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Python Rule.getPRlist方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中rule.Rule.getPRlist方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Rule.getPRlist方法的具体用法?Python Rule.getPRlist怎么用?Python Rule.getPRlist使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在rule.Rule的用法示例。


示例1: Verify

# 需要导入模块: from rule import Rule [as 别名]
# 或者: from rule.Rule import getPRlist [as 别名]
class Verify(object):
    # Initialize the logpath and server name obtained from the config file
    def __init__(self, logpath, server):
        self.logpath = logpath
        self.timestamp = ''    # Time stamp will be updated when the file is created
        self.scrape = Scrape(server)
        self.rule = Rule()
    # Send an email by refering to the dictionary that includes list of users for which discrepancy was found for particular rule type
    def sendEmail(self, UserRuleDict):
        # Send an email if at least one discrepancy was found
        msgbody = ''
        if len(UserRuleDict) > 0:
            for rule, userlist in UserRuleDict.items():
                msgbody += ' \n\n*** Dashboard data does not match GNATS for rule type %(1)s for following users: *** \n%(2)s' \
                % {"1": rule, "2": ', '.join(user for user in userlist)} 
            msgbody += '\n\nRefer to the following log file for details: \n%s/DAM_%s.log' % (self.logpath, self.timestamp) 
            EmailAlert().send('[email protected]', 
                              ['[email protected]'], 
                              'DAM Alert', msgbody)
    Run the logic to compare the list of PRs found in Dashboard and the one generated from Gnats
    Log all the details and if discrepancy is found, send and email alert to concerned users
    def run(self, usernamelist, rulelist):
        self.timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        logfile = '%s/DAM_%s.log' % (self.logpath, self.timestamp)
        logging.basicConfig(filename=logfile, filemode='w', format='%(message)s' ,level=logging.WARNING)
        hdlr = logging.FileHandler(logfile)
            discrepancyUserdict = {}
            for ruletype in rulelist:
                for user in usernamelist:
                    logline = '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
                    print logline
                    logline = 'Verifying for user ||%(1)s|| for ||%(2)s|| type of PRs: ' % {"1": user, "2": ruletype}
                    print logline
                    gnatsPRlist = self.rule.getPRlist(user, ruletype)
                    dashPRlist = self.scrape.getPRList(user, ruletype)
                    discrepancylist1 = list(set(gnatsPRlist) - set(dashPRlist))
                    discrepancylist2 = list(set(dashPRlist) - set(gnatsPRlist))
                    logging.critical('%s:' % datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%A, %d - %B %Y %I:%M%p"))
                    logline = 'Count of PRs from GNATS: %d' % len(gnatsPRlist)
                    print logline
                    logline = 'Count of PRs from Dashboard: %d' % len(dashPRlist)
                    print logline
                    logline = 'List of PRs missing in dashboard: [%s] ' % ','.join(d for d in discrepancylist1)
                    print logline
                    logline = 'List of PRs additionally found in dashboard: [%s]' % ','.join(d for d in discrepancylist2)
                    print logline
                    if len(discrepancylist1 + discrepancylist2) > 0:
                        print 'Checking for recently updated PRs and discarding false negatives from the list...'
                        finalDescList = self.removeRecentPRs(discrepancylist1 + discrepancylist2)
                        if len(finalDescList) > 0:
                            logline = '\nDiscrepancies found after removing recently updated PRs: [%s] ' % ','.join(f for f in finalDescList)
                            discrepancyUserdict.setdefault(ruletype, []).append(user)
                            logline = '\nDiscrepancies found after removing recently updated PRs: None'
                        print logline
                        logline = '\nNo discrepancies found at all'
                        print logline
            # alert admin by sending an autogenerated email:
            if len(discrepancyUserdict) > 0:
            # close the log file
        except Exception, e:
