmds.addAttr(cvNode, longName="dpControl", attributeType='bool')
        cmds.setAttr(cvNode+".dpControl", 1)
        if dpGuide:
            cmds.addAttr(cvNode, longName="dpGuide", attributeType='bool')
            cmds.setAttr(cvNode+".dpGuide", 1)
        cmds.addAttr(cvNode, longName="version", dataType='string')
        cmds.setAttr(cvNode+".version", self.dpUIinst.dpARVersion, type="string")
        if self.cvID:
            cmds.addAttr(cvNode, longName="controlID", dataType='string')
            cmds.setAttr(cvNode+".controlID", self.cvID, type="string")
        if className:
            cmds.addAttr(cvNode, longName="className", dataType='string')
            cmds.setAttr(cvNode+".className", self.guideModuleName, type="string")
        if size:
            cmds.addAttr(cvNode, longName="size", attributeType='float')
            cmds.setAttr(cvNode+".size", self.cvSize)
        if degree:
            cmds.addAttr(cvNode, longName="degree", attributeType='short')
            cmds.setAttr(cvNode+".degree", self.cvDegree)
        if direction:
            cmds.addAttr(cvNode, longName="direction", dataType='string')
            cmds.setAttr(cvNode+".direction", self.cvDirection, type="string")
        if rot:
            cmds.addAttr(cvNode, longName="cvRotX", attributeType='double')
            cmds.addAttr(cvNode, longName="cvRotY", attributeType='double')
            cmds.addAttr(cvNode, longName="cvRotZ", attributeType='double')
            cmds.setAttr(cvNode+".cvRotX", self.cvRot[0])
            cmds.setAttr(cvNode+".cvRotY", self.cvRot[1])
            cmds.setAttr(cvNode+".cvRotZ", self.cvRot[2]) 

示例10: createCurve

# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import curve [as 别名]
def createCurve(self, cvName, cvDegree, cvPointList, cvKnot, cvPeriodic, dpGuide, *args):
        """ Create and return a simple curve using given parameters.
        cvCurve = cmds.curve(name=cvName, point=cvPointList, degree=cvDegree, knot=cvKnot, periodic=cvPeriodic)
        self.addControlInfo(cvCurve, dpGuide=dpGuide)
        return cvCurve 

示例11: combineCurves

# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import curve [as 别名]
def combineCurves(self, curveList, *args):
        """ Combine all guiven curve to just one main curve and return it.
        mainCurve = curveList[0]
        cmds.makeIdentity(mainCurve, translate=True, rotate=True, scale=True, apply=True)
        for item in curveList[1:]:
            cmds.makeIdentity(item, translate=True, rotate=True, scale=True, apply=True)
            self.ctrls.transferShape(True, False, item, [mainCurve])
        cmds.setAttr(mainCurve+".className", self.guideModuleName, type="string")
        return mainCurve 

示例12: cvCreate

# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import curve [as 别名]
def cvCreate(self, useUI, cvID, cvName='Control_Ctrl', cvSize=1.0, cvDegree=1, cvDirection='+Y', cvRot=(0, 0, 0), cvAction=1, dpGuide=False, combine=False, *args):
        """ Check if we need to get parameters from UI.
            Create a respective curve shape.
            Return the transform curve or a list of selected destination items.
        # getting current selection:
        destinationList = cmds.ls(selection=True, type="transform")
        # check if the given name is good or add a sequencial number on it:
        self.cvName = utils.validateName(cvName, self.suffix)
        self.cvID = cvID
        self.cvSize = cvSize
        self.cvDegree = cvDegree
        self.cvDirection = cvDirection
        self.cvRot = cvRot
        self.cvAction = cvAction
        # getting UI info:
        if useUI:
        # combine or create curve using the parameters:
        if combine:
            self.cvCurve = self.generateCombineCurves(useUI, self.cvID, self.cvName, self.cvSize, self.cvDegree, self.cvDirection)
            # getting curve info to be created based on choose degree:
            if self.cvDegree == 1: #linear
            else: #cubic
            self.cvCurve = self.createCurve(self.cvName, self.cvDegree, self.cvPointList, self.cvKnotList, self.cvPeriodic, dpGuide)
        # set control direction for the control curve:
        self.setControlDirection(self.cvCurve, self.cvDirection)
        # working about action to do, like new control, add shape or replace shapes:
        # select the result node and return it
        if self.cvAction == 1: #new control
            return self.cvCurve
        elif destinationList:
            return destinationList 

