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Python rdflib.URIRef類代碼示例

本文整理匯總了Python中rdflib.URIRef的典型用法代碼示例。如果您正苦於以下問題:Python URIRef類的具體用法?Python URIRef怎麽用?Python URIRef使用的例子?那麽, 這裏精選的類代碼示例或許可以為您提供幫助。


示例1: get_synthesis_contributors

    def get_synthesis_contributors(self, id_only=True):
        # author of important extracts
        from .idea_content_link import Extract
        from .auth import AgentProfile
        from .post import Post
        from sqlalchemy.sql.functions import count
        local_uri = AssemblQuadStorageManager.local_uri()
        discussion_storage = \

        idea_uri = URIRef(self.uri(local_uri))
        clause = '''select distinct ?annotation where {
            %s idea:includes* ?ideaP .
            ?annotation assembl:resourceExpressesIdea ?ideaP }'''
        extract_ids = [x for (x,) in self.db.execute(
            SparqlClause(clause % (
        r = list(self.db.query(AgentProfile.id, count(Extract.id)).join(
            Post, Post.creator_id==AgentProfile.id).join(Extract).filter(
            Extract.important == True, Extract.id.in_(extract_ids)))
        r.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
        if id_only:
            return [AgentProfile.uri_generic(a) for (a, ce) in r]
            ids = [a for (a, ce) in r]
            order = {id: order for (order, id) in enumerate(ids)}
            agents = self.db.query(AgentProfile).filter(AgentProfile.id.in_(ids)).all()
            agents.sort(key=lambda a: order[a.id])
            return agents

示例2: process_journal

def process_journal(records, writer, mappings):
    record, fields = majority_vote(records, ('Journal',), mappings)

    if record.get('issn'):
        uri = URIRef('urn:issn:%s' % record['issn'])
        graph_uri = URIRef('/graph/issn/%s' % record['issn'])
    elif record.get('x-nlm-ta'):
        uri = URIRef('/id/journal/%s' % sluggify(record['x-nlm-ta']))
        graph_uri = URIRef('/graph/journal/%s' % sluggify(record['x-nlm-ta']))
    elif record.get('name'):
        uri = URIRef('/id/journal/%s' % sluggify(record['name']))
        graph_uri = URIRef('/graph/journal/%s' % sluggify(record['name']))
        sys.stderr.write("Unidentifiable: %s" % record)

    for id, _ in fields['id']:
        mappings['id'][id] = uri
        mappings['journal'][uri] = graph_uri.split('/', 3)[-1]

    writer.send((uri, RDF.type, FABIO.Journal, graph_uri))

    for key, predicate in JOURNAL_DATA_PROPERTIES:
        if key in record:
            writer.send((uri, predicate, Literal(record[key]), graph_uri))

    if isinstance(record.get('publisher'), URIRef):
        writer.send((uri, DCTERMS.publisher, record['publisher'], graph_uri))

示例3: view

def view(rtype, rid):
    if '.' in rid:
        rid, suffix = rid.rsplit('.', 1)
        suffix = None
    path = rtype + '/' + rid

    uri = URIRef(app.config['RESOURCE_BASE'] + path)
    #if template:
    services = app.config['SERVICES']
    rq = render_template("queries/%s.rq" % rtype,
            prefixes=RQ_PREFIXES, this=uri.n3(), services=services)

    fmt = _conneg_format(suffix)
    if fmt == 'rq':
        return rq, 200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}
    res = run_query(app.config['ENDPOINT'], rq)
    #    url = data_base + path + '.n3'
    #    res = requests.get(url)
    graph = to_graph(res.content)
    this = graph.resource(uri)

    if fmt in ('html', 'xhtml'):
        return render_template(rtype + '.html',
                path=path, this=this, curies=graph.qname)
        headers = {'Content-Type': MIMETYPES.get(fmt) or 'text/plain'}
        fmt = {'rdf': 'xml', 'ttl': 'turtle'}.get(fmt) or fmt
        return graph.serialize(format=fmt), 200, headers

示例4: discussion_as_graph

    def discussion_as_graph(self, discussion_id):
        from assembl.models import Discussion
        d_storage_name = self.discussion_storage_name()
        d_graph_iri = URIRef(self.discussion_graph_iri())
        v = get_virtuoso(self.session, d_storage_name)
        discussion_uri = URIRef(
            Discussion.uri_generic(discussion_id, self.local_uri()))
        subjects = list(v.query(
            """SELECT DISTINCT ?s WHERE {
            ?s assembl:in_conversation %s }""" % (discussion_uri.n3())))
        # print len(subjects)
        cg = ConjunctiveGraph(identifier=d_graph_iri)
        for (s,) in subjects:
            # Absurdly slow. DISTINCT speeds up a lot, but I get numbers.
            for p, o in v.query(
                'SELECT ?p ?o WHERE { graph %s { %s ?p ?o }}' % (
                        d_graph_iri.n3(), s.n3())):
                    cg.add((s, p, o))

        for (s, o, g) in v.query(
                '''SELECT ?s ?o ?g WHERE {
                GRAPH ?g {?s catalyst:expressesIdea ?o } .
                ?o assembl:in_conversation %s }''' % (discussion_uri.n3())):
            cg.add((s, CATALYST.expressesIdea, o, g))

