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Python EcommerceService.get_checkout_page_url方法代碼示例

如果您正苦於以下問題:Python EcommerceService.get_checkout_page_url方法的具體用法?Python EcommerceService.get_checkout_page_url怎麽用?Python EcommerceService.get_checkout_page_url使用的例子?那麽, 這裏精選的代碼示例或許能為您提供幫助。


示例1: verified_upgrade_deadline_link

# 需要導入模塊: from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils import EcommerceService [as 別名]
# 或者: from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils.EcommerceService import get_checkout_page_url [as 別名]
def verified_upgrade_deadline_link(user, course=None, course_id=None):
    Format the correct verified upgrade link for the specified ``user``
    in a course.

    One of ``course`` or ``course_id`` must be supplied. If both are specified,
    ``course`` will take priority.

        user (:class:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User`): The user to display
            the link for.
        course (:class:`.CourseOverview`): The course to render a link for.
        course_id (:class:`.CourseKey`): The course_id of the course to render for.

        The formatted link that will allow the user to upgrade to verified
        in this course.
    if course is not None:
        course_id = course.id

    ecommerce_service = EcommerceService()
    if ecommerce_service.is_enabled(user):
        course_mode = CourseMode.verified_mode_for_course(course_id)
        if course_mode is not None:
            return ecommerce_service.get_checkout_page_url(course_mode.sku)
            raise CourseModeNotFoundException('Cannot generate a verified upgrade link without a valid verified mode'
                                              ' for course {}'.format(unicode(course_id)))
    return reverse('verify_student_upgrade_and_verify', args=(course_id,))

示例2: verified_upgrade_deadline_link

# 需要導入模塊: from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils import EcommerceService [as 別名]
# 或者: from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils.EcommerceService import get_checkout_page_url [as 別名]
def verified_upgrade_deadline_link(user, course=None, course_id=None):
    Format the correct verified upgrade link for the specified ``user``
    in a course.

    One of ``course`` or ``course_id`` must be supplied. If both are specified,
    ``course`` will take priority.

        user (:class:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User`): The user to display
            the link for.
        course (:class:`.CourseOverview`): The course to render a link for.
        course_id (:class:`.CourseKey`): The course_id of the course to render for.

        The formatted link that will allow the user to upgrade to verified
        in this course.
    if course is not None:
        course_id = course.id

    ecommerce_service = EcommerceService()
    if ecommerce_service.is_enabled(user):
        if course is not None and isinstance(course, CourseOverview):
            course_mode = course.modes.get(mode_slug=CourseMode.VERIFIED)
            course_mode = CourseMode.objects.get(
                course_id=course_id, mode_slug=CourseMode.VERIFIED
        return ecommerce_service.get_checkout_page_url(course_mode.sku)
    return reverse('verify_student_upgrade_and_verify', args=(course_id,))

示例3: link

# 需要導入模塊: from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils import EcommerceService [as 別名]
# 或者: from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils.EcommerceService import get_checkout_page_url [as 別名]
 def link(self):
     ecommerce_service = EcommerceService()
     if ecommerce_service.is_enabled(self.user):
         course_mode = CourseMode.objects.get(
             course_id=self.course_id, mode_slug=CourseMode.VERIFIED
         return ecommerce_service.get_checkout_page_url(course_mode.sku)
     return reverse('verify_student_upgrade_and_verify', args=(self.course_id,))

示例4: render_to_fragment

# 需要導入模塊: from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils import EcommerceService [as 別名]
# 或者: from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils.EcommerceService import get_checkout_page_url [as 別名]
    def render_to_fragment(self, request, program_uuid, **kwargs):
        """View details about a specific program."""
        programs_config = kwargs.get('programs_config') or ProgramsApiConfig.current()
        if not programs_config.enabled or not request.user.is_authenticated:
            raise Http404

        meter = ProgramProgressMeter(request.site, request.user, uuid=program_uuid)
        program_data = meter.programs[0]

        if not program_data:
            raise Http404

            mobile_only = json.loads(request.GET.get('mobile_only', 'false'))
        except ValueError:
            mobile_only = False

        program_data = ProgramDataExtender(program_data, request.user, mobile_only=mobile_only).extend()
        course_data = meter.progress(programs=[program_data], count_only=False)[0]
        certificate_data = get_certificates(request.user, program_data)

        skus = program_data.get('skus')
        ecommerce_service = EcommerceService()

        # TODO: Don't have business logic of course-certificate==record-available here in LMS.
        # Eventually, the UI should ask Credentials if there is a record available and get a URL from it.
        # But this is here for now so that we can gate this URL behind both this business logic and
        # a waffle flag. This feature is in active developoment.
        program_record_url = get_credentials_records_url(program_uuid=program_uuid)
        if not certificate_data:
            program_record_url = None

        urls = {
            'program_listing_url': reverse('program_listing_view'),
            'track_selection_url': strip_course_id(
                reverse('course_modes_choose', kwargs={'course_id': FAKE_COURSE_KEY})
            'commerce_api_url': reverse('commerce_api:v0:baskets:create'),
            'buy_button_url': ecommerce_service.get_checkout_page_url(*skus),
            'program_record_url': program_record_url,

        context = {
            'urls': urls,
            'user_preferences': get_user_preferences(request.user),
            'program_data': program_data,
            'course_data': course_data,
            'certificate_data': certificate_data

        html = render_to_string('learner_dashboard/program_details_fragment.html', context)
        program_details_fragment = Fragment(html)
        return program_details_fragment

示例5: get_pricing_data

# 需要導入模塊: from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils import EcommerceService [as 別名]
# 或者: from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils.EcommerceService import get_checkout_page_url [as 別名]
def get_pricing_data(skus):
    Get the pricing data from ecommerce for given skus.
    user = User.objects.get(username=settings.ECOMMERCE_SERVICE_WORKER_USERNAME)
    api = ecommerce_api_client(user)
    pricing_data = api.baskets.calculate.get(sku=skus, is_anonymous=True)
    discount_value = float(pricing_data['total_incl_tax_excl_discounts']) - float(pricing_data['total_incl_tax'])
    ecommerce_service = EcommerceService()
    purchase_url = ecommerce_service.get_checkout_page_url(*skus)
        'is_discounted': pricing_data['total_incl_tax'] != pricing_data['total_incl_tax_excl_discounts'],
        'discount_value': discount_value,
        'purchase_url': purchase_url,
    return pricing_data

示例6: _attach_course_run_upgrade_url

# 需要導入模塊: from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils import EcommerceService [as 別名]
# 或者: from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils.EcommerceService import get_checkout_page_url [as 別名]
    def _attach_course_run_upgrade_url(self, run_mode):
        required_mode_slug = run_mode['type']
        enrolled_mode_slug, _ = CourseEnrollment.enrollment_mode_for_user(self.user, self.course_run_key)
        is_mode_mismatch = required_mode_slug != enrolled_mode_slug
        is_upgrade_required = is_mode_mismatch and CourseEnrollment.is_enrolled(self.user, self.course_run_key)

        if is_upgrade_required:
            # Requires that the ecommerce service be in use.
            required_mode = CourseMode.mode_for_course(self.course_run_key, required_mode_slug)
            ecommerce = EcommerceService()
            sku = getattr(required_mode, 'sku', None)
            if ecommerce.is_enabled(self.user) and sku:
                run_mode['upgrade_url'] = ecommerce.get_checkout_page_url(required_mode.sku)
                run_mode['upgrade_url'] = None
            run_mode['upgrade_url'] = None

示例7: render_to_fragment

# 需要導入模塊: from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils import EcommerceService [as 別名]
# 或者: from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils.EcommerceService import get_checkout_page_url [as 別名]
    def render_to_fragment(self, request, program_uuid, **kwargs):
        """View details about a specific program."""
        programs_config = kwargs.get('programs_config') or ProgramsApiConfig.current()
        if not programs_config.enabled or not request.user.is_authenticated():
            raise Http404

        meter = ProgramProgressMeter(request.site, request.user, uuid=program_uuid)
        program_data = meter.programs[0]

        if not program_data:
            raise Http404

        program_data = ProgramDataExtender(program_data, request.user).extend()
        course_data = meter.progress(programs=[program_data], count_only=False)[0]
        certificate_data = get_certificates(request.user, program_data)

        skus = program_data.get('skus')
        ecommerce_service = EcommerceService()

        urls = {
            'program_listing_url': reverse('program_listing_view'),
            'track_selection_url': strip_course_id(
                reverse('course_modes_choose', kwargs={'course_id': FAKE_COURSE_KEY})
            'commerce_api_url': reverse('commerce_api:v0:baskets:create'),
            'buy_button_url': ecommerce_service.get_checkout_page_url(*skus)

        context = {
            'urls': urls,
            'user_preferences': get_user_preferences(request.user),
            'program_data': program_data,
            'course_data': course_data,
            'certificate_data': certificate_data

        html = render_to_string('learner_dashboard/program_details_fragment.html', context)
        program_details_fragment = Fragment(html)
        return program_details_fragment

示例8: get

# 需要導入模塊: from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils import EcommerceService [as 別名]
# 或者: from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils.EcommerceService import get_checkout_page_url [as 別名]
    def get(self, request, course_id, error=None):
        """Displays the course mode choice page.

            request (`Request`): The Django Request object.
            course_id (unicode): The slash-separated course key.

        Keyword Args:
            error (unicode): If provided, display this error message
                on the page.


        course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id)

        # Check whether the user has access to this course
        # based on country access rules.
        embargo_redirect = embargo_api.redirect_if_blocked(
        if embargo_redirect:
            return redirect(embargo_redirect)

        enrollment_mode, is_active = CourseEnrollment.enrollment_mode_for_user(request.user, course_key)
        modes = CourseMode.modes_for_course_dict(course_key)
        ecommerce_service = EcommerceService()

        # We assume that, if 'professional' is one of the modes, it should be the *only* mode.
        # If there are both modes, default to non-id-professional.
        has_enrolled_professional = (CourseMode.is_professional_slug(enrollment_mode) and is_active)
        if CourseMode.has_professional_mode(modes) and not has_enrolled_professional:
            purchase_workflow = request.GET.get("purchase_workflow", "single")
            verify_url = reverse('verify_student_start_flow', kwargs={'course_id': unicode(course_key)})
            redirect_url = "{url}?purchase_workflow={workflow}".format(url=verify_url, workflow=purchase_workflow)
            if ecommerce_service.is_enabled(request.user):
                professional_mode = modes.get(CourseMode.NO_ID_PROFESSIONAL_MODE) or modes.get(CourseMode.PROFESSIONAL)
                if purchase_workflow == "single" and professional_mode.sku:
                    redirect_url = ecommerce_service.get_checkout_page_url(professional_mode.sku)
                if purchase_workflow == "bulk" and professional_mode.bulk_sku:
                    redirect_url = ecommerce_service.get_checkout_page_url(professional_mode.bulk_sku)
            return redirect(redirect_url)

        course = modulestore().get_course(course_key)

        # If there isn't a verified mode available, then there's nothing
        # to do on this page.  Send the user to the dashboard.
        if not CourseMode.has_verified_mode(modes):
            return redirect(reverse('dashboard'))

        # If a user has already paid, redirect them to the dashboard.
        if is_active and (enrollment_mode in CourseMode.VERIFIED_MODES + [CourseMode.NO_ID_PROFESSIONAL_MODE]):
            # If the course has started redirect to course home instead
            if course.has_started():
                return redirect(reverse('openedx.course_experience.course_home', kwargs={'course_id': course_key}))
            return redirect(reverse('dashboard'))

        donation_for_course = request.session.get("donation_for_course", {})
        chosen_price = donation_for_course.get(unicode(course_key), None)

        if CourseEnrollment.is_enrollment_closed(request.user, course):
            locale = to_locale(get_language())
            enrollment_end_date = format_datetime(course.enrollment_end, 'short', locale=locale)
            params = urllib.urlencode({'course_closed': enrollment_end_date})
            return redirect('{0}?{1}'.format(reverse('dashboard'), params))