示例13: cvJointLoc

# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import curve [as 别名]
def cvJointLoc(self, ctrlName, r=0.3, d=1, rot=(0, 0, 0), guide=True, *args):
        """Create and return a cvJointLocator curve to be usually used in the guideSystem and the clusterHandle to shapeSize.
        # create locator curve:
        cvLoc = self.cvLocator(ctrlName+"_CvLoc", r, d)
        # create arrow curves:
        cvArrow1 = cmds.curve(n=ctrlName+"_CvArrow1", d=3, p=[(-0.1*r, 0.9*r, 0.2*r), (-0.1*r, 0.9*r, 0.23*r), (-0.1*r, 0.9*r, 0.27*r), (-0.1*r, 0.9*r, 0.29*r), (-0.1*r, 0.9*r, 0.3*r), (-0.372*r, 0.9*r, 0.24*r), (-0.45*r, 0.9*r, -0.13*r), (-0.18*r, 0.9*r, -0.345*r), (-0.17*r, 0.9*r, -0.31*r), (-0.26*r, 0.9*r, -0.41*r), (-0.21*r, 0.9*r, -0.41*r), (-0.05*r, 0.9*r, -0.4*r), (0, 0.9*r, -0.4*r), (-0.029*r, 0.9*r, -0.33*r), (-0.048*r, 0.9*r, -0.22*r), (-0.055*r, 0.9*r, -0.16*r), (-0.15*r, 0.9*r, -0.272*r), (-0.12*r, 0.9*r, -0.27*r), (-0.35*r, 0.9*r, -0.1*r), (-0.29*r, 0.9*r, 0.15*r), (-0.16*r, 0.9*r, 0.21*r), (-0.1*r, 0.9*r, 0.2*r)] )
        cvArrow2 = cmds.curve(n=ctrlName+"_CvArrow2", d=3, p=[(0.1*r, 0.9*r, -0.2*r), (0.1*r, 0.9*r, -0.23*r), (0.1*r, 0.9*r, -0.27*r), (0.1*r, 0.9*r, -0.29*r), (0.1*r, 0.9*r, -0.3*r), (0.372*r, 0.9*r, -0.24*r), (0.45*r, 0.9*r, 0.13*r), (0.18*r, 0.9*r, 0.345*r), (0.17*r, 0.9*r, 0.31*r), (0.26*r, 0.9*r, 0.41*r), (0.21*r, 0.9*r, 0.41*r), (0.05*r, 0.9*r, 0.4*r), (0, 0.9*r, 0.4*r), (0.029*r, 0.9*r, 0.33*r), (0.048*r, 0.9*r, 0.22*r), (0.055*r, 0.9*r, 0.16*r), (0.15*r, 0.9*r, 0.272*r), (0.12*r, 0.9*r, 0.27*r), (0.35*r, 0.9*r, 0.1*r), (0.29*r, 0.9*r, -0.15*r), (0.16*r, 0.9*r, -0.21*r), (0.1*r, 0.9*r, -0.2*r)] )
        cvArrow3 = cmds.curve(n=ctrlName+"_CvArrow3", d=3, p=[(-0.1*r, -0.9*r, 0.2*r), (-0.1*r, -0.9*r, 0.23*r), (-0.1*r, -0.9*r, 0.27*r), (-0.1*r, -0.9*r, 0.29*r), (-0.1*r, -0.9*r, 0.3*r), (-0.372*r, -0.9*r, 0.24*r), (-0.45*r, -0.9*r, -0.13*r), (-0.18*r, -0.9*r, -0.345*r), (-0.17*r, -0.9*r, -0.31*r), (-0.26*r, -0.9*r, -0.41*r), (-0.21*r, -0.9*r, -0.41*r), (-0.05*r, -0.9*r, -0.4*r), (0, -0.9*r, -0.4*r), (-0.029*r, -0.9*r, -0.33*r), (-0.048*r, -0.9*r, -0.22*r), (-0.055*r, -0.9*r, -0.16*r), (-0.15*r, -0.9*r, -0.272*r), (-0.12*r, -0.9*r, -0.27*r), (-0.35*r, -0.9*r, -0.1*r), (-0.29*r, -0.9*r, 0.15*r), (-0.16*r, -0.9*r, 0.21*r), (-0.1*r, -0.9*r, 0.2*r)] )