        # TODO: Add roles

        return cg

示例5: discussion_as_graph

 def discussion_as_graph(self, discussion_id):
     from assembl.models import Discussion, AgentProfile
     local_uri = self.local_uri()
     discussion = Discussion.get(discussion_id)
     d_storage_name = self.discussion_storage_name()
     d_graph_iri = URIRef(self.discussion_graph_iri())
     v = get_virtuoso(self.session, d_storage_name)
     discussion_uri = URIRef(
         Discussion.uri_generic(discussion_id, local_uri))
     subjects = [s for (s,) in v.query(
         """SELECT DISTINCT ?s WHERE {
         ?s assembl:in_conversation %s }""" % (discussion_uri.n3()))]
     participant_ids = list(discussion.get_participants(True))
     profiles = {URIRef(AgentProfile.uri_generic(id, local_uri))
                 for id in participant_ids}
     # add pseudo-accounts
     subjects.extend((URIRef("%sAgentAccount/%d" % (local_uri, id))
                      for id in participant_ids))
     # print len(subjects)
     cg = ConjunctiveGraph(identifier=d_graph_iri)
     self.add_subject_data(v, cg, subjects)
     # add relationships of non-pseudo accounts
     for ((account, p, profile), g) in v.triples((None, SIOC.account_of, None)):
         if profile in profiles:
             cg.add((account, SIOC.account_of, profile, g))
             # Tempting: simplify with this.
             # cg.add((profile, FOAF.account, account, g))
     for (s, o, g) in v.query(
             '''SELECT ?s ?o ?g WHERE {
             GRAPH ?g {?s catalyst:expressesIdea ?o } .
             ?o assembl:in_conversation %s }''' % (discussion_uri.n3())):
         cg.add((s, CATALYST.expressesIdea, o, g))
     return cg

示例6: detect_namespace

def detect_namespace(rdf):
    """Try to automatically detect the URI namespace of the vocabulary.

    Return namespace as URIRef.


    # pick a concept
    conc = rdf.value(None, RDF.type, SKOS.Concept, any=True)
    if conc is None:
            "Namespace auto-detection failed. "
            "Set namespace using the --namespace option.")

    ln = localname(conc)
    ns = URIRef(conc.replace(ln, ''))
    if ns.strip() == '':
            "Namespace auto-detection failed. "
            "Set namespace using the --namespace option.")

        "Namespace auto-detected to '%s' "
        "- you can override this with the --namespace option.", ns)
    return ns

示例7: instance_view_jsonld

def instance_view_jsonld(request):
    from assembl.semantic.virtuoso_mapping import AssemblQuadStorageManager
    from rdflib import URIRef, ConjunctiveGraph
    ctx = request.context
    user_id = authenticated_userid(request) or Everyone
    permissions = get_permissions(
        user_id, ctx.get_discussion_id())
    instance = ctx._instance
    if not instance.user_can(user_id, CrudPermissions.READ, permissions):
        return HTTPUnauthorized()
    discussion = ctx.get_instance_of_class(Discussion)
    if not discussion:
        raise HTTPNotFound()
    aqsm = AssemblQuadStorageManager()
    uri = URIRef(aqsm.local_uri() + instance.uri()[6:])
    d_storage_name = aqsm.discussion_storage_name(discussion.id)
    v = get_virtuoso(instance.db, d_storage_name)
    cg = ConjunctiveGraph(v, d_storage_name)
    result = cg.triples((uri, None, None))
    #result = v.query('select ?p ?o ?g where {graph ?g {<%s> ?p ?o}}' % uri)
    # Something is wrong here.
    triples = '\n'.join([
        '%s %s %s.' % (uri.n3(), p.n3(), o.n3())
        for (s, p, o) in result
        if '_with_no_name_entry' not in o])
    return aqsm.quads_to_jsonld(triples)

示例8: post

    def post(self):
        chan = URIRef(self.get_argument('chan'))
        sub = self.settings.currentSub()
        chanKey = Literal(chan.rsplit('/', 1)[1])
        old = sub.get_levels().get(chanKey, 0)

        sub.editLevel(chan, 0 if old else 1)