        # When a credit mode is available, students will be given the option
        # to upgrade from a verified mode to a credit mode at the end of the course.
        # This allows students who have completed photo verification to be eligible
        # for univerity credit.
        # Since credit isn't one of the selectable options on the track selection page,
        # we need to check *all* available course modes in order to determine whether
        # a credit mode is available.  If so, then we show slightly different messaging
        # for the verified track.
        has_credit_upsell = any(
            CourseMode.is_credit_mode(mode) for mode
            in CourseMode.modes_for_course(course_key, only_selectable=False)
        course_id = text_type(course_key)

        context = {
            "course_modes_choose_url": reverse(
                kwargs={'course_id': course_id}
            "modes": modes,
            "has_credit_upsell": has_credit_upsell,
            "course_name": course.display_name_with_default,
            "course_org": course.display_org_with_default,
            "course_num": course.display_number_with_default,
            "chosen_price": chosen_price,
            "error": error,
            "responsive": True,
            "nav_hidden": True,
            "content_gating_enabled": ContentTypeGatingConfig.enabled_for_enrollment(

示例9: student_dashboard

# 需要導入模塊: from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils import EcommerceService [as 別名]
# 或者: from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils.EcommerceService import get_checkout_page_url [as 別名]


    # Global staff can see what courses encountered an error on their dashboard
    staff_access = False
    errored_courses = {}
    if has_access(user, 'staff', 'global'):
        # Show any courses that encountered an error on load
        staff_access = True
        errored_courses = modulestore().get_errored_courses()

    show_courseware_links_for = frozenset(
        enrollment.course_id for enrollment in course_enrollments
        if has_access(request.user, 'load', enrollment.course_overview)

    # Find programs associated with course runs being displayed. This information
    # is passed in the template context to allow rendering of program-related
    # information on the dashboard.
    meter = ProgramProgressMeter(request.site, user, enrollments=course_enrollments)
    ecommerce_service = EcommerceService()
    inverted_programs = meter.invert_programs()

    urls, programs_data = {}, {}
    bundles_on_dashboard_flag = WaffleFlag(WaffleFlagNamespace(name=u'student.experiments'), u'bundles_on_dashboard')

    # TODO: Delete this code and the relevant HTML code after testing LEARNER-3072 is complete
    if bundles_on_dashboard_flag.is_enabled() and inverted_programs and inverted_programs.items():
        if len(course_enrollments) < 4:
            for program in inverted_programs.values():
                    program_uuid = program[0]['uuid']
                    program_data = get_programs(request.site, uuid=program_uuid)
                    program_data = ProgramDataExtender(program_data, request.user).extend()
                    skus = program_data.get('skus')
                    checkout_page_url = ecommerce_service.get_checkout_page_url(*skus)
                    program_data['completeProgramURL'] = checkout_page_url + '&bundle=' + program_data.get('uuid')
                    programs_data[program_uuid] = program_data
                except:  # pylint: disable=bare-except

    # Construct a dictionary of course mode information
    # used to render the course list.  We re-use the course modes dict
    # we loaded earlier to avoid hitting the database.
    course_mode_info = {
        enrollment.course_id: complete_course_mode_info(
            enrollment.course_id, enrollment,
        for enrollment in course_enrollments

    # Determine the per-course verification status
    # This is a dictionary in which the keys are course locators
    # and the values are one of:
    # Each of which correspond to a particular message to display
    # next to the course on the dashboard.
    # If a course is not included in this dictionary,
    # there is no verification messaging to display.
    verify_status_by_course = check_verify_status_by_course(user, course_enrollments)
    cert_statuses = {

示例10: get

# 需要導入模塊: from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils import EcommerceService [as 別名]
# 或者: from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils.EcommerceService import get_checkout_page_url [as 別名]
    def get(self, request, course_id, error=None):
        """Displays the course mode choice page.

            request (`Request`): The Django Request object.
            course_id (unicode): The slash-separated course key.