        cvArrow4 = cmds.curve(n=ctrlName+"_CvArrow4", d=3, p=[(0.1*r, -0.9*r, -0.2*r), (0.1*r, -0.9*r, -0.23*r), (0.1*r, -0.9*r, -0.27*r), (0.1*r, -0.9*r, -0.29*r), (0.1*r, -0.9*r, -0.3*r), (0.372*r, -0.9*r, -0.24*r), (0.45*r, -0.9*r, 0.13*r), (0.18*r, -0.9*r, 0.345*r), (0.17*r, -0.9*r, 0.31*r), (0.26*r, -0.9*r, 0.41*r), (0.21*r, -0.9*r, 0.41*r), (0.05*r, -0.9*r, 0.4*r), (0, -0.9*r, 0.4*r), (0.029*r, -0.9*r, 0.33*r), (0.048*r, -0.9*r, 0.22*r), (0.055*r, -0.9*r, 0.16*r), (0.15*r, -0.9*r, 0.272*r), (0.12*r, -0.9*r, 0.27*r), (0.35*r, -0.9*r, 0.1*r), (0.29*r, -0.9*r, -0.15*r), (0.16*r, -0.9*r, -0.21*r), (0.1*r, -0.9*r, -0.2*r)] )
        cvArrow5 = cmds.curve(n=ctrlName+"_CvArrow5", d=1, p=[(0, 0, 1.2*r), (0.09*r, 0, 1*r), (-0.09*r, 0, 1*r), (0, 0, 1.2*r)] )
        cvArrow6 = cmds.curve(n=ctrlName+"_CvArrow6", d=1, p=[(0, 0, 1.2*r), (0, 0.09*r, 1*r), (0, -0.09*r, 1*r), (0, 0, 1.2*r)] )
        # rename curveShape:
        locArrowList = [cvLoc, cvArrow1, cvArrow2, cvArrow3, cvArrow4, cvArrow5, cvArrow6]
        # create ball curve:
        cvTemplateBall = self.cvControl("Ball", ctrlName+"_CvBall", r=0.7*r, d=3)
        # parent shapes to transform:
        locCtrl = cmds.group(name=ctrlName, empty=True)
        ballChildrenList = cmds.listRelatives(cvTemplateBall, shapes=True, children=True)
        for ballChildren in ballChildrenList:
            cmds.setAttr(ballChildren+".template", 1)
        self.transferShape(True, False, cvTemplateBall, [locCtrl])
        for transform in locArrowList:
            self.transferShape(True, False, transform, [locCtrl])
        # set rotation direction:
        cmds.setAttr(locCtrl+".rotateX", rot[0])
        cmds.setAttr(locCtrl+".rotateY", rot[1])
        cmds.setAttr(locCtrl+".rotateZ", rot[2])
        cmds.makeIdentity(locCtrl, rotate=True, apply=True)
        # create an attribute to be used as guide by module:
        cmds.addAttr(locCtrl, longName="nJoint", attributeType='long')
        cmds.setAttr(locCtrl+".nJoint", 1)
        # colorize curveShapes:
        self.colorShape([locCtrl], 'blue')
        # shapeSize setup:
        shapeSizeCluster = self.shapeSizeSetup(locCtrl)
        return [locCtrl, shapeSizeCluster] 