示例9: test_creation_with_unknown_ns

 def test_creation_with_unknown_ns(self):
     uri = 'http://localhost:8000/resource/aggregation/ton-smits-huis/454'
     predicate = RDFPredicate(uri)
     graph = Graph()
     graph.add((URIRef(uri), FOAF.name, Literal("sjoerd")))
     subject = list(graph.subjects())[0]
     uri_ref = URIRef(uri)
     assert uri_ref.n3() == "ns1:454"
     assert predicate is not None
     assert predicate.label is not None

示例10: get_service

def get_service():
    g = new_graph()
    me = URIRef(url_for('get_service', _external=True))
    g.add((me, RDF.type, SERVICE_TYPE))
    for db_resource in service_graph.subjects(RDF.type, PARTITION.Root):
        db_resource = URIRef(
            url_for('get_resource', rid=db_resource.replace(URI_PREFIX, ""), _external=True))
        g.add((me, CONTAINMENT_LINK, db_resource))
    response = make_response(g.serialize(format='turtle'))
    response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/turtle'
    return response

示例11: enterNewAnnotationMenu

    def enterNewAnnotationMenu(self):
        Interactive input for a new annotation

        i = 1
        for year in self.yearsAnnotations:
          print '{}) {}'.format(i,year["year"])
          i += 1
        year = raw_input('Table to annotate: ')
        cell = raw_input('Cell to annotate: ')
        author = raw_input('Author: ')
        corrected = raw_input('Corrected value (leave blank if none): ')
        flag = raw_input('Flag: ')

        graphURI = URIRef(self.yearsAnnotations[int(year)-1]["uri"])
        d2sGraphURI = graphURI.replace("cedar-project.nl", "www.data2semantics.org")
        annoURI = URIRef(d2sGraphURI + '/NOORDBRABANT/' + cell)
        cellURI = annoURI.replace("annotations", "data")

        # Create the new annotation
        query = """
            PREFIX oa: <http://www.w3.org/ns/openannotation/core/>
            PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>

            INSERT INTO GRAPH <""" + graphURI  + """>
                <""" + annoURI  + """> a oa:Annotation;
                oa:annotated \"""" + str(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) + """\"^^xsd:date;
                oa:annotator \"""" + author  + """\";
                oa:generated \"""" + str(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) + """\"^^xsd:date;
                oa:generator <https://cedar-project.nl/tools/cedar-demo.py>;
                oa:hasBody [ rdf:value \"""" + corrected + ' ' + flag  + """\" ];
                oa:hasTarget <""" + cellURI  + """>;
                oa:modelVersion <http://www.openannotation.org/spec/core/20120509.html> .

        # query = "INSERT INTO GRAPH <http://cedar-project.nl/annotations/VT_1859_01_H1> {<http://a> rdf:type <http:b>}"

        print query


        self.results = self.sparql.query().convert()

示例12: check_valid_uri

 def check_valid_uri(self, uri):
     """ checks to see if a uri is valid """
     valid = False
     if isinstance(uri, str):
         uri_out = False
             uri_test = URIRef(uri)
             uri_out = uri_test.n3()
             # some sort of error thrown, so not valid
             valid = False
         if isinstance(uri_out, str):
             valid = True
     return valid

示例13: tableView_objectValueForTableColumn_row_

    def tableView_objectValueForTableColumn_row_(self, tableView, tableColumn, row):
	id = tableColumn.identifier()
	uri = self.resources[row]
	if id=="uri":
	    base =self.context
	    base = base.split("#", 1)[0]
            uri = URIRef(uri.replace(base, "", 1)) # relativize
	    return uri
	elif id=="label":
	    return self.redfoot.label(uri, "")
	elif id=="comment":
	    return self.redfoot.comment(uri, "")
	    return ""

示例14: term

 def term(self, term, use_prefix=True):
     if isinstance(term, Namespace):
         term = URIRef(term)
     if term is None:
         return RDF.nil
     elif not hasattr(term, 'n3'):
         return self.term(Literal(term))
     elif use_prefix and isinstance(term, URIRef):
         return self.uri(term)
     elif isinstance(term, Literal):
         if term.datatype in (XSD.double, XSD.integer, XSD.float, XSD.boolean):
             return unicode(term).lower()
     elif isinstance(term, Namespace):
         return unicode(term)
     return term.n3()

示例15: __init__

 def __init__(self, store, identifier=None, graph=None):
     if graph is not None:
         assert identifier is None
         np = store.node_pickler
         identifier = md5()
         s = list(graph.triples((None, None, None)))
         for t in s:
             identifier.update("^".join((np.dumps(i) for i in t)))
         identifier = URIRef("data:%s" % identifier.hexdigest())
         super(GraphValue, self).__init__(store, identifier)
         for t in graph:
             store.add(t, context=self)
         super(GraphValue, self).__init__(store, identifier)