        Keyword Args:
            error (unicode): If provided, display this error message
                on the page.


        course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id)

        # Check whether the user has access to this course
        # based on country access rules.
        embargo_redirect = embargo_api.redirect_if_blocked(
        if embargo_redirect:
            return redirect(embargo_redirect)

        enrollment_mode, is_active = CourseEnrollment.enrollment_mode_for_user(request.user, course_key)
        modes = CourseMode.modes_for_course_dict(course_key)
        ecommerce_service = EcommerceService()

        # We assume that, if 'professional' is one of the modes, it should be the *only* mode.
        # If there are both modes, default to non-id-professional.
        has_enrolled_professional = (CourseMode.is_professional_slug(enrollment_mode) and is_active)
        if CourseMode.has_professional_mode(modes) and not has_enrolled_professional:
            purchase_workflow = request.GET.get("purchase_workflow", "single")
            verify_url = reverse('verify_student_start_flow', kwargs={'course_id': unicode(course_key)})
            redirect_url = "{url}?purchase_workflow={workflow}".format(url=verify_url, workflow=purchase_workflow)
            if ecommerce_service.is_enabled(request.user):
                professional_mode = modes.get(CourseMode.NO_ID_PROFESSIONAL_MODE) or modes.get(CourseMode.PROFESSIONAL)
                if purchase_workflow == "single" and professional_mode.sku:
                    redirect_url = ecommerce_service.get_checkout_page_url(professional_mode.sku)
                if purchase_workflow == "bulk" and professional_mode.bulk_sku:
                    redirect_url = ecommerce_service.get_checkout_page_url(professional_mode.bulk_sku)
            return redirect(redirect_url)

        # If there isn't a verified mode available, then there's nothing
        # to do on this page.  Send the user to the dashboard.
        if not CourseMode.has_verified_mode(modes):
            # If the learner has arrived at this screen via the traditional enrollment workflow,
            # then they should already be enrolled in an audit mode for the course, assuming one has
            # been configured.  However, alternative enrollment workflows have been introduced into the
            # system, such as third-party discovery.  These workflows result in learners arriving
            # directly at this screen, and they will not necessarily be pre-enrolled in the audit mode.
            # In this particular case, Audit is the ONLY option available, and thus we need to ensure
            # that the learner is truly enrolled before we redirect them away to the dashboard.
            if len(modes) == 1 and modes.get(CourseMode.AUDIT):
                CourseEnrollment.enroll(request.user, course_key, CourseMode.AUDIT)
                return redirect(self._get_redirect_url_for_audit_enrollment(request, course_id))
            return redirect(reverse('dashboard'))

        # If a user has already paid, redirect them to the dashboard.
        if is_active and (enrollment_mode in CourseMode.VERIFIED_MODES + [CourseMode.NO_ID_PROFESSIONAL_MODE]):
            return redirect(reverse('dashboard'))

        donation_for_course = request.session.get("donation_for_course", {})
        chosen_price = donation_for_course.get(unicode(course_key), None)

        course = modulestore().get_course(course_key)
        if CourseEnrollment.is_enrollment_closed(request.user, course):
            locale = to_locale(get_language())
            enrollment_end_date = format_datetime(course.enrollment_end, 'short', locale=locale)
            params = urllib.urlencode({'course_closed': enrollment_end_date})
            return redirect('{0}?{1}'.format(reverse('dashboard'), params))

