本文整理匯總了Python中flask.request.host方法的典型用法代碼示例。如果您正苦於以下問題:Python request.host方法的具體用法?Python request.host怎麽用?Python request.host使用的例子?那麽, 這裏精選的方法代碼示例或許可以為您提供幫助。您也可以進一步了解該方法所在類flask.request
示例1: protect
# 需要導入模塊: from flask import request [as 別名]
# 或者: from flask.request import host [as 別名]
def protect(self):
if request.method not in self._app.config['WTF_CSRF_METHODS']:
if not validate_csrf(self._get_csrf_token()):
reason = 'CSRF token missing or incorrect.'
return self._error_response(reason)
if request.is_secure and self._app.config['WTF_CSRF_SSL_STRICT']:
if not request.referrer:
reason = 'Referrer checking failed - no Referrer.'
return self._error_response(reason)
good_referrer = 'https://%s/' % request.host
if not same_origin(request.referrer, good_referrer):
reason = 'Referrer checking failed - origin does not match.'
return self._error_response(reason)
request.csrf_valid = True # mark this request is csrf valid
示例2: protect
# 需要導入模塊: from flask import request [as 別名]
# 或者: from flask.request import host [as 別名]
def protect(self):
if request.method not in current_app.config['WTF_CSRF_METHODS']:
except ValidationError as e:
if request.is_secure and current_app.config['WTF_CSRF_SSL_STRICT']:
if not request.referrer:
self._error_response('The referrer header is missing.')
good_referrer = 'https://{0}/'.format(request.host)
if not same_origin(request.referrer, good_referrer):
self._error_response('The referrer does not match the host.')
g.csrf_valid = True # mark this request as CSRF valid
示例3: get_config
# 需要導入模塊: from flask import request [as 別名]
# 或者: from flask.request import host [as 別名]
def get_config(self, host):
if self._config_path:
assert Path(self._config_path).is_file()
with open(self._config_path, 'rb') as config_file:
config = self._load_config(config_file.read())
elif self._config_url:
with urllib.request.urlopen(self._config_url) as config_file:
config = self._load_config(config_file.read())
if StrictVersion(config.get('openapi', '2.0.0')) >= StrictVersion('3.0.0'):
for server in config['servers']:
server['url'] = re.sub(r'//[a-z0-9\-\.:]+/?', '//{}/'.format(host), server['url'])
elif 'host' not in config:
config['host'] = host
return config
示例4: _aiohttp_handler
# 需要導入模塊: from flask import request [as 別名]
# 或者: from flask.request import host [as 別名]
def _aiohttp_handler(self):
from aiohttp import web
async def swagger_doc_handler(request):
return web.Response(text=self.doc_html, content_type='text/html')
async def swagger_editor_handler(request):
return web.Response(text=self.editor_html, content_type='text/html')
async def swagger_config_handler(request):
return web.json_response(self.get_config(request.host))
self._app.router.add_get(self._uri(), swagger_doc_handler)
self._app.router.add_get(self._uri('/'), swagger_doc_handler)
if self._editor:
self._app.router.add_get(self._uri('/editor'), swagger_editor_handler)
self._app.router.add_get(self._uri('/swagger.json'), swagger_config_handler)
self._app.router.add_static(self._uri('/'), path='{}/'.format(self.static_dir))
示例5: _sanic_handler
# 需要導入模塊: from flask import request [as 別名]
# 或者: from flask.request import host [as 別名]
def _sanic_handler(self):
from sanic import response
from sanic.blueprints import Blueprint
swagger_blueprint = Blueprint('swagger_blueprint', url_prefix=self._url_prefix)
async def swagger_blueprint_doc_handler(request):
return response.html(self.doc_html)
if self._editor:
async def swagger_blueprint_editor_handler(request):
return response.html(self.editor_html)
async def swagger_blueprint_config_handler(request):
return response.json(self.get_config(request.host))
swagger_blueprint.static('/', str(self.static_dir))
示例6: work_sql_execute_details
# 需要導入模塊: from flask import request [as 別名]
# 或者: from flask.request import host [as 別名]
def work_sql_execute_details(work_number=None):
publish_info = defaultdict()
db_sso = db_op.user_sso
db_sql_execute = db_op.sql_execute
if work_number:
infos = db_sso.query.with_entities(db_sso.dingunionid, db_sso.realName, db_sso.department).all()
users = {info[0]: info[1:] for info in infos}
sql_execute= db_sql_execute.query.with_entities(db_sql_execute.date,
if sql_execute:
publish_info['sql_execute'] = sql_execute[0]
publish_info['user_info'] = users[sql_execute[0][-1]]
except Exception as e:
return render_template('sql_execute_details.html', publish_info=publish_info)
示例7: _prepare_flask_request
# 需要導入模塊: from flask import request [as 別名]
# 或者: from flask.request import host [as 別名]
def _prepare_flask_request():
# If server is behind proxys or balancers use the HTTP_X_FORWARDED fields
url_data = urlparse(request.url)
port = url_data.port or (443 if request.scheme == 'https' else 80)
return {
'https': 'on' if request.scheme == 'https' else 'off',
'http_host': request.host,
'server_port': port,
'script_name': request.path,
'get_data': request.args.copy(),
'post_data': request.form.copy()
示例8: anticsrf
# 需要導入模塊: from flask import request [as 別名]
# 或者: from flask.request import host [as 別名]
def anticsrf(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
