本文整理匯總了Python中sphinx.search.IndexBuilder.dump方法的典型用法代碼示例。如果您正苦於以下問題:Python IndexBuilder.dump方法的具體用法?Python IndexBuilder.dump怎麽用?Python IndexBuilder.dump使用的例子?那麽, 這裏精選的方法代碼示例或許可以為您提供幫助。您也可以進一步了解該方法所在類sphinx.search.IndexBuilder
示例1: test_IndexBuilder
# 需要導入模塊: from sphinx.search import IndexBuilder [as 別名]
# 或者: from sphinx.search.IndexBuilder import dump [as 別名]
def test_IndexBuilder():
domain = DummyDomain([('objname', 'objdispname', 'objtype', 'docname', '#anchor', 1),
('objname2', 'objdispname2', 'objtype2', 'docname2', '', -1)])
env = DummyEnvironment('1.0', {'dummy': domain})
doc = utils.new_document(b'test data', settings)
doc['file'] = 'dummy'
parser.parse(FILE_CONTENTS, doc)
# feed
index = IndexBuilder(env, 'en', {}, None)
index.feed('docname', 'filename', 'title', doc)
index.feed('docname2', 'filename2', 'title2', doc)
assert index._titles == {'docname': 'title', 'docname2': 'title2'}
assert index._filenames == {'docname': 'filename', 'docname2': 'filename2'}
assert index._mapping == {
'fermion': {'docname', 'docname2'},
'comment': {'docname', 'docname2'},
'non': {'docname', 'docname2'},
'index': {'docname', 'docname2'},
'test': {'docname', 'docname2'}
assert index._title_mapping == {'section_titl': {'docname', 'docname2'}}
assert index._objtypes == {}
assert index._objnames == {}
# freeze
assert index.freeze() == {
'docnames': ('docname', 'docname2'),
'envversion': '1.0',
'filenames': ['filename', 'filename2'],
'objects': {'': {'objdispname': (0, 0, 1, '#anchor')}},
'objnames': {0: ('dummy', 'objtype', 'objtype')},
'objtypes': {0: 'dummy:objtype'},
'terms': {'comment': [0, 1],
'fermion': [0, 1],
'index': [0, 1],
'non': [0, 1],
'test': [0, 1]},
'titles': ('title', 'title2'),
'titleterms': {'section_titl': [0, 1]}
assert index._objtypes == {('dummy', 'objtype'): 0}
assert index._objnames == {0: ('dummy', 'objtype', 'objtype')}
# dump / load
stream = BytesIO()
index.dump(stream, 'pickle')
index2 = IndexBuilder(env, 'en', {}, None)
index2.load(stream, 'pickle')
assert index2._titles == index._titles
assert index2._filenames == index._filenames
assert index2._mapping == index._mapping
assert index2._title_mapping == index._title_mapping
assert index2._objtypes == {}
assert index2._objnames == {}
# freeze after load
assert index2.freeze() == index.freeze()
assert index2._objtypes == index._objtypes
assert index2._objnames == index._objnames
# prune
assert index._titles == {'docname2': 'title2'}
assert index._filenames == {'docname2': 'filename2'}
assert index._mapping == {
'fermion': {'docname2'},
'comment': {'docname2'},
'non': {'docname2'},
'index': {'docname2'},
'test': {'docname2'}
assert index._title_mapping == {'section_titl': {'docname2'}}
assert index._objtypes == {('dummy', 'objtype'): 0}
assert index._objnames == {0: ('dummy', 'objtype', 'objtype')}
# freeze after prune
assert index.freeze() == {
'docnames': ('docname2',),
'envversion': '1.0',
'filenames': ['filename2'],
'objects': {},
'objnames': {0: ('dummy', 'objtype', 'objtype')},
'objtypes': {0: 'dummy:objtype'},
'terms': {'comment': 0,
'fermion': 0,
'index': 0,
'non': 0,
'test': 0},
'titles': ('title2',),
'titleterms': {'section_titl': 0}
assert index._objtypes == {('dummy', 'objtype'): 0}
assert index._objnames == {0: ('dummy', 'objtype', 'objtype')}
示例2: StandaloneHTMLBuilder
# 需要導入模塊: from sphinx.search import IndexBuilder [as 別名]
# 或者: from sphinx.search.IndexBuilder import dump [as 別名]
class StandaloneHTMLBuilder(Builder):
Builds standalone HTML docs.
name = 'html'
format = 'html'
copysource = True
allow_parallel = True
out_suffix = '.html'
link_suffix = '.html' # defaults to matching out_suffix
indexer_format = js_index
indexer_dumps_unicode = True
supported_image_types = ['image/svg+xml', 'image/png',
'image/gif', 'image/jpeg']
searchindex_filename = 'searchindex.js'
add_permalinks = True
embedded = False # for things like HTML help or Qt help: suppresses sidebar
search = True # for things like HTML help and Apple help: suppress search
# This is a class attribute because it is mutated by Sphinx.add_javascript.
script_files = ['_static/jquery.js', '_static/underscore.js',
# Dito for this one.
css_files = []
default_sidebars = ['localtoc.html', 'relations.html',
'sourcelink.html', 'searchbox.html']
# cached publisher object for snippets
_publisher = None
def init(self):
# a hash of all config values that, if changed, cause a full rebuild
self.config_hash = ''
self.tags_hash = ''
# basename of images directory
self.imagedir = '_images'
# section numbers for headings in the currently visited document
self.secnumbers = {}
# currently written docname
self.current_docname = None
if self.config.html_file_suffix is not None:
self.out_suffix = self.config.html_file_suffix
if self.config.html_link_suffix is not None:
self.link_suffix = self.config.html_link_suffix
self.link_suffix = self.out_suffix
if self.config.language is not None:
if self._get_translations_js():
def _get_translations_js(self):
candidates = [path.join(package_dir, 'locale', self.config.language,
'LC_MESSAGES', 'sphinx.js'),
path.join(sys.prefix, 'share/sphinx/locale',
self.config.language, 'sphinx.js')] + \
[path.join(dir, self.config.language,
'LC_MESSAGES', 'sphinx.js')
for dir in self.config.locale_dirs]
for jsfile in candidates:
if path.isfile(jsfile):
return jsfile
return None
def get_theme_config(self):
return self.config.html_theme, self.config.html_theme_options
def init_templates(self):
Theme.init_themes(self.confdir, self.config.html_theme_path,
themename, themeoptions = self.get_theme_config()
self.theme = Theme(themename, warn=self.warn)
self.theme_options = themeoptions.copy()
self.templates.init(self, self.theme)
def init_highlighter(self):
# determine Pygments style and create the highlighter
if self.config.pygments_style is not None:
style = self.config.pygments_style
elif self.theme:
style = self.theme.get_confstr('theme', 'pygments_style', 'none')
style = 'sphinx'
self.highlighter = PygmentsBridge('html', style,
def init_translator_class(self):
if self.translator_class is not None:
elif self.config.html_translator_class:
self.translator_class = self.app.import_object(
'html_translator_class setting')