        # When a credit mode is available, students will be given the option
        # to upgrade from a verified mode to a credit mode at the end of the course.
        # This allows students who have completed photo verification to be eligible
        # for univerity credit.
        # Since credit isn't one of the selectable options on the track selection page,
        # we need to check *all* available course modes in order to determine whether
        # a credit mode is available.  If so, then we show slightly different messaging
        # for the verified track.
        has_credit_upsell = any(
            CourseMode.is_credit_mode(mode) for mode
            in CourseMode.modes_for_course(course_key, only_selectable=False)
        course_id = course_key.to_deprecated_string()
        context = {
            "course_modes_choose_url": reverse(
                kwargs={'course_id': course_id}
            "modes": modes,
            "has_credit_upsell": has_credit_upsell,
            "course_name": course.display_name_with_default_escaped,
            "course_org": course.display_org_with_default,
            "course_num": course.display_number_with_default,
            "chosen_price": chosen_price,

示例11: _redirect_if_necessary

# 需要導入模塊: from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils import EcommerceService [as 別名]
# 或者: from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils.EcommerceService import get_checkout_page_url [as 別名]
    def _redirect_if_necessary(
            self, message, already_verified, already_paid, is_enrolled, course_key,
            user_is_trying_to_pay, user, sku
        """Redirect the user to a more appropriate page if necessary.

        In some cases, a user may visit this page with
        verification / enrollment / payment state that
        we don't anticipate.  For example, a user may unenroll
        from the course after paying for it, then visit the
        "verify now" page to complete verification.

        When this happens, we try to redirect the user to
        the most appropriate page.


            message (string): The messaging of the page.  Should be a key
                in `MESSAGES`.

            already_verified (bool): Whether the user has submitted
                a verification request recently.

            already_paid (bool): Whether the user is enrolled in a paid
                course mode.

            is_enrolled (bool): Whether the user has an active enrollment
                in the course.

            course_key (CourseKey): The key for the course.

            HttpResponse or None

        url = None
        course_kwargs = {'course_id': unicode(course_key)}

        if already_verified and already_paid:
            # If they've already paid and verified, there's nothing else to do,
            # so redirect them to the dashboard.
            if message != self.PAYMENT_CONFIRMATION_MSG:
                url = reverse('dashboard')
        elif message in [self.VERIFY_NOW_MSG, self.VERIFY_LATER_MSG, self.PAYMENT_CONFIRMATION_MSG]:
            if is_enrolled:
                # If the user is already enrolled but hasn't yet paid,
                # then the "upgrade" messaging is more appropriate.
                if not already_paid:
                    url = reverse('verify_student_upgrade_and_verify', kwargs=course_kwargs)
                # If the user is NOT enrolled, then send him/her
                # to the first time verification page.
                url = reverse('verify_student_start_flow', kwargs=course_kwargs)
        elif message == self.UPGRADE_MSG:
            if is_enrolled:
                if already_paid:
                    # If the student has paid, but not verified, redirect to the verification flow.
                    url = reverse('verify_student_verify_now', kwargs=course_kwargs)
                url = reverse('verify_student_start_flow', kwargs=course_kwargs)

        if user_is_trying_to_pay and self._get_user_active_status(user) and not already_paid:
            # If the user is trying to pay, has activated their account, and the ecommerce service
            # is enabled redirect him to the ecommerce checkout page.
            ecommerce_service = EcommerceService()
            if ecommerce_service.is_enabled(user):
                url = ecommerce_service.get_checkout_page_url(

        # Redirect if necessary, otherwise implicitly return None
        if url is not None:
            url = self.add_utm_params_to_url(url)
            return redirect(url)

示例12: _get_checkout_link

# 需要導入模塊: from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils import EcommerceService [as 別名]
# 或者: from lms.djangoapps.commerce.utils.EcommerceService import get_checkout_page_url [as 別名]
 def _get_checkout_link(self, user, sku):
     ecomm_service = EcommerceService()
     ecommerce_checkout = ecomm_service.is_enabled(user)
     if ecommerce_checkout and sku:
         return ecomm_service.get_checkout_page_url(sku) or ''