if request.referrer and request.referrer.replace('http://', '').split('/')[0] == request.host:
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return redirect(url_for('NotFound'))
except Exception, e:
print e
return redirect(url_for('Error'))
示例9: logout
# 需要導入模塊: from flask import request [as 別名]
# 或者: from flask.request import host [as 別名]
def logout():
Manually override the logout URL to avoid completely signing the user
out of all Google accounts
if os.getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE', '').startswith('Google App Engine/'):
return redirect('_ah/logout?continue=https://' + request.host + '/')
return redirect(users.create_logout_url('/'))
示例10: prepare_auth_request
# 需要導入模塊: from flask import request [as 別名]
# 或者: from flask.request import host [as 別名]
def prepare_auth_request(request):
url_data = urlparse(request.url)
return {
"https": 'on',
'http_host': request.host,
'server_port': url_data.port,
'script_name': request.path,
'get_data': request.args.copy(),
'post_data': request.form.copy(),
# Uncomment if using ADFS as IdP, https://github.com/onelogin/python-saml/pull/144
# 'lowercase_urlencoding': True,
'query_string': request.query_string
示例11: post_move
# 需要導入模塊: from flask import request [as 別名]
# 或者: from flask.request import host [as 別名]
def post_move():
new_move = request.get_json()
move = Move.query.get(new_move['id'])
if move:
return jsonify(result='success')
if not move:
move = Move.deserialize(new_move)
if not move.valid:
return jsonify(result='failed',
message=f"move {move.id} isn't valid."), 400
except IntegrityError:
return jsonify(result='failed',
message="This node already has this move."), 400
sent_node = Node()
if 'sent_node' in new_move:
sent_node.url = new_move['sent_node']
return jsonify(result='success')
示例12: _tornado_handler
# 需要導入模塊: from flask import request [as 別名]
# 或者: from flask.request import host [as 別名]
def _tornado_handler(self):
from tornado.web import RequestHandler, StaticFileHandler
interface = self
class DocHandler(RequestHandler):
def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.write(interface.doc_html)
class EditorHandler(RequestHandler):
def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.write(interface.editor_html)
class ConfigHandler(RequestHandler):
def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.write(interface.get_config(self.request.host))
handlers = [
(self._uri(), DocHandler),
(self._uri('/'), DocHandler),
(self._uri('/swagger.json'), ConfigHandler),
(self._uri('/(.+)'), StaticFileHandler, {'path': self.static_dir}),
if self._editor:
handlers.insert(1, (self._uri('/editor'), EditorHandler))
self._app.add_handlers('.*', handlers)
示例13: _flask_handler
# 需要導入模塊: from flask import request [as 別名]
# 或者: from flask.request import host [as 別名]
def _flask_handler(self):
from flask import request, jsonify
from flask.blueprints import Blueprint
swagger_blueprint = Blueprint(
'swagger_blueprint', __name__, url_prefix=self._url_prefix,
static_folder=self.static_dir, static_url_path='/'
def swagger_blueprint_doc_handler():
return self.doc_html
def swagger_blueprint_doc_v2_handler():
return self.doc_html
def swagger_blueprint_config_handler():
return jsonify(self.get_config(request.host))
if self._editor:
def swagger_blueprint_editor_handler():
return self.editor_html
示例14: _falcon_handler
# 需要導入模塊: from flask import request [as 別名]
# 或者: from flask.request import host [as 別名]
def _falcon_handler(self):
import json
interface = self
class SwaggerDocHandler:
def on_get(self, req, resp):
resp.content_type = 'text/html'
resp.body = interface.doc_html
class SwaggerEditorHandler:
def on_get(self, req, resp):
resp.content_type = 'text/html'
resp.body = interface.editor_html
class SwaggerConfigHandler:
def on_get(self, req, resp):
resp.content_type = 'application/json'
resp.body = json.dumps(interface.get_config(f'{req.host}:{req.port}'))
self._app.add_route(self._uri('/'), SwaggerDocHandler())
if self._editor:
self._app.add_route(self._uri('/editor'), SwaggerEditorHandler())
self._app.add_route(self._uri('/swagger.json'), SwaggerConfigHandler())
'/'), directory='{}/'.format(self.static_dir), downloadable=True)
示例15: _starlette_handler
# 需要導入模塊: from flask import request [as 別名]
# 或者: from flask.request import host [as 別名]
def _starlette_handler(self):
from starlette.responses import HTMLResponse, JSONResponse
from starlette.staticfiles import StaticFiles
async def swagger_doc_handler(request):
return HTMLResponse(content=self.doc_html, media_type='text/html')
async def swagger_editor_handler(request):
return JSONResponse(content=self.editor_html, media_type='text/html')
async def swagger_config_handler(request):
host = '{}:{}'.format(request.url.hostname, request.url.port)
return JSONResponse(self.get_config(host))
self._app.router.add_route(self._uri(''), swagger_doc_handler, ['get'], 'swagger-ui')
self._app.router.add_route(self._uri('/'), swagger_doc_handler, ['get'], 'swagger-ui')
if self._editor:
self._uri('/editor'), swagger_editor_handler, ['get'], 'swagger-editor')
swagger_config_handler, ['get'], 'swagger-config')