示例14: cvCharacter

# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import curve [as 别名]
def cvCharacter(self, ctrlType, ctrlName, r=1, d=1, dir="+Y", rot=(0, 0, 0), *args):
        """ Create and return a curve to be used as a control.
        # get radius by checking linear unit
        r = self.dpCheckLinearUnit(r)
        curve = self.cvControl(ctrlType, ctrlName, r, d, dir, rot)
        # edit a minime curve:
        cmds.addAttr(curve, longName="rigScale", attributeType='float', defaultValue=1, keyable=True)
        cmds.addAttr(curve, longName="rigScaleMultiplier", attributeType='float', defaultValue=1, keyable=False)
        # create Option_Ctrl Text:
            optCtrlTxt = cmds.group(name="Option_Ctrl_Txt", empty=True)
                cvText = cmds.textCurves(name="Option_Ctrl_Txt_TEMP_Grp", font="Source Sans Pro", text="Option Ctrl", constructionHistory=False)[0]
                cvText = cmds.textCurves(name="Option_Ctrl_Txt_TEMP_Grp", font="Arial", text="Option Ctrl", constructionHistory=False)[0]
            txtShapeList = cmds.listRelatives(cvText, allDescendents=True, type='nurbsCurve')
            if txtShapeList:
                for s, shape in enumerate(txtShapeList):
                    # store CV world position
                    curveCVList = cmds.getAttr(shape+'.cp', multiIndices=True)
                    vtxWorldPosition = []
                    for i in curveCVList :
                        cvPointPosition = cmds.xform(shape+'.cp['+str(i)+']', query=True, translation=True, worldSpace=True) 
                    # parent the shapeNode :
                    cmds.parent(shape, optCtrlTxt, r=True, s=True)
                    # restore the shape world position
                    for i in curveCVList:
                        cmds.xform(shape+'.cp['+str(i)+']', a=True, worldSpace=True, t=vtxWorldPosition[i])
                    cmds.rename(shape, optCtrlTxt+"Shape"+str(s))
            cmds.parent(optCtrlTxt, curve)
            cmds.setAttr(optCtrlTxt+".template", 1)
            cmds.setAttr(optCtrlTxt+".tx", -0.72*r)
            cmds.setAttr(optCtrlTxt+".ty", 1.1*r)
            # it will pass if we don't able to find the font to create the text
        return curve 

示例15: cvBaseGuide

# 需要导入模块: from maya import cmds [as 别名]
# 或者: from maya.cmds import curve [as 别名]
def cvBaseGuide(self, ctrlName, r=1, *args):
        """Create a control to be used as a Base Guide control.
            Returns the main control (circle) and the radius control in a list.
        # get radius by checking linear unit
        r = self.dpCheckLinearUnit(r)
        # create a simple circle curve:
        circle = cmds.circle(n=ctrlName, ch=True, o=True, nr=(0, 0, 1), d=3, s=8, radius=r)[0]
        radiusCtrl = cmds.circle(n=ctrlName+"_RadiusCtrl", ch=True, o=True, nr=(0, 1, 0), d=3, s=8, radius=(r/4.0))[0]
        # rename curveShape:
        self.renameShape([circle, radiusCtrl])
        # configure system of limits and radius:
        cmds.setAttr(radiusCtrl+".translateX", r)
        cmds.parent(radiusCtrl, circle, relative=True)
        cmds.transformLimits(radiusCtrl, tx=(0.01, 1), etx=(True, False))
        self.setLockHide([radiusCtrl], ['ty', 'tz', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz', 'sx', 'sy', 'sz'])
        # find makeNurbCircle history of the circles:
        historyList = self.findHistory([circle, radiusCtrl], 'makeNurbCircle')
        circleHistory     = historyList[0]
        radiusCtrlHistory = historyList[1]
        # rename and make a connection for circle:
        circleHistory = cmds.rename(circleHistory, circle+"_makeNurbCircle")
        cmds.connectAttr(radiusCtrl+".tx", circleHistory+".radius", force=True)
        radiusCtrlHistory = cmds.rename(radiusCtrlHistory, radiusCtrl+"_makeNurbCircle")
        # create a mutiplyDivide in order to automatisation the radius of the radiusCtrl:
        radiusCtrlMD = cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide', name=radiusCtrl+'_MD')
        cmds.connectAttr(radiusCtrl+'.translateX', radiusCtrlMD+'.input1X', force=True)
        cmds.setAttr(radiusCtrlMD+'.input2X', 0.15)
        cmds.connectAttr(radiusCtrlMD+".outputX", radiusCtrlHistory+".radius", force=True)
        # colorize curveShapes:
        self.colorShape([circle], 'yellow')
        self.colorShape([radiusCtrl], 'cyan')
        if (int(cmds.about(version=True)[:4]) > 2016):
            cmds.setAttr(circle+"Shape.lineWidth", 2)
        return [circle, radiusCtrl] 
